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January 17, 1929 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-01-17

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Uh.J ti-cL 17, 1w2



i3AL~ Tha,

FORESIT SCH Hobbs Pays Tribute
To Captain Wilkins


Glacial Authorit

To Complete Work'


DICKINSON WRITES Business Administration school
RESEARCe SCRIPT search. hnddtion.s mous
______persons in the business world, co-
More than one hundred million operated to a very large extenthe
dollars are spent annually by said.
American business in industrial Co-operative arrangements are
and commercial research, it is n- increasing rapidly, Professor Dick
nounced in a bulletin published inson reports. but thus far large
few days ago by the School of Busi- firms seem to co-operate ire
nncrari k-,. efficiently than small ones.

In a recent issue of the New York
Herald-Tribune, Prof. William Her-

E bert Hobbs of the geology depart-
Miniature Thcater To Be Used As ment has commented upon the
in Example For Fire postponement of Captain Wilkins'
Prevention Antarcitic expedition, paying tri-
bute to the work already done by

Wilkinsand his party near the
South Pole. "It is the greatest trib-;
ute to Wilkins' courage and his in-
Introducing his minature theater dominatable will that he has again:
as another step in the University achieved great success against ad-
program for service to the state, verse conditions," Professor Hobbs.
S. W. Allen, of the School of For- stated.
estry and Conservation, explained Captain Wilkins, who mary be-
his miniature phantasmagoria of lieved would reach the South Pole
the icisitues o foest and before Byrd, has announced his in-'
with his "Paul Bunyan's lunch- tention of returning' to Antarctica I °
box" or miniature theater, to the next year to complete his explora-
members of the Forestry club last tions from a more suitable base.
night in Natural Science building. "Unless Captain Wilkins were to
The little theater was designed devote himself to working out the
for use by state conservation tdetail of shore-lines,' his geog-".\
wardens in their forest-fire cam-1 raphic work is done from his pres-'
paigns among the small schools of sent base." Professor Hobbs stated,
the. state. It can be operatedr "and for geographic details his
without electrical current or elec- flights involve too great hazards." -"
trical equipment.' In the article, Professor Hobbs
The first scene discloses a virgin tells of speaking to Commander
forest of pine with lakes in the Byrd when the latter was first con-;
background. This forest is as yet templating a trip to the South .
untouched by man. The second'I Pole-. At that time Professor Hobbs
scene evidences a log cabin and suggested that Byrd use the Bay,
other signs of settlers' activity.. of Whales for his base. This is the
There follows a scene of Michi- base that Commander Byrd was
gan's first industry, the lumber in.. intending to use and which he is
dustry, which leaves behind using now.
chaos of stumps and desolation. Professor Hobbs suggests in his ____
There follows the natural result- article that Captain Wilkins use
Fire. Then comes the settler, who for his base next year the Weddell"
endeavors to eke out a living on shelf-ice. "He probably will have Airmail to Cuba, Nassau, and the West Indies starts from Miami,
the thin soil. a better surface for take-off and Florida, with Postmaster General Harry New handing the pilot the
Eventually a second growth of landing and will be placed in the; first sack of mail. The planes also carry passengers.
the more hardy trees manages to ver center of a vast unexplored,
make the land green. But fire,; areanal sides. This is less than
incited by the carelessness of a~ 850 miles from the South Pole in-
hunter, smoker, or irailroad lays stead of nearly 2,000 miles. For Tasty Treat
the country low again. Then theI Virgin exploration by airplane the
government took its hand at re- location is even better than Byrd's or D sserts CORN WVELL
forestation,, but with the same re- base, which is nearly in the samef
sult-fire resulting from careless- latitude, but is more difficult to
ness. The forest finally struggles reach by ship through the pack. Fresh and Delicious
back to an unpretentious existence, It is moreover likely, but not cer Scranton, P
this time under the care and sup- tain, that the location will be more aW n 0n U tS
ervision of the state laws. under the domination of high Order b Ph Keintucky and W
This is a true story. The better winds than the Bay of Whales."
story reveals the improvement DA 2-6_olvYand_
under judicious cutting and man- Subscribe to The Michigan Daily, DIAL 21640
agement with greater profit and $2.50 the half year-It's worth it.
permanent beauty to Michigan. _$250thalyarIsorht
The miniature theater was made
by Ross T. Bittinger, instructor in
the architectural school, who deco-.
rated the new radio studio, and by This business has.
Mrs. Bittinger. It is made of 3Y E S n jt wa establia
presswQod or masonite jig-sawed giving absolute i
into the different scenes.
HEDRICK ELECTED business in a frie
TO H-IIGH POSITION Friday Evening, Jan. 18th hi'Ot,.'
Receiving the highest award that
can come in the field of mathema- A Limited Number of Tickets Are
tics, Prof. E. R. Hedrick, '96, anAr
alumnu of the University, and at Available at $1.50, $2.00, and $3.00
present head of the Mathematics CONat
department at the University of at
California, was recently elected OFFICE, CORN
president of the American Mathe- 1 UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MUSIC
matical society for the comingS HLM IPhnesOffice:4:51-4
year. He is prominent for his con- Maynard Street
tributions to the Theory"of func-

