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January 27, 1929 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-01-27

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>1. XXXIX, Vol. 94.




Ship's Chief Officer
Tells Graphic Story
OfDifficult Rescue!




Fifteenth And Sixteenth Michigan
, Nights Will Be Broiicast
Jan. 31 And Feb. 7
Announcement of the fifteenth
and sixteenth Michigan Night ra-
dio programs of the current series
which will be broadcast over WJR,
the "Good Will Station" of the
Rfchards Oakland company, De-
troit, was made yesterday by Prof.
Waldo M. Abbot of the rhetoric de-
partment, who is announcer and
program manager for the local
The two programs, the final ones
of the first semester, will be broad-
cast between 7 and 8 o'clock on
Thursdays, Jan. 31, and Feb. 7, from
the new Morris hall studio, located
at the corner of State and Jeffer-
son streets. The public is cordially
invited to attend the broadcasting
of these programs.
Four talks by members of the
faculty and musical selections by
members of the faculty of the Uni-
versity School of Music, will com-
prise each of the programs.
Boss Will Give Talk
On Jan. 31, Francis E. Ross, pro-
fessor of accounting hi the School
of Business Administration, will
talk about "Making Out Your In-
come Tax Statement," while Prof.
Calvin 0. Davis, of. the School of
Education, will take as his topic,
"The Junior High School." Rich-
ard SchneideWind, investigator in,
the Bureau of Business Research,
will tell of the new Chronium Plat-
ing Process that is replacing nickel
n p" automobilet equipment. Ral-'
eigh Schorling, professor of edu-
cation and supervisor of directed
teaching and Instruction in the
university High school, has chosen
as his subject, "How Children Dif-
fer in Ability."
Maud Okkelberg, , instructor in
piano forte in the School of Music,
and pupil of Mr. and Mrs. Lhevinne
and Howard Wells, Berlin, and for-1
mer principal ofthe piano depart-
ment of the Frances Shimer school
for girls at Mt. Caroll, Ill., will pre-
sent a series of piano solos, Thelma
Ursula Newell, violinist upon the
faculty of the School of Music, will
also present several selections.
Young To Be Speaker I
The sixteenth program of the
current school year, which is to be
put on the air Feb. 7th, includes
talks by Prof. Legh J. Young- of,
the School of Forestry and Con-
servation, who was former director
of conservation for the State of
1Mich gan; Chester B. Slawso of the
geology department, speaking on
"Marl in Michigan"; Prof. Howard
B. Lewis of physiological chemistry,
who will take as his subject,
Chemistry in Nutrition with Espe-
eial Reference to Vitamines"; and
Elmore S.' Pettyjohn, professor of
las engineering and investigator in
the Bureau of Engineering Re-;
search, who will talk on "Gas and
)l Production in Michigan.
B. Thelma Lewis, of the School
of Music, former student of Theo-
dore Harrison, also of the school,
will present a series of vocal num-
bers. Louise Nelsori, of the School
of Music, will present the remaind-
er of the musical program. She is
a former pupil of Albert Lockwood I
and will give several piano solos.
Anyone desiring a copy of the ra-i
dio bulletin published each year
with the full text of each of the
speeches given on the regular
Michigan Night programs during
that series may be obtained free-
of-charge by writing to the Uni-
versity at Ann Arbor.

Harry Manning Relates Story 0
How Thirty-Two Italian
Sailors Were Saved
(By !associated Press)
NEW YORK, Jan. 26.-The liner
America came steaming home to.
day, with the 32 Italian sailors it
had saved from the ocean fury, and
full details of the actual rescue
were told for the first time by Har-
ry Manning, the diminutive chief
officer who was in commandoftie
life boats.
Half-coated in ice and her high
flanks smeared from the gale-
whipped seas that had battered
her during the rescue, the America
dropped anchor at quarantine just
at noon and a hundred reporters
and cameramen swarmed aboard.
After Captain George Fried had
been welcomed by his wife and
Manning by his mother, they met
the newspapermen in a salon on
th hnntd rk a nd Ca ntain Fried



