ESTABLISHED 1890 I -r t i x 7411 atI1 MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS Vol. XXXIX. No. 85. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 1929 EIGHT PAGES SENATE STARTS FIGHVREGISTRATION IS )l COOK IS NEARLY FINISHED I ON tI1UIOPOL IUH 1lbOne School Is Completed And Two OF VALUABLE PRINTS urm" unnlill lloIin 11rVT More Will Finish Next i I Ratification Of Kellogg-Briand Treaty To Renounce War Is Lauded By Reeves, i Ratification of the Kohl rLcr- ncfTt i q a. nxripa t grtn1a1'rc the Ntw wmmin Ntxi DETERMINED OPPOSITION TO BE MET IN CRUISER CONTROVERSY IS iHAS COOLIDGE'S SUPPORT The President, However, Opposes Time Clauses Which Chairman Hale Insists On (By Associatcd Press) WASHINGTON, Jan. 15.-The Senate turned today to the other side of the cruiser-treaty contro- versy when advocates of the bill for the construction of 16 new warships took the offense in an attempt to win for their measure approval' .similar to that given the Kellogg treaty to renounce war. Waiting, however, for the oppor- tunity to make a determined fight against the construction of the proposed 15 cruisers and oneair- craft carrier was a formidable group of Senators who hope to de- feat the bill, or at least materially reduce the number of cruisers to be authorized. Democrat Aids Administration Equally determined to keep the measure intact was Chairman Hale, of the Senate naval affairs com- mittee, who was given support in the opening debate today by a Democrat, Senator Swanson of Virginia, who aided the administra- tion in its fight for ratification of the Kellogg pact. Construction of the new ships has the active support of President Coolidge who repeatedly has given expressions to a desire for the authorization of additional war- craft. The President, however, hasf aiuraay U A E n i Registration in the School of1 Education was completed yester- day, while election of courses in LATEST GIFTS OF ALUMNUS' the College of Literature, Science ARE FOR NEW LEGAL and the Arts, and the School of RESEARCH LIBRARY Forestry and Conservation will continue until Saturday. Although G T FROM G I ' ME classification has been finished in UIT FROM 'iVE iJHJME the first school mentioned, com- plete enrollment figures for the Collection Valued At $60,000 Will, second semester of the present Consist Of 3 Tapestries And year are as yet unavailable. 28 Old English Prints Freshmen were classified on Monday of this week, while Tues- Announcement has been made of day was reserved for those who the gift to the Lawyers' club of a had signed at least three slips in- rare collection of tapestries and dicating their intentions of con- English prints from the home of3 tinuing courses during the coming W. W. Cook, the donor of the term. Wednesday was reserved for Lawyers' club, Martha Cook dormi- those who had signed two of the tory, and more recently, a million slips and today's appointments are and a quarter dollars for a legal for those who have signed one of research library which will be a the papers. Friday and Saturday continuation of the Lawyers' club will be open to students who fail- building. Registration nor all except en- The collection consists of three tering students in the literary col- tapestries and 28 .prints which are' lege will be completed Saturday valued at approximately $60,000. afternoon. Registration of new The most valuable of these tapes- students will be held during the tries is an example of Gothic art first week of February, at which and depicts a huntsman with a time the Recorder's office will be falcon perched on his wrist. This open for this work. piece alone is worth about $20,000.1 The other two pieces are of the ,Renaissance period, but still show SMITH'the same brilliant colors that are 'ADVIES P-RT11necessary for the atppreciation of ,the scenes. One of these latter two tapestries is a grotesque picture of a member of the lion family, and was probably fashioned from the description of travelers if not from Party Government Needs Militant the imagination of the artist. The Minority Party To Function, body is well portrayed, but the! Says Ex-Candidate head is entirely out of proportion to the limbs. One of these latter ASKS FOR CONTRIBUTIONS two pieces is valued at $12,000 and the Gother at $18,000. The Gothic ta~nestrv is to be hungI Briand peace treaty, secured with- universal adoption of the policy of out reservation in the Senate arbitration." The second section of the coven- Tuesday by a vote of 85 to 1, has ant, according to Professor Reeves, terminated a period of vigorous is of more importance than the debate and anxiety in political first, which is a renunciation of circles. war as an instrument of interna- According to congressional at- I tional policy. Article II is an I taches, there has not been as agreement between the United great a volume of petitions sub- States and about fifty other coun-j mitted in favor of any