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January 26, 1929 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-01-26

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rr~n nna nrr ! CGrnos H tl


l ISpecial To The Daly) halfback of last season, is reporting I I_4u L
BLOOMINGTON, Ind., Jan. 25.- for track for the first time, and GY
Encouraged by the showings made wll be used on the relay teams and IGREENVILLE S. C., Jan. 25.- kgTYPEWRIyER UERVC-New Cor-1
by several recruit candidates, In- m the broad jump. four football tackls weighing half ona, Royal, Underwood, Reming
Y Assciated PV diana University's track team, FC T a ton on the hoof and each soar- THE PLANADA-Ready for occu- ton portables, also used large and
SAN ANdTrONIO, Tex., Jan. 25.uder Coach E. C. Hayes, contin- ing over six feet in height are gain- pancy by Feb. 1. New and modern portable typewriters of all make
orton Smith the youthful fast- ued to hold workouts in the field In the distance runs, Leas and ing rather than losing weight in 1, 2, and 3-room furnished apart- bought, sold, rented, exchanged.
coming pro fom Joplin, Mo., be- house preparatory to the opening l s haConfere ce in spring practice at Furman uriver-r ents. Call manager, 8979, or ap- cleaned, repaired. Large stock,
came a favorite to win the $6,500 of the indoor season February 9, at and are causing the veterans sity her THea. n acr er pyapartment,1 868788 best service, considerateprices.
Texas open, which starts today, Notre Dame. The Hoosiers thin-Fields, Clapham, and Banks con- abut, 250pnd os. Th 86ghs>,8 Phone 6615. 0. D. Morrill, 17
when he sheared six strokes from ties, for the first time in history, siderable troubl about 250 pounds. They claim to NOTICE Nickels Arcade.
par 71 in a preliminary event yes- will hold at-home indoor meets, Th k t of th d be the heaviest set of tackles in WE BUY USED CLOTHING
terday. entertaining Ohio State and Bur-NJAeMINeFLTtCfHEeRsqa ap- the country. In the group is a;H BENJAMIN FLETCER HALL-Mensonl
Pu-pears to be the field events. Todd, one-eyed man another is red 215 E. Washington Phone 430 dormitory. Reserve your rooms
The youthful Missourian seemed due squads here on successive veteran decathlon star, is the only heded man anted and a E._Wahing__n_ Phn_ 431_ now for the second semester
to be fast. returning to the form week-ends outstanding candidate now report- S headed and left handed, and a T. T. S,,owerd d
that kept him in the lead n the Ging for the pole vault and high thrd has a nub fist The fourth N O T I C E-Chef, experienced in in each room, Maid service.
recent winter tournaments on the In recent trials on the impro- jump, and it is probable that he member is in love but otherwise cafe, hotel and fraternity. Good S gle $4.50, double $3.25 per
Pacific coast where he collected a vised track, several good records will specialize in the former. Todd, normal as far as Coach T. 1B. Amis on pastry. R. Cumby, 1005 Cath- week 915 Sybil St. Phone 4770.
goodly portion of the cash prizes have been turned in. Dash men Smalley, and Patrick, veterans, and can ascertain. crine St. Phone 21806. 92,93,94 79-94
awarded. His 65 tied with that of are prominent among the new- Hughes, recruit, are outstanding in
George Aulbach of Boston for low comers in the Crimson squad. The the weight events at present, while Subscribe to The Michigan Daily, NOTICE-French conversation and NOTICE-H. W. Clark Shoe Factory,
pro scores in the warming-up Hoosiers have been weak in the Rinehart and Hoover, the latter a $2.50 the half year-It's worth it. tutoring by graduate of French corner of South University and
event, shorter distances since the gradu- sophomore, are working in the o o University. $1.50 per hour. Dial Forest. Let us save you 20 per-
One hundred and forty-seven ation of Robert Pepper, sensation- javelin throw. BASEBALL CANDiDATES 6544. Harpenberger. hours 4-5. cent on your repair work. Ons
golfers were scheduled to partici- al dash star of two years ago. Gor- Indiana's relay teams, winners in 91,92,93 one shoe factory in town.
pate in the initial 18-hole round don, Scully, and Stanley, recruits many of the outstanding relay car- All battery candidates reporo ~~_s~~e~~~ct~~y~_n---- ---.
of the main event today. Paired are showing promise in the dashes Iivals in the country, give promise Monday at the Field house. NOTICE-TUTORING. Specialiiug NOTICE - We are closing out our
in threesomes, indications were and may be used in the indoor of being stronger this season than Ray Fisher, Coach. mIn English 31 and 32. Call 22340 full line of Dresses an Wardrobe
that the last starters would be ; meets. in the past. obetween 4 p. n. and p. m. Trunks at cost. Koch & IHenne.
caught by darkness before nego- Parks and Pierre, two promising 89,90,94 c
tiating the Breckenridge course. middle distance men, are giving vet-
Cyril Walker, Paramous, N. Y., erans close competition, and Parks NOTICE-Dial 3916, Moe Laundry,
whose extremely deliberate play appears to be an outstanding 204 N. Main St., for laundry ser-
caused a commotion on the coast prospect in the hurdles. Hatfield, vice with real personal attention
where he was checked out of a Brown, and Leavitt are being tried ike received at home. e
tournament for refusing to let in the hurdles, Hatfield especially TYPING--Theses a specialty. Fair
other players go through him, was showing promise. Faunce, speedy _ rates. M. V. h artsuff. Dial9387.
scheduled to get away in the mid- - rt.l.I u i 93


