I ESTABLSHED F 1890 IYr I an aI MEMBER I ASSOCIATED PRESS I Vol. XXXIX. No. 86. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 1929v EIGHT PAGES CHAIRMAN HALE ACTS TO PREVENT JM IN TOPI[ISE NATELEGISLATION, FEAR THAT MINOR BILLS MAY BLOCK CRUISER MEASURE PROMPTS ACTION Cabot Keeps Silent 'PO[ WILLIAM BLUME M[RGE[MATEMAIIAlumnus Presents Valuable Collection CIILLIRIII HLUIJer TtILIJUL IT 1 Of lIILI fhIUf B itno 1, m t T U T t7fc1 Tuberculosis Sanitarium Will Not Be Connected With University States Medical Dean i iuT I i aVUU Lin 101. ~ L111i1 i WANT LONGER SESSIONS Quality Of Work May Cause Senate To Convene An Hour Earlier Than Noon Each Day By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Jan. 17.-Appre- hension lest a legislative jam in, the Senate block consideration of the pending cruiser construction bill today prompted Chairman Hale of the naval committee to demand longer daily sessions. Hale, who is in charge of the measure which would' provide for 15 cruisers and one aircraft car- rier, temporarily yielded the floor for work on a deficiency appropri- ation bill today that in so doing announced that hereafter he de- sired the Senate to convene an hour ahead of time of its usual' meeting time at noon. Senate leaders indicated this request might be complied with beginning1 next week. Navy Measures Wait The deficiency bil is but one of -nf m ar >°C niv itin - ~ T- ns is a good Lime for the uni- versity to keep its mouth shut," de- clared Dr. Hugh Cabot of the Med-I ical school, relative to the exten- sive tuberculosis fight planned by Gov. Fred W. Green and the state legislature. "The matter is entirely up to the legislature and the uni- versity should have nothing to say, at this time." Although the plan includes spending $750,000 in tu- berculosis prevention and $500,000 for a tuberculosis sanitarium to be located at Ann Arbor, Dr. Cabot states that it will have no connec- tion with the university. He does not expect the plan to materialize immediately, be stated, characterizing the problems at present as one of finding a way to raise necessary funds. HOOVER WILL CONFER WITH PARTY LEADE.RS President-elect Leaves Monday For Exactly Two-Week Conference! In FloridaI WILL TACKLE 3 PROBLEMS PREDICTS EARLY ABOLITION CONSOLID OF FOREIGN COURTS IN ELIMIN TALK OVER RADIO UNI] ADVISES GRADUAL CHANGE GLOVER Glover, Hunt, And Band Complete Combined Program Of Michigan Night Is Li Series From Morris Hall "When it is frankly admitted Eliminat that the presence of foreign courts fying stan is an infringement of Chinese divisions o sovereignty, and that China offers solidation court protection equal to that of Mathemati some of the more turbulent coun- and of the tries of the West, it is hard not to been recen yield at once to China's demand will place for, an immediate withdrawal of the tion under courts," said Prof. William W. under the Blume, of the law school in his ad- University dress on the thirteenth Michigan Sever, Night radio program of the current prof. Ja series broadcast last night. The erary coll program was put on the air through ehar WJR, the "Good Will Station" of The combi Detroit, from the new Morris hall tectural sc studo. chools ani ! dTaught Law In China s, a pProfessor Blume, who was teach-I courses be ing law in China at the time of the (versity wi. ES IN LITERARY I Orla B. Taylor, '86, of Detroit' presented to the University a unique gift in the form of a com- plete set of autographed letters and S H O S'documents of the Emperor Napo- DATING DEPARTMENTS ATES DUPLICATION, FIES STANDARDS APPOINTED HEAD Faculty Of 51 Members argcst On Campus, Says Hopkins ing duplications and uni- dards of hitherto similar f the University, a con- of the Departments of cs of the literary college engineering college has tly effected. This move. all mathematics instrue- one leadership, directly administration of the in general.. al Schools Affected mes W. Glover, of the lit- ege has been appointed of the new department. nation effects the archi- hool, and all the other d colleges on the cam- well. All mathematics ing offered in the Uni- [1 be by this one cen- recent outbreaks, had as his title tralized department.It is said that "Withdrawal of American Courts the newMathematics department From China." Pointing out the is the largest on the campus. It! f 4 a paten or measures awa ng -(yAsc-tdr5)staino h or ytmi Lion and the naval chairman show- (By Aocated Piess situation of the court system in has enrolled 51 professors, and in- ton ady thava hewasirmanu sh - WASHINGTON, Jan. 17.