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January 19, 1929 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-01-19

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..... .. -- - - - - -

Vol. XXXIX. Nd. 87.


JANUARY 19, 1929


nniVr AE im Frederic H. Aldrich Reviews Art Exhibit
Now On Display In Alumni Memoria
TO RORGANI1F PARTY On display in the the three gal- Arbor audience. Those
leries on the second floor of Alumni I tended the opening recep
IN ir[w OR PTAT Memorial hall is an exhbition I Saturday evening or ha
which is open to the public through seen the exhibition are i
Monday night, January 21. Fred- by the high merit of t
feric H. Aldrich of the College of! shown.
PRESIDENT-ELECT C H O O SE S , Architecture has written an inter- Both Mary O. Johnson
MACHOLD ON COMMITTEE esting review of the exhbition, Mastro-Velreio are instru
FOR PATRONAGE which includes the work of two drawing and painting in
instructors of the architecture lege of Architecture of the
OTHER LEADERS INCLUDED school. Dr. Aldrich's review reads sity. Mrs. Johnson receive


who at-
ption last ti
ve since
the work !RS-L IT IHP

WASHINGTON, Jqn. 19.-The
cruiser construction bill was laid
aside today by the Senate because
of a previous agreement to take up
the nomination of Roy O. West as
secretary of interior. Before get-
ting to the West nomination an-
other futile attempt was made to

Professor Awarded
Russell Lectureship

Exphet Action From Other States
In Move To Strengthen
Republican Party
(By Associated PresO
WASHINGTON, Jan. 19.-A new
deal in Republican leadership in
New York State was decreed today
by President-elect Hoover who is
expected to take similar action re-
specting some other states so as to
place control of party affairs into
the hands of his friends and sup-
Under the New York plan,
worked out at a breakfast con-
ference at the Hoover home, H. Ed-
mond Machold, state chairman;
Charles D. Hilles, national commit-
teeman, and William H. Hill, who
holds no official position in the;
party, were constituted a com-
mittee to make recommendations
on patronage and to take steps
looking to the strengthening of the
New York organization.I
Chairman Machold said after the
conference, which also was attend-
ed by Hill and Ogden Mills, under-i
secretary of the treasury, that he
would act as liason officer between
the committee and Mr. Hoover, re-
porting after there had been an
agreement by the 'committee of
three and recommendations for
candidates for federal offices in!
the state.
Placing Of Hill Was Expected
The placing of Mr. Hill upon the
committee was not unexpected as
he headed the independent New
York Hoover-for-President organi-
zation which began to function
during the pre-convention cam-
paign, while Mr. Hilles was insist-x
ing that the party should eithert
draft President Coolidge or againt
nominate Charles Evans Hughes. '
Some political observers here sawX
In the creation of the committee
and the appointment of Mr. Mac-t
hold at its head, a move for the
gradual elimination of Mr. Hilles {
from party affairs in the Empire I
state, but at the Hoover headquar-
ters it was said that this was not c
an accurate interpretation of the!
Mr. Hilles has been the nationalt
committeeman since 1916 and for'

as ±u1ows: struction in Ames
"Exhibits of painting and color Valerio is a gr
prints from wood blocks are at- Royal Art Instit
tracting those interested in the Naples. Mrs. Jo
graphic arts to the three galleries the manner of t
on the second floor of Alumni He- is one of the act
morial hall. the "Independen
Gustave Baumann's prints are Mr. Valerio is ess
delightfully designed and executed. conservative, wh
For the entertainment of the curi- heard to call "
ous and the instruction of students, demic painter."
he has included a series of proofs It is interesting
from the different blocks showing different exhibi
the manner of progression to the (Continued O
completion of the print.
Mary O. Johnson is exhibiting
work done during the past year L
and A. Mastro-Valerio is making 0
the first showing of his convasses}
v~niv + 4 iv% Tci1 rT el i i inb' n Y'Ciop t n f n

rican schn
raduate f
ute of Sa
ihnson p
he "Mode
ive worker
nts" in t
sentially a
at an obsE
a romar
g to have
ts displa
n Page E

actors of FOR A
the Col- BY I
e Univer-:
d her in- j
ools. Mr. !CASH AWA
rom theI
lvator in Professors G(
aints in Novy
rns" and llon
rs among
he state. Dr. Alfred S.
n Italian pathology ane
erver was ological labor,
ntic aca- sity, is the f
Henry Russel
two such been announ
yed to- committee of
ight) search club.

