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September 24, 1929 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-09-24

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Rh X1R
Dean Of Administration Delegated Powers Rhetoric, Mathematics
For Present; Secretary Smith Tests Included
Makes AnnouncementE s
Dr. AlexanderC G. Rthven today is acting president of the Univer- LAWN PARTY ARRANGED
Sity as the 1929-30 school year opens. IHe was named to the postion
as Sat ea n a ton of the Regents deemed necessary because of the IPlansInclude Meetings
beginning of the fall semester Of Pre-Professional
The decision of the Regents, given out by Shirley W. Smith, secre- Groups at Once
tary of the University, means that Dr. Ruthven will p>erform full duties
of an administrator until a successor to Dr. Clarence C. Little is formally Officially opening the 1929-30 col-
appointed. lege year, more than 1600 members.
Named Dean of Administration of the University two years agoof the class of 1933 have gathered
Nyted hene of . Ldmintatin o. Rthe nive rsits twon ar ~oress Alxander G. Rtthven in Ann Arbor from all parts of the Head Coach Harry Kipke
by the then president, Dr. Little, Dr. Htven has been more re Dean of Administration, and Di- world to participate in the third Michigan's new Varsity mentor
acting as president since the resignation of Dr. Little.Hfowever, he rector of the University Museums, annual Freshman Week program h ihi pingwthes60ymentor
lacked the officially conferred authority to deal with certain matters, such who has ecently been appointed beginning this morning and lasthping the 0 men out for
as attending to formaties of opening the term of school which starts acting president of the University. until Saturday noon. Group meet- rige-vnino--p.
today. The announcement was made from ings were scheduled for 8 o'clock
The announcement madle by Secretary Smith was "Resolved. That the secretary of the University late this morning, to be followed by a
the Regents hereby relegate to the last week. full program of activities of a so-
Dean of Administration the powers ~-- ---- - -- cial and scholastic nature.
snd duties of the president of the TO THE CLASS OF 1933 Final plans have been announced
University until further action of Yours is the honor of having 1 by Prof. Philip E. Bursley, of the
the. Regents."j been accepted for membership in department of Romance laniguages
Dr. Little's resignation technical- a great family-the University of chairman of the Freshman Week LI I[lI0V U II
ly was not' effective until Sept. 1, Michigan. We greet you and bid committee. The committee stresses
although'he retired from his posi- you welcome. It is our hope that the fact that for entering students
tion some time previous to that you will enjoy your life in Ann tendance at all scheduled meetings
date. No acting president appeared Arbor, and that you will.take full U uu O the University opens today, and at- Rea Urges Applicants
therefore, to be needed, particularly advantage of the .opportunities will be required just as class at- To Register Cars
during the session of the summer which, have been provided for tendance is required throughout Immediately$
school, which has its own admip- you by the commonwealth of Illness Brings Close To the school year.
itrativeorganizationMichigan. We beg of you tears Service Convocation Scheduled Tonight In answer to iquiri's received
With the opening of the fall se- realize early that while you will . Following medical examinations daily at the office of the Dean of
Tester, however, came the need of be in Ann Arbor for but a few On Board and pre-professional - conferences Students, Walter B. Rea, assistant
ai. official with full presidential years -you -will, if not found which will occupy most of the to the dean of students in charge
powers. Consequently Dr Ruthven v aanting,..always be p member of .\s'xed i'r) morning and group classification of automobile administration, has
who has been "acting as president" this great organization, that no GRAND RAPIDS, Sept. 23.-Ben- scheduled for the afternoon, Dean issued a statement of an explana-
has become "acting president." greater ipstitution could claim m John R. Effinger, of the College of tory nature in which he sets forth
It isgenerally believed that the your, loyalty, and thatyour ad- Literature, Science and the Arts, th
necessity of an administrator with mission to the 'University im- versity of Michigan for ,18 years, will address the first general as- bile ban.
