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January 22, 1929 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1929-01-22

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l~o admi . ,on iar ea deiock. Alegcc% &on fucco; Kailcrt:-im-p_.TL?~7 A DC L IRS[~
vIlain so otnt:cfgzta celr:S;il atrl, 'BU 1 hinb: ger: Pastoral Sonata; Novak; In the Church; Lenare: Chant EADI SALES AT N W T N
Pubilication in the Bulletin is constructive notce to ,all members CaleI.Sik h anudayCollier'sarethethri-ieeloyredaeoxplahestdeta
~O~ L~O F~i IAL BUL ETI sas Prois; agnr: orsielLieestd (risan nd solagohe adtuday e thing Post, Li widelyrodeamoegrex stundenht M[
of the University. 'Copy receved by the Assistant to the. Presi-. agziespulihe-otsdcth godsel an
den unil :30p. n. 11:0 a i. Sturay. MJi~j~XlIroraii:campus which are most read by3, copies of the magazine in which
The following program will be given by advanced students of the 'Michigan students, it has been re- they are~ appearing, and declared Annot
vOL. 39 TUESDAY, JANUARY 22, 1929 No. 89 University School of Music, Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock sharp, at the vealed following a recent survey of that he sold a large number of the' the ofi
SUniversity School of Music Auditorium, on Maynard Street. The public campus newsstands. Gargoyle,; cheaper priced detective story, radio s
'University Lecture: I is invited. No admission charge. Bach: Prelude from the First Solo- campus humor publication, was ;magazines to students each week. imunica
Professor Hans Naumann, of the University of Frankfurt, and Karl Sonata; (Vera Johnson) Chopin: Nocturne C. minor, (Grace Snyder) ; mentioned among the best sellersi The others, however, reported with t
Schurz Professor at the Univerity of Wisconsin, will give a lecture (in Handel: Recitative: "Thus saith the Lord," from the "MssaW' Ha- .'by early . ey dealer, poor sales for all of the cheaper tartica
German) on the subject "Ratner ~}Ufa ia Rilke and the Transition to del: Aria: "But who may abide," from the Messiah," (Phil ip Cal in) anity ~~~ the leader of a year magazines. Cosmopolitan and Red# picked
Expressionism" in the Ntural 5ci c-eAu itorium t41 "mTesPc:pCurn eo ssilwl ea mn l^Boi per ate,4:15 p.Januayn., Thurs- Pick: Rtiapsody for two Cclli, Moderato-Allegro;~ (Lawrence Goodspeed agi tl v edaogteBoi per , eas widely , Eleanc
dy, Jnay4.The public'is(cRdally rf°ivted. adHiisPcCosh kwk:Br~ms;Bce-rnal peue bte"cls fmgzns c edo -h ap s ox olitan Ishis b
o aSsFlca;Tshiosy:Br. -;Bce-Godh."rld,
F. E.Robbis ;or ding to the survey, but its sales seming to' be 'slightly the mo re the Bay
r. E. Robbineluse Nelson) ; Ponchie:lli: Aria: "Voce di Donna," from "La Giocon- hv alncniealadac oua.Oesoehsago 's
da '( FlorencefallcneconsCoreraiyLaaoniaaVa iationsr.GcneevioreGrif- a good'base.
University Lecture: da Foec oc'f,;Crli a~iaVrainto~vteGi o nearly so. ;good as they were sale of Good Housekeeping but re- The n
atHradUnvriytissmse, illcue n~iy.Accompansts: ide tne and Louise Nelson. when the last survey was taken.' In ports that t~wnispeoplc are the designe
Professor Paul Hazard, of the College de France,_Exchango' Professor icy).,-lrdSagrn Chares A. Sink every case the Saturday Evening largest purchasers. CUnited
atHradUiest hssmsewl etr nFrench Thursday, ' Post was cited as the leader, one l ano
January 24, at 4:15 o'clock,:in roomi 103 Romance, Languages, on. "Les Engineering Council: F dealer stating that he is unable to UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGHI.I have b
Voygeodyagteubsande TeCpblctisanyte. " EgieeingConcl.wllmetea.730p.bn.lWdnedasan.seurveougecpis t,.llthe[-enwukndofglasoaduwih thco
Thest ilte-Anwkn fgas aewt tem
