-___ _____ _____ -THE M IHIGAN tDAILY __- A"TtTRD. UiSIANOIN1 fLUMNI I ame Former Editor i TRUSTEE GIVES COLLEGE CEMETERY Dean Charges Womlen vei.c as a god ilustation of this lSoC To Committee Post A R VSO O U U EIC M Easily Make Grades' 'Personality' is n o los' I CH SE l'Nu Min the educational world," DeanlegeNorm TOPKAKan. Jn. 3.--Tohis ciceating the Mount Hope cemetery. nveTh a n students at OhioI Rose stated. Dean Gaw of Ohiodaef Whbr llg lieatrls Asubstantial. income from the unieriy cnget high marks with State admitted that the charge jdah .D heiglectioraeo osi MutHp se- eyltl ffrwstecare!myb rebtsi nite htieeto 1 TOMMITT11 trustees for half a entury. be- petecdfr at least 200 years. Morei made by Dean Loretta Rose. of there are many professors who are; ino AIL Nquathed it a cemetery. !1thn half of it, in accordance with, George Washington university in inclined to mark a pretty girl more cieationi The idea providing" the school; Mr. Whiting's will, foes to Wash- a recent article in Plain Talk. Dean severely. Dean Gaw also said that to spea I1EAN AE, GINES AD PARER n=an income from the sale of burial' burn college. The balance is Rose has been making a study of mnany mnen play on the weaknessesj to an INCLUDED IN GROUP 1 lots came to him in a dream years shared equally by the Y. M. C. A. intelligence scores and rating, andj of their professors to get good vIl FOR "CAMPAIGN ago. The college has a 160-acre and the Y. W. C. A. has found that in co-educational; marks, and that the young women Nril - ",camipus and he proposed to other Mr. Whiting, a native of Ver- institutions, young women have no are not the only guilty onies. speake CASS REI N S PICKED members of the board of trustees! mont,. was a pioneer Kansas farmer { trouble in getting good grades CL that the, "south eighty,'' a prairie! and miler. His homestead, staked, though very often their intelligence l!.IIIIIIIIIIII tIII1lIIIIIUIIIIIIfIItttillIIlIiIIIItIIIIllhI c~a~b~r~i~' And Flok Added ~ . '~ ~ ,at the time be set aside for the' out nearv Fort Riley11n 1856, fiveisrte lo.OoSaews= 'upchasing Committee F or dead. ears befor e Kansas was admitted _________ ________A. Camipanile fa The board rejecte~d his plan, so to statehood was *he farthest '_________________-URAT Among he memers ofthe con- ~- -*~.he carried it out alone by buying we ster n outpost of civilization.Deri mittee which have been appointed -- x tote lssso '2 8 2, to car-- THE HOME OF DISTINCTIVE PICTURES_________________ by onthe, clases gofr'1 the____caril-____________ ith prpedBurton Memorial .,* ~ LAFAYETTE %.S Campanile are many alumni who wereactie onthecamps an .1Beginning Sunday, January 13 whoe nowactve io r tcantpsitinsEurope's Greatest Actor i no heausinespord. poitinsPRESENTS FOR TIE LASTXYLTIM~ES TODAY AEADRMIS In t e b sn s ol .i a en ds p o u to fLegrand "Tex" Gaines, '21E, a , ax REn aD 'sM P O du to"o miember of the publicity comiiit- Jo It. Chamberlin, 28~c,"EEPIN tee, is at present business manager rmi aaig dtro h of the Liberty mbagazine. Gaines, Diyadhle f h ig I ness manager of The Daily during scholarship fr~982 h a e Beginning Sunday. January 13 -_ 4.i yer12-21. Albert Parker, centlyibensnamedha.member0ofto $300 the purchasing committee selectedSPtrices Magts, $100 t 25 '26L, another member of the pub- b"1t 2 ni liycommittee wsalso business by the classes from '1po 28insra as., 1.0ertoPreent.TI manager of The Daily serving in!cneto ihthi rga o "Music in May" tacaaiyi1222.providing a. carillon of bells for ______________1' t1 I1I ~li11 1411111i th tc p ciyi 92 -3 aFnt n ,Tiitpm ia~l CamnfleiH __________________________________ SAY. J ANU ARY 10, 192P IALIST LEADER L SPEAK 7HERE an Thomas, socialist candi- or president in the recent :1, has accepted the invita- the Student Christian asso- and the Round Table club xk in Ann Arbor, according announcement by Leo T. e, '30, chairman of th~e i's comimittee of the S. C. A. F -1 -1111 R I CA L A S S O C IA T I O N P'resents tephentt ~acock Noted Humorist ill Auditorium EBRIJARY -12 2KFTS AT SLATLR'Si The Art of The Films COSMOPOLITAN OPENING TODAY a i ..> yn a+ ~i HereV Sie Is In a Heroically, Devilish Vto ode FUNNY is NO W'TFORD) FOR IT4 You'll see :four different Colleens in "Synthetic Sin." Can you imagine four -time ;sthe tears ,of ",Lilac Ti Me" and four times the laughs of "Oh Kay" all in one picture? For the folks who "shop" their movies thas is the biggest entertainment bargain in town! Policy : Y L/ 2:00-3:35 Frm the brilliant35-c plIa y by Frederic ,70Bel and Fanny Hatton. 50/ . A, A ythet11I with ANTONIO MORENO Exclusive Ma. Appointments- ;, EIA 'QA, U .AESO1PS, r~tn >f'..FABLE I 1