COMMITTEE get a votf
in funds
the consi
omberg, Sanders And tion bills
Are Previous naval cor
aor Winners bill, inter
week to
Warthin, professor of stantly 1
d director of the path- voted on.
atories of the Univer- -
ourth winner of the
1 Lectureship, it has
ced by the executive
the University Re-
The winner of theD
1 Award will be an-Y
by the special com-
he University Senate.
of the Henry Russell Many Inj
s chosen from among Violen



;e on the proposed increase
for prohibition enforce-
he is willing to yield for

ideration of the appropria-
s, Chairman Hale of the
mmittee, in charge of the
nds to start a drive next
keep the cruiser con-
before the Senate until
ured Are Left In Wake Of
nt Storm Along Ohio

S f''
Who has won the Henry Russell!
Lectureship, according to an an-
nouncement by the University Re-
search club. This lectureship is


Henry Russel
nounced later
mittoe from t
The holder
Lectureship i,

panted in Ltaiy duinng a recentI the higher faculty men of the Uni- And Wabash Rivers recognized as the highest honor
leave of absence. versity of the basis of recognized that the University can give to one
Local painters are pleased with L INstanding in his own field and of SCHOOLHOUSES COLLAPSE of its members. Professor Warthin
the hospitable gesture made by the his scholarly or scientific ability. It I ierof thin
Art association in opening its gal 1 Robinson Attacks Republicans For is the highest award which the , dres)
leries to Mrs. Johnson andv Mr- Methods Employed In University can give to one of its EVANSVILLE, nd., Jan. 13.-A
Campaign own members. Dr. Frank Robbins tornado, swirling up the Ohio river
tracted the larger part of the Ann C pgcalled it "The Nobel Prize of the valley and thence up the Wabash,
NORRIS ALSO TAKES PART University," yesterday in giving out today brought death to six persons
te story. 'and injuries to more than a score rrru
Award Accompanies Lectureship of others, mostly children.
WASHINGTON Jan 18-The Previous winners of the lecture- The twister first struck 20 miles
A Senate was a forum for another ship have been Prof. Moses Gom- south of Cape Girabeau, Mo., where
prohibition debate today as an at- berg, chairman of the department two children were killed. Dinner Will Be Given In Honor
tempt was made to decide how of chemistry, Prof. Frederick Novy, Then it pounced upon the village Of South African College
much, If any, additional money bacteriologist and director of the of Manuie, Ill., near the southern Group Tonight
Few People Injured When Freight should be appropriated to enforce hygienic laboratory, and Prof. Illiois-Indiana line. In the
And Two Passenger Trains 1 the laws under the Eighteenth Henry A. Sanders of the Latin de- collapse of a school building there, E
Are Wrecked Amendment. partment. at least two children were killed
The discussion sought to deter- Attached to the lectureship is a and about 25 other pupils were in-
mine primarily how frcash award of $250 which goes to jured. Then the tornado turned Extensive arrangements have
BLOCKS ADJOINING TRACK (influence affected enforcement of the lecture. The sum is received north and struck Fort Branch, been made by the University to en-
the laws but the debate ranged from a part of the income of a sum Ind., killing a woman and injuring tertain a group of forty South
ArD Associated Pres> over the efficacy of the Volstead left to the University a few years two other persons. African college students who will
ABERDEEN, Md., Jan. 18-Deaths Act, its administration'under Sec- ago by Henry Russell of Detroit,; Some reports from Manuie in-
from a collision Thursday of two retary Mellon and the best means who left the sum stipulating that it i dicated a third child had been be in Ann Arbor today. These stu-
passenger trains and a freight to demonstrate its success or fail- .was to be used for the raising of killed in the school collapse. The dents have been in the United
train near here mounted to five ure faculty salaries. tornado cut a narrow path through States since the first of this month
today, Leon Sweeting of Philadel- An observation by Senator Nor- The Regents found that the in- the town, demolishing half a dozen and are making a tour of the
phia, engineer of the north bound ;ris, Republican, Nebraska, that come from the sum would be $500, houses as well as the school build-
passenger train, dying at Harve De prohibition appointments are dic- which apparently would fall some- ing. Reports that a smaller school- country.
Grace hospital. Sweeting, who had Itated largely by political influence what short of materially raising the house, eight miles north of Carmi, I During their one-day stop in this
recently recovered from influenza, gave an opening to Senator Robin- salaries of 800 faculty men. There- Ill., had been razed by the tornado, city the students will visit the
