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October 11, 1929 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-10-11

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Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Cotitrol of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled
to the use for republication of all news dis-
patches credited to it or not otherwiseecredited
ln this paper and the local news published
Entered at the posto..ce at Ann Arbor;
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mrail, $4.50.
.Offices:.Ann Arbor Press Building, May.
raid Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
Editor..........George C. Tilley
City Editor....... ... orgPierce Rosenberg
News Editor..... . rg WE. Simons
Sports Editor ...:....Edward B. Warner, Jr.
Women's Editor ............Marjorie Follmer
Telegraph Editor .........George Starter
Music and Drama .......William. Gormtan
Literary Editor.........Lawrence R. Klein
Assistant City Editor....-Robert J. Feldman
Night Editors
Frank E, Cooper Robert L. Sloss
William C. Gentry Gurney Williams, Jr
Hehry J. Merry Walter Wilds
Charles R. Kaufman



Charles A. Askren
Helen Barc
Louise l$ehynier
Thomas M. Cooley
W. H. Crane
Ledru E. Davis
Helen Doimine
Margaret Eckels
Katherine Ferrin
Carl Forsythe
Sheldon C. Fullerton
Ruth Geddes
Ginevra Ginn
'Edmund Glavin
ak Goldsmith
,. B. Hempstead, Jr.
lames' C. Hendley
icbard T. Hurley
ican H. Levy
ussell E. McCracken
Lester M. May

William Page
Gustav R. Reich
Iohn D. Reindel
eanie Roberts
oe Russell
Joseph F. Ruwitch
William P. Salzarulo
George Stauter
Cadwell Swanson
Jane Thayer
Margaret Thompson
Richard . T'obin
Beth Valentine
Harold 0. Warren
Charles S. White
G. Lionel Willens
Lionel G. W illens
J.E. Willoughby
Barbara Wright
Vivian Zimit



Telephone 21214
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Department Managers
Advertising...............Hollister Mabi .y
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Advertising...... ..Sherwood lUpton
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Publications................Geor ge Hamilton

