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January 22, 1929 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1929-01-22

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DA 11,E



Besy Barbour Six Keep
Cook Down To Lower
r: Than Is Usual
rtha Cook's Venus I
team won one of the mos
games of the year wheni
ed the fast Betsy Barbou
a score of 23 to 18 befor
thusiastic audience at
yesterday afternoon in
gymnasium. Both teams w
posed of skilled players,
start to finish the game
of keen competition.
BDuring the first quarter
Betsy Barbour jumping
suippebddtno met the tiu-+

In spite of the fact that she uses the young people of the present TRarely does one run across such to spend on classes, althougn he is
I TIAM oils, water colors, and charcoal as ' day, Mrs. Johnson expressed the USES ,NEW UUJLCf Ufrank and interesting descriptions destined by the curriculum to
belief that the envioronment of iof characters, well-known faculty waste an hour a day for three
a medium of artistic expression' the average boy or girl is more apt members in the early days of th months over the sophomor class,
N WORK Mrs. Mary O. Johnson, whose workto hold. opportunities for the de-| Ellen Glasgow is known as the ,University, as are to be found in trying to initiate them into the
R AND of the past year is at present being velopment of artists ttsan ever e-|author who "broke the sentimental'the diary of San Louic Anderson, simplest mysteries of his science,
TS exhibited in Alumni Memorial Hall, fore. Girls, she says, arc apt to tradition of the South." Her writ- '75, one of the first women gradu- and we feel considerably aggrieved


Ganna Walska has
beauty salon on Fifth
pay the huge deficits

opened a
Avenue, to
which her

states that she has found oils both
WELL most satisfactory and most inter-
esting. "Water-colors have occu-
pied little of my time, although I
s Martha have found them well.adapted to
Score my style of painting. Charcoal
work, while it is not difficult, is
basketball both interesting and invaluable as
a basis for extracting principles of
t exciting art for use in other mediums."
if. Annt

it deieat-
ur six by
e an en-
4 o'clock
vere com-
so from
was one
r the tall
off everv

time and the ball was rushed to the
Newberry forwards in short order.
The period ended with the score
9, to 3 in favor of Betsy Barbour.
Martha Cook's jumping center be-
gan to liven up at the beginning1
of the second period, so for the
next two quarters she managed to
getf the jump alternately, and in
fact even outplayed the Barbour'
centers. The half ended with
Barbour never got the lead again
Martha Cook leading, 12 to 9. Betsy
during the rest of the game al-
though the forwards threatened to
even the count by making only onej
basket less than the Martha Cook
forwards in the last half.
Both squads performed some ex-
collernt team work. The guarding
that Dina Berkowitz of Martha
Cook displayed was outstanding onI
one end of the court while she was
counterbalanced at the opposite
end where Dorothy Marshick of.
Betsy Barbour very capably exe-
uted her difficult task of keeping
Ann Zauer, one of the best for-
wards seen on the Barbour gym-
nasium floor in several years, from
ringing up a high score. AlthoughI
Zauer succeeded to account for 17
of the 23 points, the Martha CookC
score was kept down much morej
than, it usually is.
Both of the teams have won two
games in the tournament and are
tijerefore qualified to enter the
elimination games. Venus is only
one of the two teams that Martha
Cook entered in the intramural
tournament this season.
The line-up was:
Martha Cook Betsy Barbour
T. Christ'sen.R F.....F. Miller
A. Zauer.....LF.....E. Bates
F. Neyer.....JC..M. McDonald
D. Fenneberg.S C.....H. Wilson
D. Berkowitz. .RG...H. Supe
A. Kunkel.L...LG. .D. Marshick
LAWRENCE, Kansas.-The reg-
istrar-a man-at the University
of Kansas claims that young wo-
men in Kansas never vary, that
they are always a bunch of Ameri-
can beauties.