Mr. C. W. Leverett, glacial;
authority with the United States.
geological survey, who has been
lecturer on glaciers in the geology
department since 1909, has left for
Tucson, Arizona, for his health,
and to complete work on the ex-:
tensive studies of glaciers which,
he has made in this country.
Leverett, who is nearing the age
of seventy, will be retired from ac-!
tive work with the geological sur-
vey in March. He has also termin-
ated active work with the 'Uni-
versity geology department, here.
Permission to erect a four-story
apartment house with a 34-family
capacity has been granted to Harry
N. Hariton, Ainn Arbor contractor,
recently by the city engineer. The
apartment building is to be located
on Kingsley street between North'
State and North Thayer streets and1
is expected to cost $130,000.
The building has been designed
by Maurice H. Finkel, Detroit ar-
chitect and designer of the Michi-
gan theater building, and is to be
built of red brick with stone fac-
ings. It is planned that the apart-
ments be equipped with every up
to date convenience. As the build-

ness Administration. Prof. Z. Carx
Dickinson, of the department of
economics, is the author.
In an attempt to deal compre-
hensively with his problems, the
author explains, he has secured
the co-operation of a number of
authorities in various fields, in-
cluding several professors from the


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112 S. Main St., Ann Arbor

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ing is about 200 feet distant from .11 111111101 1 1 11 1111 t1111 1 1 1 f11 i1 f t ilf
the Huron river it is hoped that a i =
roof garden overlooking the river?'
may be constructed over a fifty-
car garage which is maintained in: C rhds as--.-
connection with the apartment=
est Virginia Coal -
Gas Coke
The gentleman of today sends Orchids. And
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hd The secret _.
Aihed The secret- evening wear, and when traveling
atfcto toor.. 'S;ItWt
elive it pays to do
dly way. If y a 1 ihFlowers"
122 lE. Liberty Phone ;1
COAL COKEit State and Liberty FPhone 6030
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Our Meals are prepared with the utmost of
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food, good service, and low prices.


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at the
215 S. Main A good meal is worth a short walle Near E. Liberty

rMllllwrwl ur iwr+nnwrr r t


A leading fridge expert once said, "The by straight
aces and kings play themselves; it's the little prouct-
spots that make 'games." history.
What s true in bridge e ms equally true in So Chest
the cigarette business. Aces to deuces, spades ity, perfect
to clubs-from the very first deal, Chesterfield sweetness.


t honest selling with a straight honest
- an outstanding success in cigarerte
terfield can bid high. Tobacco qual-
t blending, purity; mildness, natural
- with a hand like that, Chesterfield
be your smoking pleasure...and to-
month, next year, keep right on ful-

made every card good!
No risky finesses, no sharp double squeezes
- Chesterfield rose to world-wide popularity

can redout
day, nextj
filling the


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