'THE MICHIGAN l A I L Y SUNDAY, JANUARY 20, 1929 rublished every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished herein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master General. Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- nard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21254. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR KENNETH G. PATRICK Editor .................... .Nelson J. Smith City Editor..............J. Stewart Hooker News Editor............. Richard C. Kurvink Sports Editor.............. V. Morris Quinn Women's Editor.............Sylvia S.Stone Telegraph Editor.... .....George Stauter Music and Drama..............,R. L. Askren Assistant City Editor...........Robert Silbar Night oseph E. Howell onald T. Kline Lawrence R. Klein George Editors Charles S. Monroe Pierce Rosenberg GeorgeC.. Simons C. Tilley Reporters Paul L. Adams Donald'E. Layman Morris Alexander Charles A. Lewis C. A. Askren Marian Mc])onald Bertram Askwith Henry Merry Louise Behyer Elizabeth Quaife Arthur Bernstein Victor Rabinowitz Seton C. Bovee Joseph A. Russell Isabel Charles Anne Schell L. R. Chubb Rachel Shearer Frank E. Cooper Howard Simon Helen Domnine Robert L. Sloss Margaret Eckels Ruth Steadman Douglas Edwards A. Stewart Valborg Egeland Cadwell Swanson Robert J. Feldman Jane Thayer Marjorie Follmer Edith Thomas William Gentry Beth Valentine Ruth Geddes Gurney Williams David B. Hempstead Jr. Walter Wilds Richard Jung George E Wohigemuth Charles R. Kaufman Edward L. Warner Jr. Ruth Kelsey Cleland Wyllie BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER EDWARD L. HULSE Assistant Manager-RAYMOND WACHTER Department Managers Aderiin ................ Alex K. Scherer Advertising...............A. James Jordan Advertising..... Carl W. Hammer Service ... ................Herbert E. Varnumn Circulation.... ..... George S. Bradley Accounts..............Lawrence 'EH. Walkley Publications................. Ray M. Hofelich Mary Chase J eanette Dale Vernor Davis Bessie Egeland Sally Faster Anna Goldberg Kasper Halverson George Hamilton Jack Horwich ix -Humphrey Assistants Marion Kerr Lillian Kovinsky Bernard Larson Hollister Mabley 1. A. Newman Jack Rose Carl F. Schemm George Spater Sherwood Upton Marie Wellstead Night Editor-GEORGE C. TILLEY SUNDAY, JANUARY.20, 1929 SHALL CURFEW RING TONIGHT? [n spite of the week's vicarious weather and the proximity of final examinations, the need for young men on campus to call the sorority and league houses late at night has not diminished. On the other hand, there seems to be a steady and ris- ing demand for the lifting of the. 11 o'clock limit which is prevalent in most houses. And why not? Last calls must not ring the phone at sorority and league houses after 11 o'clock, or a stringent voice inquires in not uncertain tones what is wanted. Usually, the voice makes the person at the other end decide that not a thing is wanted except to hang up. This, in itself, is unfair for Michigan is noted for the high types of young men within its gates. The forth- coming information of a morrow's lesson does not forthcome. Dates to be broken must remain intact. The last tender goodbye must go unpaid. The whole situation is unreasonable. The majority of women on cam- pus admit that their bedtime does not start until 12 o'clock or 1 o'clock' in the morning. Sometimes, they, even boast of it. The general im- pression, then, is that the 11 o'clock ban is unnecessary. The present idea is not only unfair to those out- side but to those in the houses, for imagine what unnecessary anguish must take place in the few minutes before 11 o'clock among the group around the phone, all wondering if the awaited call will make the grade. Both women and men agree that the rule is unpopular. In a Uni- versity where popular will has so great a part in forming University regulations, it is disappointing to find this one rule bringing sorrow to all classes of the student body. The Women's League should call a special meeting before the second semester starts in order to act upon the rule. At least, the plan to ex- tend the limit should be given a fair trial. 