Mrs. Johnson is an instructor of
drawing and painting in the Arch-
itectural school of the University.
Her exhibitions have appeared not
only in Ann Arbor on several pre-
vious occasions but also in Detroit,
Chicago, and in Woodstock, New
York. She has studied at the Art
Institute in Chicago and at the
Thurn School of Modern Art in
Is Not Satisfied- With Work
Running her finger down the list;
of paintings which are now to be
seen in Alumni Memorial Hall, Mrs.
Johnson remarked, "Although I
consider only about one out of
every three or four to be what I
would call good, there are a few
of these paintings which I still
like." Those which elicited a word
of satisfaction from her were
"Roundout Creek" for the "fluffy
way in which it is done and for
the composition, "Old Ann Arbor,"
j "Zinnias," and two of the still life
studies, one using lemons and the
other having melons as the motif.
"In the still life with melons what
I was attempting to do was to
paint flatly and yet showthree di-
mensions in the drawing. Many
would criticize this way of repre-
senting still life. I also like
"Maiden Lane," because that too
has depth.
"So far my portraits have far
from satisfied me. "Roberta"
which I have painted since study-
ing at Woodstock last summer is
Smuch better than any that I had
done before.
Commenting upon the frequency
with which heavy-leaved plants
were objects of study in her paint-
ings, Mrs. Johnson said that shej
tenjoyed studying plants. "A rub-
ber plant which we had here in
the Architectural building last year
I have used in a number of the
groups that I have represented.
Still life work always fascinates
Considers "Clevia" Best Work
Mrs. Johnson considers that her
best piece of work is "Clevia,"
which at present is being shown at,
the American Artists'; Exhibition: in
Detroit, and she regrets the ab-
sence of it in the Ann Arbor ex-
hibition. In the Detroit Institute1
of Arts, where it is being shown it
is attracting the attention of
critics and lovers of art. It is a
study of sunlight falling through a
glass pane upon the leaves of a
large plant with strap-like leaves.
Regarding the study of art by

