1C. t
Killilea, One Of American League's
Founaseal ed OHVarsity
Says There Is Competitive Spirit
Of Cooperation Rather Than
. Rivalry Among Diplomats .
Emphasizing the progress of in-
ternational information and the
growth of work comity, M. Pierre de
Lanux, director of the Paris branch
of the secretariat of the League of
Nations, spoke on "Modern Man-
ners in Diplomacy," at a luncheon
in the Union yesterday.
"Knowledge of world affairs,"
said M. Lanux, "has in recent years
become an essential of general edu-
cation and people are learning
rapidly the fundamentals of in-
ternational relations. The ques-
tions which are asked by audiences
in various sections of France and
the United States have become in-
creasingly intelligent, indicating
the growing extent of internation-
al information."
Europe Knows Us Better I
"The European's idea of America
is infinitely more true and precise
at present than it was five or six
years ago," he continued. "The
impression that America was iso-
lated, a thing apart from the rest
of the world, has vanished."
In discussing the progress of
world peace M. de Lanux expressed!
his great desire to see the com-
pletion of the movement in the,
present generation. He declared
that the abolition of war rests upon
certain basic factors which, when
they are shaped and brought to-
gether, will bring about world
peace. The most important of
these fundamentals are the crystal- I
ization of popular will, the support
of economic interests, the signing
of treaties for international peace,
and the machinery for preserving
Peace Coming To Fore
"Public opinion," he said, as
molded by newspapers, books, lec-
tures, and other means, is slowly
coming around to the world peace
view. In the recent elections in
France every political party of fac-
tion was forced to present some
program for universal peace. It is
that crystalization of popular will
that is largely instrumental in the
progress 'of the movement."
"The machinery of waging peace
is already in existence. The or-
ganization of the League of Na-
tions provides permanent means of
settling disputes of international
consequence by arbitration, and
thus is able to preserve peace."
The 'speaker explained that sen-
timent was not antagonistic to the
League, but that there was a feel-
ing that it was a thing for the fu-
ture, not to be adopted until some
distant date. However, great events
such as the signing of great in-
tenational treaties and the in-
crease in popularity of the univer-
sal peace idea have made the
League a thing of moment.
"A significant factor in the prog-
ress of world peace," said M. Lan-
ux, "is the change in the aspect of
international relations. As always,
diplomats work to the advantage
of their respective countries, but
there is a competitive spirit of co-
operation rather than a spirit of
Alumni To Present
Portrait Of Wenley
Picture Painted By Percy Ives To
Be Given By Detroit
Michigan Club
Desiring to present it to the Uni-
versity, the University of Michigan
club of Detroit has just purchasedI
a portrait f Prof. Robert M. Wen-
ley, of the philosophy department.
The portrait was painted by Percy
Ives, noted Detroit artist, and was
purchased from the Union Trust
company of Detroit, executors of
the estate of Mr. Ives who died a
sho:'t time ago.
Tentatively, the presentation will
occur as a feature of the annual
banquet of the University of Michi-
(By Associated Press)
MILWAUKEE, Jan. 23.-Henry J.
Killilea; 62, one of the members of
the little group that founded the
American Baseball League in 1899,
is dead.
The local sportsman, who also
was owner of the Milwaukee club
of the American association, died
at his home here today of heart
disease after a brief illness.
Mr. Killilea, with his brother
Matt, Connie Mack, Harold Comis-
key and Ban Johnson, founded the
league at a meeting in the Killilea
home here and for several years
he acted as its counsel.
Mr. Killilea became president of
the Boston Red Sox in 1903, when
that club was tottering on financial
difficulties, and won the pennant.
IA 1928 he purchased the Milwau-
kee Brewers.
Much of the baseball magnate's
early fame arose during his col-
lege days at the University of
Michigan. His ability on the dia-
mond won the approval of the
Detroit Tigers but he refused an
offer to turn professional. He en-
joyed a brilliant amateur standing
as a football player.
Killilea never lost interest in his
alma mater or its athletics. He
financially helped Willie Heston,
one of the greatest of Michigan
athletes, during his college days and
also extended aid to Archie Hahn,
Michigan sprinter.
