FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, JANUARY 24; 192 FOUR THURSDAY, JANUARY 24," 19~9 Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished herein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master General. Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- nard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR KENNETH G. PATRICK Editor .................. Nelson J. Smith City Editor................ Stewart Hooker News Editor............Richard C. Kurvink Sports Editor............... W. Morris Quinn Women's Editor............Sylvia S. Stone Telegraph Editor.............George Stauter Music and Drama. ............. R. L. Askren Assistant City Editor.......... Robert Silbar Night Editors Joseph E. Howell Charles S. Monroe Donald J. Kline Pierce Rosenberg Lawrence R. Ken GeorgeE. Simons George C. Tilley Reporters Paul L. Adams Donald E. Lay man Morris Alexander Carles A. Lewis C. A. Askren Marian McDonald Bertram Askwith H lenry Merry Louise Behymner Elizabeth Quaife Arthur Bernstein Victor Rabinowitz Seton C. Bovee Joseph A. Russell Isabel Charles Anne Schell L. R. Chubb Rachel Shearer Frank E. Cooper Howard Simon Helen Domine Robert L. Sloss Margaret Eckels Ruth Steadman Douglas Edwards A. Stewart Valborg Egeland Cadwell Swanson Robert J. Feldman Jane Thayer Marjorie Follmner Edith Thomas Wiliam Gentry Beth Valentine Ruth Geddes Gurney Williams David B. Hempstead Jr. Walter Wilds Richard Jung George E. Wohlgemtuth Charles R. Kaufman Edward L. arner Jr. Ruth Kelsey Wyllie BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER EDWARD L. HULSE Assistant Manager-RAYMOND WACHTER Department Managers Advertising.................Alex K. Scherer Advertising............ A. James Jordan Advertising...........:..Carl W. Hammer Service..................Herbert E. Varnum Circulation-...-.-----George S. Bradley Accounts..............Lawrence E. Walkley Publications................Ray M-Hof-elich Assistants Mary Chase Marion Kerr Jeanette Dale Lillian Kovinsky Vernor Davis Bernard Larson Bessie Egeland Hollister Mabley Sally Faster I. A. Newman Anna Goldberg Jack Rose Kasper Halverson Carl F. Schemm George Hamilton (.eorge Spater Jack Horwich Sherwood Upton Dix Humphrey Marie Wellstead Night Editor-GEORGE C. TILLEY THURSDAY, JANUARY 24, 1929 Campus Opinion Contributors are asked to be brief,. confining themselves to less than 300 words it possible. Anonymous com- munications will be disregarded. The l names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential, upon re- quest. Letters published should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of the Daily. A POINT WE MISSED To the Editor: May I have the privilege of thanking you for your editorial on "Michigan Turns Its Back Upon A Genius." Those of us who love and admire Dr. Little, -thank God for a paper that has vision and back- bone to see and stand for the greata principles in education. As one not officially connected' with the University, but who has its best interests at heart, it is refreshing to note that amid nar- rowness, prejudice and selfishness, here are those who are able to rise above such things and appreciate a genius when they have one. There is one point which I be- lieve should be added to what you have already said-namely, Dr. Little's religious outlook and feeling for the things of the spirit. He has always stood for the best and the deepest things in faith. The tone of the campus, in my humble opin- ion, has been spiritually raised be- cause of him. He has sought reali- ty in religion, as he has sought it in everything else, and I for one, would like to bear witness to the privilege and inspiration it has been to have known a man whose life is a living example of the things that are of God. Henry Lewis, Rector of St. Andrew's Church.' "A REED BLOWN BY EVERY WIND" To the Editor: Without purpose of employing the columns of your newspaper for the parading of rhetorical ability in mind, as has so often been done in the past, I feel that in regard to your editorial entitled "Michigan Turns Its Back On A Genius," something should be said, in de- fense of that very large body of students and faculty of this Uni- versity, whom the author of this editorial places in the catagory of the "smugly middle western." Doubtless mydcommunication is but one among many all dealing with the same subject, and deser- vedly so, for if ever a newspapsr has accomplished a complete volte-face in its editorial policy, it is The Daily, in my humble opinion. Since the automobile ban was first placed in effect, The Daily has con- sistently and bitterly opposed it, so bitterly indeed that the statement in yesterday's editorial that the "Daily has differed with the plan only in degree, never in principle," comes as a distinct surprise to me, and to thousands of other students. Pages and pages of copy have been devoted to publicity concerning President Little's various setbacks in attempting to carry through his most cherished measures. On the whole, it has been the impression of by far