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January 24, 1929 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-01-24

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TIiJUSDAY,; ,ANITA1RY 24, 1929

Quiestionaires Are Due! y S
The Questionaires distributed by the Deparnnt of PhysicalECNFT
cation for Women, were clue on Wednesday, January 23. Will the house
presidents who have not yet attended to this, please cooperate by Whatever may be your views on that we were actually :n Detroit
Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members {returning the qucstionaires as promptly as possible? thc subject of talking pictures in w h c n La Guinan announced
of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi- Laurie E. Campbell !general, it must be admitted that "you're feeling good now, but wait
dent until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. t. Saturday.) in the line of newsreels at least, till you get your check!"
Students in Engineering Mechanics I: they possess unusual entertain- The Fox is a beautiful theater, Mmbe
Vol. 39. THURSDAY, JANUARY 24, 1929 No. 91. Thursday ad Friday at 430 Room 101 Wt Engineering Build- ment value. probably surpassing anything that Will
For instance, at Mr. Fox's new Chicago has to offer, and distinctly
mg, there will be a discussion of methods of solutions of problems in temple of amusement in Detroit worth visiting when you're in De-
Automobile Regulation: Engineering Mechanics I by a member of the Mechanics Faculty. All we saw a ten minute Movitone troit.
J-Hop Permits students interested are invited to attend. News Reel this week that was as At The Local Theaters'EXCE
Temporary permission to drive cars for the period beginning at 121 F. N. Menefee j good as anything on the entire A wide variety of film fare is of-
o'clock noon, Friday, Feb. 8 and ending at 3:00 A. M., Monday, Feb. 11th, two-and-a-half hour program. In- fered for the latter half of the. At 7
will be granted under the following conditionse Announcement for Students in the Curriculum of Social Work: eluded among the sound shots was week, Conrad Nagel in "Red Wine" chapte
I. Students possessing regular permits to operate motor ve-e the actual reception of a Byrd ia- with the Illini Singing Band (Rah! search
hieles will not be required to re-register their cars for this occa- I have the announcement of examinations to be held by the Juvenile dio message that had travelled a Rah!) on the Michigan stage, I guest o
Sion. Court of Chicago for probation officers; also a similar notice from mere 10,000 miles from the bottom David Rollins and Nancy Drexel the Ea
IL Other students desiring to drive cars for the above periods the Detroit Department of Public Welfare of an examination to be held 1a the world to the top of a sky- (or Nany Rexel as the Maj sign- active
may apply at the Office of the Dean of Students between the dates for Social Sevice Investigators. In this latter case those who take scraper in Times Square. board would have it) in a prep- ment
of January 24th and February 7th, at which time they must be the examination are limited to residence in Detroit. In the case of the Then care ne sonorous tones of school picture. "Prep and Pep," and a
in possession of Chicago opportunity, the residence requirement is waived. I shall be Dean Paul McNutt of the Indiana and at the Wueith Chester Conk- the vi
1. Written consent of parents. glad to consult with students who may be interested in these opportuni- Law School, recently elected na- ln holds forth in "Taxi 13." and p
gladtional commander of the American We've seen the last and found' pt
2. Driver's license. ties at my office 2 to 4 Friday afternoons. Those students who are LiiontlandfrohecAmeriafairly entetanind foedpartm
3. License number of the car which they Would like to taking the work in the Social Service Curriculum should apply at 107 And finally we were introduced to concerning a decitai dv This
operate. Economics Bldg. for a blank that will be of service both to the Depart- Texas Guinan's night club in New who gets mixed up with a dan- which
Special permission will not be granted until the above informa- ment and the student when the question of placement comes up. York, saw and heard everybody gerous gang of crooks. Marshall on th
tion is in this office, and no applications will be conside:ed after _ A. E. Wood giving everybody else a "great big Nelan directed. Physic
5:00 P. M., Thursday, February 7Th. hand," and were relieved to know B. J. A. four y
III. It must be understood that special permission is granted Physics 37-Problem Examination: was d
to a person to operate only the automobile which is registered in Physics 37 Problem Examination will be held Saturday at 2 o'clock Department of Mathematics: and a
this office, and that such permission applies only to one car and I the class room. Final examinations for the first semester in courses 1, 2, 3, 4, 7,l of the
to the student who registers. J. S. Donal and 51 in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts will be held' lyequ
IV. Under no circumstances will special permission be given Tuesday, January 29, 2 to 5 p. m. according to the followin schedule: rngot
to students to bming their cars to Ann Arbor before 12 o'clockT.orgsto
noon, on Friday, February 8th, nor will special permission be given Physical Education Students: Courses 1, 2, 3, 4, and 7: Physic
to any student to drive a car home after 8 A. M., Monday, Feb- The Intramural Offices are now located at the new Intramural Instructor Anning, Room 1035 A. H.; Baten, 1025 A. H.; Beale, 1035 featur
ruary 11th. Sports Building. Telephone 22101. A. H.; Bradshaw, 35 A. H.; Bushey, 25 A. H.; Coe, 231 A. H.; Cohen, which
J. A. Bursley, Dean Intramural Department 1.035 A. H.; Field, 1025 A. H.; Fuller, 25 -A. H.; Leith, 1025 A. H.; Menge, equipp
