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January 26, 1929 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1929-01-26

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1 iblishd every morning escept Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled t~o the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished herein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
hoard Street.4.
Phones: Editor:al. 4925; Business, 21214.


Telephone 4925
Editor... .............Nelson J. Smith
City Editor.............. Stewart Hooker
News Editor............Richard C. Kurvink
Sports Editor...............W. Morris Quinn
Women's Editor.............Sylvia S. Stone
Telegraph Editor..............George Stanter
Music and Drama ...............R. L. Askcren
Assistant CityEditor..........Robert Silbar
Night Editors
Joseph E. Nowell Charles S. Monroe
Ronald J. Kline Pierce Rosenberg
Lawrence R. Klein George [. Simons
George C. Tilley
Paul L. Adams D~onald E. Layman
Morris Alexander Charles A. Lewis
C. A. Askren Marian McDonald
'Bertram Askwith I lenry Merry
Louise Behynmer Elizabeth Quaife
Arthur Bernstein Victor Rabinowitz
Seton C. Bovee Joseph A. Russell
Isabel Charles Anne Schell
L. R. Chubb Rachel Shearer
Frank m. Cooper Howard Sim-non
Helen Domine Robert L,. Sloss
Margaret Eckels Ruth Steadman
Douglas Edwards A. Stewart
Valborg Egeland (Cadwell Swanson
Robert J. Feldman Jane Thayer
Marjorie Follmer Edith Thomas
William Gentry Beth Valentine
Ruth Geddes G=urney Williams
David B.' Henpstead Jr. Walter Wilds
Richard Jung George F. Wohlgemuth
Charles R. Kaufman Edward L. Warner Jr.
Ruth Kelsey Cleland Wyllie
- Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager-RAYMOND WACHTER
AvriigDepartment Managers1
Advertising...............Alex K. Scherer
Advertising........... .A. James Jordan
Advertising...................Carl W. Hammer
Service.................Herbert E. Varnum
Circulation..............eorge S. Bradley
Accounts..............Lawrence E. Walkley
Publications................. Ray M. Hofelich

pecillyif one, believed in ghosts,
as people must who introduce such
reform laws.Ilas it come to aJ
point where the whole populace of
the nation is in such danger of
"hell's fire" that in order to avoid
overcrowding we must make lawsl
to keep people from pleasures
which up to this time have been
considered righteous, but under
latest interpretation have become
listed under major crimes? Cer-
tainly there can be nothing in the
Bible which condems innocent
amusement of this kind.
If the objection is because of a
temptation to immorality, may we
ask what under the sun is not a
temptation? If it is because some-
body has to work, is it not com-
parable to the work necessitated by
the musical program in churches?
And furthermore, what could be
more noble than the desire of a
person to entertain in an unob-
jectionable way, his fellow men?
Can it be one of these, or is it
the desire of the senator to make
small communities the center of
religious fanaticism and hypocrisy?
Campus Opinion
Contributors are asked to be brief,
confining themselves to less than 300
words ii possible. Anonymous com-
iunications willb be disregarded. The
names of communicants will, however,
be regardled as confidential, upon re-
quast. Letters published should nut be
construed as expressing the editorial
opinion of the Daily.

. 'TH"A-AA Ti. . -ITA1 %A {- L' . 1 4T7.


J L rmM1.iY~~~ .Yi...Y..... .................... ....... .Y. ...... .. .............. Y..f.......

Mary Chase
J eanette Dale
Vernor Davis
Bessie Egeland
Saily Faster
Anna FGodberg
Kasper Halverson
George Hamilton
ack porwich
Djix Humphrey

Marion Kerr
Lillian Kovinsky
Bernard Larson
H olister iabley
I. A. Newman
Jack Rose
Carl F. Schemnm
George Seater
Sherwood Upton
Marie Wellstead


Nebraska's Senate is now con-
sidering a bill introduced Wednes-
day which would prohibit the
presentation of plays, vaudeville,
and even musical concerts on Sun-
day in Nebraska except in cities ofI
more than 5,000 which have chart-
ers with contrary provisions.
There is no information available'
as yet as to whether or not the
bill has a chance of passing, but
the mere fact that it has been in-
troduced 'into a state legislature
shows clearly that the reform fever
has gripped our law-makers. It is
hard to believe that such members
of the legislatures are truly repre-?
senting the opinions of the major-
ity of people for whom they are
acting. It would seem that they
were extremely weak charactersI
who can not resist the "button-
holing" campaigns sponsored by
certain religious sects in this
country. It is despicable attempt
by religious fanatics to force their
dogmas on an unwilling, but docile
This measure is carrying the
spirit of reform even beyond the
point at which Tennessee and
Arkansas stop, with their laws
against the teaching of the theory
of evolution in public schools. It
is even more narrow to have their
beliefs brought under the light of
knowledge for examination. Does
this Nebraska senator wish to add
to the prohibition farce by cutting
off what little amusement is at
present within the law?;
There are any number of small
towns throughout the country
which would approach a state of
comprehensive rigor mortis were
the townspeople to be left without
plays, vaudeville or music of any
kind. There would be far more,
entertainment in a cemetery, es-I

