ESTABLISHED 1890 VoL. XXXIX. No. 12. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1928 I. 1 MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS EIGHT PAGES SMITH STUDIES TIME TABLES IN CAMPAI6N LULL DEM OCRATIC CANDIDATE'S ITINERARY IS STILL INCOMPLETE LEAVES ALBANY MONDAY Hoover Carries Personal Appeal to Voters dif Dixie Before Going to Boston (By Associated Press) ALBANY, N. Y., Oct. 5-As the time grew nearer today for him to start out on his second campaign tour Gov. Smith continued silent as to his detailed plans. He devot- ed several hours to a study of train schedules and other details in con- nection with the journey, but at the end of the day announced he could not promise whether the itinerary would be ready. "There will be nothing on the itinerary today at least," he told newspapermen at the daily con- ference at the executive mansion. "There are toot many details to be straightened out. Halls, radio ar- rangements, and all that are more or less, up in the air." Will Confer With Leaders It was indicated that the Demo- cratic presidential nominee would leave Albany some time Monday for conferences in New York with party leaders before boarding his special train there for the cam- paign swing that probably will keep him on the road, with the excep- tion of a day or two back here in the capitol, until the Saturday night before election. The governor has emphasized that any announcement regarding places and dates for his tour that do not emanate for him should be considered as only tentative selec- tions and under no circumstances are they to be considered as offi- cial until he says the word. This course is understood to have been adopted because of the possibility that the, last minute revision in the schedule might cause some embarrassment if it were decided not to visit this or that city on, the tentative list. Seeks Recreation Anxious to get a little recreation this afternoon, Gov., Smith appear- ed at a press conference togged out in new knickers and without wait- ing for the questioning to begin, warned the newspapermen to "speed it up and let me get out to play some golf." "I started out to the club the other day," he explained, "but it was so late I never got there." (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Oct. 5.-Leaving behind him a fixed itinerary for his trip to Boston next week, Herbert Hoover tonight faced towards Dixie to make a personal appeal to the voters of the southland for their support in his race for the presidency. One of the last acts of the Re- publican candidate before leaving Washington was to place his ap- proval upon plans for his visit to New England. An automobile drive of an hour and a half through the towns of Boston and two speeches will, be made by the nominee in the Massachusetts cap- itol. Indians Starve; Want State Aid Conservation Commission Learns Michigan Redskins Unable To Get Food (By Associated Press) LANSING, Mich., Oct. 5-Reports of suffering among Indians in the northern part of the state were laid before the state conservation commission today. Howard Chilson of Detroit, asser- ted Indians in the Indian river dis- trict of St. Agnes are in such dire straights that the children are dying from starvation. The time has passed when they can gain a livelihood from the woods and streams and they can find nothing to do, he said. There was a question as to whether any state department can help the Indians if the reports of their conditions are found to be correct. It has been claimed, in past petitions by the Indians, that the state has no right to enforce the game laws against them as the original guarantee them the right to hunt and fish when they pleased. Robinson To Assail Hoover And Borah (By Associated Press) CLOVIS, N. M., Oct. 5-The records of Herbert Hoover and Senator William E. Borah of Idaho, who is now stumping the country in behalf of the Republican presi- dential candidate, have been' selec- ted by Senator Joe Robinson, the Democratic vice-presidential can- didate, as subjects for attack in his opening speech in New Mexico. Mr. Robinson late today entered the state which has been put down by Democrats as one to be found in the Smith-Robinson column in No- vember. They claim that the shift of the state to Coolidge four years ago was brought about through the entrance of LaFollette into the campaign, and pointec out that the combined votes of Davis and LaFollette exceeded by 3,340 that polled by Coolidge. The Davis vote was 28,542 and LaFollette 5,543. One Dead On Board Storm-Tossed Ship (By Associated Press) NEW YORK, Oct. 5-The gale- battered Dutch freighter Celaeno, with six of her lifeboats gone and one of her crew of 35 dead, today was proceeding toward Boston u- der her own steam. "S. S. Celaeno to all ships," said the last message relayed from the little freighter. "Here everything O. K. Lost six lifeboats." A pre- vious message had told of the death of one of her crew swept overboard by the heavy seas which for a time threatened to swamp the vessel. Two ocean liners which