0 $56,000 AS A SOUVENIR Governor Alvan Fuller of Mas- sachusettes has worked for the state for eight years, having been governor since 1924. In that time, he has received $56,000 as remun- eration for his services, which have been as arduous and as full of accomplishment as those of any governor in the Union. Recently, when he cleaned up his office, he came across the checks totalling the full amount, and then startled no fault with his cashing the items, for he has worked as hard as any clerk in a minor department. He is clearly entitled to the money. The bright mark must therefore come from the fact that in a time when graft and means for officials to appropriate money is prevalent, one office holder has enough honesty to forgo his own salary. The act in itself may arouse sus- picion. Few can imagine any per- son giving up $56,000 in cash for any reason on earth. Others may suspect that he is doing so to hide other actions, not as noteworthy from the popular standpoint. But Governor Fuller will escape most of this slander, and his action has served to review a dying faith in the fundamental honesty of public servants.' 0 CHILDREN CRY FOR IT- Facing an impending shortage of milk to supply the many users of milk and its by-products, distrib- utors in Chicago are wondering whether to stand pat and refuse demands of farmers for a raise in wholesale price amounting to about 14 per cent of the former or to accede to their demands and be compelled to re-adjust all prices accordingly. Meanwhile organized farmers of Illinois, Wisconsin, and Indiana are withholding milk from Chicago dealers unless the price raise is granted. In many cases they have gone as far as to have their num- erous pickets charge wagons on many highways, headed for Chi- cago, and dump the milk so that it would not be delivered to consum- ers. The situation is extremely im- portant, for not only is the health of thousands of Chicagoans at stake, but in addition, there is the danger of similar re-actions all over the country, bringing with them serious effects to the nation at large if the supply of milk were shut off for any length of time. Appeals to President-elect Hoov- er have been made by the farmers association, basing their request for help on the Hoover policy of immediate relief for farmers. Whether this would be the, proper] course or not, it is obvious that in- terference by the Department of Commerce might not be out of or- der at this time, in light of the strong possibility of the entire sit- uation becoming more serious un- less an immediate settlement of some sort is made. It is evident, of course, that quiet agreement between thedparties concerned would be most desirable, but with each side feeling more se- cure in its position each day, arbi- tration may be difficult. Surely, national officials should begin to feel concerned, for the unfortunate consequences of a prolonged milk shortage are certainly to be avoid- ed. Steps for prevention of such a happening would indeed be judicious as an application of pre- vention to avoid possibilities of stringent action if necessity for remedying a milk war of great pro- portions should arise. 0 UNIVERSITY GIFTS Orla B. Taylor, the alumnus who is presenting a gift of the auto- graphed letters and documents of Napoleon I to the University, has found the most practical method of presenting rare collections for use. Unfortunately with most collec- tions of this kind they are placed in cold storage in the book stacks where they are seen by very few. There is constantly the fear that these precious manuscripts will be soiled, torn, or otherwise made use- less. But no provision is made to fix them up under suitable condi- tions so that they may be viewed by all at all times. Mr. Taylor in presenting his gift housed it in a metal case consist- ing of glass slides containing the precious documents. Both sides of the document can be seen at once without the danger resulting from handling. Gifts of philanthropic alumni can be more appreciated as presented in the manner which the donor intended if the are presented in the manner in which Mr. Taylor has given his. TONY PAPICH VS. CHICAGO TRIBUNE Whoever may decry Michigan'sl habitual criminal code that makes a life sentence mandatory for con- viction on a fourth felony charge, he certainly cannot complain in the case of Tony Papich. Yet The Chi- cago Tribune, consistently antago- nistic to the Michigan code, raises its customary wail. Papich, father of five, says the wail, is the latest to get life for a pint. Incidentally