ESTABLISHED 1890 It 44 41 41 auII g MEMBER. ASSOCIATED PRESS Vol. XXXIX. No. 88. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JANUARY 20, 1929 EIGHT PAGES HOOVERPREP SCLLEGE PRESIDENT ITS INDEPENDENT MEN WILL G i AMPUS RUM SLEUTHING 0 IB R A [C 1 1 1 S I1 TO FORMULATE JUNIDR Identity Of Companion Orchestra TO LEAVE CAPIO P[ANS [_NW HEREM [88[8 1Independent mn who ae going to attend the J-Hop on the night J o'clock next Tuesday night in room' FOR FLORIDA VISIT. .[[GALLIRARY SOUTHAFRICANSey DESGNORGENS SUDETSof the Union to plan for their PLANS TO SPEND ONE MONTH SUBMIT DESIGN TO RE T E ARE ENTERTAINED booths, it was 'announced yester- IN SOUTH PRIOR TO jI .FOR BUILDING GIVEN AT BANQUET BY dcairman of the booths committee. INAUGURATION ii chaiBYan.of.tCeOKoUthsEcomTYtte-. IN- BY W. W. COOK IVERSITY , This meeting is extremely impor- j," tant," Allen continued, "and as it EUROPE DEARS HIS VOICE BUILDING TO FACE NORTi VISIT POINTS OF INTEREST will be the only one for indepen-; dents, it is necessary that they be' Talks To Belgians Via Telephone ( Reading Room, 8 Research Rooms, Carlton Wells Arranges Reception present. At the time, plans for the! And Radio; King Albert ; Special Rare Book Section Of Group During Short independent booths will be made,' Makes Reply To Feature Structure Stay Here and the men will be divided into groups for the booths."' (By Associated Prcs) IETentative plans and the general "It is not so much the Michigan Fraternities must submit lists of WASHINGTON, Jan. 19.-Presi- outline of the new Legal Research campus with all of its beautiful men who are to be in attendance dent-elect Hoover closed his ten- library which is to be built with buildings which will linger longest at their booths, Allen said. The porary headquarters here today funds presented for that purpose by in our memories," said Thomas C. lists are to be mailed immediate- preparatory to his departure Mon- W. W. Cook, '80L, have been drawn Thorp, a member of the group of ly to him at 1003 East Huron street, day to Florida where he will spend ]up by the architects, York and South African students who are or handed to a member of the J- a month before returning for his j Sawyer of New York City, and sub-. now touring the United States, at Hop committee. As there has al- inauguration on March 4. Dr. Henry Louis Smith mitted to the .Regents for inspec- a banquet given in their honor last ways been much- rivalry for the Besides confer ing with several President of Washington and Lee, tion. While these plans by no night at the Union, "but particu- choicest booths, he made it clear Republican party leaders, Mr. who ,announces that he will not i means represent the final concep- larly the memory of the students that they would be awarded ac- Hoover delivered the second speech tolerate at the university employ- tion of the building, they indicate themselves. cording to the receipt of the lists. he has made since his return from I ment of student spies and sleuths fairly definitely what the building "We found the college spirit of In order to sell the remaining his goodwill tour to Latin America. disguised as students for detecting will be. the students, particularly pleasing. tickets to the Hop which will be With the telephone and the radio alleged liquor law violations. Gov- In architecture, it will be the This is the first opportunity we held on the night of Feb. 8, at as a medium he addressed a gath- ernor Byrd is investigating college- same as the present Lawyers club, have had of visiting a university which Coon-Sanders' Original ering in Public Square at Brussels drinking charges made by Super- Elizabethan gothic. The general located in a peculiarly college town, Nighthawks and another orchestra arranged by his friends in Belgium intendent Hepburn of the Anti- location of the building in the and the feeling that exists here is which has been signed but not an- in celebration of his election to the Saloon league. group of Law structures will be in a revelation. We appreciate all nounced, will play, a special ticket! presidency. the two square blocks designated as that Michigan has done for us," ill.. -the Law Quadrangle, bounded by Thorp concluded. South State, South University Intramural Building Wins his udribut gto theCsarifie adA N O C E T ;uli-gist e tesap a tdnsw1o sett ARITY P LT S After Mr. Hoover had concluded Monroe, and Tappan streets. The group of forty South Afri- his tribute to the sacrifice and The building is to be in the shape can students who spent the courage of the Belgium people of a "T" with a short leg housing entire day here yesterday, made an during