'tHEiii A, N
v f~y
Will Probably Comment On Trip
Of Chateaubriand To North c
y Amnerica
IS ANNOUNCED AS Comments + of Chateaubriand's i
SSUBJECTfabled trip to North America will
probably constitute a large portion
of the address to be delivered at;
TA U E4:15 o'clock this afternoon in room
Ann Love, 103 Romance Language building, by
iohn MeConn, ll', Prof. Paul Hazard, of the College
With Magazine Staff, Will of France, exchange professor at
Compose Judges' Committee ! Harvard university this semester,
it was suggested yesterday by Prot.
Timely announcement has been -.Hugo P. Thieme, of the Romance
made by The New Republic maga- languages department.
zine, New York City, that an essay .'Chateaubriand came to America
contest on the subject "College As kin 1791 on the pretext of discover-
It Might Be," will be conducted by ing a passage of the Northwest and
them among certain classes of the visited Philadelphia. When he re-i
colleges and universities of the ceived news of the arrest and im-
country. ,::'_ _ _ _ _prisonment of Louis XVI he hur-
The purpose of the contest, ac- ~ - -- red back to France and wrote his
cording to the directors of thepub- At one time called "the arrogant flying the English flag and looking well-known books, "Atala" and
lication, is to "find out first hand ship" and a sea raider of world- for this wolf of the sea "Rene, purporting to be records o
wide amehis American trip. Whether the in-;
what kind of college students like wide fame, the Prinz Eitel Fried- Now she bobs innocently and cidents recorded are in fact true!
to go to, and to encouragte think- rich, captured during the Worldi forlornly in Baltimore drydocks,
ing and writing about standards of War, is to go into service again. stripped of her guns and imperial or mere images of his imagination
academic life." - The ship is to be sold to the high- eagles, and deserted except for oc- has long been a subject open to
The essay judged best by the est bidder for service off the Pa- casional visits from technical ir- debate, according to Professor
committee who will read them will cific Coast. vestigators. She is called the Thieme.
win the first prize of $100; the The Prinz Eitel Friedrich first steamer Mount Clay now, and will Professor Hazard will be enter-
second prize for the next best essay came into the world's news when I be sold to the highest bidder to go taned by the Romance languages
will receive $75. The judges com- she sank an old Windjamimer be- I back into service on the west department at a departmental din-
mittee is comprised of Alexander fore America entered the war. coast. ner to be held at 6 o'clock this eve-
Meikeljohn, of the 'University of President Woodrow Wilson' imme-; ning in the Union.
Wisconsin, Max McConn, of Lehigh diately started an inquiry, sent PHILADELPHIA.-Battling Lev--1 Professor Hazard will leave Ann
university, and Robert Morss Lovett, warships scurrying across the seas, inksy thinks that heavyweight Arbor tonight and speak tomorrow
of University of Chicago, and the { and a flotilla of destroyers protect- I in Toronto. He will deliver one
ew Reu c Staff. ed New York harbor. Germany oo big purses and more lecture in America before
A few simple and very brief rules offered reperation of nearly $500,- are ruining themselves. i sailing for France.
have been outlined for contestants. 000 to make up for the accident. - --
Those eligible for competition must While the United States still was!
be from the class of 1930-the neutral, five allied warships lay in
present juniors-or any class older wait for this raider. On a tour ofj
than that, back to 1926. The essay destruction, she sank 13 shipsrgo- i We make up Dance and Banquet Programs
must not exceed 2,000 words and ing from China, across the Pacific, o every description
must be in the office of the New to the Vight Capes.
Republic before April 1, 1929. The At thehegtohrglyse
name, class, college, home address, was equipped with three 8-inch ry Us for Party Decorations
and, in the case of alumni whogs ad ene 5-nch n peces. Theen -- Binding -- Engrving
compete, the present occupation were covered with canvas. When 1>iXg gg
must appear with each submittedI she bore down on her prey, theNatTsyAtcie
manuscript. Articles should be guns were uncovered as she drew Neat-Tasty-Attractive
adrssedpt. tCleeEssy Editor, alongside and obtained surrender. Place Cards-Tally Cards-Store Pads
addhe d eolee412 West 21st Enemy crews were taken :oard I Fine Stationery and Leather Goods
The. N ew Requblic,. 42Wst2sthe Prinz Eitel Friedrich and the
Street, New Yorl City vessels were sunk either with
The.New Republic, widely known 'charges of dynamite or by gun-
as one of the most liberal publica- fire.