dIe of the day. HARD SCEDULE LOOMS
After another 18-hole round to- -
morrow, the field will be reduced . FOR WISCONSIN CAGEIRS
to the low 64 scorers, who will cony-
pete over the 36-hole route Sun- (Continued From Page Six)
day.(otne ro aeSx
Another hot favorite of the Walter anct Hal Gieichman recover-
tournament was Bill Mehlhorn of ing from an early season slump,
Fennimore, N. Y., defending cham- "Dutch" Lonborg now has a club
pion. He went around in 68 yes- that will give all comers plenty
terday, and paired with Henry of trouble.
Cuici, Bridgeport, Conn., and Al On March 9 the Card tossers
Watrous, Detroit, was expected to close their season with the Maroons
attract the day's biggest gallery. on the home floor. If Coach Walter
Other entrants include Joe Kirk- Meanwell brings his team along
wood, Albany, Ga., Al Espinosa, without losses from injury or in-
Chicago; Tommy Armour, Wash- eligibility, he should win the finale
ington; Ed Dudley, Los Angeles; from Chicago.
Antony Manero, New York; Billy
Burke, Port Chester, N. Y.; Frank
Walsh, Appleton, Wis., and Trip ,
Speaker, the silverhaired diamond 911T
A cold wave threatened to sweepA
the course today. Rain has marked
the last two annual tournaments. I-2 OFF
It's not the Hole but o
the Cake around t
it that makes
DIAL 2-1640
.Hop Tuxedo Sale! News fromthe
J-H p-T x-I A l.el

RIDING BOOTS from $10 up; golf
shoes from $8 up; moccasins ii
ten different leather styles, $6
All kinds of shoes made to your
measure.-1. W. Clark.J
W A N T E D -- Experienced student
stenographer to work part time.
Good wages. Steady employment.
Must have some selling experi-
ence. Phone 4306 93,94
W A N T E D - Young man wants
r o o m m a t e, second semester.
South front room. One block from
campus. 1015 Monroe. Dial 6601.-
WANTED -Situation - by experi-
enced white woman as cook ini
fraternity or sorority house. Ref-
crences. Box 14. 89,941
WANTED-Law roommate for next
semester. Phone 6950.
FOR RENT-Warm, desirable front
room, single or double. Bus line.
1302 Packard St. Phone 2-1619.
FOR RENT-Single room for man.
Quiet house; all conveniences.
Good location for medical stu-
dent. Phone 9818. 816 E. Kings-
ley. 93,94

FOR RENT--Two single rooms,
warm and pleasant. 516 Walnut.
Phone 8249. 93,4
FOR RENT-Pleasant room in pri-
vate home for second semester
for graduate or business girl. 322
John St. Phone 4539. 93,94
YOR RENT-Single and double
rooms. 518 E. William, Phone
r 9673. 93,94
FOR RENT-A desirable suite, also
single and double rooms, in good
location. 429 S. Division. 93,94
FOR RENT-1317 Washtenaw Ave.
Single room. Phone 4354. 93,94
FOR RENT-Desirable suite and
one single room for men, two
blocks from campus. Call 8994..
FOR RENT --Sute at 520 Thomp-
son, one block from the campus.
FOR RENT-Room for men stu-
dents; one double, also half of a
double suite; clean and warm;
reasonable rent; three minutes
from campus. 707 Tappan. 93,94
FOR RENT.-Two single rooms. 516
Cheever Ct., behind Union. Warm
rooms, rent reasonable. Dial 7073.
FOR RENT-Pleasant front room,
first floor, single or double. Also
two single rooms, second floor.
- Dial 7019. 923 Greenwood. 9394
FOR RENT-Clean, warm front
' suite and single room. 537 Elm.
Phone 5291. 39,94
FOR RENT--Completely furnished
1 apartment and single room for
group of four girls, or apartment
for young couple. Steam heat,
bath including shower. Also gar-
age. Phone 8544 or 9714. 422 E.
Washington. 93,94
FOR RENT-- Large front duit., 2nd
floor, warm and comfortable, also
parlor single or double; across
from Architectural Bldg. 916
Monroe. Dial 2-1141. 92,93,94
FOR RENT-Large front suite for
two or three students, also large
double room, will rent single or
double. Vacancy in a large room
for one man. Garages for rent.
Prices reasonable. 425 S. Division.
FOR RENT--_-A front suite for two
students or two business men.
Dial 4519. .327 Thompson. 92,93
FOR RENT-Close in, ground floor,
steam heated, four rooms, well
furnished apartment, with bath,
for balance of school year; gas,
water and light furnished. Dial
8451. 704 West Huron. 92.93,94
FOR RENT-One large single and
one suite near Law Club, for sec-
ond semester. 517 E. Madison.
Tel. 21888. 91,92,93,94
FOR RENT-A comfortable single
room. Call 8994. 91,92,93
FOR RENT-Nice single or double
room, private family. 312 E. Ann.
FOR RENT-Large desirable suite
jGreenwood. 91,92,93
FOR ROOM-Very warm room for
men students. Continuous hot
f water. Very quiet. 1010 Forest.
- 91,92,93
FOR RENT-A large suite of rooms
for the second semester, situated
near Law Club. Tel. 21888; 517 E.
Madison. 91,92,93,94
FOR RENT-ingle room in private
home. Upped class or graduate
ostudent preferred. Phone 6623.
FOR RENT-Desirable front suite
and single. Reasonable. 529 Wal-
nut. 89,90,91,92,93,94
{ FOR RENT-Double front room,
private family, steam heat, well
lighted, reasonable rates. 1106
Forest. C