the occupation of their the stacks. This leg will not be as extensive tour of the campus. In country in the World War, King high as the rest of the building and the morning small parties visited Albert, speaking in English, expres- will project south from the building I various points of interest, such asH sed the greatfulness of his country- toward Monroe street. The point the William L. Clements library, men to the President-elect for the ! of real vantage for the viewing of the aeronautical wind tunnel in services he had rendered them as Construction To Begin Next Year, the Quardangle will be within the the East Engineering building, and Republicans Intend To Exclude head of the commission for the Announces Prof. M. Palmer enclosure, and the only entrance to the Intramural building, which Democrats From Tariff relief of Belgium. Tilley the building will be from the north was by a general concensus of Committee Sessions Mr. Hoover's words were made Iside. opinion the most unusual of all the ; audible to his friends overseasad- WILL BE READY IN 1931 The largest and finest room inUniversitytequipment. Carton mensoaplferadth a- the new structure will be the read- I Wells, of the rhetoric department, GA RNER LEADS P1611'] dress of the King was biought back ing room on the main floor. It will made the arrangements for the to him over both the radio and the Possibility that freshman stu- be larger than the dining hall of party's reception in Ann Arbor. (By Assciaed Pre') telephone and was hcard distinctly- p dents who tryout for one of the ithe Lawyers Club, but similar in its For lunch, individual members of: WASHINGTON, Jan. 19.---The by means of a special set-up placed major student publications during general outline. Adjacent to this the group were entertained at tranquility which has characterized in his headquarters. the coming semester will have an ! room will be the stack wing. This fraternity and sorority houses. tariff hearings of the House ways In the name of the Belgium Opportunity as seors to be thei wing will also house the Library of- This phase of American college life and means committee was shatter- people, King Albert expressed first to use the new publications fices and two seminar rooms. On was believed by the South African nms t "sympathy and greatfulness to the building isnow apparent. the mezzanine floor space will be i students to constitute either a very ed today by partisan dispute over great American who has well de- Present plans call for construe- provided for eight small rooms for I real danger or an invaluable ac- Republican plans to exclude Demo- served the 'title whihc no other tion to begin in the fall of 1930 and research work. cessory to students belonging to crats from the committee room has yet obtained, "friend of Bel- the building to be .ready fordoc- The basement floor provides for such organizations. All believed, during actual consideration of With the dying a fp any an eme nt madeoyd-a large amount of space for the however, that there are decided ob- what changes are to be effected in ying away of the ap- ing to an announcement made yes- cataloguing and receiving staff, jections as well as advantages to plause which greeted the Belgian terday by Prof. M. Palmer Tilley, rest rooms,, lookers, and storage. fraternities. the import dties. ruler, Mr. Hoover gave him a di- of the English department, chair-1 A series of small research rooms Martha Cook Entertains The argument, which remained rect personal message. man of the Board in Control of composes the entire second floor. In the afternoon the party con- unsettled at the adjournment of! Visits White R-ouse Student Publications. sHPThere are grouped in two rows on tinued its inspection of the cam- hearings on the metals schedule, During the concluding of his The new building which will be either side of a long corridor. In pus, and at about 4 o'clock was en- two weeks of conferences n the na- reserved solely for the use of the addition to these research rooms, tertained for tea by the residents touched off after Rep tional capital Mr. Hoover made a publications under the supervision space has been provided for a spe- of Martha Cook dormitory. In the tive Bacharach, Republican, New fourth visit to the White House and of the Board is to be located on cial library, and another room to evening the University gave a din- Jersey, had announced that the also conferred with Representative Maynard street across from and contain certain prized books now ner in honor of the South Africans ; sub-committee on metals, which he Snell of New York, concerning his lacing the garden between