-Presi- China as it now exists, he traced structors, according to Louis A. ed clearly that he was fearful butdn-lcHovrwllevMn-Itevroseeopesinhetutr,1 if he gave way too frequently for dent-elect Hoover will leave M in- the various developments i the Hopkins, secretary of the college of the consideration of other legisla- day for exactly two weeks of con- establishment of foreign courts Engineering and Architecture, and ture, the warship building program ferences with Republican party there and the causes for the so- of the mathematics department. would not be acted upon before leaders to whom he has disclosed doing. Under the present arange- By combining the departments March 4. plans for tackling three important ment a citizen of the United States oof the literary and engineering col- problems facing his administration is subject only to his own court in fleges, there can be established a Today, however, time was found -farm relief, tariff revision and China, while this is not true of a common t an be eaisedea! for Senator Tydings, Democrat, prohibition enforcement. I Chinese citizen in the United and work in the similar courses,! Maryland, to car on fora whie In addition he has made a pre- States. .nformerly offered separately by the the offensive started in behalf of liminary survey of a number of Cites Complaint Causes fo lofeed sprated te the measure yesterday. The Mary- other questions and has received . "This uneven situation has been Specialization of instruction for lander,S one of the undermembers many suggestions concerning ap- the subject of much discussion and the furthering of advanced courses of the Senate and a veteran of the pointments to his cabinet, but has is one of the chief causes of can also be obtained. Depublica-! .World War, isisted that theI given no public intimation as to the China's constant complaint about tions in certair courses, and func- United States should attempt to personnel of the official family unequal treaties," Professor Blume tions of the department will be thus attain a naval parity with Great which he must name by March 4. stated. "For some time China has avoided. Britain. He suggested as one A suggestion that the special urged that foreign courts be with- Is Not First Merger njeans of reducing land and the session of the seventy-first Con- drawn, ancd the position of our This is not the first consolidation naval armaments of other powers gress, which is to take up farm re- government has been that, al- to be made among the like depart- of Ameri oans to cuties lief and tariff legislation, be called though the maintenance of the ments of the literary and engineer- of American las to countries for April 1, was made to Mr. Hoover courts could not be defended as a ing and architectural ,schools. At naval establgshme mts.y today by Senator Shortridge of permanent policy, the capacity of present, there is a centralization of naSwanlisonFavos. California, one of a nearly dozen the Chinese to administer justice the physics and chemistry depart- I Swanson .Favors Billcallers at his headquarters. must be assured before all conces- I merts. For the entire campus, The senate heard Senator Swan- While the President-elect un- sions could be surrendered. there is but one Physics department son, Dcmocrat, Virginia, declare doubtedly has given some thought Professor Blume mentioned the and one Chemistry department. that in his belief the bill would in to the membership of the special opposition to such a policy on the Advantages similar to those reality be a peace measure, since I commission he intends to appoint behalf of business men engaged in secured by the consolidation of the it would serve notice, if passed, to investigate the whole subject of the China trade and the affect Mathematics department, have that the United States intended prohibition and general law en- which it would have should they been obtained by the unifying of for her navy to be equally as I forcement, so far as is known he be withdrawn, when that country the physics and chemistry depart- strong as that of England. has not made up his mind who he ofefrs perhaps the greatest field ments. The senator from Virginia took will select. He, however, has indi- for future foreign trade. .- the view that this would cause cated he wants to name men of Abolition PredictedI Great Britain to decide that a pact outstanding position who *will be "Early abolition of the courts is WOMEN DEBATERS! for naval equality and a further able to aproach the task before sure to come," he said, "but whether D,+OWNED BY HI0 dascssnfarm m m ithem with an open mind. this course will keep down fric- Hoover will address a celebra- tion as well as a more gradual B. Many Stand Firm tion at Brussels to be attended by process is very doubtful, and, (LBy Sp a. 1 .scuding There was no indication that the king and queen of Belgium, when the fears of the business UBUS, J 7- 17 (4iSssiib Swanson's speech had changed while a telephone will carry his men are taken into account, theI the question of the abolition of the mlhinis( of the group opposed to voice. gradual course would see1U to be social fraternities and sororities in the building of 15 cruisers and one Mr. Ihoover will speak ito a tcl-l far less destructive of trade rela- state universities, the affirmative aircraft carrier. The leaders of ephone at his desk either at his tions, and therefore, the one which women's debate team of the Univer- this group come mostly from the Mayflower hotel headquarters or should be followed." ' sity of Michiga lost a very close middle-west. his S. St. home and at the Belgian Prof. Clifford C. Glover of th decision to the Ohio Slate team Senator Norris of Nebraska, has capital his voice will be heard by College of Pharmacy, spoke on here tonight.