Papich had been convicted of five previous liquor of- fenses. Still more incidentally The Tribune mentions that Tony stole a horse and buggy at the age of 15, for which he was convicted, later committed a felonious assault on a young girl, for which he was con- victed, and while serving sentence for the latter conviction, killed a cell-mate. He was also convicted i on this homicide charge. OASTED IOLL WHOOPEE ITFA' DOWN We really didn't intend to go to school yesterday, but we strolled gingerly out on our front porch and cautiously down the front steps-and then slid downhill all the way to school. We couldn't have stayed home if we tried. Add to the busman's holiday yarn the one about the profes- sional hockey player who took his day off in Ann Arbor yes- terday. Well, the 'Varsity team can't have the alibi of insufficient ice this year. * * * What the University should do is to dam up Washtenaw Avenue from North University to the city limits and make a mile straightway for a 'Varsity crew. * * * This up-and-coming Ann Arbor chamber of commerce, who origi- nated the slogan "Ann Arbor, Where Commerce And Education Meet' (in court) might change it to "Ann Arbor, The Venice Of Lower Michigan." * * * One thing in favor of this slippery otreet condition: it keeps the University motor cops from speeding fifty miles an hour up and down Washtenaw Avenue. * *s * Well, Professor Hobbs, if this weather keeps up for many more years, you won't have to go to Greenland to study glaciers. * * * Pretty soon they will be send- ing expeditions to Ann Arbor to study the ice formations. Res- cue parties will probably have to be sent to save men stranded in the ice floes of South Uni- versity Avenue. By that time there probably will be a ban on student-owned dog- sleds and kyacks. * * The geology department can send their students out to study wave action in the ponds in front of the library. * * * From climatic conditions and re- sultant evidences, they'll soon have to phange the wolverine symbol to the polar bear. Professor Canfield of the Ro- mance Language department has announced that the French language is an aid to those traveling in France. What, pro-. fessor, Are there more French- men in France than American tourists Thomas Edison is reported to be working in the South and utilizing a 15-year-old Ford. Still waiting for your delivery, too, Mr. Edison? Yes, sir, our Congress intends to uphold the Kellogg Peace Treaty, even if we have to en- force it with our 16 new cruis- ers! * s . Forty South African student visi- ted the campus today. Ferry boats were provided to carry them from the depot to various points of in- terest about the campus. * * s Dr. Charles Craster, of New- ark, New Jersey, frowns upon handshaking and kissing of all kinds. The latter; of course, is just for little children. * * * 4 About Books I 0 0 "STRIKE WITH OUR SPIRIT'S# KNIFE AT INVULNERABLE NOTHINGS" The casual reader is quite likely to toss disdainfully aside the vol- ume called While The Bridegroom Tarried* because of the very nature of the title. The book is horribly misnamed and the sinister-sound- ing title gives rise to thoughts of I the Kathleen Norris type of writ- ing. In fact we had fully intended to paw over the pages of the book and to scribble a cursory account of it and to consider the deed done. We chanced, however, to open the book at page 46. "Louise did not utter a word. She seemed to study him apart from what he was saying, not quite hearing him. She seem- ed to be trying to fit him to something struggling to take shape in her for recognition's sake. He wanted to go. That was what assailedwher.hHe wanted to go. A worm, thick, whitish, stuck out its blunt. ugly head, pushing here and there for the best egress. Her eyes never left his face." After reading that we decided to begin with page 1 and finish.p Miss Bryner writes with a penI dipped in poetic images, and with it she traces her tale of a man who struggles half a lifetime for his ideal, and -then, attaining it without freedom, loses it again. It is surprising that a woman can fashion so intimate an ac- count of a man's consciousness. She seems to have centered her- self in his very soul and photo- graphed his mind with all its ideals and longings and passions and illusions. The introspection and attachment to detail are the keen- est and most completely satisfac- tory we have read yet. There are passages in While The Bridegroom Tarries that are so in- tense and sincere, yet so poetically smooth and orderly, that they read and sound like ballad music. To read them is an emotional experi- ence. $65-$90 Overcoats now Johnson&Murphy shoes $16.00 now y$14$15 now . . . *. $12.95 $11.95 Resilio neckwear $2-$2.50 now . . . . . $1.50 or two for $2.75 WAGTiERk. COMPA iY cfror771encz Sine*e 44X The fines merchanc at reduced prices mum ====WE EU MEW EUEEErU ErWE U EnUnr rU,-ErEU EU ;t rise Hickey-Freeman clothes $50-$65 Suits now . . $40-$52 . $54.50 1:.. ..2 .a..l. .a 1 2.2.0 2 . 