J ... .. .. a v . a v ts i i r- a t ..LJ7 G9LLJL Y3"t U'.~il. a.HcI N fli y 1 Music And Drama 'I Flowing Pen of That Old Narrator, Tap Who's that comin' down theystreet? Who's that lookin' so deplete? Why, boys, that's an agent! Why should he look so run down? Why is he just leavin' town? Why, boys, he's an agent! What's the heinous crime he's done? Why does he shrink so from the' sun? to AND NOW, WHAT DO YOU THINK OF DRAMA AT MICHIGAN? We hope that someone had warned Walter Pritchard Eaton that he was treading on dangerous ground when he spoke of the state of the drama at this University. But whether or not he was warned, we have still before us the fact that he managed rather success- fully to make the dramatic activ- ity (so-called) at the University of Michigan look like the elecution ef- forts in a fifth rate American high school. Not that he intended to do any- thing like that. Facts he was dealing with-and facts he had. The talk of the University Wits of the Elizabethan stage-those young men who stepped from the academic halls of English Univer- sities to revolutionize the drama- made the starting point of Eaton's allegations that the Universities have had their place of power in the formation of the English- spoken drama. Then rapidly the speaker came to our own country and our time. The famous "47 Workshop" of Prof. Baker at Harvard, according to Eaton, 'marked the rise of the influence of the University on the dram( of our country. In this workshop were bred and trained the men who today are making our drama-playwrights, design- ers, directors, managers. Now for the facts. Of the best American plays produced in this country in a single year-two years ago, by the way-more than 80 per cent of them were written by writ- ers trained in American universi- ties. More than 50 per cent of the managers and directors of drama- tic enterprise came from the same source. And in this country today we have Prof. Baker at Yale, and the North Carolina players at the University of North Carolina, from whose midst came Paul Green, author of the Pulitzer Prize Play, "In Abraham's Bosom." Mr. Eaton's talk, in its entire- ty, threw down a challenge which fell directly at our; own door. To appreciate that in the last twenty years the Universities have pro- duced the Eugene O'Neills, who to- day are redeeming the American drama from the "ten-twent-thirt" era and the bedroom farce deluge, and to understand that this influ- ence is directly in proportion to the interest which the Universi- ties have taken in dramatics in the - last twenty years, constitutes a gauntlet which none can run but the brave. The dramatically minded peo- ple of the campus were immediate- ly faced with the question of what the University of Michigan is do- ing. Sadly enough, the answer "Nothing." Such plays as "The Butter and Egg Man" and "The Best People," while they may pro- vide entertainment, contribute nothing to the American stage. We have within our midst not one single agency which has for its purpose the production on the stage of student plays. The shades of Dodo have passed away and we are left with nothing but the ashes of popular plays which have prov- en their worth on Broadway and are produced for their box office value. Want Ads Pay ; J / p , I Y \ \ \ \\\ - \ \ \ , \ 'i .5, INITE. DA c MAT. 7:00 R G 2:0 NOW! ACTION! THRILLS! "T H E W AR N I N G " with JACK HOLT and DOROTHY REVEIR Our Gang Comedy M. G. M. News Ask us about "CHUM MATINEES" They Save You Plenty A k - a \\ >\ \ \\ " .j ' ,, ,1*4 .55y {, I-.4 You will assist us in fur- nishing service at your ,, new address when you want it, if you will notify our business office ten days before you move TELEPHONE Cam. -'4 Pr' '. 7 . ..y_ _:. ,, . , ,_ ; ...' - .' r '1:+. Yi4riMl+c slc a*. ' ll+'Yw4 " f ,l . '" " r . .,,,. 4" +n.. r ".,, . , ti ' -..., 1 \\ ./ ° ' " s Thousands of dollars are sown each year on the opera. And, shamefully enough, thousands are reaped. But if one sets down in plain letters the accomplishments of the University of Michigan in experiment, they are almost negliible. "Beggarman" - "The Cradle Song"-"The Last Warning" -these come to mind. But they are smothered beneath hundreds of trivialities, even some banali- ties. But this is not alone mere rant- ing. We hereby constitute the Music and Drama Column, and a few members sufficiently inter- ested, as a committee to entertain comments and suggestions from people on the campus interested in dramatics. Prof. Campbell should be intrigued. Mortimer Shuter and Valentine Windt should bury the hatchet and come forward. The president of Comedy Club, Thurs- ton Thieme, should enlist the serv-' ices of the club. Any other actors, producers, professors, deans, and above all, students, are asked to contribute.^ After the cheering HE great stadium seems a living thing, swaying; swinging, moving with each play on the field. When the last fan has gone and there remains only crumpled programs and bits of torn tickets, the stadium takes on another aspect-cold, strong, gigantic, its empty seats rising row upon row. Have you ever stopped to consider what it means to build a stadium? More than concrete, more than steel and cement go into it. Knowledge of climatic conditions, drainage conditions, sub- soil. Knowledge of engineering and construction. For the stadium must be as perman'ent as a power plant or dam. Stone & Webster's engineers design and build stadiums, power plants, factories. Twenty millions of people are now supplied with light and power furnished by stations built by Stone & Webster. The story doesn't end with construction. Stone & Webster finances utility and industrial concerns, and operates gas, electric and transportation companies in many parts of the world. You'll find the Stone & Webster organization is worth knowing and worth