F.23,~Rbbn in room 302 Michigan Union. calls which he receives, beryllium has been discovered by On S
- R. C Adam, Jr. i One newsstand reported good Chi Eang La~ a. Chinese. researchstin
Uniersty ectre:~' -~ sales for College Hum or, although fellow. One of its properties is In- ting in
Dr. Ernst iez, Associate Professor of the History of Art at Bryn Chorl-Uio- all stated that Life and Judge were creased hardness. Boling.
Mawr College will give a lecture on the subject "Borobudur, The Temple ChrlUin
of the Thousand Buddhas," in the. Natural Science Auditorium at 4:15 There will be no' rehearsal for the Choral Union 'Tuesday, January office this wcck, and ask how many more subscriptions your house needs was ab
P. in~ Monday, January 23. The public is co dilly invited. 122. Double rehearsal will be held Thursday eveniing, January 24, at 7 to receive its complimentary copy. drcl
~Bay of
F. F. JRobbins I o'clock. Kappa Sigma, Kappa Delta Rho, Alpha Kappa Psi, Phi Chi Collegi- Oi S
L al V. Moore i ate Sorosis, Gamma Phi Beta, Phi Sigma Delta, Alpha Phi, Chi Phi, Lion w
Movig Pcturs o Indstr: -Psi Upsilon, Martha Cook, Xi Psi Phi, Phi Kappa Tau, Delta Zeta, f the ba
The eighth of~ the School of Business Administration's moving pic- Physics Colloquium: Det amma, Tigon, Tht elt h,P et h, CiOmg, Alhatransmi
ture programs 'Will be held in Natural Science Auditorium at4:0p.i, Professor W. W. Sleator will speak 'on "The Elliptic Polarization I'Kappa Lambda, Hermitage, Phi Rho Sigma, Phi Kappa Psi.J Profess
Wednesda1.y,Jaur 23. Please note that the program will begin 10 of Light by Reflection," at 4:15, Tuesday, January 22, in Room 1041,1 Frederick G. Baushard, Sales Mgr. iof the
minutes earlier than many afternoon meetings. The following films F ast Physics Building. All interested arc cordially invited. ___mander___
will be shown; W. F. Colby Resrv BndM. Go
Craekeis.l-Te Modern Stall' of Life I reel. 'Tee ilbaarglrneedaltngh tMrrsglea :5
Cookties ndi Cookie Cakes 1 reel. Radio Club: Thrwl e. eulrrhera tngh tMorshala 71,tion ' an
The Texs' Trafl to Your Table (a story of beef from the cattle There will be a regular ineeting of the Rtado Chib) tonight at 8. Every'man muarst be present. tidi
range to the retailer's store) 1 reel. o'lcki room 200 W, Engineeing Annex ihlsFloe epthi
Milk (the' Interesting story of evaporating milk -poesfo E. L. Littell iottnda
cow to can) 1.reel. _______'SgaP:Sna
The L'nd of Cherries (the largest cherry orchard in the world, Alpha Epsilon Mu: 40i oateSgaP ilme usaJn 1 tos71 .ai om Fo
with scenes of the cultivation, picking and canning of cherries) 1 reel., There will be a special initiation of Alpha Epsilon Mu at 73. 'lc hmsr ulig oe itrse nCeityaeIpsti le of
All persons interested are invited to attend these programs which tonight, in Room .308 of the Michigan Union. The regular initiation ;invited to attend the meeting. lzbt .nrPo. South
are desIgaed particularly to give business students background material, will be held February 12. - from a
Carl . ScmalzSherwood B." Winslow
CrN.Smaz_______Portia Literary Society: any me
Bureau of Appointments:j Alpha Kappa Delta:i There will be a regular meeting Tuesday, Jan. 22, at 7:30 p. m.[be rela
Suetwhsreodarnocopeebthenoftefrtf Members of Alpha Kappa Delta will meet at 5:30 today at Dey's Nellie C. Becker, President Ertil con
semester will not be considered for teaching positions in the fall. In Studio for the Michiganensan picture.
comrlplete records will be destroyed unless sufficient reason is given why jRJ. D. MaNitt, President Independents Attending .-1101: F -,
they Cannot be completed by that time.'______ There will be a very important meeting of all independents attend-