2 1 2 a_1 . .1_.a_2 2 f " a t t " 2 r.r i r rr 'by Edna Uryt(ir. E. P. Duttoti and (:cr. NcwI York. $.5o. L.R. K. COCKTAILS AND COCKFIGHTS IN CUBA Ever since the crusade for its in- e= dependence at the close of the last century, the long, romantic inland southeast of Florida whence comes most of our sugar and a lot of our j 3I amusement seems to have been ' almost completely neglected by the American- journalist. But now along -a n comes a gay American sophisticate Iwith his book When It's Cocktail - Time In Cuba* and remedies the ancient wrong by "an account of . what the tourist to Cuba will see, do (and drink) in a land where personal liberty and climate are blended in just the right setting of beauty and romance." What Mr. Woon calls the "ap- A progressive business is Thoughtful of Tomorrow, peals" of Cuba to the American - tourist he divides into four classes: -_gaining but holding its customers, who remain because its alluring foreign characteristics, its support of personal liberty In =they prefer the services of that particular institution, both precept and practice, its climate, and its colorful history. and have realized the superiority of its workmanship Having thus classified them in the -- first chapter for the nformation of and excellence of its services. A relentless policy of those who expect hard thinking from a travel essayist, he goes on ever striving for improvement is bound to attract the in the rest of the book to give a delightful picture of life, liberty attention of a justly critical public. b this Funda- and the pursuit of happinessim Cuba-without racking his brain or. mental of Business Policy we firmly believe. forcing his imagination, except rarely in introducing material only remotely informative. This book does not quite possess the sustain- ed whimsicality of Mr. Woon s former volume, The Frantic At- lantic, but it is illuminated h oeu2 many spots by a rare frivolous humor that Mr. Woon, with his un- erring sense of the picturesque, is particularly apt at attaining. One of the most amusing chap ters, entitled A Lover's Lexicon First*Aid to Romance In Cuba, is a miniature treatise on the art of love, as practiced in Havana, donl in a spirit of real helpfulness and"E sympathy with the amorous butTH bewildered traveler and including (actually) a list of casniy-learnedI ® Spanish phrases which would prove decidedly efficacious. As the title indicates, the book is permeated with tantalizing ref ences to Cuban liberality in wtheUND use of intoxicating drinks; the actual cost of a night out is fig ured up, and one chapter is de-I voted to Bacardi_ The Rum That Cured A King-And Pickled A Na- Corner Liberty and Fifth tion. The thirsty ones will not be I If they ban kissing here as automobiles, they might well sell the Boulevard or into a desert. * * * as well just as turn it An immigration ban has been aimed at foreign music- ians, a Washington dispatch in- forms us. Well, perhaps that Republican Party isn't such a bad outfit, after all. 3 * . A headline in the New York Times tells us that those in charge "Plan To Widen Hell Gate." That, too, is probably a direct result of the Republican administration. * * * If the campus continues as wet as it is, they'll have to make this a floating university. * * * * The zoo at The Bronx announces the arrival of a new species of horned toad that barks like a dog and snaps at you when you ap- proach it. Well, we've seen pink snakes in blue silk tights and yel- low-striped alligators with stove- pipe hats, but never a horned toad that barks like a dog and snaps at you when you approach it. * * * And Bilious Bobbie informs us I that Cecile B. De Mille is writ- e ing a book called The Preserva- I','