CKEYES NEXT FOR MICHIGAN ON CAGE SCHEDL CKEL TRY TO RETAINBRSTPLACE INDIANA TEAM TO OPPOSE VARSITY'FOOTBALL ONLY SPORT TO SHO IN DEDICATORY MEET AT NEW POOL FINANCIAL GAIN FOR FISCA Champions of the Big Ten in breast strIkerTwhIoasdmo-Michigan's board of athetic con partment, showing a MEYlTI011 FEBATFEL _00F h~amnpions of the Big Ten in! breast stroker who has demon-FO I O!i M T E ro will turn its attention to get- fiscal ear of about $ 1927 and 1928, Michigan's swim- strated his speed on occasions. ting turf dt when th e foscal dur th ao ray Have Formidable pnse of two of the stronger out- ming team will open the 1929 sea- Thompson, Mertz, and Hughes are golf course is finished, say not a part of the fisca ed By aneyde fits in the Conference, Northwest- son against Indiana at 7:30 o'clock the breast strokers from whom Although expressing himself as the annual report of the board, paid to Michigan $41 And Erwin ' ern and Illinois. next Saturday evening. The dual Coach Mann will choose. being well satisfied with the show- The statements for the fiscal year total attendance fori meet will mark the dedication of Ault In Quarter Mile ing his men made against Michi- ended Sept. 1 are favorable. 393,568. I Opening their Big Ten schedule the new Intramural building pool, Ault, Canadian Olympic star gan State, Coach Cliff Keen feels Football again proved the sus- The total attendanc AT GUARD POST combination fell before the big finest natatoriums in thencounty. Watson, McDonald, and McCaffree tthe Wolveinetmatmen will taining sport of the athletic de- (Continued on Pa arekealltpossible6entriessin the 440 benefit by moe pactice. - powkyeseaml3426,butupstsTe Mchianhent44pansto IlIlllillli111t1i1Iti~tHI itiIIllitiflHli~hIllhil dsemester examina- the dope by defeating Northwest- May Use Reserves yard swim. Matthew is regarded The Michigan mentor plans to the next two weeks, ern on her home court, 31-28. The Coach Matt Mann has not as yet as the best of the Hoosier distance hold no regular practice sessions e cagemen, leaders Wildcats evened the series, how- decided the makeup of the team this week, with the men working rthe Big Ten crown, ever, by turi the tables on t he will use against theaCrimson pta ykout at the Intramural building regla prciets ucksaeta bes24. thio tankmen. It is likely that he will'iCaptain Spindle is likely to start;wevrposb.W e Gi rationr forathc eirba-gained a obspli7in4herir o give some of his reserve natators in the 150 yard back stroke, while;weee osbe V.L1~ lration for their bat- gained a split in her first four gie(me hsrseren rthe other Michigan representative The wrestling team will be mate- o State and North- Conference games by downing Il-a oppolrtunity to display t will be Hubbell, Boldt, o arner. rially strengthened the second se- ediately after the linois, 27-22. esh Vordermark and Hammer are the mester when Ed George villE are seducleti- Erwin Is Threat their ability in meets with the To Indiana swimmers in this event. again be eligible for Big Ten con- are scheduled to in- The imressive showing of the nnt'I"V a h the To- The Wolverine entries in the 100 petition.. WHY AT TLE W L YEAR profit for the 550,000. Foot- n just closed, 1 year report, 8,316.43. The the- year was e last fall by ge Seven) lgtol With seven sprint mer available, yard free style are undecided, al- selecting the four who will com- though Reif, Walker, or Goldsmith pose the 200 yard relay quartet is a are probable contenders. Winston is Indiana's best bet in the cen- matter of conjecture. Walker, u Walaitis, Seager, Reif, Hosmer, o. t1ry. Goldsmith, and Dinkelspiel are all Walaitis, Grimshaw, and Bailey possible starters. It is likely that will represent Michigan in the Bob Walker will get the call in the fancy diving. They will match 50 yard free style, in order to their skill against Hugus and, match his speed against Captain Hunt, Indiana's springboard per- Winston, the Crimson tank ace. formers- Going Home Between Semesters? Low Fares to All Points Via New Parlor Buses TICKETS AT CHUBB HOUSE. Athletic Supplies FOR EVERY PURPOSE Our Equipment Is Absolutely Complete, Being Especially Well Stocked in Squash Racquets, Handballs, and FEATURING OUR NEW LINE OF ICE SKATES AND HOCKEY ACCESSORIES 40 'Temtpo ry arters now at : 1i S. State St.- -Frmerly State Street Grocery Store. .m. ,._____ --- ;Jv-j T -MONithL OU.R A. C., 619 East William St. MEN'S SUIT s N EXTR A PRECHOP SPECIAL Phone 4191 I E ,I I - W I