T HE F iC iG N - ..T %- . MEET GOPHERS IN FIRST BIG TEN TILT ____ --- Michigan Wrestlers To Leave Today For West Virginia One of Michigan's national col- legiate swimming records went by the boards last week when Al Schwartz of Northwestern swam the century free style in :52.9 sec- onds, clipping two-tenths of a sec- ond from Bob Darnall's record. The new mark was made in a dual meet between the Purdue and Northwestern tank teams, which the Wildcats won easily, 49-19. Darnall, last year's Varsity cap- tain, established the 100-yard rec- ord in the Conference champion- ships at Minneapolis last year when he swam the distance in :53.1 seconds to win the event. The record is for a 40-foot tool. The Wildcats encountered liGtle difficulty, capturing six out of eight first places, and tying for first in another event. Ward was the only Boilermaker to win an event, an- nexing the 440-yard swim. Nicker- son of Purdue and Peterson of Northwestern finished in a dead heat in the 40-yard sprint. Both Purple relay teams were victorious, while the individual Northwestern winners included Waite in the breast stroke, Hinch in the back stroke, Colbath in the diving, and Schwartz. The Wild- cat water polo team also scored a victory, 16-3. Schwartz scoredj seven goals, while Colbath talliedI five. Wildcats Announce Tennis,_Golf Cards' Northwestern has carded five tennis matches and four golfj matches for the 1929 spring sport' season. Both Purple teams in these sports are expected to finish among the. leaders in Conference competition. Michigan will open the Wildcati court season when the Wolverines open at Evanston on April 2. The other meets are: May 4-Minnesa-. ta at Minneapolis; May 10-Purdue at Lafayette; May 11-Indiana at Bloomington; May 20-Wisconsin at Evanston. The Conference meet will be held at Columbus,] May 23-24. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY' -The annual Sophomore class af- fair will take the form of a "Round-Up" dance this year. WII L LEAD GRAPPLERS ONENTSHHANDBALL GAINING FAVOR HERE; I PHI KAPPA PSI LEADS IN TANK F :L TFU U SOA H dbal a sport until recently so far show a total of 19 groups ofOER E scorned by most students, is fast four signed up for the play which Captain Warren And Eight Other becoming one of the most popular is scheduled to start the second Matmen To Make Tri, ro sports on the Intramural depart- week of the new semester. erence AeamBuAied By e Morgantownment's program. Due the enthusi- Never before have the handball ame p {t asm evidenced so far by the play- courts been in such steady use as Eastern Invasions ers, the staff officials are planning have been the 14 down at the new ::EA::z. N":D CONDIFION an inter-class tournament to take Sports building. The authorities care of all men interested in the are pleased with the interest Coach. Clifford Keen and a sport and who at the present time shown in the sport, and at the' (B Associated ress) wrestling squad of nine men in- are not signed up for competition present time entertain hopes that In a season perhaps richer in in- cluding Captain Warren, ',ager, in any of the other tourneys. several more teams sign up for the tersectional flavor than any other Parker, Thrust, Sigerfoos, Kelley, Members of any class in any of new circuit, before the entries list in history, the college basketball Heim, Hewitt, and McGilliard are the schools will be able to band to- Icloses the first week of the new se- teams of the middle west already _________ leaving tonight foil Morgantown, gether, forming a team to repre- mester. have gone a long way toward gain- West Virginia, where the Wolver- sent their class in the league. The staff officials down at the ing recognition as the strongest in Captain Bob Warren ines will match brawn and skill Under the present plans four men new Sports building have' been the entire country. Wolverine mat leader who will with the veteran University of West will be required to constitute a writing down new swimming rec- Not only the east but every other lead the Varsity wrestlers in the Virginia squad Saturday night. The team. Two of this number will ords during the past week, as a re- sector which has cared to carry invasion of West Virginia Saturday Michigan aggregation is in the pink compete in the singles, while the sult of the work of several out- the battle into the midwest or to of condition and primed to give a other two will team together in the standing natators in the recent in- invite invasion by the college when Coach Keens charges oppose good account of themselves. doubles. .Iter-fraternity swimming tourna- cohorts of the central states has West Virginia University at Mor- Hager Dispiaces Stienke Any class may be represented by ment. met with staggering reverses. gantown. Hager, who is taking the place of more than one team, several of the Besides running off with the In- In rapid succession since the Stienke in this meet, will have as classes -having already entered as tramural title, winning the most season began the powerful repre- his opponent a wrestler of three high as four. With the entry lists meets and establishing the great- sentatives of the "Big Ten," ably years' experience, in the person off-- -est total of points, the Phi Kappa backed up by Butler university of Ted Nixon, West Virginia's star Psi established up a record in the Indianapolis, Michigan State and M ES O T E A heavyweight. Walter Brewester, O100-yard relay, and led in diving. Notre Dame, have met and con- who is representing his college for U1 Their relay team consisting of. quered teams recognized as among the second season in the 175-pound McGill, Tarbill, Patton and Hodge- the best in the east. A cursory IIN RE1 tLAY EM TRA weight, will wrestle Sigerfoss, the AM LIKES TO\r son covered the four laps in count at this stage shows the mid- Wolverine entrant in this division. 