was badly scalded in the accident. son of Arkansas, the Democratic fore, $250 was given as the prize had not been confirmed late today. campus and points of mterest in
Four others of the train crew leader and that party's nominee: for the lectureship, and the other Storm conditions prevailed gen- and about Ann Arbor, including
were killed in the crash, the cause for vice-president in the recent $250 goes to the winner of the erally in the southern half of In- particularly the Library, the Union,
of which had not been definitely campaign, who declared that the Henry Russell Award, which goes diana throughout the afternoon. the Womens League building, the
determined. Hundreds of has- prohibition workers had been mo- to a member of the faculty not yet The temperature at Evansville William L. Clements library, and
sengers were shaken up but were i bilized to work for the election of of professorial rank who has per- soared to 64 degrees at noon, the several research laboratories, de-
able to proceed on relief trains to the Republican ticket. formed the most conspicuous serv- sudden rise caused an atmospheric voting special attention to the
their destinations. "The controlling consideration," ice to the University. These two change which sent the barometer aeronautical laboratories in the
K. A. Klein, brakeman, and V. W. Robinson said, "is to get men into sums are paid yearly. down rapidly, which was followed East Engineering building.
Stewart, flagman, riding in the office who will be loyal to the ad- Committee Makes Award by a torrential rainstorm. In the evening the University
caboose of the freight train, which ministration. Who would recog- The Awd b it Telegraph and telephone com- will entertain their student guests
had just pulled onto the main nize the Republican party as I TheAwarth isgiven by a commt- munication from all directions out i with a dinner at the Union. After
track from a siding, were killed first and dominant master. its tee from the University Senate, of Evansville were hampered to- dinner, Dean Wilber R. Humphries
takfo asiigweeklefisandoiatmsecomprised of Prof. E. D. Dickinson, ;ngtwl o
when the northbound passenger "The prohibition forces in large Prof. A. S. Warthin, Prof. J. R. Hay- night by storm conditions. A see- will speak a brief word of welcome
ofelndblwsouhofpriceonths In behalf of heUnvesty and will
train struck the rear fthe freight. jpart were converted into political dePro. H. Catn f. drn Haynd bo ot fPictnti nbhl fteUiest n il
Telescoped freight cars toppled ! factors. In the last campaign they Prof. J. C. Winter. afternoon, tore down a stretch of explain to what extent the state
onto the adjoining track and a! dictated the course that was to be Prof War f poles, definitely breaking wire con- I University plays an important part
Prfso asn sne fI nections from Evansville.I in American higher education. One
heavy southbound train carrying f pursued by the men who were en- the lectureship, is one of the most nectios __ro _Evan _ille of thervsior illr ably re
sleeping cars and coaches for con- gaged in the liquor business. They noted men in the field of pathology, spondst Dean Humppriesy talk
nection at Washington with other were told what to do, where to go, in the world. He received his A. B. M. S. C. Authorizes with a few words on thepart of
railroads to the south plowed into and how to vote, what influence to at Indiana university, his A. M., h
the ,wreckage. ~~~exert."IthSohAfias
thewreckage. xrt.M. D., and Ph.D. at Michigan, and Field House Plans
did post-graduate work in Vienna --
PROFESSO R EL [CT ED The Weather and Freiburg. On his graduation, he EA(S yAssocated r 1es -T L L TO BE RE AT
P~aFS SO 1 LECTID took a position in the Medicali EAST LANSING, Jan. 19.-The
school, and has been here ever state board of agriculture has au-i
{ l(n i.tv Associated Pres.) since. In 1903, he became director thorized the Michigan State Col-P
Partly cloudy Saturday, snow of the pathological laboratories. He lege architect to draw up plans I117
TO Pi probablyclong Lake Michigan; has been president of several medi- for an athletic field house which
1Sunday unsettled, with snow and cal associations, and has contrib- will furnish adequate facilities for
colder Saturday, except along Lake uted freely to journals. His special basketball games and other indoor Play Production will repeat its
Prof. Robert B. Hall of the Ge- Michigan; colder Sunday. work has been in pathology. sports exhibitions. current bill of three one-act plays
ography department has just been - e -tonight, Tuesday afternoon., and
elected to membership in the Ex-r1, T JT W AI I . AY~ TI4AT COT 'RT V)CT.T0N Will ITuesday niht in Univerityvhl