measure in tries to settle disputes by, pacific the last ten years. The galleries means. were packed with enthusiasts and "The machinery for satisfactory representatives of political organ- conciliation is already in exist- izations throughout the country. ence," stated Professor Reeves. This tremendous popular support "All that remains is to make use was visualized as the real force of of that machinery whenever the the treaty by Senator William E. occasion demands it," he advo- Borah, who sponsored it. cates. In commenting upon the ratifi- The treaty was accompanied by cation, Professor Jesse S. Reeves a report of the Senate Foreign of the political science department Relations committee which was expressed great satisfaction at the construed to be an interpretation [action taken by the upper house of the document rather than any in passing the measure without i suggestion of reservation o reservation. l amendment. The report express- "I am glad that they have done led the opinion that the "right of it," said Professor Reeves. "It self defense is in no way impair- would have been a calamity if the ed" by the treaty, and that the pact had not been approved, be- United States "regards the Mon- cause such action would have put ; roe Doctrine as part of its system the United States in an ugly posi- of national defense." tion." Professor Reeves explained that "The treaty is of great signifi- the committee's report would be cance," he continued, "because it of little importance, inasmuch as is a promise to settle all interna- it would not be officially commu- tional disputes by peaceful meth- icated to foreign nations. MAY ESTABLISH HOSPITAL HERE (By Associated Press) LANSING, Jan. 15.-The question of locating a tuberculosis hospital in Ann Arbor may come up again in the present legislature. I Governor Green, in connection with his income tax plan, proposed a $750,000 appropriation for tu- bercular institutions. Of this, he said, about $500,000 should go with a hospital in Ann Arbor were cases could be brought for classification 1 and in some instances treatment. From Ann Arbor they could ber apportioned to the Howell sanitar- ium or perhaps to the Veterans' Hospital at Camp Custer an ad- ministrative board committee rec- ommended a year ago making the latter a state tubercular institu-, tion. The 1927 legislature appropriateds funds for a hospital in Ann Arbor, but it was vetoed by Gov. Green. r The proposal was sponsored by Dr. James Upjohn of Kalamazoo, af House member then and a Senator l now. He again will urge the es- tablishment of an institutition at Ann Arbor. By other improvements provided T by the governor in his special rev- 1 enue plan the hospital is depend- I ant upon the legislature's action towards finding additional funds.X DI~5uNmION FPfHIFD WOMEN S TRIO IS INDBIANS MICHIGAN N OHIO ST AT YEAGER I1 Nadine Stewa Dora Vane Deb Michigan's bating team c trio represent sity in a hart night in Hil WIN'NER OVER LUNIVERSITY EGATIVE OPPOSES FATE TONIGHT COLUMBUS S ONLY JUDGE rt, Ollie Backus, And Aenberg Compose bate Team women negative de- defeated the negative ing Indiana Univer- d fought debate last 1 auditorium. Prof. ,, asked elimination of a clause pro- (By Staff Correspondent) intminong -- th -Lawyers, viding that the ships shall be laid Pausing half an hour in front of in the main lounge of the Lawyers down within five periods. This the microphone last night before club and the other two to the walls promis' known as the time leaving on his first real vacation of the main entrance. The prints, clause, the retention of which is in- in 25 years of public life, ex-Gov- which have a total value of ap- sisted uponrby Chairman ,Hale and ernor Alfred E. Smith appealed to proximately $7,000 will be hung inf some.other advocates of the bill Ithe nation to wipe out his party's I the basement lounges. The principal opposition to the campaign d'flcit and maintain anj construction of the ships is expect- active organization. Conrad Will Appear ed from a group of western sena- Contrary to expectations he did A o a Dinner tors, including Norris, of Nebraska, not mention or reply to the plea norary Brookhart of Iowa, and Frazier of of the new Democratic floor whip North Dakota, Republicans, and of the House that the Smith-Tam- For Prof. Lawrence C. Conrad, King ofF , a emocra. m yan wing' of the party be repudi- former professor ' in the rhetoric Filibuster Uncertain acd department of the University, the Th ropsofr a gvn o Speaking of the Democratic party Michigan Author's association. The group so far has given no Sehing wh I have vry which is meeting at the Battle notice of an intention to filibuster as "Something which I have very Creek sanitarium, Battle Creek. against the measure, but it is prob- much at heart," Governor Smith will give a special reception pre- able that they will be sufficiently deplored its tendency to function