To the Editor:
The amusing lines published un-
der this heading in The Daily for
Friday are indeed surprising and
startling. With the 'best reten-
tions the American Housewives
have taken a tolerable attitude yet
weakened their stand by some silly
prejudices and thoughtless lan-
In expressing the opinion of a
small group of men I am sure we
will not revert to the hoop-skirt
bathing suit of the past. It is in-
deed regrettable that the lad;ies
are now to go in bathing with all
the superfluous woolens that they
can carry. They seem to forget
that bathing is a sport and an
exercise in which one tries to swim
as fast and as easily as possible,
and this surely cannot be done
with twenty-five pounds of water
soaked cloth. There is nothing in-
decent or vulgar in the modern one
piece bathing suit. The modern
girls who wear them have certain-
ly no "vulgar exhibitionist com-
plex" in my opinion. They are as
sensible and as refined as it is nec-
essary for them to be.
Men have always liked women
with the best womanly qualities.
The brass-faced bold girl is never
'highly regarded by men, but is
merely a play-thing, a once-over
date to brawl with, commanding
and receiving no respect, and
usually seen in places where the
men will not take their esteemed
girl friends. Invariably the bold,
hard girl is the laughing stock of
every "bull-session."
Skirts decently short need not go
to the ankles. There is nothing in-
I decent in knee skirts to the right
thinking average man. They are
convenient and sensible.
If the housewives leaders think
"It is now chic to be modest" I
might remind them that it has al-
ways been chic to be modest for
Christian women of England and
America during several centuries.
The entire tone of the "House-
wives" appeal is silly and carping. I
would suggest that they use a more
refined appeal in better language
if they are to receive the attention
of our better modern girls.
I trust that our future house-1
wives will turn out to be as good
as the American housewife of the
past, despite the fact that present
sociological trends indicate a slightJ
confusion in the home life of ad-!
vanced countries. Let us hope that!
no further slanders of this sort
will be addressed to our campust
A' Male Grad.