FOR RENT-Rooms for men, heat
and hot water all the time. One
suite, one large double, one single.
Call mornings or evenings, 6976,
FOR RENT-Suite on second floor.
Pion 5627. Call af ter 5 p.in, 710
E. Ann. 91,92,93
FOUND-Pair nose- glasses on N.
State. Owner may have by call-
ing.at Michigan Daily ofce and
paying for . this ad. 92,93,94
LOST-A string of gold beads on
campus or in southeast section.
Finder please phone 3318. 93,94
LOST-Pair of dark rimmed glasses
on or near campus. Please call
5107. 93,94
LOST-Valuable papers in manila
folder marked "Carr: Sociology."
Probably left in campus building.
LOST-Pair brown bone glasses in
case. Call 21684.
LOST-Green alligator purse, con-
taining pen and pencil set. 'Lost
on State or Liberty Tuesday. Re-
ward. Dial 7160. 92,93,94


Cor, State iaud Washington Sts.
Arthtur W. Stalker, D.D., Mlinit e
amuel J. Harrison, Associate
Minister and Student Director
10:30 a, i.---Morning Worship.
"Jesus with a Lawyer," Dr.
Stalker's sermon subject.
12 Noon-Three Bible classes.
6 p. m.-"Mysticism," Mr. Rob-
ert Winters, leader of Wesley-
an Guild Devotional meeting.
7:30 p. m. - Evening Worship,
"Peace: A Fruit of the Spirit,"
Rev. Samuel J. Harrison.
Huron and Division Sts,
Merle It. Anderson, Minister
Dale N. Moore, Associate
Mrs. Nellie B. Cadwell, Secretary
for Women
10 a. m.-Student Class, Dale 1-1
Moore, teacher.
10:45 - Morning Worship. Ser-
mon, "The Valid Test in Re-
5:30 p. i.-S o c i a 1 Hour for
Young People.
6:30 p. m.-Y o u 1 g People's
Meeting. Leader, Roger Becker.
611 E, University Dial 3779

O East Huron, below State
R. Edward Sayles, Minister
Howard R. Chpmat,, University
10:30-"TIhe Optimism of Jesus"
will be the topic of sermon by
Mr. Sayles.
12:00-The Church Bible School.
12:00-Student Group meets at
Guild House. Mr. Chapman in

5:30-Social Hour at Guild.
6:30-Devotional m ee t in g at
which Mrs. Helen Elgie Scott
for many years a resident of
China and Japan, will speak
on "The Sounding of a New
Note in World Missions."

(Evangelical Synod of N. A.)
Fourth Ave. between Packard
and Williams
Theodore R. Szhmale
9:00-Sunday school.
10: 00-English service.
S ermngntopic, 'Christians'
Passion for Progress,"
11:00-German service,
7:30-Senior and Intermediate
Young People's League.
409 S. Division St.
10:30 a. m. - Regular Morning
Service. Sermon topic, "Truth."
11.45 a. m.-Sunnrv School fol-

Corner State and William Sts.
Allison Ray Neaps, Minister
10:45 a. m--Morning Worship .
Sermon topic, "The S o u t h
Gate,"-the gate of emotions.,
9:30 a. m.-Church School.
A Jacob Riis program.
5:30 p. m.-Student Fellowship.
Allison Ray Heaps illustrated
lecture, "One Increasing Pur-
Division and Catherine Sts.
ev. Mr. Henry Lewis, Rector
Rev. Mr. T. L. Harris, Assistat
8:00--Ioly Communion.
9:30 - -1 o 1 y Communion and
Chapel. Harris Hall.
9:30-The Church School.
11:00-Morning Prayer and Ser-
mon, Preacher, Henry Lewis.
5:00-Even Song.
6:30-Student Supper.
(Missouri Synod)
Third and West Huron Streets
C. A. Brauer, Pastor
Res. 1005 W. Washington St.
Phone 22341


Washington St. at Fifth Ave.
E. C. Steilhorn, Pastor
9 a. m.-Sunday School.

LOST-Phi Delta Theta pin near
or on campus. Please call 6617.




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