X'' ", OCT413E9 10, 1929
- -trz~flt ~
Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members
of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi-
dent until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday)
Purdue Game
A special
Purdue game
22266 as soon
(To those
Special: PI Lambda Theta:
bus from Ann Arbor to Lafayette is planned for the There will be an important meeting of
this week-end. Those expecting to go should phone IThursday, October 10, at seven o'clock in the'
as possible. the cafeteria at the- Women's League Building.
B. James present.
who teach Engineering Freshmen) your reports to the l
Pi Lambda Theta on
Tea Room across from
All members must be
elen P. Bush, Pres.
Vol. XL'
No. 10 1
Mentor System of the Engineering College will be due during the
and the 11th weeks of school. Report cards will be furnished.
A. D. Moore
5th; Christian Science Society:
There will be a meeting of the Christian Science Society of theI
University of Michigan at 7:30 tonight in the Upper Room of Lane
To Users of the Daily Official Bulletin:
The attention of users of the Daily Official Bulletin is respectfully
called to the following:
(1) Notices submitted for publication must be typewritten.
(2) All notices must be signed.
(3) Ordinarily notices are published but once. Repetition is at the
Edito'r's discretion.
(4) Notices must be handed to the Editor before 3:30 P. M. (11:301
A. M. Saturdays). Frank E. Robbins
University Lecture:
Professor Leon Asher, Director of the Physiological Institute atE
Berne, Switzerland, will letcure on the subject "Specific Diuretics" at
10:00 A. M., Saturday, October 19, 1929, in the Natural Science Audi-
torium. The lecture will be illustrated with lantern slides. The pub-
-ic is cordially invited.
Frank E. Robbins
University Lecture:
Mr. Francis W. Hirst, former Lecturer in the London School of
Economics and former Editor of The Economist, will lecture on "Repa-
rations and War Debts", at 4:15 P. M., Thursday, October 17, in the
Natural Science Auditorium. The public is cordially invited.
Frank E. Robbins
University Lecture:-
Mr. Tassilo Adam, Curator of Oriental Art in the Museum of the
Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, will lecture on "Four Years at
Faculty Concert Program: Gordon Kennedy
May Strong, soprano, Guy Maier, pianist, with Dalies Frantz piano Beta Kappa Rho:
accompanist, will provide the following program at the second faculty The -first meeting of the year will be held Saturday, October 12,1
concert in Hill Auditorium, Sunday, October 13, at 4:15 o'clock. The at 8:15 P. M. at the home of Miss Gillette, 1319 Forest Ave. All mem-I
public with the exception of small children, is invited but is requesteII hers are to be present.
to be seated on time as the doors Will be closed during numbers. There Charlotte Cantrall, Pres.
will be no admission charge. Mortar Board:
Childhood Pictures, Opus 15............. . ....... . .....Schumann There will be a special meeting of Mortar Board members at noonj
1. From foreign lands and people in the Women's League Building on Thursday, October 10, 1929.
2. A Curious Story Virginia A. Losee, Pres.
3. Playing Tag
4. Asking a Favor Web and Flange:
5. Quiet Contentment An important meeting of Web and Flange, for the election of new
6. An important occasion members, will be held Thursday evening, October 10, at 7:15 at the
7. Dreaming (Traumerie) Union.
8. By the Fireside R. E. Neis, Chief Engineer
9. A Hobby Horse Ride
10. Almost too Serious Comprehensive English Examination:
11. Being Frightened A make-up examination for those who for any reason failed to
12. Falling Asleep appear last week will be held at 9:00 o'clock, Saturday morning, in
13. The Poet Speaks Room 2225, Angell Hall. All seniors who are planning to teach English,
Perpetual Motion ............................................... Weber ;either as a major or minor subject, should take this examination.