West Gallery, A. M. H.; Mills, 2225 A. H.; Munro, 25 A. H.; Raiford, servic
University Loan Committee: Political Science 31: West Gallery, A. M. H.; Rainich, 2225 A. H.; Swingle, 231 A. H.; Wagner, ed on
The University Loan Committee will meet on Thursday, January The final examination in this course will be given Saturday after- 35 A. H. units,
24, at 3:00 p. m., in Room 2, University Hall. noon, January 26, in the following rooms in Angell Hall: Course 51: are g
All students applying for loans from the University funds should Mr. Pollock's sections in room 1025. All sections, West Gallery, A. M. H. tions.
arrange to appear before the Committee at this time. Mr. Preuss' sections in room 1025. Any students taking course 51 and any one of courses 1, 2, 3, 4, and lt p
J. A. Bursley, Chairman Mr. Calderwood's sections in room 35. 7. will report for courses 1, 2, 3, 4, or 7 as scheduled above, and for batter
Mr. Cuncannon's sections in room 25. course 51 at 7:00 p. m. Tuesday, January 29, in room 3003 Angell Hall. 2 to 1
University Lecture: Mr. Phillip's sections in room 25. S. E. Field The
Dr. Ernst Dieg, Associate Professor of the History of Art at Bryn Mr. Maddox's sections in room 1035.Icarrie
Mawr College will give a lecture on the subject "Borobudur, The Temple James K. Pollock, Jr. Spanish & rench Conflicts:
of the Thousand Buddhas," in the, Natural Science Auditorium at 4:15 . .Students who have conflicts between Spanish and French will be to the
p. in., Monday, January 28. The public is cordially invited. Zoology 1: given a special Spanish examination on Monday, February 4, 2:00- includ
F. E. Robbins Room assignments for the Final Examination on Friday, January 5:00 o'clock in room 103 R. L. soft x
25, 3 to 6 p. in.. have been posted in each laboratory and in the C. P. Wagner light
University Lecture: corridor case near Room 2091, N. S. Please consult this list before laboa
Professor Paul Hazard, of the College de France, Exchange Professor the time of the examination. Aeronautical Society: equip
at Harvard University this semester, will lecture in French Thursday, A. E. Woodhead The final list of members of the Society, which is to be put into work,
the Michiganensian, has been placed on the Aernautical Department I er, bo
January 24, at 4:15 o'clock, in room 103 Romance Languages, on "Les bulletin board (basement, East Engineering Building). Each memberlence
Voyagesde Chateaubriand." The publcisc nvited. Geology I: kindly check his name on the list before Friday night. Of s
F. E. Robbns The supplementary examination for those that missed the regular S. B. Chadman, Treasurer this ti
examination of January 18 will be given today at 4 o'clock in Room are bc
University Lecture: 4054 N. S. Notice: nature
Professor Hans Naumann, of the U versity of Frankfurt, and Karl . D. Scott Mr. W. E. Walker, representing the Real Silk Hosiery Company, the s
Schutz Proessor at the University of Wisconsin, will give a lecture (tonIwill be at 415 East Jefferson Street, every evening from 5:30 to 7:30 beeni
German) on the subject "Rainer Ma is Rilke and the Transition to History 5 and 105: until February 1, to interview students interested in part-time work for particl
Expressionism" in the Natural Science Auditorium at 4:15 p. in., Thurs- Final examination Wednesday morning, January 30, in the follow- the second semester, and full time work for the summer vacation. theori
day, January 24. The public is cordially invited. F l mane y o g nr3ihingirooms; J. A. Bursley or bun
F.M obis igr.ooms scin-aua cineadtru.merts
F._E.______n Mr. Scott's sections-Natural Science auditorium. ISeniors in Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and epar
Business Administration Lecture: M-. Manyon's sections-Room 1025 Angell Hall. Chemistry: ing in
Mr. Alex Dow, President of the Detroit Edison Company will speakI Mr. McGee's sections-Room 25 Angell Hall. Dr. Krauss -and Dr. Forrester of the DuPont Company will be in a deci
ol "Business Policies of the Detroit Edison Company" on Thursday, Jan- I Preston Slosson room 2028 East Engineering Building on Friday, January 25, to inter- these
nary 24,,at 4:15 p. m. in Room 1035 Angell Hall. The' public is invited. view men desiring positions in the operating departments of the DuPont Res
C. E. Griffin History 93: Rayon Company. Please make appointments with Miss McKim today sively
I_._Final examination Monday, January 28, 2 to 5 p. in., in Room or early tomorrow morning. includ
University Radio Program: 103 Romance Languages building. Alfred II. White comple
Station WJR will broadcast the following program from the Uni- Preston Slosson Seniors and Graduate Students in Chemistry and Chemical of the
versity studio at 7:00 o'clock this evening. All those interested are Engineering: progr
ar stoEygineering:n
invited to the studio auditorium to hear and view the broadcasting. 'StorY : Mr. Henry N. Marsh of the Hercules Powder Company will be in heari
Speakers--Dr. John Garvey, The Effect of Alcohol on the Nervous Final examination Tuesday morning, February 5, in the Newbrr3 room 2028 East Engineering Building today, to interview men for em- ineer
System; Professor Ned Dearborn, Michigan's Fur Bearing Animals; Hall Auditorium. ployment by his company, which manufactures explosives, naval s res, gineeri
Re: Preston Slosson and cellulose products. Please make appointment with Miss M im gins
Professor J. Raleigh Nelson, Work and Publicity in Engineering Re-_____ of ins
search; Professor Charles C. Fries, Editing The Early Modern English elir. Wenley's Kar g. Class: Alfrcd . Wt for m
Dictionary.r. Wenley regrets that he cannot meet his Kant class on Friday. and ir
Musical Program: Dr. Norman L. Capener accompanied by Arthur Mr.W.tt.eK cnFiy .
t Wh tM L e C iin M Wenley S i C. A. Cabinet: Ci

