FHE i H"ICA flA' iC IF- AyJ~AR 0 .. r. TRACKMEN PREPARE FOR INDOOR MEETS WINS FIRST TIME TRIAL: CI C New York Herald Defends Athletes Ted Wuerful IN 8E'C ND PRO Boutli (Sfe*. TOT ilne IatV) DETROIT, Jan. 19.--Harold The-j ron Donahoe, the sensational Uni- versity of Michigan grappler, who promises to be as big a threat in the ranks of the middleweights as Gus Sonnenberg is in the heavyr class, returns to Detroit next Wednesday night to meet Victor: Basinski, the Flint policeman, in an hour bout on the Asaranin hall card which is topped by the Weis-j smuller-Hernon bout. In his first professional appear- ance the two-time Big Ten cham-; pion and member of the U. S. Olympic team justified the predic- tions of wrestling critics who said he would make good as a pro. He; defeated Eugene Brown, who hasj won many matches here, in straight I falls showing speed, trickery and: headwork that would be a credit to a veteran. He several times threwj Brown down with flying tackles similar to Sonnenberg's pet holdt that won him the world's title. Basinski is an old campaigner and will have a weight advantage of some eight pounds on the Uni- versity athlete. He will give Dona-} hoe a severer test that he faced in the Brown go.; AN EDITORIAL OF THE- NEW YORKI HERALD TRIBUNE OF JANUARY 2, 1929 Worthy alarmists are con- stantly' preaching on the degen- eration of our colleges. They are, it appears, temples of ath- letics, where culture and educa- tion have little place. Wealthy graduates spend their days combing the "prep" schools for husky "lowbrows" who perform miracles upon the gridiron but maintain themselves in the good graces of the dean only with the concentrated aid of friends and tutors. The obvious premise upon which all this moralizing is based is the assumption that athletics and scholarship do not go together. Somebody in the Carnegie Foundation for the Advance- ment of Teaching dared to doubt the premise. Under the leader- ship of Dr. Howard J. Savage more than a hundred colleges have been studying their records to find out whether it was true that athletes were, in general, poor students. Nearly a year ago Columbia reported that it wasn't so. Some months later Princeton chimed in. And now Harvard seals the verdict. Pro- fessor Donald Snedden reports, after a study of the class of '27, that, on the whole, the athletes tend to get through college in a little less time than non-ath- letes, although they have a slightly, but not significantly, lower average in their grades. One significan deduction may, however, be drawn from this re- port. Of the 806 "regular" mem- bers of the Harvard class of '27, 301 were on the "game lists" for some one of the fourteen listed sports and 341 were classed as non-athletes. Presumably a large number of these "non-ath- letes" competed for the various teams without making the squad. Presumably still others regular- ly played tennis or squash or basketball or practiced in the gym.. Even Harvard, which has been notoriously backward in its gymnasium and other facilities and has not even a swimming-pool, is tending to ap- proach that athletic ideal of regular sport for every student 1 which has come so close to be- ing realized under the regime of Fielding H. Yost at the Univer- sity of Michigan. Now, it is precisely the vast de- velopment of the major sports which has made this universal athletics possible. The alumni have been asked to contribute to build lecture halls and to pay professors, but football supports the gymnasiums and the tennis courts. The $543,000 profit realized by the Yale University Athletic Association last year, all from football, paid for the mass athletics of which so much less is heard. And if no one can prove that ath- letics makes scholarship,tnoone can any longer assert that athletics is a bar to good class- room work; and what is there about the colossus of ahletics to cause so much worry. o _C HARRIS WILL RADICALLY ALTER DETROIT TIGERS' 1929 ROSTER It seems to be the concensus of of the embryo Tiger stars have Eopi[ion among Detroit baseball en- hailed comes Johnny Prudhomme thusiasts that the claws of the who is expected to develop into a Sixth Annual Collegiate Swimming Tiger will be sharper this year in headliner. Several other young-I Varsity Squad Goes Through Lng Meet To Be Held At Middle the fight for the American League sters are expected to win places on Workout; Scrimmage Is Held Western University bunting than they have been since the Detroit mound staff. Carroll, With Junior Varsity the days of Crawford, Cobb, Bush, Sorrell, Haskell, Billings, Whitehill, DATE IS sET FOR MARCHI Leonard and others who saw their and Gibson are rated as the best of KANITZ IS STAR 6F TILT ______ palmiest baseball days as the wear- the veterans. _______ (Specia ul 1' r I ,i ers of the spangles of Navin and Harris Counts On Rookie Coach George Veenker continued ST. LOUIS, Mo., Jan. 19.-The Co. There seems to be but one Roy Johnson, comes from San ! the job of keeping the Wolverine sniteason for this unexpected turn of Francisco with the highest of rec- basketball squad in' shape yester- Athletic Association s w i n m i n g affairs and it seems well justified ommendations as a high class out- meet has been awarded to Wash- in the confidence expressed by the fielder and Manager Harris has day afternoon by sending his ington University and will be Detroit fans in the managerial hopes of filling the shoes of Heil- charges through an extended prac- staged in Wilson Pool on March 29 capabilities of Stanley 'Bucky' Har- mann with this highly touted tice. To top off the drill, the Var- and 30, according to Arthur E. ris who will assume the responsibil- youngster. Johnson is a fence sity lineup. battled with Coach Eilers, business manager of athle- lity of directing the Tigers' fortunes buster having hit at .400clip on the Courtright's team and ran away tics, who has just returned r during the coming campaign. coast and shows every sign of his with a rather lopsided victory. New Orleans where a meeting of Harris, who will take over the abilities to star in the faster com- The early part of the drill was the Association was held. duties of George Moriarity as man- ! pany of the big leagues. Fothergill, devoted largely to the