full official powers prompted the poses an obligation upon you to resigned from the Board of Regents sembly of th year to be held at 8b Accordin 'to Mr R th to
Regents. to name an acting presi- learn both ;"to do" and- "to be" today. In a letter to Gov. Fred W. o'clock tonight in Hill Auditorium. mobile regulation as passed by the
dent at this time. Whether Dr. according to the- standards set Gren, Mr. Hanchett explained that Joseph A. Bursley, Dean of Stu- Board of Regents of the Universityj
Ruthven will continue to serve as by the most illustrious of ,your he was in poor health and was dents, and Miss Alice Lloyd, Ad- will apply to all students who are
acting president for a year, or only predecessors. Above all we ask soon to enter a hospital for treat- viser of Women, will also give brief enrolled in the University,and who
irtttle-rext regular meeting of you ever to remember that ment. talks to thestudents. At this and are taking courses for credit
the Regents, scheduled for Friday-, "knowledge without common Hanchett's letter to Gov. Green other gatheiings in Hill auditorium therein. Those students, who in ad-
isg a matter of conjecture. . sense is folly; without method it ancethepte ntofvDea during the week, every freshman dition to such classification, possess
is waste; without kindness it sapproved the appointment of Dean will occupy a seat in the block re- the ranking of teaching assistant,
fanaticism; without religion it is Ruthven, made Saturday by the served for his advisory group. or its equivalent should register
death whileB"withBcommon a ee s Lawn Party Planned their cars at the office of the Dean
PAdeath" whil "withcommon His letter reads:
PAPYRO GISI ADDE ,0sense it is wisdom; with method"h<<b t Medical examination, classifica- j of Students as early as possible to
it is;with charity it is In the appointment by theftion, and library inspection trips obtain faculty exemption, he ex-
beneficence; and with religion it Board of Regents of Dean Alexan- will be continued on Wednesday, plains.
L1U L-is virtue, life, and peace." - May der C. Ruthven, Dean of Adminis- together with special meetings of i"Those who wish to apply for
you have a decent pride in your tration, in which I heartily con- the various groups by colleges. student permits should call at the
chosen institution and may your curred, thereby conferring on him Weather being favorable half of office of the Dean of Students with-
Announcements, of additions to+ colleagues the world over: have all the powers and duties of the the body will attend a lawn party out delay, and must not drive their
the faculty of the University in- reason to be proud of you. president of the University of to be given by Dean Joseph A. cars until permit cards have actu-
cude the appointment of Hubert: ALEXANDER G. RUTHVEN, Michigan, an organization has been Bursley and Mrs. Bursley at their ally been received and their per-i
C. Youtie, papyrology expert, to a Acting President. perfected that will very ably ad- home at 2107 Hill street, while the mit tags and permanently and pro-
teaching post in the department of minister the affairs of the institu- rest of the groups will participate perly affixed to cars. Machines
classical languages, in accordance .... tion, and being advised of the ne- in athletics at Ferry field and at which are driven to Ann Arbor for
with provisions applicable to a gift cessity of immediately undergoing Palmer field. The order will be re- use during vacation periods should
of $250,000 to the University by the 'P TS' TO APPEAR a hospital experience that will in- versed Thursday, with those who be promptly registered, and must
General Education board, part of JONDA Y RN ING capacitate me for any attention to attended the lawn party of Wed- not be operated, either by the stu-
which is to aid in the development I IVL M R ING the office of Regent for an indefi- ! nesday taking part in the athletic dent owners or in their interests,
of the great collection of papyri nite period, and with matters of program the following day. In case during the regular school terms.
here. Beginning next Monday with the unusual importance now confront- of rain, a reception in the assembly "Permission will be granted stu-
According to Dr. Frank E. Rob- resumption of classes, little grey ing the University officials, I feel hall of the Union will be substitut- dents to operate certain cars for
bins, assistant to the President. Mr. pots, resting awkwardly but firmly it my duty to retire as Regent; the ed for the lawn party at the Burs- definite and necessary purposes.