Program To Feature Coon-Sanders
Orchestra, Which Now Plays
Over WGN At Chicago
Music for the 1930 J-lop which
is to be held in the new Intramural
building on the night of February
8 will be broadcast on the full pow-
er of radio station WJR, the Rich-_
ards-Oakland company of Detroit,
was the announcement made yes-
terday by Harry Wallace, '30, gen-
eral chairman of the Hop, and
Charles Monroe, '30, music chair-
man. The announcement followed
after the completion of more than
a week of dealing with the station.
The program will feature the
music by Coon-Sanders Original
Nighthawks, which is the first
1 -o
There will be a special salej
of J-Hop tickets today between
1:30 and 5 o'clock at the side
desk of the Union. Tickets
should be purchased immediate-,
ly in order to complete booth1
arrangements, the committee
band at the Hop, but will include
the other orchestra also. As the
grand march does not start until
11 o'clock, the program will not
start until 11:30 Eastern Standard
Time, or thereabouts and will last
for three hours. This will allow
only a small part of the grand
march to be broadcast, and will
1 allow most of the program to be
j alloted to the dance music. Prof.
Waldo Abbott, regular announcer
for the University programs, will
do the announcing
The program is to be put on the
air through the courtesy of the
Metropolitan Trust company of
Detroit, which will take care of
phone tolls, and the Richards-
Oakland company is putting the
program on the air free of charge.
Plans Are Nearing Completion For ernor of New York, and defeated
Bn t Be Held O candidate for piesident of the
flflfBanquetTTolBAprild nUnited States andi Sen Arthur H.
I LOC TE SIKING ull nunwI~uu u Are earig Comletio ForVandenburg of Gand Rapids P E IE T Ll i
After a stormy session of the The invitation list will include,
committee on arrangements for the also, the mayors of Detroit and
annual Grid Banquet, sponsored by Ann Arbor, the fire and police
Sigma Delta Chi, national profes- chiefs of Ann Arbor, prominent
sional honorary journalistic frater- members of the faculty, and well-
' _nity, announcement was made of known students, as well as promi-
RESCUER OF ANTINOE CREW ADDITIONAL $24,000,000 VOTED the intentions of the members to nent residents of the city. Alto- EXPRESSES HIGH PERSONAL
PROCEEDS TO AID OF I IN SENATE HIT complete plans within the next few gether, approximately 400ninvita- REGARD IN ADOPTION
DISABLED SHIP BY HOUSE{ weeks for the most unique affair tions will be mailed, and none but OF RGR NA RESOLUTION
AB HY H_ UE ever to be held on the Campus. An- those who receive the invitationsION
nouncement will not be made of will be able to procure tickets.
AMERICAN TANKER SAFE TAX REFUNDS PASS the program until just previous to The program will be arranged in KERN ELECTED PRESIDENT
the time of the affair, which is such a manner as to work toward
Ship, Which Sent Out SOS Calls, Committee Considers Lower Duty scheduled to be held on April 3. the climax of the evening which Unofficial Protest Made Against
Attempting To Make Port On Rat Tobacco To Raise The ticket and invitation com- comes with the presentation of the Limitation Of Complimentary
Under Own Steam Nickel Cigar Grade mittee has already sent out a few traditional Oil Can to some mem- Tickets For J-Hop
letters to some of the most promi- ber of the University deserving of
By Associated Prs) (Py Associated Press) nent men in the country asking such inverted honor. Although the Lauding the record of President
NEW YORK, Jan. 23.-Captain WASHINGTON, Jan. 23.-Tariff, them to speak on this occasion. It instrument of lubrication is the Clarence Cook Little as "vigorous,
George Fried of the United States taxes and prohibition put addition- is expected that not only state and Jgrand prize of the event, it is not sincere, and idealistic," the Student
Liner America proceeded to the al thousands of words today into local politicians will be among given as an honorable recognition council at its regular meeting last
rescue of the Italian freighter the Congressional record, and at l those present, but also men promi- of academic or high social attain- night unanimously resolved to e-
Florida today by the same meansI
heusd toy yars ao tdains the end of the day the Senate nent in national affairs. Among ments, but rather as an extremely press "deep regret" at the resigna-
going to the aid of the British passed the bill containing an item those who have been invited to at- high type of ordiary razzig-an tion of the President.