bafers, and pave the rest of the
way to a degree with enough ob- A .
stacles to make even the earnest 1 A UOUt Books
o River House by Stark Young
THE VICE OF ADVICE Charles Scribner's Sons
Ramsay MacDonald's advice to
young college men is without doubt New York City
a sage piece of wisdom, work hard, Price $2.50
save time and fleeting opportunities This new novel of Mr. Young's
eschew pernicious habits - these is one of conflict, one in which age
have been age-old axioms incor-i
porate into the writings of men and youth, father and son, New
to whom the world has granted South and Old, tradition and mod-
the amenities of success, from New- ern ideal, romance and naturalism
man to the present. But these come Into struggle. It is a drama-
tenets have also the age-old cus- coe in dItis a dam-
tom of falling upon heedless ears; tic novel, and indicates the devo-
headstrong youths are prone im- tion of the author to theatrical
patiently to scoff at and denounce technique. The descriptive pas-
them as idle mouthings of old sages are dull, either through lack
busybodies, while more sober- of interest or inability. His story
minded young men overlook the is told in dialogue.
irritation the advice arouses and .
dismiss it from their view. It is another addition to the long
Ths inhospitable treatment of list of mint julep novels. The ac-
counsel is not wholly unaccounta- tion takes place on a proverbial
ble, and particularly in our con- southern plantation, River House.
temporary phase of civilization. The "big place", the classical gar-
The time was, back in the pioneer-
ing decades when ethnic strains den, the negro singing, are all pres-
were unwelded, modes and habits ent. So are the characters: major,
of living harsh and often bitter, spinster aunts, permanent visitors;
civilization and society rudimen- all steeped in the quietness of
tary, that a man possessing the southern viewpoint.
well-known sterling virtues of
manhood was designated for fame The book is not a great one,
and success. While these same re- though, it is interesting reading
quisites are demanded in our so- and pleasant philosophy. Ilit por-
ciety, they are relatively bountiful, trays the conventional people of
due largely to the widespread ame- the Old South with veracity. The
lioration of every strata of our life best piece of character work is
through education, better political probably that of Rosa and Ellen,
economy, and extension of com- the Major's spinster sisters. These
mon opportunities. dear old ladies speaking and doing
In fine, it is deucedly hard for commonplaces are mouthpieces for
young men to accept their elders' most of Mr. Young's opinions about
counsels and rejoice, because every the South. And though we love
thinking youth of our day already them as characters, thestillness
knows them from memory. 'But, they create makes us restless to
so latent are the qualities of oppor- get away. Perhaps the author has
tunism and thrift, that little used them for this purpose, to
achievement accrues from the pos- make us feel John's desire to leave
session of virtues preached by suc- River House. If this is so, then
cessful men. What is needed, he has carried his point to suc-
therefore, is the sager wisdom that cessful conclusion.
life is neithe a game in which R. E. M.
one's associates and circumstances
are pawns to be motivated as such, Present-Day American Stories
nor a vehicle designed especially Charles Scribner's Sons
for the conveyance of one to his New York City
choicest hopes; it is, rather, an af- Price $2.00
fair to be approached with gusto, There is hostility here (the fly-
with more zest than restraint, and leaf calls it "interesting variety")
with natural freedom rather than between those authors who take
Messianic faith in its intentions the short-story form seriously and
towards one. those who are just writing. The
division of merit seems to coincide
A RIGHT MOVE with the division in respect for
Fortunate indeed is the Student form.
Council's adoption of the perma Ernest Hemingway is the most
nent system for conducting thep
student convocations. Created andapis, th ost areful, the best
developed by the undergraduate dulging his insatiable appetite for
body to fill a vacancy caused by the cadavers; hence, this story again
unattractiveness of organized reli- finds him agonizing his imagina-
gion, the convocations were at a tion with another bull-fight. But
point where their future was in no one any longer accuses the
doubt, not because t their value, Hemingway of the short stories of
but because of uncertain manage- being a realist. His procedure is
ment. The sound and continuous quite different. In the manner of
plan approved now assures them a dramatist he catches elements of
a lasting place in the student pro- life in bare, crude, intense opposi-
gram. 'tion. He goes about the business of
The idea underlying the convo- projection by entrusting his situa-
cations is a progressive and thor- tion to a dramatic, primitive id-
oughly solid one. The backward- iom, free of all psychologising and
ness of the usual religious organ- personal intrusion. His world (the
izations in meeting problems of the world of bull and prize-fights), his
students, has prohibited them from characters, their language are all
giving their due proportion of highly stylized to match his par-.
moral and ethical education. Fill- ticular vision of the real world-a
ing this deficiency is the purpose world shaped by war, poverty, and
of the convocation, as it brings a detruction. In his present story,
message of practical idealism, and "The Undefeated," a longish one of
above all one of,liberal thought. fifty-five pages, his atmosphere is
The system approved by the I the very bitter scramble for sheer

council for placing the convoca- preservation, his struggle between
tions on a permanent basis is a I old age and youth for a job and for
model for the student supervision glory. For the expression of them
of an activity. It is solid, repre- he uses the short-story form with a
sentative, and provides for the car- bull-ring and a decayed matador
rying forth its experiences from fighting his last bull. The point is
year to year, which will develop a that with his dramatic pattern and
consistency usually lacking in stu- his contracted mode of expression
dent organizations. The plan he achieves a brilliant story, abso-
leaves no doubt as to the future of lutely objective; * nevertheless he
the convocations, provided, of communicates an aspect of his ver-
course, there is active student re- sion of the world. This is intel-
sponse, which, we hope, there will ligent use of the short-story form,
be. intelligent because unpretentious

Music And Drama1
more nights of the New York
Theatre Guild presentation of
"Wings Over Europe."
* * *

