SI ESTABLISHED 1890 Jr Ap 41v 411tr I4 MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS ' VOL. XL. No. 11. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1929 EIGHT PAGEb P RICE FIVE CENTS _ AMERICA ANSWERS BRITISH INVITATIOII TO LONDON PARID1 Washington Accepta British Offer on Navies i .. I Find Mf ~ezeklsSHU TERTO AWARD OUOPERATION PROMISED Tokio, Rome and Paris Word Not Yet Received (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, D. C., Oct. 10.- The American acceptance of Great Britain's invitation to a Naval Limitations conference in London next January was sent to theBrit- ish capital this morning almost at the moment of the departure of Prime Minister MacDonald from Washington. It was the first acceptance in re- sponse to the invitation of Oct. 7th asking the powers to participate in the proposed conference. With the formality disposed of, American of- ficials were awaiting word from Tokio, Paris and Rome regarding the attitude of those governments toward the British invitation. Press dispatches from Japan, France and Italy concerning the at- tention which is being given by the officials of those countries to the invitation were being keenly watched. President Hoover in his informal talk with Mr. MacDonald during the past week had assured the Premier that full cooperation could be expected from the United States in the limitation movement. Has Been Long Pending The attempt to secure either a reduction or limitation of sea arm- aments in catagories oTher than those included in the Washington; Arms Treaty of 1921 was initiated by President Hoover soon after coming into office. Through Am- bassador Dawes in London, ne- gotiations looking toward an agree- ment between the United States and Great Britain on the points of difference which stood in. the way of a successful conference of the three powers, the United States, Great Britain and Japan, were begun immediately after the Am- bassador's arrival in London. These discussions between the Ambassador and Prime Minister MacDonald had at their climax the invitation to the powers after An- glo-American naval parity had been agreed upon. Another result of these discussions was the visit to the. United States of the Pre- mier, who left today for England by the way of New York and Can- ado. American Response Is Brief The American response to the British invitation was unusually brief, consisting of a single sen- tence. "I have the honor to refer," the acceptance said. "to the note which you were good enough to address to the Ambassador on October 7th, and I take great pleasure in in- forming you that the American government hastens to accept the invitation of Hi Majesty's govern- ment to a conference on naval arm- ament to take place in London the latter part of January, which will unite the powers signatory to the Washington treaty in a discussion which will anticipate the prob- lems raised under Article XXI of that treaty as well as broaden its whole scope by the inclusion of other catagories 'of ships." The note, which was made pub- lic by the State department was signed by Ray Atherton, the Amer- ican charge de affairs at London. The article referred to in the American note applies to the calling of a conference to consider the pro- visions of the treaty of 1921 with a view to its amendment by mutual agreements. Until he leaves Saturday to re- join them in New York, he will consult with State department offi- cials. reviewing the work done by President Hoover and the Premier during their talks and putting into shape the material for the prepara- tion of memoranda in London. LAFAYETTE HEADQUARTERS Alumni headquarters for all Michigan men attending the Purdue-Michigan football at Lafayette, Indiana, Saturday, After a seach that lasted nearly a week, the body of Dr. Jan Metze- laar, who was drowned in Granc Lake, Presque County, Mich., or October 4, was found early yester day morning by members of the field trip party with whom Metz elaar was engaged at the time o the accident. The body was brought to Ann Arbor yesterday afternoon Funeral arrangements wer made immediately upon receipt of the message from Grand Lake. Th funeral service will be held at For- est Hill cemetery this afternoon at 4 o'clock, although by request o: Mrs. Mezelaar, the committal wil be entirely private. Dr. Metzelaar, who has been con- nected with the StatehConservation Board and the University Museum for several years, was drowned while on an excursion for scientific data concerning marine life. NEW OBSERVATORY LI N S INSTALLED Visitors Will Examine Moon Through New Telescope Angell Hall's observatory will be open to the public both this eve- ning and Saturday evening from 7 until 10 o'clock, according to Prof. R. H. Curtis, Director of the ob- servatory. Tickets must be procured from the astronomy office for at- tendance as it is impossible to handle more than 30 guests an hour at each observation.