CAMPUS HISTORY interpret the play as the author
Only a professional sceptic-one had intended, was one of the no-
of the sourly pessimistic sort-- table things about the whole affair.
could fail to admit that what went The first play on the bill, was
on in old University Hall last eve- Helen Adler's "Side-Show," a de-
ning, when the Department of lightful little whimsy, a curtain-
Speech gave a laboratory produc- raiser eight or nine minutes long,
tion of six student-written one-act picturing Punch and Judy in pri-
plays, is to make history on this vate life. It is a play of delicacy
campus. It is not, of course, that and insight, a fantasy too much
this is the first time a student-writ- like life to seem remote or too
ten play has been produced at amusing. Miss Adler can write, and'
Michigan. There was the old she has dramatic sense, both of!
"Players' Club," for instance, whose which capabilities one would like
home products were staged in the to see exercised in a longer piece.
diminutive barn-theater over on {1Vigorously realistic is Jerome Mc-
North Side; there was a time too, Carthy's "My Man," a grim traggly
I believe, when students really of the present time, with enough
wrote the book for the Union melodramatic dressing bo insure
Opera, and when-though this is good theater. The play centers
more problematical-a junior girl about the matrimonial aspirations
really composed the Junior Girls' of Liz, a waitress in a "cheap
Play. But the laboratory produc- joint" of a shabby American vil-
tion of student plays last night was ' lage, whose wistful dreams of a'
something different. Here, for the new life, "away from all this," go
first time in the life of this Uni- tumbling. Mr. McCarthy's play is
versity, so far as I am aware, was convincing and it has dramatic
a combination of student dramatic power and intensity of a high or-
writing with student production, der, the kind which grows out of
under something like the condi- a clear realization of character and
tions which must prevail if we are situation.
to be assured of a successful future "Believe It or Not," Mr. Heyman
of creative dramatic wok, challenges his audience, in a short!
production, growing as it sophisticated comedy in two scenes,
did out of the play-writing contest which seems to be serious until
-Which has recently enjoyed given an adroit pull-up at the end.
varied publicity in these and other Mr. Heyman is neatly competent
columns of The Daily-has behind as a craftsman; his dialogue,
it those forces in the University marked by quietly cynical over-
most interested in the creation of tones, is good, and his plan for
an artistic original drama. on our staging original and effective.
campus, that is, the students who The most sophisticated play of
are directly engaged in play-writ- the bill is Mr. Askren's "Passion's
ing and the three departments of progress," a bit of a modern farcical
the Division of English, which, un- comedy of manners, in which the
der the new plan, are working in author sets out to present in clever,
cooperation with each other on ironic dialogue his ideas on the
such matters. Moreover, the student psychology of sex. Here the stage
impulses behind both the writing seems to be set for what has be-
and producing of these plays are come a conventionally naive tri-
entirely in the direction of excel- angular situation with emphasis on
lence in drama, unfettered by con- mutual sexual athleticism, but the
siderations of box-office receipts merit of the play arises out of the
and the direct or indirect influence fact that nothing comes of it. There
of Broadway taste. is a Molnaresque flavor to Mr.
A Askren's irony, and now and again
CAMPAIGN l some of the touch and go of the
Moliere, we are told, used to havesMeftedoueh gc he
laboratory productions of his playsMilne type of dialogue which makes
in hisorynpode.ismethod as one pleasantly expectant about the
inthings he has yet to write
to read his comedies to an old
Dorothy Ackerman's "Outside
woman who was his housekeeper, This Room" is a serious drama of
as she sat with her work at the domestic life in Switzerland. Miss
fireside. Her judgment, Moliere Ackerman has, in Madame Black-
found, was infallible: what she
liked theauincelied;w he man, presented a case of conflict
liked the audiences liked; where- in which a naturally kindl an
ever she laughed they laughed. Oneiwhichwan linl and
suspects that this old woman was'wesoe woanwihandaged
a shewd neand newa god Idependent husband on her hands is~
a shrewd one, and knew a good Ifaced with the necessity of having
thing when she saw it. That made to live. The strength of the play
Moliere's problem simple enough. lies in the quiet subtlety with which
The simultaneous staging of six the author brings to the surface
plays by the Speech department the inner spiritual turmoil which
last night was not so simple. To exists in an outwardly calm and
find casts and competent direc- uninteresting situation-the hard
tors for so many plays is in itself craft of Madame Blackman, the
no easy task. But a more serious suspicious resentment of the
difficulty was our utter lack of a icgirls,
who, with but - a preverted notion
suitable place and the proper Iof the truth, have come to regard
equipment to give those engaged Madame Blackman as a monster to
in producing the plays a chance. aaeBaka samntrt
.s a chancebe feared and hated, and have per-
In a school where money is lavish-.

mitted their hatred and suspicion
ly expended on every hand, many to color even more darkly their al-
times for less worth while things
ready introverted, circumscribed I
than cultivation of the drama, old;lives.
University Hall is a crime. An affair T
such as this laboratory experimentnshedmthemteriallfonrtur
demonstrates anew the need for ath
IHinckley's genially satiric farce,
university theater with at adequate
endowent o prvidemean for"The Joiners," in which the habit-I
endowment to provide means for ual "=joiner"--of lodges chiefly--isC
doing the things we are now ob- uade "oipneteflodge chniefis
made completely, but convincingly, C
viously ready to do. It is a tribute
ridiculous. There would have beenI
to Mr. Windt and his capable assis-ftnC
four to start with in the new lodge
tants that they keep going under ~ '
if the "Bears" and the "Priests"
present conditions, cheerfully un- couldeonlyeave agred;rbute [
could only have agreed; but they
complaining, and through sheer didn't, so there were born in on
force of enthusiasm are getting dint'oteewr on inon
breath as it were, two new brother- I
fine results. But the present state hoods instead of one, two charter i C
of things in- physical equipment is members in each. Mr Hinckle
no credit to Michigan. It is high meers in wathe set outctoedoC
. . succeeded in what he set out to do,
time, just now when conditions are'C
. ~and aue i uinet h
ripe for a fine cooperative creative n amused his audience to the
effort drama, for some one to int of hilarity.
effort in dgrmaiforcsomeignetoThere are many things one would
stage an aggressive campaign like to say about each director. ,
I . 11t'~ itC f'19] iAthl'r ®t vr~

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Pardon Us, Mr. Derby, If WE Laugh

1 :

d universayTna y Lern ad enough
money to keep it going.
But to return to the nro Aram last

each play, each set of characters,
as individual pieces of work im-
pressed those of us in the audience,
but a few random remarks must

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