- not the least liking for the pro- the crowd through the medium of "What Goes Into a Pill," telling of The Michigan trio was composed posed measure and has said so and amplifiers. the many constiuents which go to of Helen McComb, '30, Lois Webb, others who apparently share his Information at the Hoover head- make up some of the more complex '29Ed, and Virginia Houghton, 30. opinion include tokhart of Iowa, quarters is that the celebration is ones, giving as an illustration one IThey will be in Ann Arbor tomor- Nye and Frazier of North Dakota, in honor of the President-elect., who which is composed of 13 different row afternoon. The group was ac- and King of Utah, a Democrat. as head of the commission for the ingredients, coming from many dif- companied by Floyd K. Reilly of Proponents Conident relief of Belgium directed the feed- ferent countries. the speech department. ing of the population of the little Hunt Discusses Marble- fident. that when the final roll is kingdom during its occupation by "Marble" was the title of the third PLA Y PRODUCTION called it will pass with votes to Tthe Germans. address on the program and was TO REPEAT SHOWS spare and think the question is This will be the first extended given by Walter F. Hunt, professor. whether it can go through in the i address the President-elect will de- of petrology. Professor Hunt told form provi'ed by the house when liver before his inauguration and of the history of the stone, its Due to a greater demand it passed that body at the last ses- the second since his return. composition, its types, and its for seats than could possibly be sion. His first talk here was brief, various uses in building and art fitted, Play Production will repeat Under those terms 15 cruisers of being in the form of a message on work. The University Concert its three one-actplays,d " nOver- 10,000 tons each and one aircraft the occasion of the opening of the Band presented a series of popular toiics" The Dreamy Kid,"and carrier of 13,800 tons were pro- tunnel of the Great Northern rail- and classical selections as the The Flattering Word" in addition vided for at an estimated cost of road under the Cascade mountains. musical portion of the program. ;to the regular performance tomor- I I__________________________________________ row night and last night's perfor-1 $274,000,000. A time limit of three E YORK TIMES EVENTS mance for which all tickets were years was set for the construction. CURRENTone several ays ago. Anyone leon I, and his marshalls, as well as the aptographs of several of the general and members of the cabi- o 01 Editor's Note ' 1 This is the first of a series of I four articles to be run in The ' i Daily concerning the details of ' I this gift. I 0 o0 net. The gift will be formally pre- sented on January 21 in the main library. The collection contains six auto- graphs of Napoleon himself, the first dated in 1794 being in the Italian form "Buonaparte," the second dated 1803 in the form "Bonaparte," which he used as First Councul; the third dated 1809, POPULARTENOR WILL European Critics Acclaimed Roland Hayes A Fine Artist During His Continental Tour IS FAMED FOR SPIRITUALS Appearing in Ann Arbor after a triumphal season of concerts in Europe, Roland Hayes, popular negro tenor, will appear in a con- cert tonight at 8:15 o'clock in Hill auditorium as one of the regular numbers on the current Choral Union concert series. Throughout Europe Hayes was acclaimed a fine artist. Newspaper reviewers were unanimous in their high praise of the negro singer of America, whose spirituals had thrilled the audiences abroad. Hayes has often been termed "a singer of spirituals," but in reply he has stated that he is not es- sentially a singer of spirituals, but rather that whatever moves him in the spirituals also moves him in Schubert, inferring that it was the inspiration responsible for the. work which made him appreciate it, not the nature of the work, it- self. Many famous audiences in music capitals of the world have listened to the Hayes' art. Packed audi- ences have greeted this son of ex- slaves wherever he has been sched- uled for a coheert. Royalt of Eng- land, Spain, and Holland have been numbered among his listen- ers. Editorials, magazines, books, and special articles have paid trib- ute to him. In fact, the famed negro has enjoyed unusual success. The program for his perfor- mance tonight includes Beethov- en's, "Adelaide," Schubert's "Die Krahe," "DieNebensonnen,"' and "Wobin," "Rachmaninofft," "Songs of Georgia," and four specially se- lected negro spirituals. MARSHALL FOCH - STILL IN DANGER (By Assocate Prs ) PARIS, Jan. 17.