, JANU ARY - V2 5; -192 THE MICHICAN DAILY --- - - t K w . ', f -X f 1 : VARSITY HAS TROURL MOLEET ETA TOIN r IND1ANA TO DEDICATEl MEET SPARTANS TFONIGIT (Continued From Page Six) yT by both teams since Michigan is " anxious to wipe out the defeat sus- (Continued From Page Six) tained last Saturday at the Lands (Continued From Page Six) Varsity a 19-18 lead. Weiss offset!Of the Mountainers of West Vir- against the Crimson tankmen are the narrow advantage with his ginia, where a fall in the initial Ilosmer, McDonald, McCaffree, 0. heod lap dns tamet l i match of the dy ultimately causedjGoldsmith, Hughes and Dinkelspiel a 14 to 12 loss. State has spent a in the free style; Grimshaw and- and followed with two free throws. period of two weeks in intensive;.f.e.a "Truck" cut the margin when he practice following the rout at the Nimz in the fancy diving; Alley, caught the freshmen sleeping after hands of Chicago and is hoping to and R. Goldsmith in the breast a mix up under the Varsity basket, make a better appearance on its stroke. All these men have shown second attempt. their worth in practice. and tooK a tong pass to drop a dog Indiana will have several veter.- shot through the hoop. Daniels without a point. ans on the brought the yearling total to 24 Truskowski tied the count with Tausaon the s d that Coach with a dog shot following a fast another free throw, and Bill Orwig Bob Winston, free styler star, is break and dribble. Chapman re- slipped through the yearling de recognied as the bestof. hest . sumed his center position and fense on two fast feints and drib- Last year Winston defeated Sch- guarded Daniels, McCoy going out, biles to add four points to the reg;-LatyrWito deaed5- ular's scre. ap wartz, Northwestensaquaticace and Kanitz taking over the pivot uhas w scorNorthwestern'sedauuatic floor duties. derneath the basket, made bothhis t 40-yard free style in a dual Orwig started his scoring ram- gratis tosses good and followed meet. Winston suffered an injury page with a dog shot after a pass with two more points on a break in football last fall, however, and from Truskowski, and Chapman and dribble from the free throw may not be in the best of condition tied the score at 24-24 a moment line. . Orwig came through with Hodges in the 440-yard event, later. Orwig counted a free throw, another dog shot .after some fast Lauter in the breast stroke, and but Jones, yearling center, offset passing near the basket, and drop- Hammer in the back stroke are the Varsity's temporary advantage ped in two free throws a moment other threats included on the with a tip in shot on a follow up. later. Truskowski ended the scor- Hoosier squad. Indiana was not Regulars Finish Strong ing with two more free throws. especially strong in Conferencex With the count 26-25 against - tank circles last year, but the Hoos- them, the Varsity proceeded to UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA. iers have shown considerable im- find its passing game, and display- -A special course in flight and provement this season. ed an offense that scored 15 points commission training as a part of The meet is scheduled for Feb. 2 in 'the lasst three miinutes while the Engineerin school. willi be of- Iin the new intramural buildinv' CLASSIFIE D ADVERTISING NOTICES NOTICE-Dial 3916, Moe Laundry, N O T I C E-Chef, experienced in 204 N. Main St., for laundry ser- cafe, hotel and fraternity. Good vice with real personal attention on pastry. R. Cumby, 1005 Cath- like received at home. C erine St. Phone 21806. 92,93,94 TYPING-Theses a specialty. Fair rates. M. V. Hartsuff. Dial 9387. NOTICE-French conversation and c tutoring by graduate of French RIDING BOOTS from $10 up; golf University. $1.50 per hour. Dial shoes from $8 up; moccasins i. 6544. Harpenberger. Hours 4-5. ten different leather styles, $6 91,92,93 All kinds of shoes made to your PIANO TUNING-The Concert Art- e W 'r ist Piano Tuner, phone 6776, Vic- tor Allmendinger. Not with any WANTED music house. Exclusive piano W A N T E D - Young man wants tuner for the University School roommate, second semester. of Music. Office at residence, South front room. One block from 1608 Morton Ave. campus. 1015 Monroe. Dial 6601. Wed., Thu., Fri., c 92,93,94 MACK TUTORING AGENCY WANTED - Situation - by experi- 310 S. State. Phone 7927 enced white woman as cook in T. T. F. c fraternity or sorority house. Ref- erences. Box 14. 89,94 NOTICE-TUTORING. Specializing in English 31 and 32. Call 22340 WANTED-Law roommate for next between 4 p. m. and 6 p. m. semester. Phone 6950. 89,90,94 88,89,90,91,92,93 'YPEWRITER SERVICE-New Cor- ona, Royal, Underwood, Reming- FOR SALE ton portables, also used large and porabe tperiersofallmaesFOR SALE-$55 Truxedo, one sea- bportable typewriters of all makes son old, but has been used very aught, sold,rented, exchanged little and shows no wear at all, cleaed, epared.Lare stck. can be had for $12. Its size is No. best service, considerate prices. 