)AY, JANUARY 23, 190 'rH~ M~CHTCAN t~ATt~? r, FOOTBALL MEN FOUND TO BEGOOD STUDENTS; Rover Is Appointed To Washington Post Only Players That Are Irregular In Practice Are Flunkers, Report Shows MINNESOTA INVESTIGATES An entirely new light has been thrown on the old question of par- ticipation in football versus class- room scholarship by a recent in- vestigation at the University of Minnesota. The conclusion reached is that if you are seriously interested in foot- ball and really devote yourself to it, the chances are you are just as good a student as the average in a "random sampling" of your fel- lows. It's the men who do not takeI their football seriously, turn out irregularly for practice, and aren't much in earnest about anything who are the football "flunkers," this study concludes. The Minnesota psychology de- partment has made the study at the suggestion of the committee on intercollegiate athletics. Prof. Donald G. Paterson directed the work which was carried out by I. Emerick Peterson. The Minnesota study was based on the freshman football squad of the fall of 1927 and its -main pur- pose was to answer this qquestion: qc" "Are forces operative inside and outside a university such as Minne- sota tending to select football can- didates who are not really repre- sentative of bona fide freshman students." The report shows that in age, in self-support, in' working capacity,t in distribution among the several colleges, in the economic status of parents, in the degree of parents' schooling, and in their own voca- tional hopes the football group and the random sampling vary hardly at all. Mtr. Peterson summarizes:" On .practically every count, we find that freshman football men are typical of university men in gen- eral. They constitute a genuine cross-section of the student body." "There is every reason to believe that no influences are at work to produce anything but a legitimate student , enterprise, entirely in keeping with the intellectual and academic purposes for which the university is maintained," he con- cluded. Morize Cites Press As Language Shaper DETROIT ALUMNI TO GIVE BANQUET LENAM LEGA F ACULTY FOR PRESIDENT AND MRS. LITTL In accordance with a tradition I with such men as Glenn Frank,[U of the University of Michigan club Chase Osborn, Regent James Mur- of Detroit, a formal dinner will be fin, and Fielding H. Yost. staged in honor of Pes dent Clar- Other honored guests' will in- ence C. Little and Mrs. Little. Fri-Plude the members of the Michi- inouneLmiet s was made yester- day night, Feb. 1, in tv t6allroom gan legislature and their ladies, day by Paul A. Liedy. secretary of of the Statler hotel, it was an- and the fourteen honor students the Law school, of the visiting pro- nounced recently. Special plans from the Detroit high schools who I fessors and the regular members for the program for the eveningIjwill receive awards from the club (of the faculty of .the Law school and later developmenit concrned at that time. The Reverand M. 5.who will offer courses for the 1929 with President Little's resignation. I Rice, Detroit clergyman, is billed summer session. wjij make the banquet this year as toastmaster; and according to he visiting professors will be: 'especially significan'. Walter Towers, one of the mem- law, William G. Hale, school of In addition t Presidernt Little bers of the committee in charge Washington University; Prof. who will be ; h4 principa speaker of the dinner, Mr. Rice "will di- William C. VanVleck, school of law, of the evening, Dr. Stratton Du- gfrom h main dt of * George Washington University; lu Bros ' .rsietofteyrg suy bi-Prof. M. S. Breckenridge, school of luth Brooks, '96, president of the Ing university presidents just long law, University of North Carolina University of Missouri, will also be enough to explain why he only got Prof. A. M. Dobie, school of law on the program. Dr. Brooks was half way through the Law school University of Virginia; Prof. Lewis Ithe outstandingspeaker of the of the University and what hap- M. Simes, law school, Ohio State Alumni Triennial i Chicago last pened there to make a minister of university; and Prof. Norman D. June, although he was competing him. Lattin, law school, Ohio State uni- Fred G. Dewey, chairman of the versity. Physicists To Speak committee in charge, has an- Regular members of the faculty ,nounced that although formal, the of the Law school who will offer Before Meeting Here dinner will take place in a strictly courses this summer are: Professor collegiate atmosphere which will Durfee, Professor Leidy, Professor State teachers of college physics be greatly enhanced by collegiate Shartel, Professor Stason, Professor will have their winter meeting Jan. music of a surprise nature as yet Waite, and assistant Professor 26 in the East Physics laboratory not made public. Blume. of the University. The program The charge for the banquet will As usual the Law school summer will begin at 11 o'clock with an ad- be $3.50 per person. Several hund- session will be divided into two dress on "Cosmic Rays" by Dr. red guests are expected, especially periods of five weeks each,'with an Sydney B. Ingram, recently of the as President Little's resignation additional three days for examina- California Institution of Technol- will change the affair into some- tions. gy. r. S. A. oudsmit, of the what of a farewell recognition of - - - - University, wil.A address the meeting his work by the University of Subscribe to The AVichigan Daily, at 1:30 o'clock on "Quantum Me- Michigan Club of Detroit. 