the two 'in Dr. Cook's private library in New at the Union. will head, would attempt to obtain agreements for the handling of Re- women's dormitories, Helen New- York City. Mr. Wells, who acted as toast- all the information possible before publican party affairs in the Em- berry and- Betsy Barbour. It is Approximately 250,000 books can master, introduced Dean W. R. proposing any rate changes to the pine state through a committee of estimated that including the money be housed in this new building. TheI Humphries, who welcomed the full committee. three. i already invested in the property, present library in the La wschool members of the student tour and Representative Garner, of Texas, between $130,000 and $150,000 will has only 80,000 volumes, so that spoke a few words about Michigan ranking Democrat on the commit- PURDUE LEADS BIG TEN be expended in the construction space has been provided for future and the place of the state univer- tee, who with all minority members, ndEATupmGntfhERSudng ad pn thdingwilbe-s enyter-wsity in higher education. Miss will be excluded from the sub-com- BY BEATING HDSIERS Pond and Pond of Chicago, d- and in this building will be center- Mary White, '30, president of the mittee sessions, contended these signers of the Union and the Wom- ed all of the research activities of Women's league, then welcomed meetings should consider data ob- Northwcstern Blasts Iowa hopes an's League building, have been the Law club. ! the South Africans on behalf of tained only at the opening hear- I ___ H ETE the student body, to which Miss inlgs and protected against tariff By One Point Margin In selected as the architects, Professor ------~ -~te tdn oy t hc isigsadpoetd gis aif Close, Rough Game Tilley stated. THE WEATHER Margery Meyers, of the University "beneficiaries" sitting in and An independent mechanical staff __of Cape Town, responded. "righting the rates." NyOId Jwia be employed in the new build- y sc.iated IPress) Prof. Joseph R. Hayden, of the "Personal interviews outside the BLOOMINGTON, Ind., Jan. .- ng for the publication of the Snow Sunday and somewhat political science department, de- hearings should not prevail," Gar- Purdue's basketball team was given Gargoyle, the Student's Directory, colder; Monday partly cloudy, pos- livered the principal address of the I ner said, adding that all the data a scare by Indiana University to- and The Daily. Editorial and bust- sibly snow along Lake Michigan, evening on, "The Presidential Eoo- obtained should be made available ight but Murphy and his team- mness offices will be located there g . -to Congress when teill was re- mates went on a scorig spree i for The Daily, the Gargoyle, and fcsor teaaydtue,12.n ed to the uortes. the last minutes of the game to te 'Ensia. Printing and binding - .- fessors hisyory ott;f te De oRey, overcome a six-point lead and wil, for the 'Ensian can be secured un- BASKETBALL SCORES orst e historYcof te Din __ ty aerblcana , 29 to 23. It was Purduc's fifth der more satisfactory conditions th . _-,- _._-,a dwnt chusetts. said he did not. believe consecutive Big Ten win and gave and a...wr Ltfomotie liios 2;CiaO, he undsputedCoferecelac lower cost, frome ouitside 1Iiiois, 22; co t1e present clay, using maps to the sub-commnittees would be them undisputed Conference lead-;concerns so that no provision is Wisconsin, 39; Minnesota. i. 7I.etter how the ership. lutaec ty' bie orcmed dties wholy .-being made for that work. Army, 29; Lehigh, 25. olit ical situation has changed o the basis of testimony taken at The frst -half was featured by piica iuto a hne nte ai ftsioytkna close guarding on the part of both from time to time. The South the opening hearings. He added teas withndin Unverity t- Reptiles, Amphibians, And Fishes Engage Africans were thus afforded an op- they would be within their rights teams with Indiana Universitydue si yn Amf portunity of learning something of in collecting any data and ,charged through for short attempts. The. t W_ rker_ the issues guiding American po- the Texan with seeking publicity. Boilermakers led at the half, 13 to j .t's Not: T his ith efth of a series collectioll, cosisting of some 23,0 0 litical histoy. 