the greater part of the student body that The Michigan Daily has been unmitigatedly, if passively, hostile to the regime of Dr. Little. That this impression has been allowed to exist is solely the fault of your editorial staff, and if this impression is erroneous, then The Daily itself is to blame. It is greatly to be regretted that the extremely childish editorial of yesterday's paper was ever placed in print. It certainly is far from constructive, and serves merely to add further embarrassment to a situation already rife with such a quality. I shall not stoop so low as your worthy editor has done and deal in petty personalities concern- ing his Pharasaical attitude of "Oh, Lord, I thank thee that I am not as these smugly middle-western!", as it would be so easy to do. The editorial speaks for itself, and any specific comment upon it is re- dundant. Let it suffice to say that today thousands of students are highly and righteously incensed at the unwarranted slurs cast upon themselves and upon the very ca- pable faculty with which this uni- versity is blessed. Let my own opinions on this subject be thoroughly understood., I do not venture to take a stand ppon the subject of Dr. Little's resignation, but I do take issue with The Daily's editorial policy in re- gard to it. By means of such edi- torials The Daily makes itself a! reed blown by every wind, a mere news-bulletin without the ability to mould student opinion by means of the opinions of its editors. As a final word, I would say this: leave such arantly prejudiced discussions out of your columns. - Empty en- comiums of praise mean nothing, and assuredly'they signify less than that to Dr. Little. Your scathing criticisms of the student body and faculty have only contributed to the growth of hard feeling and misunderstandings. William H. Vosper, 1930. students and alumni should rise up in his defense and thwart the many attempts made at giving misinformation and falsities re- garding President Little's progres- sive steps in education. Skeptics should now be convinc- ed that the plans projected by the the President in the last few years have all worked out successfully on the Michigan campus. Not only locally have they proved successful, but Universities in other parts of the United States lhave taken hold of them and made them operative upon their respective campuses. Ann Arbor, the seat of learning, is far from living up to the reputa- tion which it has obtained for it- self. It has contested in no un- certain terms the efforts of the President in, promoting measures seeking to directly benefit the stu- dents attending the University. It has assumed an attitude held by people generally hundreds of years ago in which a new idea or theory was looked upon as an evil omen, that things are all right as they are. They could not comprehend the universe. Here in the twentieth century we still have people similarly affect- ed mentally. A new idea shall not enter their heads. A man cannot express himself. An eminent sci- entist knows not whereof he speaks. How far has our education gone in the face of such mental development. It is pitiful that what could be a progressive university turns down progressivism and reverts back to primitive times. Through your columns and by means of personal letters sent by students, let Presi- dent Little know that his keen in- terest in the University, his efforts in behalf of the student body, his fearlessness, his freedom of ex- pression, all outstanding charact- eristics of a wonderful University President, have been met with ap- proval and express regret that circumstances have forced him to sever connections with the Univer- sity. As an alumnus interested in his University I urge upon you all that you express yourselves upon this subject. Yours very truly, II. S. EIGES, '24 LIT. 0- A MAN TO PLAY POLITICS To the Editor: May I be so bold as to attempt to correct an error or so that ap- pears in the scorching editorial "MICHIGAN TURNS ITS BACK ON GENIUS"? In the first place the Bostonian that has such a disgust of the "smug mid-western mind" never had to come to Michigan to school, especially as long as he feels the way he reads. Further, it is a well known fact that the East and Eng- land have no monopoly on genius. President Little is undoubtedly the genius that the "Daily" makes him out, but the executive position of this University is a job for a business man and does not require the divided attention of the "genius type." The first thing that should be considered in selecting a man for any job is qualification. It would be foolish to hire a music teacher to run a foundry and just as fool- ish to have a boiler-maker run a college. The job demanded a man that could play polities and play them successfully for the benefit of those who send their children tc the University. Not necessarily the children themselves. Personally I think that this resi- gnation is the most splendid thing President Little has accomplished However, it seems that in three years a college president might accomplish