answer- ed her SOS Wednesday morning, the Unitedi States liner America and the Hamburg-American line's Albert Ballin, were proceeding on their way. HOOSIERS HEAR SENATOR CURTIS ON PROSPERITY "STICK TO THE FULL DINNER PAIL," PLEAS SOLON IN SPEECHES WINDS UP TOUR IN GARY Thousands Turn Out to Welcome Motor Caravan on Swing Through State (By Associated Press) GARY, Ind., Oct. 5-Motoring through the densely populated re- gion of northwestern Indiana at the head of an automobile caravan of several hundred cars, Senator Charles Curtis, Republican vice- presidential nominee, today waged the Republican cause with the slo- gan "Stick to the Full Dinner Pail." In half a dozen speeches in as many cities in this industrial cen- ter during the day, the nominee spoke of "Republican prosperity" and called for the election of Her- bert Hoover, "if you will continue the prosperity of the administra- tion of Calvin Coolidge." Makes Half-Dozen Stops He came to Gary tonight to wind up the busy day's program which had led him to Whiting, Indiana Harbor, East Chicago, Hammond, Lowell, Crown Point and Hobart. Despite his weakened voice, the Senator spoke at every stop. The mashed finger on the right hand still forced him to carry the hand in a sling but he was busy through- out the day shaking hands with the crowd with the left hand. Republican candidates of Indi- ana, headed by Harry G. Leslie, gubernatorial nominee, met Cur- tis "upon his arrival at the state line at 9:30 o'clock this morning and toured with him through the day. Representative Will Wood of this district and Walter J. Riley of East| Chicago, came with him from Chicago and introduced the Sen- ator at the many stopping places. At the head of the long motor procession which trekked though the busy thoroughfares of the city with a truck carrying a brass band, banners on the side of the truck bore the words: " Stick to the Full Dinner Pail-Vote for Hoover and Curtis." Under the smoke-clouded sky of the factory section Senator Curtis talked on a theme from that slogan, declaring the era of this administration "one of the most prosperous in history." He lauded Herbert Hoover "as one of the best fitted men ever to run for Presi- dent." Schools Dismissed Crowds lined the streets. along most of the route and a battalion of motorcycle police with shriek- ing sirens heralded the approach of the picturesque caravan and carved the path for it. At almost all points, the public and parochial schools were dismissed to permit the children to wave-a greeting to the smiling vice-presidential can- didate. Despite the unwieldly size of the long motor procession, the party kept fairly well to the schedule and arrived at Lowell in time for lunch- eon, which was served by the ladies of the Methodist Episcopal Church in the basement of the church. More than 500 cars were estimated to be in the parade. Temporary stands were erected at a central point in each of the cities and from these Senator Cur- tis made his appearance. He was forced to ride in a closed car to protect his voice, but all of the ad- dressses during the day were made in the open. Representative Wood in his talk also referred to "Re- publican prosperity," and attribut- ed the protective tarrif as the mainstay of prosperity. Daily Editor Analyzes Smith's Electoral Strength By States Al Smith may be the next presi- dent of the United States-but not according to the law of averages. Taking an average of the present total of electoral votes, 531, and assigning each state to the party which has carried it the most times since the memorable election of 1876 after which Rutherford B. Hayes became president although it appeared that Samuel J. Tilden had really been elected, it seems that Al Smith should poll a total of 183 electoral votes this fall and that his opponent will be elected to the presidency with a total of 348 electoral votes. But that is according to the law of averages, and doesn't necessar- ily prove that Smith will carry or lose a single state. In the first place, there is Smith's own home state of New York which in the past 12 elections has nine times voted for a Republican candidate and must, according to averages, be included in that list. And yet Smith has three times been elected to the governorship of the Empire state and must therefore be con- ceded at least a slight edge in the voting in that state. COUNCIL TO END ILLEGALVO0TING Dean Bursley Ratifies Proposal to Purge Class Elections In Literary Collegel WILL GIVE CLASS LISTS Joseph A. Bursley, dean of stu- dents, ratified yestercay a compre- hensive plan submitted by the Stu- dent council for! eliminating politi- cal corruption from class elections in the literary college. The office of the dean has agreed to furnish lists of the members of classes on which councilmen will check off voters as they enter the rooms in which elections will be held. At the same time a ballot will be handed to each voter, and none will be distributed from the floor. In case any names are omit- ted from the dean's list, those so omitted will be