14 . I i'.leto ,r iw, I, 5 has been uilIup After Professor Hayden's talk thC -Frank Bliss, Loyal Secr ''lie Crimson players Were 'ft er jintlic Iiiivr Mus>. mainly for thle Pu pos of glecub sang Mcian "WngM k ae ball likes hawks at the start of The division of rptih5 ad students interested in research an i ctTwCos from rtis yoeras Nna the second half and the goals by amphibians, which is one of the opportunity to study the materials ENl"adi"g two f"roaJ this year's "Rain- Wells and McCracken put them in sections of the zoology museum, is they need. Whenever expeditions E-d -- Notification of the death on Jan. the lead. The score then was tied the one most closely connected are sent out by the division of rep- 8 of Frank F. Bliss, '73F, and '79L, at 14 and kagain at 15. Then M eewith Dr. Alexander G. Ruthven, di- tiles and amphibians, emphasis is LAW STUDENT'S DEATH of Cleveland, was received yester- Cracken sank a field goal, two free rector of all the University Mu- laid on the collection of speclimelGsABR day by Charles J. Rash, council give an a hr 22d to 1advantage.0scums. Dr. Ruthven,0vho is the cur- desired by students and o er re- ~~secretary of the Alumni association, give Indana a 22 to 16 advantage.tor of the reptile division, is search workers i'We 1ho, '129 , 'Suffering in a letter from F. B. Bliss, a son. Prdad mnlargely responsible for the growth 'The division is vary esro of, N ervos Breakdown, Kills Mr. Bliss died while visiting his there after coun ted 13 points to f *fie reptile and amphibian col- keeping an accurate record of the - s Correll',s free thrww. Sef in lDelirium i son ;it his homll Ie dear Nashville, throw. lectiolls which the Museum now species of amphibians and reptiles;- en. !psess Mrs. Helen T. Gaige, Iwice occ-ur~i h state of 111- possesses.EMA.Se1'T.Giglh. Jan.In1the.t2 *e o 'Word was received here yesterday Mr. Bliss, who was secretary of est n r blotted out Iowa's who is the assistant to DrRuthven Michigan. From time to 01e a" of the death of Lawrence Thorp, the class of '73, was in Ann Arbor western virtually b Itdou oa in his capacit~y of director of the handbook for the use of scbools is ',29L tteSugshsiarsl-frhscassffyffhruin faint Big Ten basketball champion- L, at hejstinhadoo o theusofshlsi '2L Sturgis hospital, result for his class's fifty-fifth reunion museums, also hods the position published by the staff, containing from injuries received Thursday last June and was a very active shin hones tonight by defeatina ptheb.hdyh. staff, containing _. . _ la. .. oa+hT v mix+ i f1harls R ATHER TUESDAY NIGHT OP BGSTH ARRANGEMENTS sale will be held this week, com- mencing tomorrow afternoon fromfl 1:30 o'clock to 5 o'clock at the side desk of the Union, George Bradley, ILAIS WOLVERS '30, ticket chairman, announced. The band is a nationally known or- ganization which has played at II lee rosbu hih anotb RD UGH CONTEST some of the most prominent col- announced until Tuesday or Wed- nesday. MARK UP 6-0 VICTORY WHEN Contracts for the decorations MICHIGAN DEFENSE have been signed, James B. Rich- CRACKS ardson, '30A, announced. The work will be done by the George John- FIRST PERIOD SCORELESS son company of Detroit, the same ___ company which handled the work Peterson, McCabe, last year. The motif will be a And Rus Star modernistic one, he said. The idea For Gophers; Mancy, Hart of the decorations was shown in a For Michigan small model, specially re-produced By Morris Quinn and lighted, which was in a State After holding the formidable street window early in December. Minnesota hockey team scoreless Special lighting has been planned during 20 minutes of the second for making changes in color and game of the series, Michigan's d- degrees of color possible. fensof the serethiant Work has been progressing with- fense cra ked before the brilliant Wor hasbenpdogyss nw i shooting of the diminutive McCabe, in te pat fw das upn aGopher center, and the Northmnen special feature which has been un- registered a 6-0 victory last night announced heretofore. The plan, in therColiseum in the roughest if completed, will be different from contest played here this year. any of the preceding years in scope Play during the first period was and in method of production. very slow, the Gophers appearing Harry Wallace, '30, general chair- to be tired after Friday night's bat- man, and Charles Monroe, '30, tie. The Wolverines carried the music chairman, have been work- fight to the invaders, but lacked ing on it since the middle of last the fiecessaiy accuracy to shoot the week, and expect to be able to puck past Russ, the Minnesota announce the plan soon. goalie. The faultless checking of the Gopher defense forced the Maize and Blue puckmen to cen- I tent themselves with long shots. McCabe Nets Three With only three minutes of the second period gone, the invader of- fense began to function, McCabe FOR JUNIOR HIPregistering three times before the 20 minutes were up. Both of his first to goals were of the lucky I variety and came as the results of Issuanceonditions ilolr long