37 or 38. It is tailored in latest Phone 6615. O. D. Morrill, 1'i style, a straight hanging.coat Nickels Arcade. with long, easy rolling lapel. The -- -- - - ants are tailored with full 20- FOR RENT-Approved single room! for girl; light, comfortable, well- heated; no other roomers. Part rent for minor services. Granger Ave. Phone 7734. 92 F 0 R R E N T-Two single rooms, I $3.50 and $4.00. Dial 8053. 603 E.I University. 92 FOR RENT---A front suite for two students or two business.men. Dial 4519. 327 Thompson. 92,93 FOR RENT-Close in, ground floor, steam heated, four rooms, well furnished apartment, with bath, for balance of school year; gas, water and light furnished. Dial 8451. 704 West Huron. 92.93,94 FOR RENT-One large single and one suite near Law Club, for sec- ond semester. 517 E. Madison. Tel. 21888. 91,92,93,94 FOR RENT-A comfortable single room. Call 8994. 91,92,93 FOR RENT-Nice single or double room, private family. 312 E. Ann. 91,92,93 FOR RENT-Large desirable suite and single room. Call 8194. 939 Greenwood. 91,92,93 FOR ROOM-Very warm room forI menRstudents. Continuous hot water. Very quiet. 1010 Forest. 91,92,93 FOR RENT-A large suite of rooms for the second semester, situated near Law Club. Tel. 21888; 517 E. Madison. 91,92,93,94 FOR RENT-Furnished rooms. Two warm, pleasant double rooms, $2.75 each. Single rooms $3 each. Two blocks from campus. 555 S. Division. Dial 8072. 91,92 FOR RENT-Combination of three rooms for four men. Shower bath and modern conveniences. South- eastern part of city. Call 21211. 90,91,92 FOR RENT-Suite on second floor at 710 Tappan. Phone 5627 after 5 p. m. 90,91,921 FOR RENT-Two front rooms, well lighted and comfortable, each suitable for two. Also serve board. If interested please dial 9386. 90,91,92 FOR RENT-Pleasant front room, first floor, single or double. Also two single rooms, second floor. Dial 7019. 923 Greenwood. 90,91,92 FOR RENT-Single room in private home. Upped class or graduate student preferred. Phone 6623. 89,90,91,92,93 FOR RENT-Desirable front suite and single. Reasonable. 529 Walt- nut. 89,90,91,92.93,94 FOR RENT-Double front room, private family, steam heat, well lighted, reasonable rates. 1106 Forest. c FOR RENT-Rooms for men, heat and hot water all the time. One suite, one large double, one single. Call mornings or evenings, 6976. 89,90,91,92,93,94 FOR RENT-One single room in private home. Upperclassmen or graduate student preferred. 87,88,89,90;91,92 FOR RENT-Suite on second floor. Phone 5627. Call after 5 p. m. 710 E. Ann. 91,92,93 FOUND smothering the yearling offense I I fered. !POOL FLE'TCI1ER HALL - Men's only dor mitory. Reserve your rooms now for the second semester.1 ShIower baths, hot and cold water in each room. Maid service. tingpe $4.50, double $3.25 per week. 915 Sybil St. Phone 4770.-4 79-94 \TOTICE-I. W. Clark Shoe Factory, corner of South University and Forest. Let us save you 20 per- cent on your repair work. Only one shoe factory in town. NOTICE - We are closing out our full line of Dresses, and Wardrobe Trunks at cost. Koch & Henne. c inch leg. Phone' 5017 and ask for "Tom" during the noon hour, or call at 502 E. Madison and ar- range to see it. 89,90,91,92,93,941 FOR RENT FOR RENT-Large front suite, 2nd floor, warm and comfortable, also parlor single or double; across from Architectural Bldg. 916' Monroe. Dial 2-1141. 92,93,94 FOUND-Pair nose glasses on N. State. Owner may have by call- ing at Michigan Daily office and paying for this ad. 92,93,94 FOUND-A gold wrist watch, Fri- day. Owner may have same by identifying and paying for this ad. Phone 21130. 90,91,92 LOST LOST-Valuable papers in manila folder marked "Carr: Sociology." Probably left in campus building. LOST-Pair brown bone glasses in case. Call 21684. LOST-Green alligator purse, con- taining pen and pencil set. Lost on State or Liberty Tuesday. Re- ward. Dial 7160. 92,93,94 LOST-Phi Delta Theta pin near or on campus. Please call 6617. 92,93;94 FOR RENT-Large front suite for two or three students, also large double room, will rent single or double. Vacancy in a large rooh for one man. Garages for rent. Prices reasonable. 425 S. Division. 92,93,94 FOR RENT-Single and double rooms close to the campus; rea-I sonable rates; 611 Church St. Call 9138. 90,91,92 kUR RENT-Single room with use of sleeping porch for second se- mester. 1102 Prospect. 90,91,92 Iii~ LU~J ~J ~J .ie ifJ~i Ji~ W ~Ji~J~J~JW ~ ~JW ~ ~J~J J~JJ ~JW ~~J ~J~J~W ~ W ~ W~J ~i .J ~ ~Ji~JEU 1JL~ ~. EUEU U ii EUEU !.IEU EUE EUilE - :1 I1 I Correct Informal Evening Dress 14 , 2 OPer Cent DISCOUNT L is now in effect iol Our enitire Sto~ of footwear. i