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January 23, 1929 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-01-23

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Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members
of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi-
dent until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.)
Vol. 39 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23, 192!9 No. 90.

University Lecture:

. . .

Professor Paul Hazard, of the College de France, Exchange Professor
at Harvard University this semester, will lecture in French Thursday,
January 24, at 4:15 o'clock, in rorom 113 Romance Languages, on "ILes
Voyages de Chateaubriand." The public is invited.
F. F. Robbms
Faculty, School of Education:
The Faculty meeting of the School of Education will be held on
Monday, January 28th at 4:15 o'clock, in Room 109 Tappan Hall.
The next Staff luncheon will be held Monday, February 11, at 12:15
o'clock at the Union.
Will members please note these meetings as no fu ther notices can
be given through the Daily.
C. 0. Davis, Secretary
Business Administration Lecture:
Mr. Alex Dow, President of the Detroit Edison Company will speak
on "Business Policies of the Detroit Edison Company" on Thursday, Jan-
uary 24, at 4:15 p. m. in Room 1035 Angell Hall. The public is invited.
C. E. Griffin
Moving Pictures of Industry:
The eighth of the School of Business Administration's moving pic-!
ture programs will be held in Natural Science Auditorium at 4:05 p. m., :
Wednesday, January 23.E Please note that the program will begin 10:
minutes earlier than many afternoon meetings. The following films
will be shown:
Crackers-The Modern Staff of Life 1 reel.
Cookies and Cookie Cakes 1 reel.
The Texas Trail to Your Table ta story of beef from the cattle
range to the retailer's store) 1 reel.
Milk (the interesting story of evaporating milk - process from
A y n n 1 l

with the above may take their examination at 5 o'clock in roomI
205, Angell Hall.
Adelhert Ford
Special Swimming Classes:
The Intramural Department is having swimming classes for begin-
ners and advanced swimmers every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday;
at 7:30-:30. G. .I. McMahon is in charge.
Intramural Department
University Women:
Out of consideration for women who are prepa,. i),g for examinations,
it is expected that moving operations will be confined to the week end.
February 8-11.
Grace Iticlards
Seniors and Graduate Students in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering:
Mr. Henry N. Marsh of the Hercules Powder Company will be in!
room 2028 East Engineering building on Thursday, Jan. 24, to inter-'
view men for employment by his company, which manufactures ex-
plosives, naval stores, and cellulose and nitrocellulose products. Please
make appointment with Miss McKim today or early tomorrow morn-
Alfred II. White
Inter-fraternity Council: ..
There will be a meeting of the Inter-fraternity Council Wednesday,
Jan. 23, at 4:30, in room 302 in the Michigan Union.
E. H. Wachs, President
New York Times Current Events Contest:
In order that the number of copies of the examination which will
be needed for the Current Events Contest to be held on February 15:
may be estimated, students intending to enter the contest are requested
to notify immediately one of the members of the local committee, con-
sisting of Professors J. L. Brumm, P. W. Slosson, W. M. Abbot, Z. C.
Dickinson and E. S. Brown.
Everett S. Brown
Botanical Seminar:
Botanical Seminar meets Wednesday, January 23, at 4:30, Room
1139 N. S. Bldg. Paper by C. G. Kulkarni-"Meiosis in two mutants of
Oenothera practincola and their hybrids."

Gargoyle Business Staff and Tryouts Quadrangle:
There will be a very important meeting of the entire business staff Meeting Wednesday, Jan. 23, 1929,
and tryouts of the Gargoyle today at 4 p. m. Anyone unable to attend 8:15 p. m. sharp at 1954 Cambridge
will please untify the Business manager. Road.
Carl U. Fauster, E. C. Prophet, Clerk
Business Manager Scabbard and Blade:
There will be a regular Wednes-
. day, Jan. 23, at 7:00 p. m. in the
The American Society of Civil Engineers will hold a dinner meet- Union.
ing at the Union at 6:15 p. m., Wednesday, January 23. Perry A. Chas. E. Staff
Fellows, City Engineer of Detroit, will speak. 'Varsity Band:
L. D. Kirshner, President There will be the regular rehear-

Geological Journal Club:
There will be a meeting in Room 4054 N. S. Friday, Jan. 25, at 7
p. m. M.. Lougee will give an illustrated lecture on "Winter Mountain
E. N. Goddard, Secretary
Sigma Xi Meeting:
The second of the meetings held for the purpose of acquainting its
membership with the research activities of the University will be held
F. iday evening, January 25, beginning at 7:30 sharp, in the East Physics
Laboratory. Description talks, inspections of researches, and refresh-
ments will constitute the program.

sal tonight at Morris Hall at 7:15
Gilbert B. Saltonstall



Carl E. Guthe, 'Secy.


Engineering Council:
The E';ineering Council will -' - -
meet at 7:30 p. m., Wednesday,
Jan. 23, in room 302 Michiganj
R. C. Adams, Jr.-
Undeliverable Mail (Con'd)

B. M. Davis

cow to can) ireei .
The Land of Cherries (the largest cherry orchard in the world, Notice to Matinee Musicale Ticket Holders:
with scenes of the cultivation, picking and canning of cherries) 1 reel. If you are unable to make use of your tickets for tonight's concert,
All persons interested are invited to attend these programs which kindly notify the Box Office of Mimes Theater between 4 and 8 o'clock
are designed particularly to give business students background material. 'today.. Any tickets that are returned will be given to students of the
Carl N. Schmalz University School of Music and to persons who would otherwise be
bl ht% fn te~pnd the eneert.