lier Antinoe, from which he reI of $24,000,000 for prohibition en- tend are Alfred E. Smith, ex-gov- award to some person who not only The council referred to its oppo-
scued 25 men. forcement and $75,000,000 for tax deserves a bit of friendly roast- sition to some of the adiminstra-
Other ships searched in vain for refunds. ing," but who is also known as be- tive programs and made it clear
the Florida, and at last had to give In approving this measure, the ing able to give and take grace- that never has the organization
up and continue on their way, but deficiency appropriation bill, a iifully. How the person so honored lost its high personal regard for
Captain Fried reported during the stipulation was made that here- ZLL is to be chosen will not be an-!Dr. Little. The complete text of
afternoon that he was proceeding after tax refunds of more thanfl T*1 nounced until the night of the the resolution follows:
on radio bearings. The America is! $10.000 shall be made only after imbanquet. Dean Hugh Cabot, of the Lost Real Friend
equipped. with a radio direction public hearings before a treasury medical school, was elected last "We feel that the students of the
finder like the one Captain Fried, committee. year as the proper man to have his University of Michigan have lost a
then commander of the United In as much as the Senate approv- name engraved on the memorial" real friend and a
States liner President Roosevelt, ed of the prohibition item yester- ---along with the names of President the resignation of President Clar-
used in guiding that ship to the day, the wet and dry discussion was Cold Wave From Rocky Mountains Clarence Cook Little, Prof. William ence Cook Little. We appreciate
Antinoe. largely on the House side of the Covers Middle West With A. Frayer, and Prof. O. J. Campbell. fully that several of the policies
Other Abandon Search capitol where varying views were Sheet Of Ice and that this organization has on
The vessels that abandoned the expressed by leaders. The House occasion, (feeling that it represent-
search for the Florida are the must approve the action and its eOLD ILLS SIX PERSaNSjed the students) opposed these
serc fm'th Fomid CLDKIL SX ERON P AG E II0105 Ipolicies. It should be entirely
North German Lloyd liner York membership today was busily en-' pe.Ihdeni
and the Dollar liner President Har- gaged in discussing possible action y Associated Pres) clear, however, that no action
rison. The captain of the York re- on the measure. CHICAGO, Jan. 23.-Thc mid- taken -by the Student Council in
ported that he had searched for Wet-Dry Paradox j west slipped about its work today, ! the past in any way affected the
the Florida for eight hours with- Crampton of Michigan, a leader of assured of several more days of high personal esteem which this
out avail and abandonded further the drys, expressed the opinion near-zero weather. Iorganization, and we believe the
attempts at noon. He said he met that the Senate had acted unwise- The cold wave, moving eastward ___ entire student body, has had for
the President Harrison at a posi- ly, while Laguardia, of New York, from the Rocky Mountain region, President Little throughout. We
tion about 800 miles off the Vir- a wet, was in favor of the plan. { blanketed the Missouri and middle Group Composed Of Schoolmasters feel that President Little, through
ginia Capes given by the. Florida The New Yorker advanced the ' and upper Mississippi valleys, turn- On American Tour Will Offer a vigorous, sincere, and idealistic
when it sent out its S. 0. S. yes- theory that modification of the dry ing the surface of the earth into a Concert administration has done much to
terday and that neither could find law might be brought about treacherous sheet of ice. bring about real thought on the
any trace of the disabled ship. He through its swift enforcement. Zero readings were reported as HiERALDED BY DAMROSCHI major educational problems of the
said the President Harrison had Crampton held the prohibition unit far south as northern Missouri and day; and we, the Student Council
had to abandon search and con- had not asked for the funds-.. in Minnesota and North Dakota the' of the University of Michigan,
tinue on its course at 10 oclock Tax refunds occupied most of the mercury dropped as far as 20 below. One of the ,most unique musical of the Unirsiy ovihgn
i mSenate session, with Senator Mc- The weather bureau reported the heYatis in t H ill be express our deep regret ol the oc-
oil. Kellar of Tennessee, talking in storm in upper Michigan moving Iheard this evening at Hill auditor- casion of this resignation and our
The York's commander reported, noteatad.trog heSrum. The Prague Teachers' Chorus, cso fti einto n u
however, that the storm which favor of a proposal to have tax re- northeastward. through the Stcomposed of sixty schoolmasters deep appreciation of the faith
dsbedrht the ordasr abting funds in excess of $10,000 handled Lawrence valley. will appear here in one of its thirty which President Little has consist-
today, which gave rise to hopesg by the board of tax appeals rather The freezing weather in Chicago concerts of its first American tour. ently placed in student thought
tha Cpin F ried w o h es than by the internal revenue com- was welcomed for the rains, gen- The concert, one of the Choral and opinion."