Lowell Thomas Uuu4uu lu a1,11riu
smilingly pointed Manning out as
Well known author who will de- the real hero of the occasion.
liver an Oratorical association lec- This little sailor in blue and brass
ture on Tuesday, Feb. 19 i Hill had pitted his knowledge and cour-
auditorium. Mr. Thomas will take age against all the force of the. sea
the place of.Madame Sun Yat-Sen, and storm, and he had won. With
who, it was announced, will be un- ,modest hesitation he told how it
able to fill her lecture engagement [was done.
Shere. "How did you select the eight
men who went with you in the life
boat?" he was asked. "Did you call1
for volunteers?"
"Every one volunteered," he said.
"I could have filled 40 boats. I chose
eight whom I had worked with and
"The trip to the Florida from the
America wasn't so bad, except that
we didn't dare go very close be-
COE Tcause of the dead load of lumber
Distinguished Aviators Wliho Will , that might have come tumbling
Be Present IncludI Evans 1 down on us. But we got a line over
And "Eddie" Stinsonand the m'en from the Florida be-1
Sganpulling themselves through the
Rwater to us.
RUBBER CAIILEi UTILIZED "Most of them had taken off what
clothes the storm had left them
Before a crowd of distinguished so they could swim better. Some of
aviators, including Edward S.1 them were badly injured and you
Evans- and "Eddie" Stinson, both of could hear them groaning as they
Detroit, student gliding will be in- crawled along through the waves.
augurated at 11 o'clock fthis morn- ! We yanked them in and they lay
ing at the flying field of the Aero there on the botton of the boat
society's glider section near the in- exhausted, dazed, silent.
tersection of Geddes and the River "Captain Favoloro of the Florida
road, came last. He seemed reluctant to
The glider which will be used, a leave his ship but at last he too
ship of the primary or schooling stepped into the sea and came over.
type, was dismantled last night and Then the real battle began. The
removed from the lobby of the East storm was increasing and as the
Engineering building, where it has waves got higher my hopes went
been on exhibition, to the hangar ;lower. I really never thought we'd
on the field. It is a high-wingI make it."
monoplane with a spread of 341 -- 1
feet, a chord of 5 feet, and an open -
lattice work fuselage, guided by the
pilot with controls similar in all re
spects to those of a power plane.
The flights will be under the su-
pervision of a German glider pilot'
trained in the gliding schools of OEI
that country, but according to lat-
est arrangements a student will be!
the first to take the ship Ual:r
Ground instruction will be given by \AG Jan .-Th'es)
the German in keeping the wings WAS5lNG eTwON, Jhan. 26--'1'e-
parallel to the earth, which is the contest between John D. Rockefel-
most important detail in piloting a 'cr, Jr., and Robert. Stewart, for
glider, after which the students will contryl of the Standard Oil com-
be shot off a hill with a rubber pany of Indiana, was called to the
launching cable in the usual man- attention of the Senate today by
ner. 'Senator Nye, Republican, North
Special transportation to the fly- Dakota, who assailed Stewart's con-
ing field will be provided by buses nection with what he described as
through the courtesy of the Ann the "Shady Continental Trading
Arbor Board of Commerce. Two company."
buses will be in front of the Union Shortly after the Senate landst
at 10:30 to make round trips to the committee, of which Nye is chair-
flying field at a cost of 35 cents. man, a year ago inquired to Stew-
art's dealings with the Continental
-__company, Mr. Rockefeller asked
DAILY SUBSCRIBERS and was designed the resignation,
of Stewart.
With this issue The Daily dis- Senator Nye today declared that
continues publication for the Stewart 'defled the Senate, misled
two weeks examination period. the Senate, lied to the Senate, and
The next issue will appear on then proceeded to explain success-
Tuesday morning, Feb. 12. fully his record to the satisfaction
S.of a district of Columbia jury." {