-A slight im- provement in the condition of Marshal Ferdinand Foch was noted by his four physicians this evening at the conclusion of the fourth day of his illness. JM.L111UHALb I V.~ /11V1 X11 Y being in the form of "Napoelon," which he very seldom used, and the remaining three being in the fa- miliar form of "N" "Nap." There are two autographs each of Berthier, Lannes, Lauriston, Maret, Marmont, Massena, Murat, Soult, and Suchet. These are the signatures of the most famous of the generals, marshalls, and cabi- (net members. There are many letters of excep- tional interest. A letter from Mar- shall Davout is signed as "Prince of Eckmuhl," and directed to the Emperor himself contains a nota- tion upon its face signed by Napoleon. While Marshall MuratI was King of Naples he signed a letter in the form "Joachim Napo- leon," which he used as his title while king. The letter is a per- sonal letter to Cardinal Fesch, who was the uncle of Napoleon, and also of Caroline Napoleon, Murat's wife. In 1811 Maret, then the Minister of Foreign Affairs, sent out a cir- cular letter to the French Consuls in various parts of the world asking1 them to invite the competition of' inventors with reference to im- proved methods of spinning cotton. This collection contains the letter which was sent to the New York consul. It displays Napoleon's great interest in industrial affairs. EDISON RESUME'S WORK IN SOUTHERN CLIMATE Plant Able To Produce Rubber In Case Of National Emergency Is Object Of Research HAS 15 YEAR OLD FORD "B" TEAM WINS HARD F[OUGHT BATTLE WITH STATE BYONE POINT 27-26 SCORE OCCASIONS FIRST DEFEAT FOR YPSI IN SIX GAMED GILES ANNEXES HONORS Exciting Tilt From Spectators' Standpoint; Lead Changed Hands Several Times By Cleland Wyllie YPSILANTI, Jan. 17. - Tables were turned here tonight when the Michigan Junior Varsity defeated Michigan State Normal college, 27 to 26, in a hard fought and excit- ing contest. It was the first defeat f for Ypsi in six games. Most of the excitement was crammed' into the last half, since the Wolverine Cubs forged into an (early lead in the initial period and maintained it with ease although a Normal rally in the closing min- utes brought the score from 14 to 3 up to 16 to 10. Margin Lost Quickly This margin soon faded away under the Ypsilanti onslaught and with the Normal's offensive click- ing in perfect order the lead soon changed hands when Giles drop- ped in a basket making the score 18 to 17. Weinstein's free throw was the lone point for Michigan during this spirited rally. From this point on the tilt was somewhat wild and nerve racking to watch. Whitney added a free throw following Whittle's foul to I bring the score 19 to 17 and Shaw evaded the tight "B" defense to toss in a goal from inside the free throw line giving Ypsi a four point lead. Cushing was then put into the Junior Varsity lineup and soon connected for a long shot from the side to pare the margin in half. Whittle Evens Score Whittle evened the count again on a short shot, but with the teams battling evenly and hard Weinstien fouled Shaw. The pen- alty shot broke the tie again and Giles broke away to sink another basket under the hoop. Leading then, 24 to 21, the Normal played a cautious game and controlled the ball very well, but Cushing brought the "B" team back into the fight with a push shot from a mixup under the backet and then pro- ceeded to dribble through the Ypsi defense for the goal that put Michigan back into the lead, never to be headed again. Middlestat then fouled Barley, an expensive infraction of the rules, since - the Junior Varsity guard sank both gift shots and the two points thus added to the Michigan total offset Shaw's tipin following Whitney's unsuccessful free throw. The game ended as the quintets were fighting for the ball i| the middle of the court. Free Tosses Important Accuracy from the foul lane kept 111 T ...... 1, , .... . ., n.. >, . 4 - 4 i ( 1y Assciated Iress) FORT MYERS, Fla., Jan.17.- Thomas A. Edison, electrical wiz- ard, was back at his winter estate here today for a resumption of his research work in a new field- search for a plant capable of pro- ducing rubber to supply the United States in case of a national emer-, gency. Welcomed last night by several hundred friends when he arrived from his New Jersey home, the aged inventor planned to be up; early today to inspect his manyj experimental plants., Several changes greeted him this morning, chief among which was a new laboratory, a surprise present from his wife. The old building, in which the experiments were made on modern electric light globes, was removed last summer to the! Detroit Museum of American His- tory. Mr. Edison will be 82 years old Feb. 11, and a party is planned for that occasion, with the guest list to include Henry Ford, Harvey Fire- stone and probably President-elect Hoover. All except Mr. Hoover havek accepted. Meanwhile Mr. Ediison will coi fine his