vious to the dinner on Satu-day strong to postpone a final vote for only six months in every four night, Jan. 26. some time. years. "It is the responsibility of Professor Conrad was elected toj The cruiser bill has been passed the minority party," he said, "to head this organization at its Lan- by the House and will go directly remam active and militant if party sing meeting last fall. There are to 'President Coolidge if no Sen- I government is to function. The several Ann Arbor residents who are ate changes be made. Should the people wish to know whether they members of the organization among bill be altered, however, a con- ;cast their votes in the best inter- which Professor Conrad numbered3 ference would be necessary and ests of the country, and they can- previous to his resignation lastI there then would be a danger of not find out by relying on the spring. He is now serving as head the conference report being caught ;publicity of the party in power.. of the English department at John in a last minute legislative jam in "People read in the Republican Burroughs school, St. Louis, Mo. the Senate. press that the Boulder Dam issue Taking up the cause of the ad- is settled, but find nothing on the Dry Investigation ministration, Senator Swanson important question of who isto asked approval of the bill. He own and operate the power plant. Planned By Hoover! argued its approval would tend to They read that farm relief is to be accelerate further discussion of the settled next session, and think that (By Associated Presa) naval armament limitation, and I the thing has become an accom-{ W A S H I N G T 0 N. Jan. 15.-- -A thereby prevent a warship building plished fact. The dark years of far-reaching investigation of all hraisedbetwenthe Unasited States American history from 1921 to 1924 phrases of prohibition is planned by and Great Britain. are an. indication of what can take President-elect Hoover early in hisI _nd__r__tBr___m. place of an active minority party. administration. His views were "The party should be responsible outlined today to prominent lead- to the rank and file. The people ers in the almost continuous wet should not allow a few large con- and dry controversy in the Senate tributors to wipe out the campaign who were told that he proposed to deficit, for it would tend to place appoint a non-partisan commis- too much power exactly where it sioner to conduct an inquiry and should not be-in the hands of the to make recommendations as it few." might deem advisable. Attempt To Be Made To Retrieve Governor Smith announced that The scope of the investigation Materials Which Have Not Ithe Democratic National headquar- would be almost unlimited, with Been Damaged ters, New York City, is sending out the commissioncareully studying copies of his speeches. the Volstead act. Mr. William Carlson of the staff1 of the University Greenland ex- "Hon or System In New University College pedition at Mt. Evans, Greenland, who is at Mt. Evans now, has been Is Worth Trying," Declares Dean Bursley instructed by Prof. William Herbert obbs of the geology department, "The honor system of conducting school disciplinary measures made director of the expeditions, by I examinations and doing general necessary by the breaking of the means of the local radio station, types of written work is certa pledge of honor, are considered by make a dog-sled trip to the Greater tyefwitnwokI etil a committee, numbered among the Rockford, the plane abandoned on worth trying in the University Col- members, of which are several stu- the ice by the Rockford flyers last nlege," said J. A. Bursley, dean of dents. The system has worked out summer. students, yesterday, commenting there in a satisfactory manner ac- Carbon, accompanied by a na- upon the advisability of introduc- cording to the members of the tive eskimo, will attempt to re- ing the honor system in the new committee. Success is also claimedj trieve from the plane the naviga- University project which is sup- for the honor system as an insti- tion instruments, propeller blade-s posed to go into effect in the fall tution at the University of Virginia, and any other material which has I of 1929. where it applies in all departments. not been damaged and which can "I believe in the honor system if "In order that the system will be carried back to Mt. Evans. It is j it works. But the question which work out to our satisfaction at the possible that several thousand dol- arises in connection with its ap- University, each student must lars worth will be salvaged. plication in the present instance is, assume the responsibility of the Wth rs w~noanahbl e sucss the trio "will it work out satisfactorily in a system. It must become a new-, ASTRONOMER TO TALK~ ON REL .IGIOUS ASPET' Prof. W. C. Rufus, of the astron- omy department, will present a lec-] ture on "Astronomy and Religion"; at 4:15 o'clock today in Room 231 Angell