more than an ani- mosity among students, faculty, and taxpayers. The president is man enough to admit his failure, but it would seem that the Board of Regents is not and yet the greatest fault is theirs. They were intrusted with the selection of a man who would be in harmony with certain ideals and to them comes the real failure. This is.not written in a deroga- tory spirit of the accomplishments of Calrence Cook Little, but is written with an eye to the writer of "MICHIGAN TURNS HER BACE ON GENIUS" and to the slipshod methods of a board of regents whose biggest aim in life seems tC be the acqyisition of the best foot- ball tickets for themselves and friends. Now to get back to those "middle class minds"; they are the ones that need the educating, they are the ones that pay the taxes, and intelligent editorial writers shoult go to school in the East. In closing, we of the "middle class, Middle Western mind," may say two things: 1. "Au revoir, Dr. Little, genius indeed suffers many bumps in this life, and we wish you success de- spite the fact that you are not fitted to be a college president ir a middle western state." 2. "What a rotten mess the Board of Regents has made of things." E, S. HILDNER. - GETTING IN DUTCH Editor Michigan Daily: I want to commend your manly and sensible comment on the ac- tion of the Regents in permitting such an outstanding man as Dr. Little to leave the University. Only they did not act up to scratch, what they should do now is to proclaim that the Astronoml- cal department align themselves with such deep (?) thinkers as Wilbur Voliva and make it impos- sible for them to teach such heresies as modern science has taught the world. They ought to make it impossible for the Biological department to teach any thing about evolution or development other than was taught 5000 years ago, then they would' be in line with the great (?) Wm. Jennings Bryan, Henry Ford and' other brilliant students. i trust you are not going to get in "Dutch" for your courageous stand, probably it was not politic,I I-4out rlH~ 2 une peoie wuo i t '1' [1ZTAv TICKETS & RESERVATIONS For All Important Lake and Ocean Lines Tours, Cruises In~dependent Travel E. G. Kuebler Gen. Steamship Agency 601 E. Huron Ph. 6412 ANN ARBOR Go to Soviet Russia: STUDENTS are wel- coined most cor- dially in Soviet Russia. .... where the world's most gigantic social ex- periment is being made -amidst a galaxy of picturesque n a t i onal- ities, wondrous scenery, s p 1 e ndid architecture and exotic civilizations. Send for Booklet C which ex- plains how it can be done with little moncv Amalgamated Bank TRAVEL DEPARTMENT 11-15 Union Square, New York City = LOWERDAY'S J1 LOWERS i= - " Spring Flowers: Narcissus, Tulips, Freesias, Violets and Sweet Peas: Roses and Carnations See us for Flowers for the J-Hop party. Store: Greenhouses: 609 E. Williams 1400 Traver ,St. Phone 7014 "Flowers by Wire"- Susriet but the people who think never, were nor ever will be popular. " With Great Respect, Edward J. Bernstein.. - ---o --~, SUPPOSEDLY MATURE STUDENTS To the Editor: Allow me to present another item from the local Pandora's box. In one of the recent issues of The Daily there appeared an arti- cle to the effect that "Liberty," "Collier's," and "The Saturday Evening Post" were the most widely read magazines among Michigan students. If these pub- lications are truly representative of the literary tastes on this cam- pus, then we may well congratu- late President Little upon his resi- gnation, for it is indeed no great honor to be associated with stu- dents who glean their philosophy of life from sources which, though' appropriate for a girls' boarding school, are hardly suitable for sup- posedly mature university students. STANLEY MIKINA, '30E. Editorial Comment n QUAL1TY. r4' UtAUtYr. 0 Kitchen Furnishings of All Kinds Glass and Dinner Ware Electric Appliances -Stainless and Carbon Cutlery Floor Polishes and Waxes Old English Waxing and Polishing Sets, Consisting of: OLIVE BRANCH BLOSSOMS j While the Senate is rolling in heated sessions over the newj Coolidge cruisers, having justj astounded the nation by signifyingj their intention of settling inter- national disputes by pacific means, it is refreshing to find here at home an unconfused movement toward world peace attacking the problem where it lives. The first manifestation of this movement will be the Student Christian association's model assembly of the League of Nations. It will be the purpose of this assembly, which will take the form of a dramatization of the League, to awaken in those students who participate a consciousness of in- ternational problems and a desire for world peace. The project has been admirably conceived and designed. First in taking for its pattern the League of Nations it has gone to the most nearly perfect source of interna-' tional amity the genius of man has produced. Secondly in going to public opin- ion to generate ideals of world' peace, it will create a far more suc- cessful and enduring sentiment against war than any