uncemcint has come from
cials of the local R.O.T.C.
>tation, WBAXZ, that comn-
tion has been established
he Byrd expedition to An-
i,° by means of messages_
up last Thursday from the
)r Bbli ng," one of the Byrd
'ounid from New Zcalen4. to-
y of' Whales, the cxpcd'itkn'
nessages from the .ship were
d for certain people inl the
States, the identity of' whom'
be divulged. The mnessages~
peen sent to these people by.
?mbers of the% local station;.
aturday morning the loca l
.was agtain successful in get-
.touch with the "Eleanior
At the same time W8AXZ"
le to pick up communication
ywith the operators at the'
Sunday morning communica-
u'as again established with'
se and the local stations
itted several messages from
-or William Herbert Hobbs
geology department to Coin-'
rByrd and Prof. Lawrence
uld, who is head geologist
ographer with the expedi-
nid who was recently made,
in' command of the entire
ion. The communication
imorning faded out after:
Lnow on the local station.
;o maintain a regular sched-
communication with the'.
Pole explorers. Messages:
anyone in. this country to
npbers of the expedition will:
,yed. Guarantee of success
amunication, in view of the:
stance, is not made,
r XT _ -1 1 '3 _,* -_ I


Location Blanks 'must be made out as soon as elections are con.
pleted for the "secondl semester. Call at thec office, 102 Tappan Hall, for
these blank.
llellen R. Shambaugh, Secretary,
A. Pierre de lanux:I
Mi. de Lanux will talk on, "Modern Manners in Diplomacy" at a
lunchieon at ' 12:15 'Wednesday, January 23, in the ladies' dining room
of the Union. Luncheon will be 75c. All students and faculty, if able
to remain., during the one o'clock hour, are invited to attend, and if
jntending..to ,do so ate requested to notify the Political Science office
at 2033 Angell"Hll (campus phone 267) in orderto, determine the num-
ber of covers to set.
.; R. T. Crane
Special Swimming Classes:
The Intramural Department is having swimming classes for begin-
Hers and advanced swimmers every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
at ,7.:30-8:311." G. ,D. McMahon is in charge.I
Intramural Department
Political Science 164:+
Students electing this course next semester arc particularly desired
to rattend, if .possible,. the :luncheon to M. do Lanux,. of which notice
appcars 'in this column. . ' TCrn
HsyReview lecture for my sections and Professor Elirnann's sections
Tucsday evening, at 7:30 in Room 1025 Angell lHall.
B. W. Wheeler
Ftiraternities :.
1The' Student Council wishes to express their appreciation to the
fraternitics aiding them in entertaining the South African student
The Student Council
University Women:
out of cousicleratiloi for women who are prepar'ing for examiinatlonrs,
it is expected 'that moving operations will be confined to the week end,
February 8-11L
Gra-ce Ricards
New York Times furrent Events Contest:
in order that the number of copies of the examination which will
be needed for the' Current Events Contest to be held on February 15
may be estimated, students intending to enter the contest are requested
to notify immediately one of the members of the local committee, con-i
sistjng of Professors J. L. Brummn, P. W. Slosson, W. M. Abbot, Z. C.
Pickinson and E. S. Brown.
Everett S. Brown
Twilight Organ Reital:
Palmer Christian, University organist, will gie the following pro-
grai n Hill Auditorium, Wedn'esday afternoon at 4:15 o'clock. The
general pulilc with the exception of small children is invited to attend.