hall. He has given this1 lecture previously in Detroit at the time an eastern professor created1 a general discussion over the sub- ject of science and its relations:] to religion. Tie talk will be illus- trated with stereopticon slides. Professor Rufus will describe the E universe as known by the astron-1 omer, its vast size, and will telr something about the study of the heavens. He will then present a new perspective of the importance of this world as conceived in re- ligion and in science, and will cor- relate the two for the formulation of new religious ideas. Three Students Will Arrange S. C. A. Forum John E. Webster '30, Julius A. Zink '29 and Charles F. Moore '29E have been chosen as the student forum committee of the Student Christian association, it was an- nounced yesterday. The committee will arrange for the continuance of the weekly forums sponsored by the S. A. C. Webster and Zink were both re- cently added to the cabinet of the Student Christian association. 'Art Exhibit Opened, j Donaldson Announces An exhibition of paintings andi color wood blocks by Mary . John- son, A Maestro-Valerio, and Gus- tave Baumann opened yesterday in the three galleries on the second floor of Alumni Memorial hal, it was announced by Bruce M. Don- aldson, president of the Ann Arbor Art association. Ejfinger And Bishop Return From Meeting Dean John R. Effinger of the Col- lege of Literature, Science and the Arts and W. W. Bishop, librarion of the University, returned yester- day from a meeting of the Associa- tion of American colleges, which met at Chatanooga, Tenn., Thurs- day, :Friday, and Saturday of last week. Dean Effinger represented the University. The most significant event of the meeting was a speech to the associ- ation on Thursday by the Hon. Vincent Massey, first Canadian ambassador to United States. He spoke on the system of granting degrees by the University of To- ronto, with which he is closely connected, having been many times its benefactor. He told of the ar- rangement at the University whereby cooperation was effected with the smaller Christian colleges to Toronto. These are the Presby- terian, Catholic, and Angelican TO GIVE GERMAN LECTURE' TODAY It was erroneously stated in yes-' terday's Daily that Prof. Hans Naumann and Prof. Karl Schurz would give a combined German lecture as a part of the Univer- sity lecture series today. Professor Naumann is the Karl Schurz professor at the Univer- sity of Wisconsin, a memorial pro- fessorship in honor of the famous educator, Karl Schurz, who has been dead for about one hundred years. Professor Naumann will deliver the German lecture at 4:15 o'clock today in Natural Science auditor-I ium. His subject will be "Rainer Maria Rilke and the Transition To Expressionism." The speaker was formerly of the University of Frankfurt and is in America travel- ing and lecturing. FOCH SHOWS MARKED GAIN OVER__SICKNE1SS (By Associated Press) PARIS, Jan. 15.-A slight Im- provement in the condition of Marshal Ferdinand Foch ported by his doctors as they emerged from the early evening consultation over the stricken gen- eralissimo of the Allied army. The 4 fact that they issued no formal communique and that none of the doctors 'remained over night with the patient combined to produce some feeling of encouragement among the Marshal's friends. { There was hope and joy exubr Txbr-ac at Foch's offices in the In- valides building where General Weygand slapped Major L. Hopital on the back and explained: "That is much better,. the great Marshal will see it through," The Major, who is a favorite aid- de-camp of the Marshal, was beaming as were also other mem- bers on the staff.' Michigan Debate Trio To Meet Knox Friday Michigan's affirmative men's de- bate team which defeated the In- diana men's team here just previ- ous to the Chrismas vacation will leave for Galesburg, Ill.,, tonight, for the annual debate with Knox Friday. Conference Football Officials Dissatisfied With Present .$75 Fee TO DEMAND AN INCREASE 7 (By Associated Press) CHICAGO, Jan. 15.-Revolt over the failure to give increased fees has broken out among many lead- ing football officials of the West- ern Conference, John L. Griffith, commissioner of athletics, admit- , ted today. The officials, dissatis- fied with the regular $75 fee, are filling schedules for outside games,R drawing fees ranging from $100 to $150 for each contest. The regular sum in the Big Ten' is now $75, whilet the east, theI south and on the Pacific coast, the stndard fee for all important games is $100, with many of the best officials hitting as high as $200 and $250 for some games. In case the minimum fee of $100 is paid in the east, an additional $50 is added if the official must make an overnight trip to arrive at the scene of the game. Dissatisfied officials declare they are not on a strike nor antagonistic to the Western Conference, but are filling their schedules