- Contrary to the general belief, the best time to observe the moon through a telescope is during the first quarter, its present position, and not at full moon. This position is found only once a month, or more accurately, every twenty-nine and a half days which will make an- other observation impossible until the tenth of next month. The ob-I servatory'will be open at that time, but that will mark the last opening to the public until some time in March. All those' desiring tickets are urged to procure them as soon as possible, as they are being given out very rapidly. According to Prof. R. H. Curtiss, Director of the observatory, this will be an excel- lent time to view the solar system through the University's new 10-, inch telescope. Rooms For Football Week-Ends Available Many rooms will be available for students desiring to rent them for football week ends, it was an- y PRIZES FOR POSTER n e I __IIIN SHOW Ff _ Secrecy Shrouds Title; e Plot of Annual Production e t TRY4UTS FOR CASTMEET f 1 Choruses Subordinate Special Numbers For Routine Posters to be used in the local and advance advertising for the 1929 Union Opera are due at the office of the Mimes theatre by 5 o'clock October 18, E. Mortimer Shuter, director, announced yester- day. All students who are interested in submitting designs should see Shuter any afternoon this week or next in his office at the Mimes theatre. First prize for the winning design will be a gold medalion with an emplem symbolic of the work, and second prize will be a silver medalion cast from the same die. Nature of Show is. Secret. The exact nature of this year's production has not been disclosed by Shuter, and no comments are forthcoming from him in regard to the particulars of the plot. Com- plications of the plot and how they are derived are being guarded jeal- ously until a formal announcement is in order. It is expected that these details will be revealed in the near future. Because the veil of secrecy sur- rounding the details of the show, and also the name of the produc- tion, it will be necessary for all contestants to consult Shuter so that they may understand the na- ture of the poster that is wanted, he explained. I Chorus Learns New Steps Two moresroutine steps have been added to the repertoire of the chorus and a lengthy practice is being held each day to familiarize the try-outs with the art of chorus work. Speciality numbers are still being subordinated 'to the routine steps. Try-outs for positions in the cast met last night to read the book of the production and familiarize themselves with the theme. But no defininte parts will be assigned for several weks. The name of this year's show is being kept as quiet as the particu- lars of the book, but it is generally; understood that it will be an- nounced soon. , WILL BROADCAST M'DONALD T A L K Sell -Out Likely For Ohio State IAll grandstand seats for the IOhio-State game have been sold and indications point to a complete sell-out for the Harvard game, an- nounced Harry C. Tillotson, busi- ness manager of the athletic asso- ciation, yesterday after the last checknup on the ticket situation. According to Tillotson, a few $4.00 box seats are the only unfilled seats left for the Ohio game, and appli- cations for the boxes' will be ac- cepted at the Administration building. A small bloc of grand- stand seats and some boxes at the Harvard game are as yet unap- plied for. Applications may also be mailed to the ticket office. The first Michigan quota of 1- 000 seats and an additional ship- ment of 500 tickets for the Purdue game tomorrow have also been sub- scribed for, according to Tillotson, and no more Purdue pasteboards are available at the Administration building. Applications for the Illinois and Minnesota game away from home are now being received, and ex- tra tickets for the Iowa tilt in the Stadium may also be obtained. E GOAS WELL FLAME Gigantic Torch Lights, Oklahoma City Streets (By Associated Pres) OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla., Oct. 10.