Youtie, who was graduated fromt, resignation to take immediate ef- ley home, while athletic programs Any departure from such arrange-
the University of Cincinnati and on the heads of Michigan's first feet, therby permitting the ap will be carried out indoors. - ments will be deemed a violation of
later from Columbia University, is year men will add a touch of local pointment of my successor that he A Mass Sing will be held at 8 the ruling, and will be treated ac-
considered an expert in the inter- color absent from the campus since may enter the duties of the office o'clock Wednesday night, at Hill codingly. As permits are based
pretation of ancient manuscripts. Cap Night last spring. at the beginning of the new term. auditorium, upon the obvious and verified ne-
As explained by student leaders Mr. Hanchett will enter the hos- Humphreys and Shaw Will Talk cessity for transportation, the
to each class of entering students, pital at Ann Arbor soon. Thursday morning all Freshmen, holder of the permit will be subject
Dr. Ward Of Detroit the freshman insignia, rather than except those entering the Colleges to discipline if he allows a non-
. the odious burden of an inferior Mr. Hanchett was elected a meni- of Engineering and Architecture student to operate the car and thus
To O en Convocation class, is the 'symbol by which the ber of the Board of Regents of the will be required to take English obtains a use thereof which is not
yearlings may recognize one an- University in April, 1911. On April j content and rhetoric examinations, included within his permit. This
Series'" N e x t Sunday I other and become better acquainted 13, the same year, he was appoint- The latter group of students will be interpretation will likewise be ap-
with their classmates. ed Regent to fill the unexpired term assigned to various inspection plied to students not possessing
As usual, there will probably be of Judge Loyal E. Knappen, who asss inspectipermits, who have non-students
Dr. J. W. Ward of the First Con- a difference of opinion as to which had resigned. He was re-elected trips. Addresses by Wilbur R. chauffeur them in or about Ann
llYTl1 CACt .,,[ . 41 ATof i hauferte- no bu n

gr'egational Church, Detroit, will ber -,timnysas'
e section of the head should be dec- April 7, 1919. At the general elec- Arbor in their own {the students'
the speaker for the first studentA literary college, and Mr. Wilfred B.
onvocation fr the college sye to orated by. the pot; but among the tion April 4, 1927, Mr. Hanchett - heaw, edorg of the "A lrns" B.lcars, or the cars which they would
Convocation of the college year to sae fte.ls twl epae a eeetdb rlt f Shaw, editor of the Alumnus' fill dnaiys."
'. held- at 8:.00 o'clock Sunday in sages of the class, it will be placed was re-elected by a plurality of ;the program scheduled for 8 o'clockI ordinarily use."
11 auditruni His sudey w so far back as to be -conveniently 249,580. His term would expire Th-rgamcde r---k
F heGleam." "uinvisible. jDec. 31, 1935. T sday nght in Hill auitorium. E
ir "olowte lem._ ------_1 Further professional meetings, EFFICIENCY IN HANI
This convocation is planned to examinations, and conferences are SALES PLANNED
follow immediately upon Freshman MICHIGANENSIAN HOLDS FIRST DRIVE on 'the program for Friday morn- _AS __
week for the benefit of the entering OF ANNUAL SALES CAMPAIGN TODAY ing, while athleticecontests are By Eskimo
students; though the entire body of ------------ School and collee mixers for th Gargoyle, Michigan's c a m p u s
students and faculty is invited. Getting off to an early start, the As in former years, the price men are lanned for 8 o'clock Fri- humor magazine, will be a surprise
Dr. Ward, an Englishman, en- annual sales campaign of the Mich- of the year book will range fron d ht at the Union, hile a re- when it makes its first regular visit
tged in a successful business ca- iganensian, official year-book of $3.50 per copy to the early sub- ception and dance for all Freshmen to the campus, according to the
-eer in his native country before University, will open on the campus scribers, to $5.50 to those who wait o will be held at the ,Lea editors of the publication. The sur-
deciding to enter the ministry. In this morning with the usual cou- until the book is distributed in Mathematics content examii prise is calculated to jolt the staid
