WEDNES$DAY, JANUAR~Y 16, D29, 7M I. M I1( \1A N DA ILY ..s......,-_,,..,......... .__... w...... r ONO RANES SACKETJ j5 Ask Women To Give WRITES JUNIOR PLAY With Completion Of Building Near, pSAKT STGifts Of Furnishings Are Received AMED AEducationRequisites With the actual work of con- in addition to an earlier donation at 7 AS have Ustruction on the Michigan League which he has made to the League ing's Questionaires have been sent out - drawing to a conclusion, the ques- building. the JUNIHR G'by the Department .of Physical Thrnmps iiigs andteThe low-ceilinged lbrary. named Prse Education to dormitories, league obe the gu C i eof the Wi VA. A. iin o der to teum inds o honor of Jessie Horton Koesslero houses, and sororities to determine ecutiv b i 4 svi how to next in order to, the minds oe is to be entirely lined with -books WOMEN CHOSEN FOR CAST the prevailing attitude of women p_ prwente y (r ly in s epise o a s just bith shelves extending to the ceil- WILL BE NOTIFIED BY students toward the existing re- 1 pi u e c yio e Wy ilst ceis ved from thed San berncisc-aying onl all four walls. It is the hopeI quirement i inpyialeuato.mthinlounge of the Women's Ath ive rm h an rancisco-Bay THIS EVENING qunrtemntib physical aedtrucation. of the undergraduates that from Oreh THIj EVENING An attempt will be made later to letic Building Fr iay afterinoon t Cities group to the effect that they o te terg olletn fb onigr reach all women that cannot be 4 0'clOCk. Al ug acmission will purchase the organ for the CAST MEETS TOMORRWV reached in this way. Copies of the will be free, women who plan to chapel, as a special gift and in ad- already started and known as the Prince Squestionairewere given to all attend the show are asked to se- dition to their pledge, which they Mrs. W. D. Henderson library will Dr. Bell, Miss Lloyd, Adviser Of house presidents who were at the cure door cards, as the capacity have already filled. be increased until this library can Mich lay, And Phillis Loughton Board of Representatives meeting of the room is limited. These The interior of the chapel at offer to the women of the Univer- ity Will Speak Saturday and additional copies cards may be secured by calling present has not been finished. sity one of the finest collections on first h have been mailed to those pres- fJanet Michael, 21616, and they. Only a very general idea of the the campus. ended Frances Sackett is the author of dents who did not attend the meet will be left for those who order finished appearance of the room Several of the bedrooms in the ning t the manuscript whihhnng.them at the Candy booth. A- can be obtained by those who visit building are also being furished Lincol chosen for the 25th annual Junior purpose of the questionaire nouncement has been made of the it. The room has been designed through the generosity of the van- Girls' Play, according to an an- is to determine the students at- door cards in the Board of Rep- Ito carry out an atmosphere of ous alumnae groups. Last to come of th nouncement by Louise Cody, gen- ititude and reaction to activity as resentatives meeting and each or- beauty and solitude rather than i is an announcement from the additi eral chairman of the play. Tryouts a whole, and to learn what activ- Frances Sackett, '30 ganized house has been notified that of a predominantly religious Battle Cheek group that they will which for the play, which will be present- sties they are especially interested in order that the women will have nature. Stain-glass will be used in pay the expenses of furnishing one have a ed at the Whitney theater the sen Ities there spneciallymierneted ith the pr n system of re- the opportunity of making res- the large window; a small altar will week beginning March 18, were the department wishes to deter- quirements in physical education, ervations. It is requested that all have a place at one end, and altar completed Monday night, and the mine whether it is due to physical is shown by the fact that three those who are interested reserve chairs are the type to be used, ac- women who have been chosen for disability, lack of previous train- schools, wholly without coopera- cards, as the numebr is limited, cording to present plans. The room the cast will be notified by this ing, or whether interest in it has tion in the matter are presenting The gowns shown at this show is not large, accommodating only evening. y been crowded out by other inter- at the same time very similiar will be sport models and formal about seventy-five at the most. . A eetin ests or outside responsibility that questionaires on the subject dresses, which have been specially The Kansas City room, so-called . l Ice A teptig of all juniors who are has made it impossible to carry These schools are Michigan, Ohio brought from New York for this in recognition of a $10,000 pledge oapat mlc tmorrow win Sarh an the play interest. The depart- State, and Wisconsin. It is high- display. Miss Jean McKaig, '28, raised by that group, will be CwAeat 4 oallocklttomor tSarah ment also wishes to find out if ly desirable that the students give has been instrumental in bringing named in memory of Georgia Rob- M Caswell Angell hall. At ed to there is any tendency for a s_ o fra.nk expression of their opim- this show to Ann Arbor, and the ertson Baird, wife of Charles Baird,/ Miss Sackett will be presented to dent to carry on any sport inde- ion as the matter is a research bboard of W. A. A. will act as host- who for many years was manager the cast, and