bthat Captanm Fried wouldagave lei missioner. Considerable opposition, eral throughout the Great Lakes Union series, will begin at 8:15 Protest "Cop" Limitation
rescuing the 30 men on the Florida however, developed to the plan egion, had ade river e o'clock sharp. Other business taken up at the
than he did in saving the crew of which recently was opposed by reets , t The Teachers' * Chorus, heralded session last night, which was pre-
thAnte Secretary Mellon. flowing over ice and making motor by Dr. Walter Damrosch as the sided over by Robert Warren, '29,
Dannedaike Reported Safe Later, the Tennessean revised his and pedestrin trave s dangero most important musical organiza- acting president, was an unofficial
Captain Fried reached the An- amendment to provide that no re- wave eliminated the water al- tion he has heard in Europe, is at protect against the limitation of
tinoe on January 24, 1927, but be- funds be paid until public hearings thouh the universal slipping con- present making a tour of the Unit- complimentary tickets to the J-
cause of the rough weather did had been held and a report made ugurlged States and Canada to acquaint Hop. . It was alleged that refusing
c not complete the rescue until the as to why the refund had been ap- tiury thus far has been one music lovers with the supreme Bo- complimentary tickets to holders
26. In one attempt to get a life proved. This suggestion was ac- of the coldest months n hemian art of singing. Works of of booths for the use of their chap-
boat across the waves to the An- cepted and incorporated in the bill - erones was an unusual and unjust
jyears here. The average tempera- tioaiyhaehbeuhitra
tinoe two of the President Roose-1before its passage. tra eosure for the first 22 days was six suchytheiyuh terna- custom. In the absence of formal
volt's crew were washed overboard Provide For Districth tionally known masters as Smetana, action. President Warren stated
vegrtes crew wee eowashed. overboardd ProvideForl District
and lost. The principal legislative achieve- d e lw n Dvorak, and Janacek, will be offer- that he would take the matter up
ment of the House was the passage ed i the program. Folk songs with the proper authorities.
TECHNIC of the appropriation bill for the SNOW COVERS STATE will also be included in the selec- Warren Too Busy
District of Columbia, carrying $41,- AFTER BAD BLIZZARD Tns. The Council unanimously re-
WILL APPEAR TODAY 1000,000 for the running expenses of _The Chorus is composed of sixty elected Paul J. Kern, '29, .to the
the capital during the next fiscal -- A schoolmasters drawn from the pub- presidency of that body, to take
Article By Professor Patterson Is year. The tariff came in before the Four Persons Killed As Result Of Il and high schools. They sing office Feburary 11. Kern was re-
Featured By January House ways and means committee I Cold Wave And Many for the love of singing, giving their cently placed on probation for the
FeaturedsBynjanuary cently placedtoneprobationrforuth
Issue Of Magazine where the question of a good five- Others Injured limit s teto rehearse n remainder of the first semester for
cent cigar was discussed. Some -dertPr o Mtdel e on - violation of the automobile regu-
Prof. G e o r g e W. Patterson, manufacturers contended that if (y sctotedPress>who iely ecognias lation and removed from the post
associate dean of the College of I the duty on Sumatra rat tobacco DETROIT, Jan. 23.-Michigan Ian exceptionally fine musician he held as president of the Stu-
Engineering and professor of en- I could be lowered the quality of the spent Wednesday night digging it- I In its recent visits of European dent Council. Warren was elected
gineering mathematics, is the nickel cigar could be raised. self out of the snow drifts which Berli cities, including Paris, London, and dnto u nc y an was eced
author of the feature article in the The hearings before the Senate Tuesday's blizzard had deposited Belfor the past two weeks and will
January issue of the Michigan interstate commerce committee on over most of the state and taking conductors of choruses from this continue to serve until the open-
Technic which will appear on a bill to regulate the bituminous toll of the damage done by the country and abroad are said have ing of the second semester. It was
campus today.e coal industry were close. storm which was one of the most been inspired with new ideas after the opinion of J. A. Bursley, dean
The subject of Dean Patterson's severe in several years.n s hearing the singing of the school- of students, that the Council was
Ngcarticle is "The Need for Broaderbs At Flint, the blinding snow masters. free to elect anyone it chose to its
t Engineering Education." An cx- , which turned into rain and sleet .Following is the program to be head after that time, and the elec-
planation of the Mechanical En-. Public And Service brought death to two persons and offered tonight: Song of the Sea, tion of Kern resulted. Warren
gineering laboratory, written by ,Jinjury to several others. In De-|Bedrich Smetana; The Wicked had previously announced that due
Prof. Harry J. WatsonndAssistant Professor Of Internal troit, one woman was found frozen Sweetheart, Dvorak; The Sparrow's to his duties as captain of the
Antfeature of the month. issrtedicine Lads Actions to death in a deserted house where Party, Dvorak; Hymnus (Double wrestling team he would be unable
Another article of interest is O i she had apparently sought refuge Chorus), Foerster. to continue indefinitely in the of-
"Rba tr of Moderncencefrom the rain and sleet late in the The Grim Guest (Double Chorus) fice of president of the Council.