regular rou- Eilers, a member of the N. C. A. ager of the Detroit American leag- who is having his chronic pound- tine work on defense and offense. A. Swimming Rules Committee and ue club, at present is engaged in age troubles will probably see util- The members of the team that has former Washington swim m in g giving his newly acquired club a ity service. participated in most of the Con- mentor, was largely instrumental thorough overhauling. But a few Battle For Shortstop ference games as well as Kanitz in having the Committee award veterans are returning to the folds! i the ito or t of the 1929 Detroit roster and even' One of the prettiest battles of the were included in the workout. Bas- the meet to Washington for h s fewer of these are certain of teir training season is expected between ket tossing came in for its share old positions. Chick Galloway and Heine Schuble of attention with the squad work- the University of Pennsylvania. for the shortstop berth. Galloway ing on both long and short shots. Wilson Pool is one of the largest ekis concededly the superior to the, Defensive Play Stressed and finest swimming pools in the Gehringer at second base seems a former Brownie in the field but the Defensive tactics were given con- middle-west and preparations are fixture, while Heilmann will prob- Dutchman is the more powerful siderable attention, the squad split- now being made to enlarge the'ably win the guardianship of the batsman. ling up among itself and attempt- seating capacity for the coming af- initial sack. In the outfield Stone tngup__mngitefand__ttemp_- fair. land Rice will probably be seen reg- i ing to take the ball off the back- Entry List To Be Big ularly while Shea and Woodall will - board after a shot at the basket. All of the leading universities most likely be seen behind the bat. The "B" team was also practic- I and colleges of the United States Weakest in pitching the Detroit ing and the, preliminary work fol- will, in all ikehood, send swim- staff of a year ago will be radically ilowed much the same course as mers to participate in the chain- changed. the Varsity program. Coach Court- pionships. Because of the central l Heading the list is George Uhle, t right has expressed himself as be- I location of Washington it is con- obtained from Cleveland in a trade Competition has been started in ing well satisfied with the team fidently expected that the entry list which deprived the Tigers of the the all campus foul throwing con- play displayed against Michigan will be considerably larger than services of Ken Holloway, pitcher, test which will continue for three State Normal on Thursday night last year which, incidently, was the and Jackie Tavener, midget short- months' under the direction of the and hopes to be able to send the most successful of any meet yet stop. From Toronto, where many Intramural department. Any in- same lineup against the strong De- conducted. dividual may try for this award by The general control and conduct LARGE SQU1Arb REPORTS reporting at the intramural office troit City college quintet. of the meet will again be vested in """S Ain the new sports building at any , Due to its purpose of giving every the Swimming Rules Committee FOR TRACK AT M. S. C. time during the contest. However, man a chance, the Junior Varsity composed of Fred W: Luehring, di- only one tryout will be given each!1 has not been ablq to use the same rector of athletics at the University ('y Associated Pr )! entrant according to the rules ofi set of players in consecutive games, of Minnesota, chairman; Frank J EAST LANSING, Jan. 19.-More the tournament. I and this has made it more diffi- Sullivan of Princeton University, than fifty Michigan State college In the first round each man will| cult to perfect smooth team work. Editor of the Intercollegiate Swim- track men are reporting daily to be required to ,try for 25 free ( The scrimmage tfat concluded ming Guide; Arthur E. Eilers, Coach Ralph Young and his assis- throws under the supervision of an ! the workout for both squads de- Washington University; E. T. Ken- tants, Mort Mason and Miles Cas- intramural official. In order to veloped into a one-sided victory for nedy, Columbia University; and teel. !qualify for the second round in the Varsity after the "B" lineup Ernst Brandston, Stanford Univer- State lost Capt. Henry Wylie of which 75 free throws are attempted had taken an early lead. Kanitz, sity. last year's team and Paul Smith, a 'the contestant must make 15 of the who took Truskowski's place about The two primary purposes gov- weight man. Wylie was a miler|first 25 trys. Tie man Who makes half way through the scrimmage, I erning this annual meet, according with a best time of 4:22. Early in- the most shots cut of the total 100 w to Chairman Luehring, are to get dications are that this year's team :trys during the contst whil betiwas a big cog in the Varsity scor- together for competitive purposes will be strong in the sprints andIawarded the all campus foulI ing attack. the leading swimmers of the distance events "and in the pole throwing championship. All of the Varsity quintet save United States and to assist in the vault, with the hurdles and field At present' W. D. McLellan leads McCoy, who was playing back standardization of this sport in va- events remaining uncertain quan-|the field with a score of 63 success- guard, shared in the basket toss- rious sections of the country. tities. 'ful trys out of a 100. ing. I I. I t WESTERN STATE NORMAL HAS BIG SPORT PROGRAM, KALAMAZOO, Jan. 19-Two hun- dred men are entered in the in- tramural sports program at Wes- tern State Teachers' college here this Winter. Coach Charles Maher has organ-r ized two basketball leagues, com- posed of twenty teams, a hand ball ' league and boxing and wrestling,' teams. Tournaments in the sever- al classes of sports will be held in March. The basketball leagues will each play 15-game schedules, after which the high team in each di-t vision will meet in a three-game playoff. The winning team will' receive a trophy and players will! be given individual medals. C I I I SUDDEN too SERVICE door* 11 I Sk a tes Featuring Our New Line of ICE SKATES. AND HOCKEY ACCESSORIES Skates Sharpened in 24 Hours mar' .. 1 It I s