allowed cast signed ballots that will be checked later and thrown out i' found to be un- official. Candidates intending to run for any office in the class elections this fall must present themselves at the office of the dean of stu- dents at least 24 hours before their elections, and obtain a written statement of eligibility from Dean Bursley. These will have to be pre-' sented on the floor of the voting room at the time of the nomina- tion. This rule will be rigidly fol- SENIOR CLASS ELECTIONS To run for office candidates must secure written statement I of eligibility from the officej I of the dean of students. To vote in the senior elec- I tions a student must have 88 I hours credit, or six semesters I of previous work. Of the governors of New York who have preceded him in running for the office-Hughes, Roosevelt, Cleveland, Seymour and Tilden- Hughes alone failed to carry the state. Cleveland was three times a candidate for the presidency, carrying the state each time that he was elected president and los- ing the state in 1888 when he was defeated by Harrison. Cleveland, Seymour and Tilden were Democrats but only Cleveland I . I Editor's Note:-The Daily is printing an article prepared | C by a staff member on the pos- I sible success of Governor Al Smith in his quest for the I presidency. It is based on a study of the electoral state- I $ by-state vote over the past 50 years, and upon observations I I from; a number of reliable I sources as to possible out- I comes of the campaign. was a successful party leader. If who will lead the Wolverines in the .his alone were an indication, it first game of the season with Ohio would seem that Smith, even Wesleyan today. though he carry New York, may not be elected. New York, however, is not the only state which must be consider- e, in attempting to predict the H N pdssible outcome of the 1928 elec- tion. There is, of course, the "solid South." How solid it will prove is only a matter of conjecture. Among the southern states, Ala- bama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Police Receive Information About Louisiana, Mississippi, North Caro- Ann Arbor School Teacher lina, South Carolina, Texas and From Cab Driver Virginia with a total of 114 electo- ral votes have voted the Demo- cratic ticket in every election for the past 50 years. As the party standard-bearer, Smith should, it Following the report of a Ypsi- would seem, be fairly certain of lanti taxicab driver that he had carrying these states but oddly seen a woman answering to the enough rumors from the southland description of Miss Mary Campbell, would indicate that one and may- (Continued on Page 3) 46, of 1131 Olivia Ave., Ann Arbor, the police and sheriff's officers have turned their efforts in search- ing for the missing woman to the Normal city in hopes of obtaining some clues. Miss Campbell, formerly a stu- dent of the University and later a DEPART SUgraduate student, left her home Sunday about 1 o clock saying that she was going out for a walk. When German Dirigible, Graf Zepelin, she did not return home, the police Completes Test Flight were asked to aid in locating her. Successfully Her coat, hat and scarf, found hanging on a tree along the west NEW FUEL ALSO TESTED bank of the Huron river gave rise NW U AL T T to the idea of suicide, but Thurs- (Special To The Daily) day morning after the Detroit Edi- BERINct. 5.-Haviny mad son Co. had closed the Barton dam BERLIN, Oct. 5.--Having made and opened the Geddes and Su- her final test the huge new dirigible periou dams lowering the water, Graf Zepelin is ready to leave for the police and sheriff's officers the United States tomorrow. Only were unable to discover any trace unorabewtateorol.dely of her after dragging the river. unfavorable weather would delay IThe taxicab driver, Robert Freel, the departure, it was announced. reported Thursday that a woman The Graf Zepelin on the 34 1-2 who closely resembled a picture of hours test fright covered 1,800 miles Miss Campbell had stopped him at 6 o'clock Wednesday evening in a at an average speed of 52 miles highly nervous condition, and an hour. The ship flying from asked him to drive her to Detroit Freidrichschafen, where it was saying that she was a school teach- built, over Holland to England, on er there. After having entered the its return voyage cruised over Ger- cab she changed her mind and got many and back to its base. As out to get something to eat. a rehearsal for the night the air- Up to last night nothing of any ship was navigated throughout the enlightening nature regarding the night from the pilot's cage which missing woman had been found in was isolated from the chart room Ypsilanti although the police are behind it. No warping or other al- still extending their search t that terations of contour through high city. winds encountered or from shifting of inflation gas was shown, while Students Get Radio the motors worked flawlessly throughout the trip. An experi- nstruCilOn In Bed ment of running all five of them simultaneously on the newly de- (By Associated Press) veloped "Blau gas" was successful, CHICAGO, Oct. 5.