preparation for the latter, he stud- pon drive. Sales promotion activity May before buying. The price ofj. tions will be given at 8 o'clock Sat- campus into a few hearty laughs,
led at Nottingham Theological-col- will be on a revised plan this year, the book will rise as the year pro- u y n i l .u o m and some not quite so hearty, on
lege. according to Samuel F. Atkins, '30, gresses until it reaches the high uhi e te Eng inrs audciteoru or about October 15. The first reg-
The convocation is being spont- Ibusiness manager. point in May. will continue with classifications ular edition will be called a Sur-
sored by the Student Christian as- ' The coupon sales will continue pitnMdwy co te hassfetn efprise Number, and judging from
sociation which will alternate with until Friday only, the coupons be- The book itself this year will also aturd erno as be eft the zeal with which the secret is
the Student Council during the first ing sold for 50 cents. After Oc- differ from those of the past. Sim- open in order to allow. the Fresh- being guarded, and the goings and
temester in arranging the gather- tober first they will have an in- plicity is to be the keynote men to attend the two Varsity foot- comings about the Gargoyle office
ing. formerly scheduled by the lat- creased value, being redeemable for throughout the book, and with its ll e ad i - it will be surprising if it ever comes
ing.formerlytheedund bynter la- one dollar'-in payment of the book. fine etchings and delicate art work, Union College, and Albion College, out. When it does appear it ought
ter. During the second semester, a I Udrti hs h uteth'Esa ilhv h at the stadium.Job
joint committee of the two organi- , Under this plan, those who buy the the 'Ensian will have the appear- to be good.
zations will sponsor all the spring coupons will actually save fifty ance of a much more expensive Concert Planned for SundayI Free samples of Gargoyle wit are
zaionsilspons oralthespricents, and out of fairness to those book. Every effort is being made The only University function being distributed through the col-
convocations. , - f.,m scheduled for Sunday is the com- umn - -d ih Pv (O- mvhi_ p

_- .,.




Practically Every Gridder Will See Action
In Doubleheader; Wolverines
Doped As Favorites
Michigan's 1020 football squad, under the dlirection of its newly
chosen head coach. Harry K-ipe. -is assuming shape moe rapidly than
usual, and with another four days of conditioning the Wolverines are
expected to he reah' for opening day opposition on Saturday. This day
will see the introduction of somethig new in Michigan football, two
games with lifferent colleges in the same afternoon, both in the Ann
- rbor bailiwick.
\lbion and Mt. Union will furnish the opposition for Michigan, and
are expected to make things interesting for the Maize and Blue warriors.
Albion gained the M. 1. A.A. gridiron laurels last year and will meet
Michigan's "'' team while Mt. Union will meet the Wolverine "B"
I combination in the curtain raiser of this long afternoon of football.
ACoach Kipke has not decided how he will manage his forces for
the double header, but it is expected that he will use the better men in
each of the games. Frequent substitutions wil undoubtedly be the rule,
------_.._- - -._-- ---- ---!and nearly every man on the squad
xxill see action.
U R Albion comes to Ann Arbor, after
Opportunity for men students ! a lapse since 1905, with seven vet-
to register at the Michigan ; erans and an unusual crop of
Union will be given every day Isophomore talent. The Albion
this week at the main desk in squad lists an impressive array of
the lobby of the Union between 200tpounders and threatens to put
the hours of 8:30 and 11:30 in a team on the field which will
the morning and 1:30 and 4:30 l outweigh the "beefy" Wolverine
in the afternoon, outfit Nagy, a 220 pound guard
Freshmen are urged to register I of Alliance, Ohio,2and a sopho-
as soon as possible, as the privi- more is a man said to be well
leges of the Union are open only worth watching. The same holds
upon presentation of member- j for the veteran Lindamood at cen-
ship cards. - I ter; also 200.pounds of man. Back-
Kenneth M. Lloyd, ; field talent is mainly centered in
PresidentMichigan Union. i the veteran Penzotti, dangerous in
anybody's broken field, and the
crack sophomore fullback, Grimes.