1$2.50 the half year-It's worth it, chanics. ight ancd matter as both wave and corpuscular phenomena, the experimental reasons for their dual charer." WE NOWHAVE All of the rese'arches which are active will be open to the dele- gates. Between 15 and 20 schools ft sdo - INotie SpcL THIS WrEI i NIN Leo A. hover Whom PresidenteCoolidge recent- ly appointed United States attr- ney for the District of Columbia. Rover is a native of Washington. He is succeeding Judge Peyton Gorr' don, who has been made a justice of the district supreme court. Big Sum Earned By New York Students More than $28,000,00 was earned last year by New York university students, according to the annual report of the university's bureau of employment. This includes the earnings of 6,600 day students and, 17,000 evening students through- out the year. Their jobs ranged from house cleaning and domestic jobs at $250 to sales jobs bringingl in $3,500 and $4,000 a year, accord- ing to the report.I will be represented. According to Prof. R. A. Sawyer of the physics department the two subjects which will be discussed ' at the meeting are both of great interest to physicists at the pres- ent time. At 12:15 a luncheon will be held at the Union, at which Dean'Ed- I ward H. Kraus will give a short talk. ranatrope and Electrola Expet FOR SERVICE DIAL 21-408 STIMPSON RADIO SERVICE ' M . . CORNWELL COAL - COKE S'tanton, Pocahontas Kentucky and West Virginia Coal. Solvay and Gas Coke 521 E. Liberty St. ZC4WW t Harvard Of Professor Traces History French Conversation Through Ages This business has been growing ever since it was established. The iecr t- "giving absolute satisfaction to our customers." We believe it pays to do business in a friendly way. If you think s otoo, let's get together. "Newspapers are the greatest force now active in shaping the na- ture of conversation," declared Prof. Andre Morize of Harvard university, one of the most widely known French scholars in the country, in his lecture on "Conver- sation" yesterday afternoon in Na- tural Science auditorium. "They unify and at the same time vivify the mutual interchange of ideas. Their only disadvantage is that sometimes they also standardize Professor Morize traced the his- tory of conversation from the time of the French salons in the seven- teenth century to its status in mod- ern life, pointing out its influence on history, on social institutions, and the development of language. PROMINENT AUThO0R DIES Word has beersieceivedl hege of the sudden death of Hal C. Weaver, *09E, who since 1016 has been pro- fessor of mechanical engineering at the university of Texas. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO.- ITerbert F. Reisler, blind student at the University of Chicago, has b(en elected president of te sen- ior law class. 13e has imaint oined an average of "A" throughout1 hr, law course, and is a member of v- fllinois Law Review staff. TWENTY YEARS AMONG THE TWENTY-YEAR- OLDS By JAlME ANIWILSON IIAWE8 College fraternity and club life, co-educationr, athletics and the honor system, religion and morals-the whole undergradu- ate scene reviewed by the gen- eral secretary of D.KE.. $3.00 E. P.D utton & Co, 286-302 Fourth Ave., N.Y.C. CORNWELL COAL.- COKE OFFICE, CORNWELL BLOCK Phones, Office .4511552 Yard Office; 5152 11I11f1 l.1 , 11 1 1 111IB 'fIil ItI Illtllll111 l i I I l l i f i f 6 IlllI I I- K.~...will always fin-d us busy,r but never too busy to give your especial w a n t s our speciil attentIon. We Value Your Trade Gfell MNarket 223 N. Main Dial 4208 s 111111111111111111111)E 1111111111111111 1i11111 1111111 1111111111111111111111111111. 1t - mwost honoruAfe r f approval C '" When the Most Honorabk Tourist enters a offered - and about eight times out of t Ja panesc shop, experienced travelers tell us, there'd be a sale on the spot! he is instantly struck by the elegant bareness At least that's what the saps figures indic of the shelves. The astute Eastern merchant - over six million smokers keep asking discloses his wares one piece at a time, working Chesterfield and the salesmen all know it. down from the choicest to an eventual sae, And no wonder, you smokers. You i If our local tobacco shops were conducted have tried 'em know there's 6o need to on the Japanese system, we venture to predict Chesterfields - that mild di&ferent i vor j that Chesterfield would be the first cigarette puts ftself over. I ^.... . MILD etoutgh for _ - -- .. ยข-- - -e-... .. d 10 Years from Now, You Will Want Your Organization Photograph III But NOW is the Time to Order It III I III