Adelphi House of Representatives:
Old 'and new officers will meet promptly at 7:30 o'clock tonight in
the Adelphi room to discuss plans for next semester.
Lawrence Hlartwig, Speaker
Physical Education Students:
The Intramural Offices are now located at the new Intramural
Sports Building. Telephone 22101.
Intramural Department j


ing the J-Hop this evening at 7:30 in Room 316 of the Michigan Union
to make arrangements for booths.
Philip B. Allen
Sophi Prom ConIlittee:
Meet at Dey's Studio Tuesday at' 4.30 for' picture.
Walter Yeagley, Chairman
There will be no meeting tonight. Meetings will start again on
February 12.
John Q. Langcn, President
Inter-fraternity Council:
There will be a meeting of the Inter-fraternity Council Wednesday,
Jan. 23, at 4:30, in room 302 in the Michigan Union.
E. H,.~ Wachs, President

[New XYork Listed
Private wires to all
Conservative margin accounts
Telephone 22541
Brown-Cress &CO.,'
Investment Securities
7th Floor First Nat'l
Bank Bldg


The Play. Reading Section will meet Tuesday afte-noon at. 2:30
o'clock with Mrs. Max Winkler, 1520 Cambridge.
Y Mrs. WV. V. Marshall
M 1.usic Section- Faculty Women's Club:
The Chorus of the Music Section of the Faculty Women's Club will
practice Wednesday evening, January 23, at 8 o'clock at the home of
I Mrs: Clare Griffin, 1107 Michigan Avenue.
- ' lana K. Taylor', Secretary t
IMi chaiganensian Coniplinmentary Copies:
The following is a list of fraternities and sororitles who will receive I
a complimentary copy of the 1929 'Ensian next spring. These are the
only h'ouses who have the Lull total of fifteen (15) paid-up subscriptions.
We' have lists in our office from other fraternities and soro~ities, butj
our check-up found themr lacking the required number. If you arc not
included in the following list, phone or call at the 'Ensian Business

Ann Arbor Art Association:
The exhibitions of paintings and
color wood blocks by Mary 0. John-
son, A. Maestro-Valerio and Gus-
tave Baumann in the three galler-
ies on, the second floor of Alumni
Memorial Hall will be open daily
from 1:30 to 5:00 o'clock. These
exhibitions will close Wednesday
afternoon. January 23.
B. M. Donaldson, President


IA nation-wide protest on thek,
part of feminine athletes has
arisen against the recent decision'
'of the Women's Division of the Na-
tional Amateur Athletic federation!
to ekelude women from participa-
tion in the Olympic meets of the
A Tasty Treat
I for Desserts
Fresh and Deliciou$
Dawn Donuts
Order by Phone
I DIAL 2-1640

2610-303 E. LIBERTY S'1


. Distinctive .Foolu'ear
w .w
-Continuing Our i
= an uary ale
-. of
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)Y TtYoo twear
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r e d u e d0o r t is elli gtee nt
wne r


f: :

'1'11lR U U
The Ambassadors
"Bill" Watkins
"Torn" Towner
Ken Wolfe
"Oz" Osmun
Charlie .Hudson
Carroll 1Metcalf

Michigan Mene
"Syd" Bryant
"Hal" Stricker
Dick Freyberg
Dick Thoma
Louie Stipe

The Entertainers
Walt Welke
Eric Wild
Otto Brown
Fred Watts
Stan Schumlaker
Phone 9588

1EN 'LUJNDQT, eManager


v VlixEAR Ap c 1"k-, VAW,- .'%A IAY3 LI L!!%, 1111

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