Winners Score In Each Period;
Schlanderer Leads Offense
For Wolverines
By Morris Quinn
Displaying marked improvement
over their previous performances,
Michigan's hockey team lost a hard
fought tilt to Minnesota, 1927 Big
Ten title holders, last night in the
Coliseum in the opening game on
their 1928 Conference schedule,
The Wolverine offense with
Schlanderer bearing the brunt of
the attack, carried the fight to the
Gophers during the greater part
of the three periods, continually
peppering shots at the invader's
net, only to have their efforts off-
set by the brilliant work of Billings,
the Minnesota goalie who was
easily the outstanding player of the
Led by their clever center, Mc-
Cabe, the invaders flashed an
effective but more or less spasmodic
offense; Peterson and Conway
sharing the most of the duty of
advancing the puck into Michi-
gan territory. They managed to
score in each of the three periods,
all of the goals being the results
of comparatively short shots.
Schianderer Outstanding
Schlanderer, left wing, was the
outstanding offensive player for
the Maize and Blueteam, breaking
through the Gopher defense for
frequent shots. Hart played a fine
game at defense, while Grace
showed a decided improvement in
defending the Michigan. net.
The Wolverine offense clicked
better than' it has at any time in
the previous games, the exceptional
work of Billings being the only
thing that prevented a Michigan
score on a number of occasions.
The Gopher goalie had an un-
usually busy evening, making a
total of 40 stops as compared with
23 for Grace.
Coach Iverson inserted several
second stringers into his lineup as
the game opened, but withdrew
them in favor of the regulars early
in the period. The Gopher's scored
their first goal after three minutes
of play, when Captain Mort Fisher
lost the puck in front of his own
net and Barthodi, alert to the op-
portunity, shot a hard one past
Grace into the meshes. McCabe
accounted for the second,,score late
in the period on a short shot di-
rectly in front of the net.
Wolverines Try Long Shots
The second period opened with
the Wolverines showering the
Minnesota goalie with long shots,
being unable to work the puck In
close due to the effective checking
of the Gopher defense. Fenton
registered the lone counter of the
period after two and a half min-
utes of play, shooting a short shot
from an angle passed Grace, who
had just deflected two Minnesota
attempts at the net.
Both teams opened up with
everything they had in the final
20 minutes of the game, with

four years before that time was
chairman of the Republican na-
tional committee, having been
selected to conduct the presidential
campaign of William Howard Taft
in the three-cornered race with
Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow
Machold Followed Morris
Mr. Machold became chairman of
the state committee late in the last
presidential campaign after the
death of George K. Morris. Some
of Mr. Hill's friends boomed him
for the place and it was the under-
standing at that time that Mr.
Hilles played an important part in
the selection of Mr. Machold. Mac-
hold and Hill worked in close co-
operation during the remainder of
the campaign.
No statement regarding the
breakfast conference was forthcom-
ing from the President-elect, but
late in the day Mr. Mills, one of
those high in Hoover councils, is-
sued this formal statement in
"At the morning conference held
at Mr. Hoover's home this morning
and attended by Mr. Hill, state
chairman Machold and myself, the
general situation of the Republican
party in New York was discussed.
There was.general agreement that
Messrs. Machold, Hilles and Hill
could be relied on to take all of the
steps necessary to insure co-opera-
tion and harmony among party
leaders with a view to building up
and strengthening party leader-
ship and organization."