Licensed Operator

A Review by William J. GormanI
In Detroit critical discussion of
"Wings Over Europe" this week
there was much talk of "the stu-
pendous basic idea," "its impor-
tance as a profound philosophical
document." When praise of a play
takes this direction opinions as to
the theatrical value of the piece
become confused and the i(esult
very probably is that the long-
standing prejudice against the play
of ideas eventually relegates it to
the closet.
It would be better for the im-
mortality of "Wings Over Europe"
(and a truer statement I believe)
to frankly recognize that it is
nothing but "good old Jules Verne
hokum." The story, after, all is
pretty common stuff; readers of
Popular Mechanics are quite fa-
miliar with immortality potions
and huge, destroying mechanical
monsters. The fact that physics
is the medium of Lightfoot's dis-
covery should not confuse us -as to
the originality of the idea. Besides,
the timeliness, profundity and lar-
ger implications are theatrically
irrelevant. What is important
about the theme is that it poses
the conflict of the eager, proud,
sensitive, hopeful genius of youth
and the cold despair and cynicism
of experience (always in any form
one of the most dramatic of oppo-
sitions) in a strikingly original and
effective manner. It is a good
theme for a play because the sit-
uation that it establishes makes for
some splendid stage pictures. It
is a really great theme for a play
because it consistently and con-
vincingly bears fine, beautiful writ-
ing; because its conceptions and
motives permit and even demand
grand, poetic speeches, speeches
that thrill with their sonority. It
convincingly creates a great sus-
pense, the suspense of a group of
men awaiting death. In fact,
Wings Over Europe meets all the
tests of the theatre quite as satis-
factorily as a good melodrama. It
is mental melodrama and a great
The Guild's production is well-
nigh perfect. Rouben Mamoulian,
the director, makes intelligent use
of the beautiful setting furnished
him by Raymond Sovey and his
fine, well-dressed group of Cabinet
members to produce some vivid and
unforgettable pictures. He has a
fine sense of the beauty of bal-
anced groupings. Here and there,
notably at the last curtain, he even
resorted to stylization with inter-
esting effect; the bodies of the men
are all arched in similar, contorted
poses, a physical translation of
their mental perplexity and amaze-
ment. These brief moments of
sculpture are thrilling and they
vivify and clarify the mental dra-
Morris Carnovsky is sure and
suave in his role as the Secretary
of State for Foreign Affairs, the
man of noble and intelligent de-
spair, quickest to grasp the grave
implications of Lightfoot's discov-
ery. Alexander Kirkland's perfor-
mance as the Shelley-like scientist
is beautiful and thoughtful. He
conveys very subtly, by voice, ges-
ture and even dress, the sense of
youthful egotism lifted into exal-
tation by his passionate vision of
humanity saved-the key to the
character and to the final twist
the whole play takes.
All this enthusiasm might very
well end in the suggestion: dont
miss "Wings Over Europe"; it is
playing two more nigTits in Detroit.

I .. 0

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Howard W. Baldock
Raymond Campbell
Jamen E. Cartw right
Robert Crawford
Harry B. Culver
Thomas M. Davis
J ames Hoffer.
Norris Johnson
Cullen Kennedy
Marvin Kobacker
Lawrence Lucey
George Patterson
Norman Eliezer
Anson Hoex

Robert Williamson
Thomas Muir
Charles Sanford
Lee Slayton
Roger C. Thorpe
William R. Worboys
Jeanette Dale-
Bessie V..Egeland
Bernice Glaser
Helen E. Musselwhite
Hortense Gooding
Eleanor Walkinshaw
Alice McCully
Dorothy Stonehouse
Dorothea Waterman
Marie Wellstead