Conflicts in Final Examinations for the Colleges of Engineering and
All conflicts must be reported to me before Jan. 24. Instructions for
the disposition of conflicts will be found posted on the Bulletin board
by my office, room 3223 East Engineering Building.
J. C. Brier
Rhetoric-Professor Jack's Classes:
I shall not hold further classes this week. I expect to keep consul-
tation on Friday from 9 to 12.
P. M. Jack
Political Science 31:
The final examin9.tion in this course will be given Saturday after-
noon, January 26, in the following rooms in Angell Hall:
M'. Pollock's sections in room 1025.
Mr. Preuss' sections in room 1025.
Mr. Calderwood's sections in room 35.
Mr. Cuncannon's sections in room 25.
Mr. Phillip's'sections in room 25.
Mr. Maddox's sections in room 1035.
James K. Pollock, Jr.

Mrs. Hugh Cabot, Membership Chairman

Music Section-Faculty Women's Club:
Due to the illness of Mrs. Clare Griffin, at whose home a meeting
was scheduled for Wednesday evening, Jan. 23, the regular meeting of
the Chorus of the Music Section of the Faculty Women's Club will
be postponed until Wednesday, Jan. 30, on which date it will be held
at 7:15 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Clarence Johnston, 1335 Hill street.
Elana K. Taylor, Secy.
Matinee Musicale :
The Detroit String Quartet will present the following program of
chamber music at the second concert of the Matinee Musicale course
in Mimes Theater this evening: Haydn, Quartet in C Major, Op. 76,J
No. 3; Ippolitoff-Ivanoff, Intermezzo and Humoresca-Scherzando; Ravel,,
Quartet in F Major.


Stephen Larkum
James Leonai d
Frank Leu
John Mac Mahon
John H. Maloney
J. H. Mathes
M. McCurdy
Ruth Murray
Alexander Muzzey
William Olsen (or A
Emerson Price
Win. Raisener
William Ramsey
Walter S. Ray
Grace Reeves
E. N. Riskey
Earl Riskey
Prof. L. M. Ross
Harwood Rundell
Norrie Sanders
Dr. C. K. Searles
Y. S. Seto
John Shafer
Caroline Shurtloff
Everett W. Smith
Louisa Soucup
Bob Spicer
John O. Stanton
Christine Steen
Grover Stephens
D. Henry Stoltenberg
Stanley Tanner
Mrs. Charles Theis
Prof. Rollo M. Tryon
Ying Tse
Arthur L. Ungerleider
Lulu Weaver
Helen Foss Weeks
Miss Rush White
Miss S. C. Yeng


Mrs. Rene Talamon, President

French & Spanish Exams:
Rooms for exams in French
1, 2, 31, 32, to be given Saturday

1, 2, 11, 31, 32, 111, 153, and Spanish
afternoon, February 2, will be as fol-

Course: . Room
French 2
French 11 1025 A. H.
Spanish 1 Nat. Science Aud.
Spanish 31
Spanish 32 Chem. Amphitheater (room 165)
French 1 at 1:00
French 1 at 3:00 West Physics Lee. Room
French 1, morning sections
French 31, afternoon sections Alum. Mem. Hall, West Gallery
French 31 at 11:00 103 Rom. Langs.
French 1 at 2:00
French 32 25 A. H.
French 31 at 8:00 1035 A. H.
French 111 231 A. H.
French 112
French 153 2225 A. H.
French 31 at 9:00 D Alum. Mem. Hall
Spanish 2 205 M. H.
Students having conflicts between French and Spanish take the
French at the regular time indicated above and watch this bulletin
for announcement concerning Spanish.
P. E. ursley
Electrical Engineering 11-Field Trip:
The class will assemble at the -Archway of the West EngineerinC
Building at 1:00 p. m. Wednesday for an inspection of the Trenton
Channel Power Station of the Detroit. Edison Company. The special
bus will leave promptly at 1:05 p. m.
Alfred H. Lovell
Psychology 31, Collateral Reference Examination:l
The third collateral reference examination will be given at 4 o'clock,
Wednesday, January 23. Students with initials A to L, inclusive, will
appear in room 25, Angell Hall; students with initials M to Z, inclusive,
will appear in room 203, Romance Languages Building told museum).
Students who were absent from previous collateral reference examina-
tions should appear at this time. Students who have class conflicts

Mail for the following persons is on hand undeliverable. It may be
t secured by the owners if called for at the General Delivery Window,
Main Post Office on or before January 30.
Professor A. S. Aiton
Vincent Ayers
Elizabeth Bacheler
Olive Backhurst
Helen Bei
Mildred Bishop
Francis Bothwell
Akintunde D. Browne
Henry Bunell
Edwin T. Burrows
Wilbur P. Calhoun
Gour Chakravartty
R. Emmet Carson
Clarence Cole
Lucile Copass
R. W. Cowart
Arbutus Davenport
Mrs. C. E. Davis
Miss E. Gordon Dawbarn
D. A. Dodds
Gladys Wheelan Edwards
Edmund Ezra
S. E. Fagerstrom
Prof. Glenn C. Dorrester
Jean Flexner
Dr. Geo. C. Fracker
W. B. Fulghum, Sr.
James Fillard
Ralph Goodrich
John G. Gogolak
Gertrude May Grant
Miss Fau Gheng Greer
John Haldane
Nancy Mary Hanks
Lieut. and Mrs. B. L. Hailey
H. Hatch
Ralston P. Hayden
J. L. Hemingway
John Hogle
DeHart Hubbard
C. D. Kelly
Frank Kozel
Jack King
Andrew J. Lamberson
(Continued in Col. 5) 1...

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