-Two men crouched behind metal shields continued today to pit their skill against a gigantic roaring torch flaming high in the air over what once was the Sinclair Oil & Gas Co.'s No. 3 stamper well,. in the Oklahoma City oil wells. Thundering loads of high explo- sive near the 100-foot pillar of fire, and directing final connections of a battery of approximately 20 steam boilers, M. M. "Mack" Kinley and, his brother, F. T. Kinley, prepare to snuff out, in one giant pu, the flame which, fed by 50,000,000 feet of gas a day, was whipped and writhed over the Sinclair lease since shortly before 3 a. m. Tues- day. Hardly more than five miles from the downtown business district, the' f ire has cast a weird glow over the city's streets at night, and in the southern section of the city, three miles from the well, has made street lights almost unnecessary. Some time today-the Kinley brothers were reticent regarding; the exact time-one man, crouched low behind a metal shield that grows sizzling hot despite streame of water which constantly drench it, will creep toward the plume of' flame which has reared high in the sky for more than two days.. Clad in a heavy asbestos suit, he will drag 200 quarts of nitro-glycer- ine almost to the mouth of the well. There he will place it so that the forcei of the explosion will be di- rected at the base of the flame, and then scurry away from the broiling heat. When he is safely out of range the charge of explosive will be fired. The force of the explosion is ex- pected to hurl the flame above the gas rearing from the hole. A heavy blanket of steam, played from the battery of boilers onto the mouth of the well, is expected to retard the flow of gas until the flame has burned out. With the fire extinguished, the gas will be allowed to run wild while debris, which could not be removed before the explosion, is dragged from the well. Then a new) derrick will be erected in place of the twisted, whit-hot steel skeleton which was dragged away piece by piece Wednesday and efforts will be directed toward confining the flow., r 1 -' .4 t I Ao Assume New PONi - AMERICAN 'Ayu iPosition SOLDIER HONORED! ~ BY MITANA IN TALK ;: Pulaski, Revolutionary Hero, Is Subject Of Address NATION PAYS TRIBUTE Anniversary of Death Commemorated in Many Cities Speaking before an enthusiastic:y gathering of students in the Natur- ail Science auditorium yesterday! y after noon, Dr. Jadeusz Mitana, 1cc-! tuier in' Polish Literature at the University, recounted the events in! the life of the famous American revolutionary war soldier, Count T. Hawley Tapping. Casimir Pulaski. The lecture was Who will succeed Wilfred B. sponsored by the University au- Shaw as General Secretary of the} thorities in an effort to commemor- Alumni association. Shaw has led ate the one hundred and fiftieth the organization since his gradua- anniversary of the death of this tion from the University in 1904. romantic war figure. Tapping, who has been acting ed- TAPPING SUCCEEDS SHAW AS ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ,HEAD R e t i r i n g Secretary Has Held Post Since 1904 RANDALL TO AID IN WORK Association Personnel Undergoes Complete Change As a result of the first complete shift in personnel in the Alumni Association since 1904, T. Hawley Tapping, '11, '16L, has been named General Secretary of the organi- zation to succeed Wilfred B. Shaw, '04, who has held the post since he graduated from the University 29 years ago. Assisting Mr. Tapping in his general work and as secretary of the Class Officers Council will be Fred S. Randall, '19,-'20, former secretary of the University of Mich- igan club of Duluth. Mr. Tapping, who has been acting editor of the Alumnus for the past year and Field Secretary of the as- sociation since 1923 when the posi- tion was created, is well fitted for his new work and will serve as active director of all alumni actiylties combining the duties of General Secretary and editor of the Alum- nus. r President Herbert Hoover in itor of the Alumnus for a year, proclamation to the people of the will continue in that post. country concerning the anniver- sary declared "that such datel should be observed and commemo- rated with suitable patriotic ex- ercise". He set today as the suit- P A ECON I IO able date. It is the first time that the nation has paused to think of 'O E E T 6 1 1 the glory of this foreign volunteer soldier. Many Cities Observe Day Patriotic societies throughout; the country this week are observing Stressman, McDonald Pulaski Days. In Pittsburgh cele- Briand, Hoover bration was held on 'October 6, in Praised New York, the day was October 9.r Chicago will probably hold com-; memoration