Night Editor -

Gurney Williams

"The traditional ideal of schol-
arship," bemoans The Nation in its
Oct. 9 issue, "seems destined to
give way more and more to a crude
specialism associated with a type
of "efficiency" whose melancholy
connotations are familiar even to
the most casual observation." The
context of this remark is a stim-
ulating article on the shallowness
of modern college educations-, an
article repeating the hackneyed
outcry against "mass education,"
but treating candidly, circumstan-
tially, and withal constructively of
the idolence of today's college type
and the faculties' failure to make
him snap out of it.
Almost simultaneously the Yale
Daily News of Oct. 7 editorially,
and rather amiably accepts the
fact that college graduates are car-
bon copies, offers a blase apology,
and stands on the excuse that the
present generation are not the first
offenders., The Daily Princeton-
ian on the same day makes the
dismal prediction that mass educa-
tion has come to stay, but coh-
eludes optimistically that we shall
of necessity always have an intel-
lectual aristocracy.
Evidently it is in the air, but with
the gloomiest of pessimistic auras
everywhere around it. We, per-
haps hopelessly but gloriously
alone, believe that there are sparks
of the old cultural traditions still
glowing somewhere in our appar-
ently decadent institutions, and
have confidence that the days of
pipe courses, casual undergradu-
ates, intellectual shower baths, and
diplomas for the hoi polloi are de-
finitely numbered.
But we. would scarcely go to
some of the extremes of reform
suggested by The Nation's Mr.
Wilm, whom we suspect of Har-
vardism. He would abolish fra-
ternities and intercollegiate ath-
letics--in other words, college life
apart as America has come to love
it and weed out the glamour and
zest of youth. His pessimism,, it
seems, has degenerated to the vic-
inns senile tvne that sees only the



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A Review by Lawrence R. Klein

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ERE never was such a mason for
weeds. Smart women everywhere are
g in" for them. Rich supple, shaggy
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isian couturiere said tweeds for every
-so weavers produced woolens of
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dl are especially priced for our
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FROCKS $17.75 to



Awakening of Ann Arbor's civic
consciousness to the need of im-.
proved airport facilities is indicat-
ed by the attitude with which the
members of the municipal park
and water board commission heard
the recent request of Lieut. Leon-
ard S. Flo for such improvements.
Ernst M. Wurster, city treasurer,
said that the condition of the city
treasury justified an expenditure
for airport improvements, and
other members of the commission
agreed heartily that immediate ac-
tion should be taken to provide fa-
cilities for fliers.
The decision to ask the City
Council to appropriate enough
money to cover the cost of neces-
sary improvements is one which
should be met with favor by all
Ann Arbor citizens. It indicates
that the city is soon to assume a

and aware of the form's limita- What "Paris," a vehicle categor-
tions. Morley Callaghan, following ized as mid-way between a farce
his lead, comiunicates his atti- comedy and light opera and illus-
tude of pity with just as objective ively labled; "musicomedy," obvi-
a grasp of short-story form. ously attempts to do under the pre-
Posed against these two are all tentious guise of its new classifica-
the rest in the volume, Conrad tion is to raise the level of the an-
Aiken, Thomas Boyd, Struthers cient and established, if debased
Burt, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and Stark and disgraced, musical comedy by
Young. They have the novelist's eliminating what is known as the
vision without his ambition and ballet, or chorus. The result is
patience. Scott-Fitzgerald, with a that the show drags, for the script
straight, expository, uninteresting'is neither lofty enough nor bril-
style, carries a rich man through iant enough, nor is Miss Bordoni,;
forty years of his life to prove that who stars in the piece, vivacious
in his heart he cherished a sense enough, to compensate in interest_
of superiority.; as a short story it and aggressiveness for a fast-
is a lazy novel. Struthers Burt in stepping and beautiful chorus,
a beautiful story uses a Southern which, if demoralizing, spurred
garden as "an epitome of his whole continuity and action.
country," a touchstone by which Even if newly-named type of
to study three generations; the play should prove adaptable to
theme was practicable but not in audiences, Miss Bordoni is not the 1
a short story. And so on. These artist capable enough to leave the
men are just writing, very possibly I flighty realm of the musical or



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