plorers Club, organization 0 auditorium. The three plays, Mihigan holding a decided ad-
frontier pioneers, it was announced BETTER HEALTH CONDITIONS IN CHICAGO AREA "Overtones," "The F a t t e r i n g vantage offensively. The Wolves
yesterday. Professor Hall was ac- i Word," and "The Dreamy Kid," are worked the puck down the ice 15
corded this honor in recognition of 0 - produced as laboratory presenta- i shots, as compred with 5 for their
the exploration he carried on dur- "Effective treatment of sewage system of disposal would be 100 deaths per year out of every I tions, admittance to which is by opponents, but the alert Billings
ing the summer months of 1925 in sewage treatment plants would, noticeable in irrigation of garden 100,000 population. Sewage was invitation only. succeeded in turning back every
and 1926 in the West Indies, mainly in general, better the health condi- patches and truck gardens along formerly dumped into the lake at I Tuesday matinee, the perfor- Maize and Blue threat.
in the Republic of Haiti. n of the Chicago area, thoug the canal and rivers, the water for the Illinois city, and the water of I mance will be given at 3:30 o'clock I Grabbing the puck after one of
The University is now represent .which is taken from these sources," the lake was in turn pumped out for the Ann Arbor Women's club, these Wolverine advances, the
ed on the membership roll of the it is hard to determine to what he continued. for drinking water. At the time of Any of the members may gain ad- speedy McCabe carried it down the
Club by five men, the others in ad- exact extent," said Dr. John Sund- Although the drainage canal has the World's Fair in 1892-93 the mittance by presenting either their ice for a short shot and the final
dition to Professor Hall being wall, head of the department of been effective in the betterment of! situation was such that until a pipe membership cards or guest cards Minnesota score after five minutes
iProf. William Herbert Hobbs of the hygiene and public health yester- the health situation in Chicago, it line was run from a spring in Wis- at the door. The performance of the period had elapsed.
geology department, Dr. Carl I o 01 it quite generally agreed that treat- I consin to furnish drinking water, Tuesday night is by request of the Michigan The Lineups Minnesota
Guthe, curator of the Anthropo- EDITOR'S NOTE ment in disposal plants is the most the officials would not allow the several hundred persons to whom Grace ........ G........ .. Billings
p logy museum, and Prof. Lawrence satisfactory method of providing fair to go on. Later the canal was it was found necessary to refuse Hart . .......L. D........Fenton
F Gould and Ralph Belknap of the This th first of series against water pollution, according built which changed the direction tickets for the performances Bryant.......R. D...... Peterson
geology department. Gould is of- tirsto as to Dr. Sundwall. He went on to' of the Chicago river so that it psscheduled for this week due to the Fisher, Capt.. . C.......... McCabe
I'ficial geologist and second in cornm ffv rile otigcr- state, however, that the greatestI flowed out of instead of into the unprecedented demand for seats.! Schlanderer . .W... owy
mand' withComanderByd, like- Ijments by well-known authorities dangers of water pollution had been lake. Although this had some ef-An one wnti tickets for te ne.... W .Bartholdi
wise a member of the Explorers' on the various phases of the practically eliminated by the effec- feet on the change in the lake 'Tuesday night showing should Spares: bbot Josp Copland
club, on his present Antarctic ex- Supreme Court decision whichi tive water purification systems I level, there are other factors which I snastmeslfdrsedn-tIchga aul:AbotJson,Catsndy
pedition. Ched th run oheru which had been installedgindnearly'played aopart.yuevelope to the Play Production of- erly, Weston (Minnesota).
SPractically all the noteworthy water taken from Lake Mich every city i the country. "The greatest danger from im- fe at once. Scoring: First Period-Martholdi,
explorers of the world are mem- Of course the important phase proper sewage disposal is the pos- 3:24; McCabe 13:34. Second Period
bers of the club, which endeavors igan for sewage disposal. of sewage treatment from the sibility of the spread of abineFd
to further general exploration. One _. - standpoint of the municipal gov- diseases among which are typhoid, Coach Yost Speaks Fenton,2.31. Third Period-M-

Pillsbury Announces
Courses For Summer
Six eminent European psycholo-'
gists will conduct a course here
during the summer session, ac-
cording to an announcement by

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