services next Tuesday. BR ( eAssociated Press)" The greatest affair is being held at BRIARCLIFF MANOR, N. Y., Oct. Savannah, where a committee 10-Nicholas Murray Butler, presi- headed by Major Gordon Saussy of dent of Columbia University and! that city has charge of a three-day head of the Carnegie Endowment program. A special excursion un- for International Peace toda de- der the auspices of the Polish Armyft yd Veterans Association left New livered the address of welcome at York for Savannah Tuesday. Sim- the opening of the Institute for In- ilar excursions were spoinsored by ternational Law session here. Elihu organizations from most of the Polish American centers, such as Root, former Secretary of State, Chicago, Detroit, Buffalo, Cleve- presided. land, and Pittsburgh. Dr. Butler told the members of Dr. Mitana Knew Subject the Institute "you have come herei The University of Michigan was at the psychological moment in thel especially fortunate to have as di-1 rector of theirnexercises so wellI history of the modern world at the informed .a man as Dr. Mitana. He precise instant when the stage has is a native of the section of Po- been set for the largest understand- land from which General Pulaski ing of your past." came. During the war, he partici- "Here I will mention," he con- pated in battles that were on many, of the sites where Pulaski once tinued, "four great men who have fought. The warrior is considered done much in this work in which a national here by the Poles of, you are interested: Gustav Strese-I America and of the free state in mann, whose passing at this mo- Europe. He was a frantic believem m a whos pass.tthis wo-: in liberty, and was constantly fight- Aret is a grevious lossto the worl ing for it from the age of twenty Aristide Bindrain the twor me to his death in 1779. The lectureat on whoseconversationg, Premier Mac- of Dr. Mitana was fortunate be- Datd presrsient watigPrmer Mac- cause it gave us a distinctly Polish e UDonald and President Hoover of point of view and was for that the United States. reason somewhat akin to the "In their conversation the cur- spirit of the by-gone General Pu- I tam has merely risen on a new era laski. of national conduct because it has risen on a new era of national LINDBERGH BACK thinking." Mr. Root in opening the conference, said the work of the FROM CARIBBEAN Institution is 'bringing nations closer together.' A broad vision in Returns After Twenty-Day Air the field of law brought to bear Tour; Explorations Chief I on the public question of the day Object of Trip will bring preservation, of peace I I(By Associated Press) and order throughout the world," MIAMI Fla, Oc. 1..--Clhe said. Charles A. Lindberghclanded here at 6:12 P. M. today from Cozumel Island, Mexico, completing a 20-day HARVARD TO SEND BAND inspection flight around the Carib- bean Sea during which time he Word has been, received from made several aerial explorations of Cambridge that Harvard will the ancient Mayan cities in Cen- send its large band to Ann Ar-j tral America. It was dark when bor on Nov. 9, when Michigan the plane landed. A heavy rain that had fallen al] p the Crimson eleven on the clday ceased shortly before the fly-~ io.Apaac fbt ing-Colonel brought his huge one Harvard and Michigan bands amphCbian shiudown uponthe will add even more color to one Pan-American field completing one of the outstanding intersectional of the most colorful aerial adven- ;awes of the year. tures of his career. i I Achievements Are Varied. While at the University, he was a member of every honor society on the campus except one and his other achievements include sports editor of The Daily, sports editor of the Alumnus, athletic editor of the 'Ensian, member of the Boards in Control of the Athletic association. Mr. Tapping was at one time presi- dent of Sigma Delta Chi,, national journalistic fraternity, and worked in the journalistic field until he came to the University as the first Field Secretary in the county, or the last year-and-a-half before he became affiliated with the Alumni group he was Ann Arbor corre- spondent for the Booth papers, a new agency linking numerous papers in the state. Shaw Has New Office. Wilfed B. Shaw -who pernian- ently retires from active connec- tion with the Alumni association becomes associated with the Uni- versity administration in the newly created office of Director of Alumni Relations, after completing a record as the longest serving Alumni secretary in the country. Mr. Shaw has just returned from the East where he