Adventures Of Lawrence In Arabia
And Of Allenby In Palestine k
To Be Subject Of Speech .
Madame Sun Yat-Sen, one of
China's outstanding women and S Z
wife of the late Dr. Sun Yat-Sen, h
will be unable to fill her lecture en- Harry W. Wallace, '30, and Miss Margaret Moon of Philadelphia, I
I gagements in Ann Arbor on March Penn., who will lead the grand march, at the 1930 J-Hop on the night'
t19, it was announced yesterday by of February 8. Miss Moon is a student at Mount Holyoke college,
I the Oratorical association. Madame at South Hadley, Mass. Wallace is general chairman of the JHop
SYat-Sen's entire American tour committee. p
has been canceled, due to the fact -____
that the Chinese government has
requested her to return to China Few Students Aply
to attend certain dedicatory exer..I
cises honoring her late husband. For Driving Permits 1
1 "No expense nor effort," said Carl' __I___
Brandt, of the speech department, Comparatively'few applicationsW
in commenting on this situation, have been made to the office of the I
"has been spared in securing a sat- dean of students for special per-W l BEHELH R
isfactory substitute for this num- mission to drive automobiles to the-
ber. The lecture committee feels 3-Hop according to Walter B. Ra,
that it has obtained a truly great assistant to the dean of students, Many Local Men Will Take Part In
pplfom An raco one tattei- in charge of automobile admnis- Thirty - Fourth Annual
tpeople of Ann Arbor will appreci- tration. Trefa rga
ae 1rti-Three-Day Program r
Is Noted Author Applications for permits will be'
N received up until 5 o'clock Thurs-
Lowell Thomas, author of "With day afternoon, Feb. 7. Each stu- CHICAGO MAN WILL TALK
Lawrence in Arabia," "Count Von Ident who applies for one of the --~--
Luckner, The Sea Devil," "Raiders special permits must have the writ- With an elaborate program al-1
of the Deep," and other well known ten consent of his parents, a ready outlined, the thirty-fourth 1
books, has been secured to speak driver's license, know the make and Aannual meeting of the Michigan
on Tuesday, February 19, in Hill type of car he expects to operate, Academy of Science, Arts and Let-i
auditorium. Mr. Thomas' subject together with the state license ters is announced to be held ona
will be, "With Lawrence in Arabia, number, at the time of applicion. March 14, 15, and 16 here in thei
and With Allenby in Palestine." Dean Rea is especially anxious various buildings of the University,t
"This lecture has been received that it be understood that there is according to Dow V. Baxter, of thei
everywhere as one of the greatest no general lifting of the auto ban School of Forestry and Conserva-
speeches on the lecture platform. for. the week-end but merely that ion, who is secretary of the Aca-
It has been delivered more than special permission is to be granted demy this year. A general exhibit
4,000 times to more than four mil- to students who wish to drive cars will also be held in the exhibition
lion people in all parts . of the to the Hop. wing of the new Museum building.
world," Mr. Brandt said. The permits will allow the stu- The convention will open Thurs-'
The first part of the program will dents to drive only the car which day afternoon, March 14, with a1
be devoted to telling the personal is registered at the office, and general council meeting followed{
' story of the achievements of T. E. none but the students who have by a lecture by Prof. Edwin Sapir,1
Lawrence, who became the un- been granted permission will be of the University of Chicago, on the7
crowned king of the Arabs. Only allowed to drive any car. Under no subject "The Aboriginal Languages
one person, an American who was conditions will a student be given of America,"
associated with him in the Arabian permission to bring his car to Ann Ty
desert, has been able to give us the Arbor before noon on Friday, Feb. b The fllowing day's program will
£.pll story of Lawrence's accomp- 8. . egin with luncheon followed by an
lishments. As related by Lowell illustrated lecture, "The Greenland