Guy Maier C. D. Thorpe
Danza, danza, fanciulla gentile......Francesco Durante (1684-1755)-
Die Mainacht ...........................Johannes Brahms (1833-1897) resident Ruthven Guest of Honor
Widmung 1PeietR tvnis G et - oo
Fruhlingsnacht .....................................Robert Schumann at Michi an Militar Staff Luncheon
May A. Strong M iS
Upperclass Women:
Beginning October 14, Posture
Clinics will be held in Barbou
Gym. Monday at 10:00 A. M. au
Wednesday at 11:00 A. M.
Anyone interested in the cor-
rection of postural defects is urged
to come.
Ella ,B. Rawlings
Choral Union Tryouts:
Choral Union Tryouts will b,
continued through Thursday and
Friday afternoons. Members inmus
be elected before Saturday in order
that pass tickets for the Homer
concert (October 15) may be given
out. Altos and tenors are especial-
ly needed.
Earl V. MIoore
Volonia Literary Circle:
The first meeting of the year of
the Polonia Literary Circle will be
held on Friday evening, Oct. 11, at
7:30 in Lane Hall. All old as well as
new members are urgently re-
quested to be present.
K. Karpinski, President
Gargoyle Staff:
There will be a meeting of the
entire editorial staff and the try-
outs this afternoon at 4:30.
E. Jerome Ellison, 'Editor
Forestry Club:
The Forestry Club wishes to an-
nounce that the annual Campfire
will be held Saturday evening,
October 12, instead of on Friday,
as was formerly announced.
Transportation will leave from
the East door of the Natural Sci-
ence Building promptly at 5 o'clock.
A. G. Jacobson, President
the Courts of the Sultans of Java", at 4:15 P. M., Friday, November 1, The Little White Donkey ................... ....................Ibert
in the Natural Science Auditorium. This lecture, which develops fur- The Punch and Judy Show...........................Goossens President Alexander G. Ruthven
the4 the sibjee n which Mr. Adam lectured before the University last Two Cuban Dances ................................... Cervantes wasiehno gesat a luhen
year, will be illustrated with slides and motion pictures. The public is At the Donnybrook Fair.............. J. P Scott-as the honor guest at a luncheon
cordially invited. La Campanella ...................................... Pa ganini-Liszt the members of the military ad-
Frank E. Robbins Mr. Maier visory board of the University for
-A Burst of Melody .. ..................... ............... Linn Leiler the staff of the department of Mil-
American Chemical Society Lecture: Reflections...............................................Guy Maer itary Science and Tactics
Robert E. Wilson, Assistant Director of Research of the Standard A Visit From the Moon...... ... ............Thomas F. Dunhill The luncheon, of informal na-
Oil Company of Indiana, will lecture before the local section at 4:15 I Love Went a Riding.............................Frank Bridge Th was featured by brief talks by
P. M. Thursday, October 10, in room 165 Chemistry Building. His Miss Strong J. E. Bursley, dean of students, who
topic, "TheMechanism of Lubrication," will be illustrated with moving Charles A. Sink Jo of is oeaiosdnthe
pictures. The meeting is open to all who are interested. -I spoke of his observations on the
Leigh C. Anderson, Sec'y. Faculty Volley Ball and Tennis: oItalian army, and by Prof. William
Any man on the faculty interested in volley ball or tennis should Hnent, who gave some impres-ions
Notice to all Deans and Department Heads: phone the Intramural office, phone number 22101. of the Fort Sheridan R. . T. C.
Guests at the luncheon were
Major B. D. Edwards, Capt. C. A.
Powell, Capt. A. B. Custis, Capt. H.
B. Turner, Capt. R. H. Lord, and
First Lieutenant R. T. Schlosberg,
all of the department of Military
Science and Tactics. Members of
the advisory board present were:
Prof. A. H. Lovell of the engineer-
ing department, Prof. Arthur E. R.
Boak, of the history department;.J
prof. William H. Hobbs, of the geC
ology department; Prof. E. B. Sta-
son; Dean Bursley; and Dr. F. A.I
Coller of medical department.