completed a survey on adult education for the Carnegie Foundation and yesterday entered upon his new duties. Mr. Randall, newly appointed Council secretary, succeeds Charles J. Rash, '21, who has resigned to take up other work. Mr. Randall comes here from Buffalo where he was a salesman for the Pillsbury Flour company and an active mem- ber of the Buffalo Alumni club. Announcement of the complete new editorial staff of the Alumnus inclueds the addition of Miss Sue G. Bonner, '27, who is working with Miss Esther Johnson, '28, as an as- sistant editor. SENIOR ACTIVITIES TO BEGIN SHORTLY With dates set for senior class elections in the literary and medi- cine schools, the annual courses of senior class activities is about to get under way. Senior medicine students are to hold their election at 11 o'clock today in the hospital amphitheatre, and the senior lit- erary class election is scheduled for Wednesday. After senior class officers are elected, committees will be appoint- ed to select dates and arrange ! mn fn the r if 'na c air nounced yesterday by Kenneth National M.' Lloyd, '30, president and To Se houseowners who wish to list such WaN rooms are requested to phone the, student office of the Union any afternoon between three and five NEW o'clock. If these offices are not tional Br open, the telephone operator will nouncedt list such rooms as are reported tof her. Premier1 Lloyd also stated that the World of Foreig Series baseball games, which are row nigh being broadcast from Chicago andl Philadelphia, will be received on listeners the radio in the Tap room. All The co those interested in the games will the speec be welcome to hear the results throughi there. one Can Broadcasting CompanyI end Speech Over Short ,e Lengths to Europe (B Associated Press) YORK, Oct. 10.-The Na-. roadcasting Company an- toonight that the speech of MacDonald at the Council 'n Relations dinner tomor- zt would be available to, throughout the world. impany announced that ch would be put on the air its coast to coast net work, adian station, and at least t wave-length stations and sh Broadcasting Company broadcast it. DAILY TRYOUTS * All second semester freshmen and sophomores desiring to try out for The Daily are requested to report at the offices in the Press building between 2 and 5:30 o'clock any afternoon. two short the Briti would rel The British premier is expected1 to begin speaking about 9 o'clock (Eastern Standard Time)) follow-I ing an introduction by Elihu Root who will be introduced to the radio audience by Milton Cross, NBC an- nouncer. SHUTER AND AMES RECALL OPERAS OF BYGONE DAYS;_LATTER WAS STAR "Do you remember that step seasons had passed, lie was booked that I always forgot? And will in New York--at the 'Palace and you ever forget the knotty legs that then at the Strand,--and now le is thatchous o woen hd?"on tour again working up a -iew that nchorus of women had?" show before he starts for New York Reminiscences. ....again. E. Mortimer Shuter and Mike "The chorus is one of the finest Ames were turning back the years I have seen," he commented, as he in Shuter's office in the Mimesi watched the shirtless and patless theatre yesterday afternoon. Amesjlads with lady's slippers perform was the leading man in "Cotton the routine steps on the stage at Stockings," the Opera that was pro- the Mimes theatre. "We certainly I duced in 1923 when he was still in! had a raw-honed aroun in 'Cotton, i I EIGHT ISSUES OF TO APPEAR ON Eight numbers of tie Technic I will be published this year, accord- ing to an announcement made yes- terday by Edward R. Nell '30E, editor. The first number which will be a special aircraft issue will ap- pear on campus October 23. Prof. Felix W. Pawlowski's article "Gliding at Michigan and Else-I I wh ,.a" urll a shafamt.n iain aHG' 1 ucns) or e raa ional senor 4ICH IGAN T ECHNIC fnto's ,MPUS THIS YEAR Architects' Co n t e s t The staff of the Technic plans to Drawings On Exhibit make each issue outstanding for its treatment of a certain field of en-'___ gineering. The Architectural Nu m- Submitted by candidates for ad- ber will follow the October publica- mission to architectural practice in tion, and it in turn will be followed the recent examinations, 29 sets of by Power, Automotive, Chemical,I drawings will be on exhibition the )Marine, Research and Electrical. ! rest of this week in room 301 of A new engineers' song book will the Architectural building. be put on sale the same day as the The problem in this year's ex- !.. .....:. .: 1 1- - - 1.. m h1yer' x