shots. Conway aided him'on eOfm Tmporary the first one with a perfect pass Permit that drew the Wolverine defense men to one side enabling the Go- URtiE EARLY APPLICATION pher center to take a shot in the Special regulations regarding the McCabe'scond counter came after operation of automobiles during of the rink which Grace failed to the week-end of the J-Hop were stop with his stick.aThe little issued yesterday by J. A. Bursley, Gopher center brought the count dean of students. Temoporary per- to three and nothing near he close mission to drive cars during the of the period by pushing a hard one period beginning at noon of Fri- passed the Wolverine goalie from pday, Febgandmendngato ockFr directly in front of the net. day, Feb. 8 and ending at 8 o'clock Michigan continued to carry the Monday morning, Feb. 11, provides battle into Minnesota territory dur- several conditions to be fulfilled by ing most of this period, only to be the applicants for the special per- thwarted by their own inaccuracy mits. and the fine work of Russ, the Students possessing regular per- Gopher goalie, who was credited mits to operate motor vehicles will with oaswomaredited no berqirdtir-eisetIh 13 stops as compared with six not be required to re-register their for his Wolverine opponent. cars for this occasion. Other stu ot Plenty Of Fight dents desiring to drive at this time, Both teams showed plenty of however, must apply at the office fight throughout the last period of the dean of students between and the play became unusually Jan. 24 and Feb. 7. At the time rough. At least one of the teams of making application for per- had one man in the penalty box mits students must have the writ- most of the time, and on one occa- ten consent of their parents, a sion each had only three players driver's license, the license number on the ice. With only two minutes of the car they expect to operate, of the game remaining Paulson, and know the make and type of Minnesota defense man, drew the car. Special permission will not first major penalty meted out on be granted until the necessary in- the home ice this year, a five min- formation is in the hands of the ute rest in the penalty box as a automobile administration division, result of roughing Joseph, Michigan and no application will be consid- center. ered after 5 o'clock in the after- Within less than a minute after noon of Feb. 7, the face off at the beginning of the Special permission will be grant- period, the Gophers had bulged the ted to a person to operate only the Michigan net for their fourth coun- automobile which is registered in ter of the game. It was the result the office of the dean of students, of a short shot by Conway after and such permission applies only he had carried the puck down to one car and to the student who from center ice. registers the vehicle, according to Six In Penalty Box Dean Bursley. The period was half over and "Under no circumstances will I with three members of each team sped al permission be given to stu- in the penalty box, Hart took the dents to bring their cars to Ann puck into M h nesota territory for Arbor b e f o r e 12 o'clock on a shot, but Peterson -succeeded in the Friday of the J-Hop, nor will, taking it away from him, and permission be given to any student I evading the single Wolverine de- to drive a car home later than 8 fense man, he drove a hard one 1 o'clock Monday morning, Feb. 11," into the net from close range, administrative officials stated. Peterson also figured prominently --_I in scoring the other goal credited et y7f '73 to his team, making a perfect pass to McCabe which put the latter in Grade" To 55th Reunion position for a close in shot a !Peterson's brilliant skating and i in the letter received yesterday defense work, the shooting of from his son. McCabe and Russ's performance in In this letter, Mr. Bliss tells of defending the goal were the high- another letter which he received lights of the Gopher attack, while telling of the death of one of his Maney and Hart looked best for the classmates. He says that there are losers. now only twenty survivors out of the original eighty-two members of the class. Strangest of al is the postscript in which he says, "In accordance with the unanimous vote of the class of '73, at its fifty-fifth anni- versary reunion last June, 'that 4ha ,iirvivn,. n f +- nit a m. milltnp THE LINEUPS Michigan Minnesota Grace ..... .Goul...----.-Russ Hart ......Left Defense. Peterson Bryant ..Right D efense . ..Fenton Joseph ......Cen;er. ...,... McCabe Schlanderer ..Left Wing.. Conway Maney......Right Wing.. Bartholdi IqPA 1. - Minhio.n-Wisher Ahht.