Thne .secretary's ofce will have iNu student Uirectories forT ree
distribution this year. If your office needs a directory, please requisi-
tion as many as may be required through the Purchasing Department. Graduate Students in Chemical En-
Herbert G. Watkins, Assistant Secretary gineering:
Dr. F. B. Holmes and Dr. A. P.
Phillips Scholarships: Tanberg of the DuPont Company
Two scholarships of $50 each are available to Freshman students! will be in my office next Monday,
who have presented Latin and Greek, or Latin alone, for entrance to the October 14, to interview students
University. The awards will be made on the basis of competitive ex- who expect to complete their work
aminations which will be held this year on October 25 and 26. Students ! in 1930 or 1931 and who may be in-
wishing to enter the contest should place their names with Professor terested in positions wih the Du-
Campbell Bonner or Professor James E. Dunlap no later than October Pont Company. Please make ap-
21. pointments with Miss McKim to-
A complete statement of the conditions of the competition will be morrow or Saturday.
found on the bulletin board opposite Room 2009 Angell Hall and on I Alfred H. White
pages 6 and ,7 of the University Bulletin entitled "Scholarships, Prizes,
and Loan Funds" which may be obtained at the office of the Secretary.
For additional information students may see Professor Bonner,I
2020 Angell Hall or Professor Dunlap, 2028 Angell Hall.
Alexander G. Ruthven,
John R. Effinger,
Freshmen and Junior R. O. T. C.
All members of the R. 0. T. C.
who are to be provided with uni-
" a*Campbell Bonner, forms and who did not get meas-
Committee.nDunlare ured yesterday will report for
Committee in charge measurement at the R. O. T. C.
Headquarters between 7:30 A. M.
Visitors' Night, Angell Hall Laboratory: and 5:00 P. M
The public is invited to visit the Astronomical Laboratory in Angell 5 Basil D. Edwards
Hall to observe the moon from 7:00 to 10:00 P. M. on Friday and Sat-
urday nights, October 11 and 12. Admission only by ticket. Reservations
must be made by calling the Observatory office on Ann Street between History 197:
9:00 A. M. and 12:00 noon on Thursday. Students enrolled in this course
R. H. Curtiss
Notice To Freshmen:!
All freshmen who missed one or more of the examinations given
during Freshman Week will be required to take make-up examina-
tions. These examinations will be given Saturday afternoon, October
12, in Room 205 Mason Hall just above the office of the Registrar.
Those who missed the Thursday morning examination-English-
will report at 1 P. M. Those who missed the Saturday morning exami-
nation-Mathematics-will report at 2 P. M. Those who missed the
Friday morning examination-Psychological Examination-will reporty
These examinations will take precedence over all other appoint-
ments including class work. Be on time.
Ira M. Smith
who have not consulted with 1m
should do so at once in RIuuimlol
Angell Hall.
A. E. R. Boak
Comedy Club:
There will be an important meet-
ing Thursday at 4:00 o'clock in
Room 203 University Hall. All
members must be present.
Robert K. Adams, President
English 300:
The English Seminary will meet
orduroy Reefers
Browns and %Ihies
Full Blanket Lined With Slicker Interlining
Priced Very Reasonable
It might pay you to inquire; you will be surprised at our low price.
Blue All Wool Reefers $6.50
South State Street at William Street
Serving Universit Men for over thirty years
Thursday, October 10,
Aeronautical Engineering, Course I: M. in 408 Library.
The. class in this course has been divided in two parallel sections, !O. J.
both to be ' operAted, as originally announced, on Tuesdays and Thurs-
days at 8:00 A. M. Section I will meet in Room 2300 E. Engineering
Building; Section II in Room 3215 E. Engineering Building. The mem- Freshman Group 31:
bers in, each section are announced on the Aero Bulletin Board in the Meet in room 402 R.
south basement of E. Engineering Building. day, Oct. 10, 4-5 P. M.
F. W. Pawlowski H.
at 8:00 P.
L., Thurs-
316 State St.
at the
, i
Don Loomis and His Orchestra