49:3-5 seconds, while Pottle west -with 11 victories in 16 starts With an unusual number of Parker, another Michigan wrestler' ___amassed a total of 35 points in the against the east. cross-country and long distance in this weight will make the trip as ( Associated Press) divingcontest men out for indoor track, pros- a possible contender in one of the Dr. James Naismith, originator In the other events, however, burgh which in the previous year pects for a strong Wolverine four heavier weights. of basketball and a member of the n from other fraternities came mile relay team look unusually It is expected that Thrush, at: faculty of the University of Kan- to the front, and set up marks for "Big Ten" and adding Notre Dame bright, according to Coach Steve 168 pounds, will meet a sophomore, sas, is not at all in sympathy with their next year competitors to for good measure, could get better Farrell. Clarence Higgins, who has dis-'the suggestion of Dr. Walter Mean- ,shoot at. than an even break this, year. Pitt Several of the members of the placed a veteran on the West Vir- well, basketball coach of the Uni- won three and lost three, stopping Michigan harrier squad have been! ginia squad this year. However, versity of Wisconsin, that the cen- Yearling Tankmen Ohio State, Iowa and Indiana after working indoors since the close of the competition on Coach Harricks ter toss-up in basketball be eimi- GEfalling before Butler, Northwestern the cross-country season, while a squad in this weight is unusually nated. Good At Evanston and Wisconsin. number of new milers have re- keen with three other men stand- "Why should we take from theI As for the University of Pennsyl- ported for practice since the Christ- ing a good show of taking Higgins' game an interesting phase, the I Freshman swimming prospects vanie, the proud champions of the mas recess to further sharpen com- place on the team.-; center toss-up, and start the game are promising this year at North- Eastern Intercollegiate league, were petition for places on the four-man New Michigan Flyweight + with a pass in from outside the western and the Purple tank fol- beaten in all thre startsagainst team. * A new man will enter the ring for court?" asked Dr. Naismith. lowers look to the men of 1932 to western opposition, Indiana, aaio The first time trial of the year Michigan in the 118-pound class As a substitute for the center play an important part in the State and Michigan turning the will be held at 3:30 Saturday aft- when McGilliard takes his corner toss-up, the Wisconsin coach would bringing of intercollegiate swim- trick. Cornell likewise was chased ernoon, in which an effort will be against Cooper, a Virginian of three start the play with a pass from ming laurels to the Evanston insti- back without a victory to its credit,, made to determine the best five or years' experience in intercollegiate outside the end lines, using the tution in future years. losing games with Michigan and six of the host of tryouts. wrestling. Heim, also lately acquir- same method after each goal. Dr. Twenty-one swimmers, a number Michigan State. Monroe, who earned his letter ing a first string position on the Meanwell contends that a tall cen- of whom already show varsity pos- Penn State also fared badly after during last season, appears the Maize and Blue lineup, will wrestle ter has an unfair advantage under sibilities, are on the yearling tank opening its invasion with a victory best of the milers so far, although Gordon Brill who is well fortified the present system, but the oppo team at Northwestern this year. over the University of Detroit. Captain Wuerfel, Benson and Aus- with two years in the ring as a 138 site view is held by Dr. Naismith. The squad is well balanced, having Northwestern and Michigan swamp- i tin, two sophomores, and others of pounder. "There is no fairness in limiting capable preformers in the various ed the Nittany players by more the harrier team are expected to Perhaps the toughest match of or handicapping a team because events. Twelve of the freshmen are than 20 points and Michigan State give him plenty of competition. the meet will be between Hewitt it happens to have a tall center." free stylers, three are divers, three eked out a close decision. One of Jesson, Grunow, Turner, and Law- and Captain Cox in, the 128-pound Dr. Naismith said today., "If we do! are breast strokers and a like num- the east's rare successes came when son will also compete in the six event. Cox is reputed to know most we might as well penalize a foot-! ber compose the back stroke con- Canisius college, of Buffalo, defeat- lap time trial. of the tricks of the game and ball team because it has a 300- tingent. ed John Carroll, of Cleveland. Hewitt's calibre is beyond question pound center. oInf 1 FAdler Collegian * ' I I {r r AIG U' and R. & W. Suit and Overcoat... I OVERCOATS 1-2 PRICE Tomorrow we will place on sale our entire stock of fine Adler Overcoats at half the former price. We must make room for our incoming spring coats. Every coat is of the season's latest styles, dark oxford greys and blues, single breasted, extra long. So attractive are the prices and quality that we venture to say that few coats will be left when the day is over. Come ready to buy. We promise you the surprise of your ilfe. We have your size. I STYLE, FIT, AND QUALITY IN THESE TWO-PANT SUITS AND O'COATS When it comes to real clothes value you can't beat Corbett's Suits and Overcoats at regular price. You get better fabric, bet- ter fit and more style at $40, $45, ~~4~iizzo COTwl and $50 than any place else in YOUR CHOICE OF ANY SUIT IN THE STORE S . 75 ,, I Ann Arbor! NOW-you can get the same style, fit, and quality at 20% re- duction from a close original mark up. Every suit and over- coat is strictly this Fall's, and every suits has two pants. " Alterations Free Our Suits, too, are. the greatest values in the city-our customers say so too. We are actual tailors and you can depend on us for style and fit. Quality is never doubted here. You'll be amazed when you see how much more $29.75 will buy. YOU CAN SAVE MONEY ON THESE $35 Tuxedos . . $26.75 $1& $2 Ties . . . 83c $6 Hats (latest styles) $4.80 i Come in and pick yours out! ' 0 less I exclusive with State Street at Nickels Arcade I 11 I