Roadbuilding," by Prof. Roger IL. IPutting facts before the public aevening.Kricka; On the Field Path, Foer-
Morrisona w dut of science, accord- . An overheated stove aoester; "70,000", Leos Janacek. tudensMay0Apply
just outside the limits of Pontiac Folk Songs and dances: The Eve-
FICUL.. T>S ~ing to Dr. L. E. Newburgh, assis- firedtehueada6-erod i tr(lvk rca
FICULT TASK," tant professor of internal medicine, d te house and a 63-yea-old ning Star Slovak Kricka; I Have For Special Permits
ty p i. man and his small granddaughter No Joy (Czech), Jindrick; The
iw has been working here for fe, their daughter-in-law and eka; Tit for Tat (Czech danc Ars During Jop Will
t without a sound basis of training 13 eas an n that time has pub- their 14-days-old grandson were in- Palya; Cardas (Dance, dance, and Be Acepted Today
in conventional technique is like iished more than 50 articles accept- jured. I whirl ye round) (Slovak), Polorny.
eashootingan arrinoe d irny d asauthoritative by medical re-1 E Appcati
you are likely to come down you ' menS BEIEGEDBYthat I I o A p rate atomobpeiledring
Iknow not where. One of the best I search FORDsats' BESIEGED- Aiontooprat atoobiesduin
nmodels for bwheginnerso follow is day science must be responsible for FOLLOWING GIFT OF LETTERS TO LIBRARY the week-end of the J-Hop will be
odner- - b.iI _er___ fol ow ! putting before the laymanfacts- accepted at the office of the dean
Pinero he is a master dramnatic putting before theflaymhe farss
r craftsman, and the dramatic ideas I that he ought to know, written iz i only sign my name about 150i by stdents at the main library, o u sta fo th irt
a he exemplifies are still present to I a form that is understandable. ti11es a year," declared Henry who, like Mr. Ford, had come to ,ofstenpe oden 'for th fis
rI some extent even in the most the past inform~ation of c tli ~ y I view the gift of the autographed wilcm toamedt5o'ok
'modern' play." '1achievements has not been pub- Ford, prominent automobile manu- etters ad cumens f poleon Thursday afternoon, Feb. 7, and
Seeing his play produced is the iished in a suitable form. facturer of Detroit, to an intrepid which were presented to the Uni- permits will be granted only for
e only way a writer canlearn to Dr. Newburgh lauded work of Daily reporter who had the auda- Iversity by Orla B. Taylor, '87L, of the period between noon Friday,
" know what will be theatrically of- the Science Service and kindred city to ask for his autograph. Detroit. For a long time after the Feb. 8 and 8 o'clock Monday morn-
~ frllhvnir of thflf rift1. nil i-0 en - ins.* Feb. 11.
"Dramatic writing is the most
difficult literary form," asserted
Prof. O. J. Campbell of the English
department when interviewed yes-
terday. "There is more justifica-
tion for trying to teach its techni-
que than the technique of other
forms of writing, but after all
feeling for flhe theater and fol
dramaticrpsychology is the really
indispensable thing.
"The only way to learn to writ
plays is to begin to write them,'