rs Of Honor Research Society
Be Given Chance To See
East Physics Building
:30 o'clock Friday the local
r of Sigma Xi, national re-
'honor society, will be th
f the Physics department in
st Physics building. All the
researches of the depart-
will be open for inspection
n effort will be made to give
sitors an idea of the extent
urpose of the Physics' de-
ent research program.
is the first opportunity
has been afforded any group
campus to inspect the East
s building since its opening
ears ago. The building, which
lesigned solely for research
dvanced instruction, is one
most modern and complete-
ipped University physics lab
ies in this country, accord-
Prof. R. A. Sawyer, of the
:s department. A special
e is the completeness with
every research room is
)ed with water, gas, and other
es. The building is construct-
the unit plan with 12 fot
and at every 12 feet there
is, water, and sewer connec-
Compressed.air, 110 and 220
ower circuits and connections
e switchboard with storag e
y potentials of any size from
000 volts are also available.
researches at present being
d on embrace the entire radi-
field from the shortest x-rays
long infra-red heat rays, and
le researches on penetrating
-rays, ultra-violet, and visible
and heat radiation. The
.tory is one of the best
Ped in the world for this
according to Professor Sawy-
th in completeness and excel-
of its equipment.
pecial interest to scientists at
me are the researches which
in g carried on regarding the
of electrons. The electron,
nallest electric charge, has
until recently regarded as a
le of matter, , but recent
es regard it more as a wave,
idle of waves. Several experi-
are being carried on in the
tment with the hope of gain-
formation which will enable
sion to be made between
conflicting theories.
arch in sound is also exten-
developed. The equipment
es a sound proof laboratory
etely isolated from the rest
building. The researches in
ss include work on binaural
g and several important en-
Ing researches, under the
ion of the Department of En-
ing research, on the design
pection and testing devices
easuring the noises in gears