with games in which they will be better paid. They see no reason, they say, why the Conference remunerates its officials with fees similar to those paid in other parts of the country. With huge stadiums completed in every BigeTen school and crowds averaging better than 30,000 in the Conference, the officials believe the slight increase they demand is too trivial to be an issue with the directors of athletics. It wascre- vealed their demands were con- sidered a-t the December meeting' of the directors but was turned down. Walter H. Eckersall, famous' University of Chicago star and for 22 years an afficial on Western Conference gridirons, declared he would not join the movement but would remain loyal to the Big Ten. "'The Conference made me and I'm going to stick," Eckersall said, "Why, I grew up with it. The only reason I officiate is for the love of the game, not for the size of the fee. If the officials get, the ideal they are bigger than the sport, they, should get that impression out of their heads." IN OFFICIALS' AK Are Hayes Yeager of the speech de- partment of the University of Il- linois acted as a single expert judge of the contest. Michigan was represented by Nadine Stewart, '30, Dora Vanden Berg, '30, and Ollie Backus, '29Ed. Indiana's women's trio was com- posed of Margaret Williams, Avis Goyer, and Agnes Haas. Affirmative At Ohio Michigan's affirmative debating trio left yesterday for Columbus, Ohio, where they will engage the negative team of Ohio State In a debate on this same proposition tonight in the chapel of University hall This trio is composed of Helen McComb, '30, Lois Webb, '29Ed, and Virginia Houghton, '30 They were accompanied to Colum- bus by Floyd K. Reilly, instructor in the speech department. Resolved, that social fraternities and sororities in state universities should be abolished, was the ques- ton which the two teams -consid- ered; Indiana upholding the , af- firmative and Michigan the nega- tive. Indiana Takes Three Points The Indiana trio attacked so- cial fraternities at state univer- sities 'for three reasons. First, they argued that there was no ne- cessity for such organizations. Secondly, they maintained that such social groups were both detri- mental to the students, both with- in and also to the university. Social fraternities and sororities cost more to live in, they create an artificial social distinction based on wealth, and foster snobbishness, in the opinion of the Indiana team. Two members of the team were mem- bers of sororities. Thirdly, it was contended by In- diana that a dormitory system would secure all the advantages of social fraternities without their disadvantages. Michigan, in defnading frater- nities and sororities, admitted that such organizations were not perfect, but that their defects were not inherent and could be eliminated. Furthermore the neg- ative advocated the extension of such social groups so that all who wished might be members, and the erection of dormitories for those students who did not desire to join fraternities. Visitors Fail To Answer Indiana failed to answer suc- cessfully the -argument of the Michiganwomen that the defects which Indiana pointed out in so- cial fraternities were- inherent in human nature, and that the dormitories would not eliminate these defects in human nature. "Uniting in social fraternities and sororities is the simple and natu- ral expression of two social in- stincts, that of gregariousness and the desire for play," argued the negative. Indiana failed to meet this argument. Florence A. Pollock, '8L, acted as chairman of the debate last night. After the contest both teams attended a banquet at the Union, at which the judge and the coaches of the two teams were also present. International Night Preparations Begun Preparations for International Night have been started by the Cosmopolitan club, under whose auspices the annual event is given. Maximino G. Bueno, grad., waS chosen to head a committee in charge of the arrangements for the annual event given by the for. 4 Librarian Bishop Advocates Conscientious Dealings With Library On Part Of Student "Library fines, although they f everyone who wants them and that doubtless touch the life of the stu- j it is unfair for students to 'hog' dent rather intimetely when he has them unnecessarily. So many peo- to pay them, are merely an in- ple seem to have the curious idea cident in the day's work with us," I that the fine is a sort of license said Librarian W. W. Bishop yes-fby which they may pay so much terday. "We charge them only as and keep the book out as long as a reminder of the fact that the they please without any qualms best interests of the University' of conscience. The fine, we feel, community require that overnight does not remove the stigma of self- books, for example, be returned ishness; it is just a little thorn in early the next morning instead of the path of the wrongdoer.