Thomas, It is a coloroful adven- T Expeditions" of the University of
ture, illustrated with startling ;lo- Michigan, with Some Account of
tion pictures of these exploits. LeLRescue of thlIImerian Fliers," 1
tTo Use Pictures by Prof. William Herbert Hobbs, of
The second part of the lecture the geology department.
will be devoted to the story of Gen-- In addition to Pre ident Worrell
oral Allenby and his freeing of the id Secretary Baxter from the
HoyLn rmthe Turks. Mr. 0Ul IUniversity, there are also among
Thomas has motion pictures of the the officers Prof. Robert B. Hall, of
con quest, which arc considered by; the geography department as
ge hith greatest battle Dr. Ernest Diez, at present associ- treasurer; Prof. Peter Okkelberg, of'
flms vyr shown. ate professor of art at Bryn Mawr, the zoology department as editor;,
"In addition to the actual visual will lecture tomorrow afternoon at and W. W. Bishop, University i-
adventures," 4:15 o'clock in Natural Science brarian, as libraria.
MoBrandt added, " T auditrium, on Boro Buddor, "The The sections and setionb heads
Mr. ,rntadd M.Toa
delivers one of the most thrilling Temple of the 1,000 Buddhas" !khave also been announced. They
electures that ever has been given Dr. Diez is an Austrian who has I are: Anthropology, Prof. W. B.
anywhere.He is a polishedspeak-had a varied scholastic career. Hinsdale; Botany, E F. Woodcock, 1
er, whose personality has won him Most of his training was obtained Michigan State college; Economics
er whosesofapiersnlt. hswn"i in Europe. He has worked and and Sociology, Prof. Z. C. Dickin-
The coupons for the Madame studied in many of the important son; Forestry, P. S. Lovejoy, State.
Sun Yat-Sen number will admit to museums on the continent, and for Conservation commission; Fine
a time taught art in the University Arts, F. C. Aldrich; Geography, J.
this lecture. of Vienna. IO. Veatch, Michigan State college;
The temple which Dr. Diez will Geology and Minerology, Prof. R. C.
Detroit Alumni Plan discuss, with the aid of lantern Hussey; History and Political Sci-
slides, is one of the most famous ence, Prof. H. M. Ehrmann; Langu-
Banquet Next Friday remnants of Buddhist art now in age and Literature, Prof. James E.
existence. It is located at the top Dunlap; Mathematics, Prof. Louis
-- 'of a hill on the island of Java, A. Hopkins; Psychology, E, B.
Plans are fast being completed and is unsually large. Authorities, Skaggs, college of City of Detroit;;
for the annual president's dinner although not definitely sure, are Sanitary and Medical Science, Prof.
given by the University of Michigan of the opinion that the temple was jD. A. McGinty; and Zoology, Frank
club of Detroit, Friday night, Feb. 1 i built in the seventh century A. D. Smith, Hillsdale.
at the Statler hotel, according to'--
Fred G. Dewey, '02, general chair- FINAL SHOWING OFUNION OPERA
man of the affair which this year
is being given in honor of President ! WILL FEATURE -HOP WEEK END
Clarence Cook Little and Mrs'
Little. A well planned program and'
'the recent announcement of Presi- As an outstanding feature of the cowboy quartet, the singing of the
dent Little's resignation will make J-Hop, the peak in campus social special chorus composed of select
this year's banquet doubly attrac-, activities, Mimes of the Union will men from the University glee club,'
tive to the members of the petroit present their 23rd annual produc- and spectacular dramatic efforts.
' club. tion, "Rainbow's End," Saturday of western life.
One of the outstanding speakers afternoon, Feb. 9, at the Whitney l Ticket applications for this pres-
of the evening in addition to Presi- 'theater. The showing will be a entation are available next Monday.
dent Little, will be Dr. Stratton special one, and the final for the They will be filled commencing
Duluth Brooks, '96, president of the opera that achieved unusual suc- Wednesday, Feb. 6. On that day,
University of Missouri who made a cess through its entire tour of the tickets may be secured from 2 to