Michigan Is Favorite
Michigan with less than two
weeks of practice will take the field
adecidedfavorite to win both
games. From the beginning, both
he -coaches and the players have
realized that they have to work
OPEN TOFIRESHMEN against the possibility f another
slow starting team. The entire
atmosphereof the training se-
WBsions to date has been one of ser-
Will Form Block"M"iousness and of business like drill.
At Ohio Harvard, The coaches prefer to win games
1 . , on the field instead of on paper,
Iowa Games and Michigan is not thinking of
predicting anything about a cham-
A cheering section in the form of pionship. If the squad turns into
a huge block "M", a tradition which a title seeking organization it will
only be so after the Purdue game,
was begun twenty years ago at provided somehow the Boilermak-
Michigan, will be continued this ers can be stopped.
season as a feature of the largest Speculation is rife as to the
home games of the year. The blue probable lineup for the opener but
"M" and the yellow block in which - it still seems that the coaching
it rests will cover 1,200 seats be- staff is for plenty of the midnight
tween the two forty yard lines at oil in trying to select a starting
twee th tw foty ardlins a combination. At the ends the vet-
the Ohio State, Harvard, and Iowa erans, Captain Joe Truskowski and
games. Draveling, are having a tough fight
As was the case during the past with the sophomore aspirants, He-
football seasons the cheering sea- witt and and Daniels. The tackle
sons the cheering section will be ( berths are wide open with the vet-
open to anyone in the University eran Poorman holding a slight
who wishes to sit in it. However,, edge over Auer, Hayden, and
the responsibility for filling the Roach. The veteran guards, Poe
huge block "M" will rest upon the and Stienke, are finding a tough
shoulders of the freshman class, as customer in Samuels, a sophonore,
it has in the past few seasons. Last but Al Bovrd is assured of ay-
year and the year before the new- bng . enterdhis thsrd of hla
comers to the University did not ing center his third straight year.
fail to respond to the call for root- I Backfield Is Problem
ers in this special section. To the The backfield problem is one of
class of 1933 goes the duty of up- those jumbles which leaves coaches
holding the old tradition of filling in the air as how to arrange their
the block "M" and cheering for all talent. Jim Simrall, junior quar-
t-hey are worth. terback and prospect to handle the
For twenty years the block "M" Ipunting and passing assignments
has been a Michigan institution. is. accompanied by three other
Time was when it was situated on pony veterans; Dahlem, Wheeler,
the fifty yard line of the north and Holmes. The veteran Gembis
stands on old Ferry Field and was is having. a tough time holding his
composed of about 800 seats I1position from Morrison, 210 pound
....__!sophomore from Royal Oak. Four
DLIIG GA GOYL = ther backs Hudson, Heston, Priest,
)LING GARGOYLE and Holland loom for all the world
BY USING COUPONS as varsity calibre and will have
------------ ---- - to be beaten bak to keep them


bution has been inaugurated. The off the starting lineup.
subscriber may receive his copy Michigan's team this year will
each month by mail, or he may get be one of the heaviest in the con-
it on the campus with a subserip- ference. A husky line will proba-
tion coupon book. his book will bly be backed by the heaviest Wol-
contain nine coupons, each one re- iverine backfield in years. There is
deemable for one copy of the par- a possibility of a backfield combin-
ticular edition of the Gargoyle ation averaging well over 190
specified on the face of the cou- f pounds with Hudson, Morrison,
pon. Gembis, and Heston in the lineup.

The,-holder may present the pro-
per coupon to any Gargoyle sales-
man anywhere on the campus and
receive one copy of the current is-
sue. A distribution booth will be;
maintained each month in Uni-!
versity hall for the convenience of
those who do not care to brave the
elements for the evening's reading
matter. --

Slow Start Is Feared
Coach Kipke's main problem will
be to avoid another slow starting
team which does not begin to func-
tion until the latter part of the
season. With this in mind the
i Michigan footballers have been
driven relentlessly through the
first week of practice and as a
result the conditioning of the team

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