i ng ax the poor wries ana Tn ; ates. Although she calls them by when he is too busy to lE t u hav
secure more training, than boys,.as o s theater in Paris-the Champs des
i for in many cases, they have gain- negroes rather than the owners of fictitious names, the persons can nothing but a hurried peep
ed an -interest in art in the public large colonial plantations is not be easily recognized by the older through the big telescope. What Elysee-and a sympnny orchestra
schools, while boys are more apt i enough to warrant the popularity alumni. is the pleasure or profit of a set have piled up, according to an ar-
lto be occiphed rith the manual' she has enjoyed for the past thirty The 'Dr. Golding' whose remark- of striplings when compared with ticle by Helen Mogge, staff writer
arts or with outdoor sports. "Abyears.nBuMitgis enoghfthattsh
|tob occieduthrp rts.AnAnyIears. But it is enough that sheable career is narrated has been an entanglement of Jupiter's for the Central Press. She is the
artist, however, is an artist," and contributes to our knowledge of said to be Dr. Benjamin F. Cocker, moons, or a transit of Venus? So wife of Harold F. McCormick, the
she smiled as she said this, human nature. Professor of Moral and Mental we settle back upon the conclusion cago millionaire who' divorced
"whether a man or woman." In It is claimed by those who know Philosophy from 1863 to 1887. "The as previous classes have done, that
the field of art, as contrasted with her that Miss Glasgow knows more old doctor has had a checkered the observatory was built for the Edith Rockefeller some years ago,
an alleged advantage of men over about men than she does about 'life. He has been, now, fifteen benefit of the university in general, She has been known for her musi-
women as regards financial returns women. Perhaps it is because of 'years here, and no one would guess and Professor Markham in partic- cal aspirations, to satisfy which
in other fields, in the opinion of this very deep knowledge of the from his saintly face that he had ular, she went into opera and now owns
Mrs. Johnson, women artists are stronger sex that while "she has yever been a wild, somewhat, reck- "I must tell you of Professor a theater in Paris.
paid as well for their work as men, contempt for men (sometimes less youth. But we love every hair Leclere, the French master, (un- In appearance Ganna Walska is
kindly) Ellen Glasgow adores man." of his white head, and we love his doubtedly Prof. P. R. de Pont) I a striking Polish beauty, who
' Thus at the same time she is dis- old-fashioned vest and coat. His with his delicate little cigaret al- somehow does not seem to belong
( Cora Opines claiming some one man, the read- every 'Good morning' carries a ways between his lips when out of behind an office desk. When ask-
er is conscious of Miss Glasgow's blessing with it. It is strange about the class-room, and his irresistible ed why she gave up the luxuries
At last my dear, I have found admiration of man's possibilities. him ,too, for when he gets into the accent of English, which we would and ease her wealth and social
out why it is that st udents persist If man should make the most of pulpit in the Methodist church he not have him correct for anything, position could afford her, she re-
in attending local theaters despite these inherited possibilities wom- can shout as loud as any one, and And Professor Gray, emeritus, (the plied that they become dull and
all efforts of Baron Butterfield'si an's already great handicap of talk about the wrath of God Rev. George Palmer Williams, the tiresome after a little, and that
henchmen to discourage them. t !managing a boze would be au against sinners." first profesor in the University) she longs to bring before the peo-
all came out in soc class the other mented and chances of success in And in this passage, the author whosevedttlte University for 30 plc the best of her musical effort
morning. I heard it with my own any other pursuit would be negligi- gives a touch of caricature, in the years, and let them judge it. She likes
ears and everything. ble. Because success, according to description of Professor 'Mark- --.---".American business methods.
There are several reasons for this Ellen Glasgow, is for a woman a ham,' to the peculiarities of Profes- INTERCLASS BASKETBALL In commenting on the American
otherwise unexplained phzenomen- harmonious adjustment to life. For sor James C. Watson who was ~i-, women, Madam Walska remiarked
on and I am much relieved to have a harmonious adjustment women rector of the Observatoryafrom; PRACTICE WILL CONTINUE that she thinks they are delightful
the reason cleared up, because must rearrange their emotions, 1863to1879. I but use too much makeup with too
really if students would go in spite which would be quite a pleasant great, round face is orna- Seven out of the nine interlass little art. She says that she sees
of every thing it doesn't speak well task since they are ever seeking I meted with a fringe of short basketball practices are definitely so many faces that look alike. The
or teir native intelligence whn effects. black hair; this meets his beard on required in order that any of those greatest claim to beauty of a wo-
. 'While Miss Glasgow's wit and i both sides, thus completing the out for the sport may make the man, she said,lies in the subtle
and what have you that surround epigram coupled with her consci- magic circle. His anterior develop- teams. Two teams will probably individual difference of a face."