activities to his research for rubber, He will examine plants 'Jat Ih raA/.e fk 0JI(~4 d i l' : ;! I i tl . , Dr. Iieitz-Boyer, spokesman for the four, said, "We are satisfied 1 with the progress of the illness. There is no aggravation of his con- dition; rather the slight improve- ment continues. But we can not promise for the future. His condi- tion remains grave." No official communique on the Marshal's condition was to be is- sued until 9 a. m. Friday. None 01 the doctors remained with him tonight. One thinga whichUia, res.sed the Normal team up in the fight One thing which ipessedUIduring the entire game. The Ypsi inventor on his arrival last night five connected. in eight out of 15 was the relegation of his old 1914 free tosses. Michigan was even "flivver" to the role of a baggage more unerring on its few chances can. Since it was presented to him, since five out of six chances were 1.5 years ago, by Mr. Ford, the old converted into points. Shaw, Nor- car has been a source of pleasure mal star, was closely guarded to Mr. Edison. Its brass radiator throughout the game and failed to and open-door effects were famil- Iscore with his customary fre- lar sights here, and it is expected quency, although Giles came to the he will continue the use of the ma-fore to annex the scoring honors. chine inefnitely I The game started slowly with Te Wa thr Michigan coming back after an Thle W eathler Ypsi score to take the lead. Whit- tIe's injection into the lineup (Ty Associated Press) speeded up the attack, his four Rain in south and rain or s baskets aiding in piling up the 14 in north portions Friday; Saturday to 3 advantage held up to the last generally fair; expect snow flurries few minutes of the period. A rally along Lake Michigan; colder Sat- led by Shaw and Giles closed this urday in west and north portions margin to 16 to 10 when the halt Friday afternoon. was over. - ---I The box score: - ,I I I-* V4vw -%, -- - - - 0 v&w - . -9 President Coolidge favors the billE but his recommendation that the' time limit of three years for build- ing the ships be removed has caused dissension. Chairman Hale1 of the senate Naval committee' who has taken the task of shep- herding the bill through the sen- ate gauntlet is opposed to the chief executive's suggestion.1 Correction The Daily wishes to direct atten- tion to the fact that Prof. Hans F -- 4 4 r .,1, EXAMINATION ENDORSED BY BROWNj In commenting upon the New York Times Intercollegiate Current Events contest, which will be con- ducted by examination on Friday afternoon, February 15, Professor Everett S. Brown of the political science department urged students to enter competition. "The Times Current Events con- test," he said, " is a competition in knowledge of what is happening in the daily world in which we live. As such it ought to have wide "It was the aim of the New York Times in originating this contest," Professor Brown continued, "to stimulate interest in the reading of the news. This year's examina- tion will cover the news from June 1, 1928 to February 15, 1929." "I wish to emphasize," he stated, "the fact that this is not a test in history or in politics, but in current events of every description -developments in the fields of in- vention, science, geography, art, r,.-,n -nnrl fhp likN nnr wanting to attend Tuesday night's presentation should send a stamp- ed self-addressed envelope to Play Production. Another special performance will be given Tuesday afternoon for the members of the Ann Arbor Wom- en's club. All the members are in- vited and due notice will appear in the Daily tomorrow concerning how members may procure their tickets. HENR Y KILLILEA CRITICALLY ILL CARILLON PRODUCER WILL ATTEND DINNER OF CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE For the first time since their ap- tomorrow night and he will be the pointment several months ago, the guest of honor at the banquet. He entire campaign committee which is in this country on a business has been selected to secure the trip and will be here tomgrrow funds for the carillon to be in- night primarily to explain some- stalled in the proposed Burton Me- thing about the carillons which morial Campanile will meet at 7 his concern is able to offer for in- o'clock tomorrow night at a ban- stallation in the Burton Campanile. quet which will be held at the While in Ann Arbor, Mr. TaylorI Michigan Union. Bob Brown, gen- will be the guest of Regent Junius eral chairman of the carillon com- E. Beal. mittee, who has called the meeting, In addition to the members of Iwill nreside. the carillon committee the mem- Downing, f,........ Kanitz, f ........ . Dougal, c......... Barley, g ........... Lovell, g ............ Balsamo, f........ Weinstien, f. . Whittle, f......... Cushing, g ......,. Totals......... B FTPF 1 1 0 0 0 4 0 0 1. 2 2, 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 5 1 2 3 0 1 11 5 10 Michigan "B" (27) 1 21 Michigan State Normal (26) B FT PFTP Giles, f . ... .. ... 4 2 0 10