-When Prof. though for the most part benzine T. V. Smith of University of Chi- was used to conserve the lighter cago calls his class in philosophy fuel for the longer trip. together these mornings at 8 Dr. Hugh Eckener, the inventor, o'clock all that is necessary for took with him as guests on his trial students to do is to lie in bed and trip 69 guests of whom Lieutenant listen. Commander Charles E. Rosendahl, The hours of 8 a. m. is a bit U.S.N., commander of the Los An- early for student philosophers to geles, also built at Friedrichschafen, arise. Proft Smith, himself a phil- was one. osopher, realizes this. HIOOVER LEADS SMITH TWO TO ONE IN EARLY RETURNSOF DIGEST POLL Herbert Hoover is leading Al shows that 21 per cent of the 482,- Smith by more than two to one in 233 who marked Republican bal- Sthe 'Literary Digest's 19,000,000 lots in 1924, 21 per cent have de- serted to the Smith ranks and 78 vote presidential poll, according to per cent are backing Hoover. Of returns published yesterday. The the 140,890 who supported a Demo- Republican has 68 per cent of the crat in the last presidential elec- total vote while the Democratic tion, 40 per cent state they are nominee received 31 per cent. entering the Republican fold. With 752,810 "straw" ballots tab-! In the exchange of party bolters ulated, 514,397 stand in the Hoover Smith gains 50,000 votes, according column as against 231,061 for to the Literary Digest, but returns Smith. Three minor candidates are yet too incomplete to warrant National Radio Hook-up On his Boston trip, as his sally into Tennessee, Hoover will move ,straight to his destination with only a few stops and return direct to Washington after he has de- livered his address. Like the Eliza- bethton, Tenn., speech, which he delivers tomorrow, the one in Bos- ton also will be made over a nation- wide radio hook-up. The candidate will leave for Bos- ton Sunday night, October 14, and will make stops at Springfield and Worcester, Mass., before detraining at Newtonville to continue the trip into the Hub city by automobile. Upon his arrival at Boston Com- mons, he will be welcomed by the mayor and will make a short talk. After luncheon at which he will meet members of the state Repub- lican committee and various coun- ty committeemen, the candidate will be the guest of Governor Full- er during the afternoon. He will be introduced by the Massachusetts executive at Mechanics' hall at 8 n'oc r that night when he will Sees Large Resort Business Next Year (By Associated Press) GRAND RAPIDS, Oct. 5-Declar- ing that Michigan's income had- been i n c r e a s e d approximatelyj $500,000,000 by visits of out-of-state automobiles last year, Carroll F. Sweet, president of the Michigan Tourist and Resort association, Thursday night predicted a record resort season in 1929 in this state. He was speaking at the annual meeting of the association here. Sweet praised the co-operation of the state highway department with the association in its efforts to make last' season what he term- ed the best on record. He declared that Michigan was overlooking many opportunities for use of its historical background. lowed by councilmen in charge of elections, Paul J. Kern, '29, presi- dent of the council, said yesterday. In order to vote in the senior class elections a student must have 88 hours of credit or have had six semesters of previous, work in the University, exclusive of all summer sessions. Juniors must have 561 hours of credit or four semesters of previous work in the University, and sophomores 24 hours, or two semesters of previous work. Mayor Will Set Up Off iceBehind Bars (By Associated Press) SALEM, Mass., Oct. 5-Andrew Joseph "Bossy" Gillis, Newbury- port's spectacular mayor went be- hind the bar today, while arrange- ments were made to have him con- duct his official executive duties from the Essex county jail. Thurs- day he was sentenced to two months in jail and to pay fines totaling $545 for having establish- ed filling stations without a per- mit. During the mayor's absence Ed- ward P. Bass, president of the city council, will act as mayor, although Gillis will be allowed to use the MIUCH ENTHUSIASM SHOWN IN OPERA POSTER CONTEST;_PRIZES OFFERED Much enthusiasm has been dis- the country where the Opera will played over the poster contest for probably play. In addition it will the 1928 Opera, according to used as the cover for the thou- Mortimer huer, generdag Esands of program books which are Mortimer Shuter, general director distributed. of the show. Shuter announced Training of the various choruses recently a new prize for the con- is progressing rapidly, according to test, and yesterday he stated ,that those who have observed the night- a special gold watch emblem of ly practices at the Mimes theatre unusual nature has been designed where the Opera occupies the cen- by Theodore Rogvoy, '28A, who is ter of attention until Christmas now a commercial artist. which vacation has gone. Many of the