Evans in ElIzabethuan LUteU ongs-w nen toner iLAuw r uai g 01 ,16b l
and, The Cypress Curtain of the Night, by Thomas Campian, There is a
Lady Sweet and Kind, and, Since First I Saw Your Face, by Thomas
Ford. Benjamin Z. N. Ing, soloist, accompanied by Louise Nelson:
Wohin, Der Neugierige, Der Lindenbaum, by Schubert, Standchen by'
Brahms, The Blind Ploughman, by Clarke, Aspiration, by Cox.
Waldo Abbot
Choral Union Ushers:
All members of the CHORAL UNION USHERS are requested to
report on Thursday evening, January 24, for the PRAGUE TEACHERS
CHORUS, not later than 7:30 o'clock,
W. A. Davenport s
Seventh Choral Union Concert:
The Prague Teachers Chorus, under the direction of Metod Dolezil,
will be heard in the Choral Union concett series in Hill Auditorium
Thursday night, January 24, at 8:15 p. m. sharp, in the following
J. B, Forester: King Wenceslaus; Antonin Dvorak: The WickedI
Sweetheart; Antonin Dvorak: The Sparrows Party; Vitezlav Novak:
The Christmas Cradle Song; J. B. Foerster: Hymnus; Bedrich Smetana:
A Song of the Sea; J. B. Foerster: On the Field Path; J. Kunc: Ostrava;
,Jaroslav Kricka: The Evening Star; J. Jindrich: I have no Joy; Jaro-
slav Kricka: The Presburg Barracks; B. Pokorny: Dance, Dance; H.
Palla: Tit for, Tat.
The public is respectfully requested to come on time, as the
doors will be closed during numbers. Holders of course tickets are also'
requested to detach, before leaving home, and present for admission
only coupon No. 7, marked "The Prague Teachers Chorus."
Parking will be restricted as usual. Taxis and autos may unloadf
and load at either side entrance. Local anq interurban buses will park
in front of and at the right of the Auditorium on North University
Charles A. Sink

Sociology 102 and 111 (2nd Semester):
Special permission must be secured by those undergraduates who
hereafter would elect either of these courses.
R. H. Holmes


French & Spanish Exams:
Rooms for exams in French
1, 2, 31, 32, to be given Saturday

1, 2, 11, 31, 32, 111, 153, and Spanish
afternoon, February 2, will be as fol-


ihe asU mee ni ori le semester oz o e . . £ . . cauine, winI oe
held today at 5 o'clock in Lane Hall. All cabinet members are urged
to be present.
Mark S. Andrews, Secretary
Senior Engineers:
The collecting of dues has been postponed until second semester.
R. J. Williams, '29E, Treasurer
Christian -Science Society:
ChristianeScience Society of the University of Michigan meets
tonight at 7:30 in the upper room of Lane Hall.
Ford Johnston, Secretary
Sigma Xi Meeting:
The second of the meetings held for the purpose of acquainting its
membership with the research activities of the University will be held
F iday evening, January 25, beginning at 7:30 sharp, in the East Physics
Laboratory. Description talks, inspections of researches, and refresh-
raents will constitute the program.
Carl E. Guthe, Secy.

New York Listed
Private wires to all
Conservative margin accounts
Telephone 22541
Brown-Cress & Co.,
Investment Securities
7th Floor First Nat'l
Bank Bldg.

Course: Room
French 2
French 11 1025 A. H.
Spanish 1 . Nat. Science Aud.
I Spanish 31
Spanish 32 Chem. Amphitheater (room 165)
French 1 at 1:00
French 1 at 3:00 West Physics Lee. Room
French 1, morning sections
French 31, afternoon sections Alum. Mem. Hall, West Gallery
French 31 at 11:00 103 Rom. Langs.
French 1 at 2:00
French 32 25 A. 1.
French 31 at 8:00 1035 A. II.
French 111 231 A. I1I.
French 112
French 153 225 A. 11.
French 31 at 0:00 D Alum. Mem. Hall
Spanish 2 205 M. H.
Students having conflicts between French and Spanish take the
French at the regular time indicated above and watch this bulletin
for announcement concerning Spanish.
P. E. Bursley
Aeronautical Society:
The ceremonies in connection with the first glider flight on this
campus will take place Sunday, January 27, at 11:00 a. m. on the
hills rendered the Aeronautical Society. These hills are located on
the North side of the Huron river at the intersection of Geddes and
Potawattomie Roads. All members are asked to be on hand to take
part in these ceremonies of the - Glider Section of the Society. The
general public is cordially invited.





Will help a lot. We
leading makes, and

carry all the
every one is


homes for

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