talks will be given by dent o rr n problem for their terest. Seesses. Tea will be served, and of athletics in the University of Miss Alice lloyd, adviser of the play, pendent of requirement. npoblaesforpter ntheest ince by Dr. Margaret Bell, and by Phyllis The questionaire itself is divided no names appear on the question- members of Edna Mower's or- Michigan. Mr. Baird has recently For any occasion The Ant Tbyughr.n '28,rg rector, od th plys into three parts, each pertaining aires, no one need hesitate in be- chestra will furnish music. There j offered to buy the complete fur- Loughton, 28, dirtrfhpay. to a different age: elementary, ing frank. The department re- will also be a check room. I nishings in the Kansas City room, will furnish you with appro Miss Lloyd is to talk on the ques- high school and college. Undermd alizes that it may obtam.nothg tion of scholarship in connection the college age, there is an at- definite as a result of the ques- - with participation in the play.Dr empt to get the attitude on tionaire, but it is hoping to get ell will speak on the importance hanges that might be made to some constructive suggestions. kModels of these ice creamm of each woman's safeguarding her make he rquireent ore efeI-play at the Dairy, at Nort health and not permitting the play OOe HIqiSTATE-Winterregistraenndoreffec-i to become too great a strain upon ive.OHOSAEWne reita . .I1 ± and Catherine S t. her. MiscLouhton gr lmakerapn That it is generally recognized tion is 100 below figures for last her. Miss Loughton ill me ran- that something indefinite is wrong year. GET THE BEST OUT When planning a party d Roeets reardngrehearsals. -- -ii isJ. 1 1 delicious special ice cream n Rehearsals are expected to begin ;spDairy. next Monday, Miss Cody announces. OF YOUR SET Ann Arbor Diy. With the beginning of intensive 1 practice, the Junior Girls' Play willT1 go into the stages of actual produc- DIAL 2-1408 tion, which will not cease until the BE CARRY CHOICE A play is presented about the middle of March.k BEEF, PORK, VEAL RADIO SERVICE TThae HSo me of P not yet begin announced, but will, °"DA 1 be made public in the near future. LAMB, DRESSED . Tryouts for the cast and choruses 1 lir: §2 111.Liberty St. three weeks, the first tryoutsha- D U C K S, CHICKENS ing been held during the last two R B IS weeks before Christmas vacation, AND RABBITS. and the secondt tryouts beginning last Thursday and ending Monday i e club picture will be taken 30 o'clock tonight at Spedd- Formals will be worn for picture. All are urged to be gnt and to be on time. Notice iesis will meet at 7:15 0o'clock t' All members of the "Little ss" must get late permission. igan Theater annexed the Bowling league title for the alf of the split season which Wednesday night by win- hree straight games from the n Restaurant. bedrooms. This gift is in on to a pledge of $10,000 the Battle Creek women already raised. C-re am n Arbor Dairy )riate ice cream olds are on dis- h Fourth Ave. Decide to serve nolds from The AIRY CO. uure Milk night. From the 200 women who tried out in December, 150 were called back for a second tryout, and from these a cast of 50 or 60 has been selected. Both Miss Loughton and the members of the play committee have expressed their great satis- faction with the talent of the juniors who tried out this year. They also consider the manuscript of the play to be unusual and ex- pect that the Junior Girls' Play of the class of 1930 will be more than ordinarily successful. AUTHOR THINKS WE MAY HIAVE WOMEN PRESIDENTS What she woulddo if she were President, is told by Kathleen Norris, well-known author, in an article in the January Delineator. She thinks that sometime a femi-, nine President will be elected. This' woman candidate will get the of- fice because she advocates some- thing the public especially needs or longs for, like world peace or public health reform. Three things Miss Norris would accomplish if she were the chiefS executive. She says she would have printed every day on the front pages of the newspapers, a com- munication from the President ex-1 plaining and discussing the govern- inent's attitude and policy in fore- ign and domestic matters. The question she would discuss the most if she were President, would be world peace. If a nation of-I fended the United States and re-! fused to make amends, she would boycott that nation's goods. PRINCETON - Undergraduates of the uiiversity will establish a school in Labrador as a result of interest shown in the Greenfell1 mission by students who wereI there during the past summer. The school will be supported both financially and in service by the students. Gfell's Market Dial 4208 223 N. Main DpY s L EANIN C It makes no differ of material you v how intricate its n we can take that d restore it to itsI beauty. Pick out. and let us remov from it. Just Cal Phone + VC4 All Materials Cleaned ence to us what kind want dry cleaned, or make up or trimming, ress, suit or gown and former freshness and the one you like best c all stains of wear I a i i j i 4 l 4 4 j r I? A Dress Important Opportunity 7l Coat Sale Dresses Worth Three Splendid Groups of Twice This Price DRESS COATS GW h fiv~- $ $ Many Evening6. Models ncluded SPORT COATS 50 50L75 Model In44e -139~Z U'0 A Fine Assortment of Larger Sizes FUR COATS - / Extra Special 1-4 OFF Skating Sweaters1 iit 4 s' ;r 41 eftelll ell MR. BARTLETT of the J. L. Hudson Beauty Parlor is now located at the BLUE BIRD HAIR SHOP 5 Nickels Arcade 1 Greene's 21548 1'!