great hit at the Alumni Triennial east and mid-west. 5 o'clock in the afternoon at the
held in Chicago last spring. Dr. "Rainbow's End," is a brilliantly main desk of the Union. For the
M. S. Rise a member of the law staged musical comedy of a most benefit of girls desiring tickets ar-
class of '95 and at present a interesting plot. It is laid on a 1 rangements have been made to sell
I preacher in Detroit will be toast- I dude ranch, amid a settlement of tickets from 2 to 5 o'clock Thurs
I master. the Pueblo Indians. To the out-of- day afternoon, Feb, 7, at the box-
' Among the honored guests will I doorness of the cowboys, and the office of Hill auditorium.

New Intramural Building Gym
Will Be Scene Of Dancing
For Class Party
With almost every ticket sold,
the J-Hop committee will meet
this afternoon to complete ar-
rangements for the 1930 J-Uop on
the night of Feb. 8, announced
Harry Wallace, general chairman,
yesterday. A few tickets still re-
main, and these will be -sold to the
first comers next Monday after-
noon between 1:30 and 5 o'lock at
the Union.
6 Booth lists must be mailed im-
mediately to Philip Allen, booth
chairman. Fraternities with num-
bers falling short of the full 20
must send in their lists anyway,
for groups will be combined if nee-
essary, Allen said.
To Use New Gymnasiqm
The locale for the 1930 J-Hop
has been changed from the historic
Waterman and Barbour gymnasi+
ums to the large gymnasium of th9
New Intramural building, the floor
space of which is nearly equal to
that of the other two together. The
setting will be an ultra-modernis-
tic one, with indirect lighting ef-
fects falling upon vari-colored win-
dows and columns reaching to the
ceiling. Several tones and combi-
nations of light will be at the om-
mand of the committee during the
course of the evening. While some
improvements have been made in
the design, the effect is much the
same now as was shown in the
small model which appeared in a
State street window before the
CUhrlstas recess.
The drehestras will be located in
the middle of the sides, instead of
at the ends. The music will be
furnished by Coon Sanders' Origi-
nal Nighthawks from the Black-
hawk cafe in Chicago, and by one
of the the three orchestras:Charlie
Straight and his Brunswick Re-
cording orchestra, now at the Ad-
dison hotel in*Detroit, Earl Hoff-
man and his music, from the Chez
Pierre night club in Chicago, or
Buddy Fisher and his orchestra
from the Green Mill in Chicago.
Straght Is Possibility
Straight is the best possibility if
difference between the Music Cor-
poration and the union can be
straightened. Hoffman is awaiting
a decision of a Chicago court' in
regard to closing the Chez Pierre
for a violation of the liquor law.
Fisher has been master of cere
monies at the Avalon theater in
Chicago; last summer he scored a
success at the opening of 'the East-
wood Park ballroom in Detroit, and
has been forging to the front ranks
of orchestra leaders since.
Favors will be given out between
(Continued on Page Two)
Next President Ends
Short rishing Trip
(By Associated Pre)
KEY LARGO, Fla., Jan. 26-~
President-elect Hoover concluded
his three days of fishing in the

Florida Keys late today, but there
was no word as to .whether he had
realized an ambition of years
standing to land a sailfish, olie of
the prize catches in these waters.
After a day and a half of failure
the next president set out with this
purpose in view and unless he was
successful there could be no doubt
of his disappointment although he
had a large collection of barracuda,
dolphin, amberjacks and kingfish
to attest his skill as an expert with
rod and line.
Word received here early today
th~at the fishing had been good ,was
the first that had come ashore
from the party on the two yachts
Amitie and Saunterer on which the
expedition set out early Thursday
afternoon from Angel Fish creek
near here,
Plans for the next chief execu-
tive as communicated to shore
early in the day calls for a landing
at Long Key, far south of here,
nf'a bv ln rat-- a.,- h..ril n

Ohio Beats Chicago
In Afternoon Game
(By Associated Press)
COLUMBUS, Jan. 26.-Ohio State
and Chicago played the first Big
Ten afternoon basketball game in
17 years today, the Buckeyes win-
ning, 40 to 30.
Ohio State outplayed Chicago


"The total amount of money her of wells were brought in at
spent in drilling wells in the Mus- Port Huron in St. Clair county
kegon field and the region adjacent producing from one to five barrels
to Muskegon county will very likely of oil per day. The output there
exceed the total net value of the has been used for the compounding
oil produced in ,the present Muske- 'of lubricating oil.,
gon field," is the opinion of Dr. C. "The Muskegon field, which isI
W. Cook, professor of economic ge- now a little over a year old, is the
ology, concerning the oil boom in point of greatest interest today. A
Muskegon. number of very large gas wells have
"There are fifty-three counties been brought in, and oil has been
in Michigan in which there has found in different wells at threej
been exploration for oil," Dr. Cook different horizons. Some of these
explained in an interview. "The wells have been reported to have

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