the local theater situation You ence style make her books refresh- ment is such as nearly to threaten be selected from each class and The essence of charm she be-
stdmit that it itd ing and free from dullness, she can him with Falstaff's fate in regard i the plans are for each team to I eves, is an innate desire to please
couraging situation. In the first be equally as serious when the sub- to his knees. Although his body is play one from another class at and with busness in mind she re-
a the s jectn hand calls for that quality, doomed to earth by the attractionI least twice during the tournament. d marked that a delicate individual
once anihf suetsso theiris Gasgwadhressticly toooof tohhudre and saventy;A great deal of care will be used perfume adds greatly to tat
onth m n ement 1- realism and disdains a sentimental pounds av., yet his mind lives in selecting the teams because charm.
approval, the management squel-raimaddsan etmna ro h trs ei lasbs; i uhaalbemtra - ------._._----o
ches them by more or less violent viewpoint. She has made anti- I among the stars. He is always busy there is much available material, o-I ~~
means. And if the show is, well, . quated the' 'yes, massa' type of in the observatory sweeping the announces Jesse Church, '29, man-jNOTICE
not so good-which happens more literature that fairly swamped heavens with his telescope. Oh, ager. -I
Southern literature such a memory as he has! lie can So far the practices have beenI There will be a Kappa Phi
often than notthe students must While Miss Glasgow does not li fill a whole blackboard with loga- devoted to basketball techniqueI cabinet meeting at 4:45 this
si ere and sufer in sience. the complacency with which most Irithms so fast that it makes one I and drilling in passing and guard- j afternoon in Wesley Hall.
But as I said there seem to be teomplaen wth whx, most dizzy to watch him, and carries___ing______
several sociological reasons why women view the stronger sex, and d h igu satlnchohmuancrs ing
students continue to patronize the while she is conscious that some of the fguresn of lo ch tation in
the arrangements of nature put
theaters in spite of everything, and.women at men's mercy, and that ing short of miraculous. We wish
Baron Butterfield profits accord- women ought to do something to sometimes that he would not be so CnC).!'oAeTouht o d'sNilhng 1' 1-1
ingly. In the first place, the bthis disadvantage she is n wrapped up in his celestial -YITVH
offset ti iavnaesei nII
movies have become an established Irounds less sure when she views thoughts for he hasn't much time
tradition that had its beginnings Thmen inegfac thao their eduan-i-the
back in the days when you could on, i nrThe gact that she is of an- Where CHAMPAGNE of Teas are
have a little fun at them without thergenerationmay WhereANAe rC A P GwitTesae
someone getting himself arrested. er atiyyRAMONAserved
You idn' hav to orryintoseuncertainty
You didn't have to worry those Appreciation is given to Graham's Beauty Shop PIPING HOT LUNCHES
days about waking up in the morn- Appreciatio is e to Gram
ing and reading that your boy M. Overton'3 'The Women Who! MRS. F. KEELER,iWe@fetur"Fotune Tellmg"with
friend had been arrested or bombed I Make Our Novels' in the gathering Facial Expert of New York,
with tear gas or hit over the head of material for this article.reveryservice ota
with a club. So the fact that it has _______r i WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY,
become a tradition is one reason show it to my instructor just to AND FRIDAY, E
that the movies in Ann Arbor are prove to him that I don't sleep in and will give to every lady a
Still patronized by students. all his quizz sections. Facial Free with a ; Open Sunday 4 to 11Ip. m. Closed Monday
Then another reason is that it L -- - Marcel or Finger Wave and
human nature to want to suffer - Shampoo--$1 2So. State
with your fellow humen beings. If FELT HATS Phone 21478 625 E. Liberty
you stay home evenings and study, -
you suffer alone, but if you hi made on thehl11
yourself to the movies you suffer
in the company of others and this McKINSEY<-
affords for much more satisfaction. HAT SHOP
Well, you see, my dear, that I
really do know my sociology. I 227 So. StateEyr
think I'll have to clip this out and___tq U
11111I11111111111111111111i 111111111111111111111111tt1111111lIIlIII1lll ltll ll illlllll I" OY S s~. r" '
n4 I l® y
y- :: :y,, t ' .-.zi, "3 ' t°'
srt ' 'ii, . "'.'A4 = .1 _ Rr r c s yo 'lw n th 44 ' Y .. J
- VY
right now. Styles o advanced
x g$
m, that though you choose them now
they will continue to be smart
s ; r _..."3A> through the coming season. There ,
are two piece modes - destined
this season to be more popular < jCMF.
- ithan ever. Overblouses of charm- ..
_ }i ngly patterned prints: tweed ef = } a -
fects, plaids and novel motifs. ~ ~ *'
Made with the tight band at the
hips Skirts are on tailored bodice

I 1- - _ - ytops-knife pleated or tucked yr , 'L4~m 5
Tw- - *J.'Y ': . -t- : A
a L
inK. "" to $'s-s,
® , ," < -flared skirt styles, swathed hip 1 tS r n- f
rat line frocks Frocks for afternoon
G O U A IT -.--- -for sports-for evening--f o r i--*--
mornng wear~:;-~
at$4~ i~ $9O"L 750 c _..
Q°°1/ r-. ' ~L.y -°- +'-."- s ~



let ul-
he tlun



Nothing pulls down
marks as fast as sickness
-and good health pro-
vides the clear brain that
carries you through many
a tight quiz. All of na-
ture's healthful food ele
ments are in

C1,r r1 r

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