tions in the country, is sponsoring When America entered the war, C
the contest in an effort to deter- she was seized as she lay in New-
mine from the students and alumni port News harbor escaping vessels 112 S. Main St., Ann Arbor Phone 4515
of the present generation the best-__
proposed plan to elevate American ar Disc sses
education to a higher and more P r_
humane level. Test Made OnRats
Among the suggested points for
discussion which the directors of Psychological Conference Hears
the project suggest are some which Of Cues Used By Them
are pertinent to the Michigan T
campus, viz, dormitories, fraterni- To Thread Mazes P
ties, selection of students, degree A e
of specialization. Other suggested Ae tni de y h
topics include location of the col- psychology department of the fac- en
lege: city or country, best number tors involved in the learning of
of students, proportion of electives, 1 maze patterns by rats, it has be- DISCOUNT
quizzes, lectures, or seminars, ex-
aminations and grades, intellectual
life of groups and individuals, ath- were using some cue which had
letics and other activities. not been brought under control. In
an attempt to find this cue and
Peterson Wil Leave
For West On Monday
Dr. Reuben Peterson. professor.I
of obstetrics and gynecology, andS
Bates Professor of diseases of wo-
men and children, will leave Mon-
day, Jan. 28, for a trip to the West
coast where he will attend a med-
ical association convention in Cal-
ifornia and address the University
of Michigan clubs of Los Angeles,
San Francisco, Portland, and Se-
attle, it was announced yesterday.
The program for Dr. Peterson's
activities on the coast will be ar-
ranged by Dr. N. W. Wood of the C
Los Angeles county hospital. His
speeches to the alumni will cover
all recent developments at the Un-
iversity including the Ten Ye,(-
program, the Burton MemoriL'
Campanile, and most recent of all,
President Little's resignation.
./"1.J"1J.JY1JJ' .d"w '. ~. '"' + ./.rrP1J . + "r In.~ ".., J /"J 'rP'" ~ova, ,
'thy"Y./.I"'./".I"./1'.I"./Jl11.I".~1. "~. .I'J,./""" ": /J,.I.1. ".. " I ".r ". .yi/..r"J:d". +"../. ++'"J"lr "./ 'r"..
It has won more people
to Kellogg's Corn Flakes than
to any other ready-to-eat cereal.,
Just because they taste so good-
that's why 12,000,000 people enjoy
them every day. On the campus
and off-from coast to coast-Kel-
logg's get first call for breakfast.
4 -
Music And Drama
Yesterday afternoon at 4:15E
o'clock, in Hill auditorium, Palmerc
Christian gave his usual Wednes-
day afternoon twilight organ con-j
The audience, owing probably tof
the nearness of final examinations,,
was only a small one, and the con- t
cert was rather disappointing.I
Certainly, when one considers the j'
uninspiring group of attenders, the
performance should not altogether
be blamed on the organist; but his4
playing was noticeably lacking in{
phrasing, and grasp of the selec-
tions. .
The opening number, "AllegroF
Con Fuoco" by de Boeck, was no-
ticeably heavy and dull. The climaxI
was mechanical rather than musi-
cal, and it was probably with re-:
lief that the audience listened to
the Karg-Elert number following
it which was done with more feel-
ing and finesse. The "Scherzo-
Pastoral" of Federlein was also
done with a certain lightness and
artistry which was in keeping with
the work, but the playing was not
characteristic of the whole pro-
Rheinberger's "Pastoral Sonata"
was rendered with the same dead-
ness which was common in the re-
mainder of the program. The
musical sentences were blurred by
a machine like performance. "In
the Church," the Novack number,
was additionally disappointing in'
the use of chimes for color. 'They
are a portion of the organ which
can be easily overworked, and were
in this selection.'
The "Vorspiel" and "Liebestod"'
from Wagner's "Tristan and Isolde,"
numbers which Mr. Christian has
played on past concerts, were also,
in spite of their fineness in them-
selves, played in a manner which
was so dead as to send the audience
away unimpressed, if not disap-I
Dointed witK. the concert.
bring it under control, Prof. John
F. Shepard discovered that the rats
found their way about much bet- I
ter on wooden maze floors than on
floors of felt. Numerous tests have
eliminated the possibility of visual
or olfactory cues, and Professor
Shepard believes that the solution
is an auditory cue. He presented a
paper on that subject at the meet-
ing of the American Psychological
association held last month in New
York. The experiments will be con-
tinued on the rats, using felt floors,
and starting with the most ele-
mentary tests again.
Dr. Martha Guernsey also of the
psychology department presented
a paper at the association meeting
on "A Quantitative Study in the Eye
Reflexes in Infants," the results of
study some time ago at the Uni-
versity of Vienna.
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