pacts delib- erated upon by gray-haired diplo- mats in solemn conclave. In the last analysis the foreign policy of a nation is dictated by the will of its people and not by diplomatic formalities that its representatives must observe in seeking not to of- fend the sensibilities of other nations. If a nation wills war, as Germany did in 1914, peace pacts .and neu- trality guarantees carry little weight. Avoidance of war is con- ditioned on a determined public opinion favoring peace, and to the upbuilding of that opinion the op- ponents of barbarous carnage and deliberate bloodshed must devote themselves. In that the projected model assembly sponsored by the Student Christian association is a step in the moulding of America's will for peace, it is a rational and refreshing step in the right direc- tion. We have another instance of Germany's genius for simplifica- tion of the daily routine. When you want a woman cop in a hurry all you have to do is step into the rt-a.. nnrl va t' lmanennianher-. I I DR. LITTLE'S RESIGNATION (Ann Arbor Daily News) President Little's retirement as president of the University of Michigan does not mean that he I has been proven a failure as an ad- ministrator of higher education- It means merely that in certain re- spects he has failed at Michigan.! His record at Michigan contains some mistakes. It is not by any means devoid of accomplishments, however. He proposed the Univer- sity college.and succeeded in get- ting its organization under way. With his Alumni university plan he has done much to re-awaken the interest of graduates in their alma mater, and this re-awakened interest should result in lasting benefits.... . He has vision which in some re- spects was an asset and perhaps in others a handicap. Michigan was not ready to test some of Dr. Little's theories. He was impatient for results, he attempted to accom- plish some of them in too great a hurry. ... He was impatient, and he was not sufficiently tactful. His eager- ness antagonized other men and aroused their opposition. He ap- peared to some of these men to be dogmatic, but it is likely that im- pression resulted from a failure to appreciate his earnestness. . . . His sincerity commanded respect. Some may differ in their opinion, but we believe Dr. Little deserves to be called what is colloquially known as a "square-shooter.' He was always frank; he imposed faith in the newspaper workers in ge- eral with whom he came in con- tact, and they imposed the same faith in him.... . He could not stay; . he was the proverbial square peg in the pro- verbial round hole. He made mis- takes, mostly in method. He was sometimes misunderstood, some- times perhaps too well understood but his inability to control situa- tions with harmonious results, and to restrain his impatience, were the dominating factors in the de- velopment that made his leaving inevitable.... . Dr. Little is likely enough to achieve success as a university ad- I ministrator elsewhere, on account of his energy and his ideals. But the cards were stacked against him at Michigan, and he helped to stack I them inadvertently. His ambitions and his policies were simply out of place in the present stage of Michi- gan's development. Not that he utterly failed, but the scales did ti the wrong way.... President Little was no diplomat. It was easy to make men work against him; it was not so easy to obtain co-operation. He had en- thusiastic supporters and admirers on the campus, but there were al- ways too many pulling in the op- posite direction..... We believe Dr. Little was honest and sincere. We are convinced that he had the welfare of the Univer- sito nf Michiun at heart. We 1 1 2 1 Old English Weighted Brush - - . - - - qt. Old English Liquid Wax . . . . . . . . cans Old English Paste Wax . . . . . . Book on Floor Care. . ........ Johnson's Waxing and Polishing Sets Old English or Johnson's Paste Wax, per lb. III QUALrrY. F.7 ® b R oR " Jno. C. Fischer Co. UIIII SPECIAL $3.90 .$5.00 65c I NoMore Checks r FromHomie N the not so distant future, a time is coming when the check from home will be only a fond memory. You probably look forward to those days with mingled feelings. You wel- come the idea of being on your own, knowing that money earned is doubly satisfactory for it represents accomplishment. Contrary to popular conception, you'll find that not all busi- ness men are exclusively interested in dollars and cents. You'll quickly distinguish between the narrow and the broad view- point in business just as you do today in college. Stone & Webster, Inc., has gathered an organization of men whose breadth of vision, whose ideals of service, whose ability are recognized in all business and professional fields. No mat- ter what profession or business you choose, you'll meet Stone &Webster men-financing utilities, operating gas, electric and transportation companies, building power and industrial plants. They're wide awake, alert, progressive. You'll find the Stone & Webster organization is worth knowing and worth doing business with.