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January 16, 1929 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-01-16

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10 11 , 11 'Is I

CTHU AT Sales of the Ensian, annual taro regular office hours during "The organ is the finest, most also gives an annual series of un- 'N
TO DEFR ACTON ONpublication of the senior class, the two weeks of examinations. D NU AI V varied instrument in the world,"Iusual noon concerts at the fash-i IJ
have been progressing very favor- Work on the editorial portionsIdeclares Clarence Dickinson, noted ionable Brick Church on Fifth
APPRn RIATION RiA R Tably, J. Franklin Miller, business of the book has been continuing American organist who will give a Avenue.
recital at 4:15 o'clock to- Mr. Dickinson has been a pupil
3,000 copies have already been ter. The theme of the book, day in Hill auditorium. "I have of Wild of Chicago, Reimann and
sold, and it pis believed that this "Michigan," is being worked out to thought so ever since the day when Signer of Berlin, Guilmant, Vierne
PROHIBITION APPROPRIATIONS number will be increased to 4,000 show the relationship between the PRESIDENT-ELECT R E C E i V E S a new organ had been installed in and Moszkowski of Paris; the hon- FRAT
SHOULD BE DEFERRED, (within the next month. University and each of Michigan's SUGGESTIONS FROM my father's church in Lafayette, orary degrees of M. A. and Doctorl
MELLON SAYS Subscription prices for the major idustries. The various PARTY HEADS Ind., and I sat down to play on it. of Music have been conferred upon
Michiganensian, now $5, will be branches of activity, characteris- PA_ EI used to go behind that organ and him by Northwestern university,
raEW YPRVS ised to $5.50 on Feb. 15, accord- tic of the state, are to be illus- pmp up some air and then go and and Litt D. by Miami univert
PASS WATERWAY PROVISO i to Miller. Pledge cards which trated in vivid colors on the divl- MISSOURIAN WANTS DAVIS play as long as the air wouldlast." He is also a prolific composer and MICH
are being accepted as equivalent sion pages. Mr. Dickinson is Director of a choral and orchestral conductort
House Approves Appropriation Bill to $1 will be void after that date.. There are 1808 senior pictures in Conferences On Varied Topics Held Music at Union Theological Semi- of note. The program this after- wa
Of $488,000,000 For Use Of Any student who has an unre- this year's book. Oval forms are Throughout Day; Three nary, New York City, and has at- noon will incude some of his own
War Department deemed coupon should present it being .utilized in the senior section Democrats Call tained wide fame for his annual works as well as two Bach numbers
at the 'Ensian business office in while the border design is much series of four historical lecture-re- and compositions by Liszt, Mous-
(ry Asos (a e r« 5) the Press building either this week more. elaborate than in previous (111 Associated Prs,) ctlfo hc udeso ogkSnig a~wlad Wo
WASHINGTON, D. C., Jan. 15-!or next, or else should mail it with issues. The art work is being done WASHINGTON, D. C., Jan. 15.- people are turned away. Each others. sentin
Secretary Mellon advised Congress a check for $4 to the Michiganen- entirely by students for the first President-elect Hoover was repre- series is based on a theme, often and I
today that i the opinion of the sian in care of the Press building. time in the history of the book. ( sented today by some of those who the works of some one composer SinKan
treasurer the appropriation of an The 'Enspan staff will not main- Satire in the 1929 issue, it is have called at his headquarters as or of some period in musical history.o'cloc
additional twenty-five million dol- planned, will out do any of the having about made up his mind The aim to humanize music is to O PSTO PLAN Re
Jars for prohibition enforcement E I campus humor magazine's issues to appoint an outstanding far be entertaining as well as constru- and s
should be deferred until surveys Iof the year. The satire section is Westerner as Secretary of the In- tive. During Lent Mr. Dickinson at sta
could be conducted to determine being designed along the lines of terior and William J. Donovan of a--B THEII NTS sition
the most effective way to use the "Ture Confessions," the popularINew York, at Attorney-general the d
money.Omagazine. Mr. Hoover, himself, is having II IN Vthe n
The letter, addressed to Chair- ,IThe social function of some fra- nothing to say publicly about cabi- IL flRlliUTL I1 1Final Lists Of Men To Be In Each willI
man Warren of the Senate appro- I ternity or sorority, advice to men net appointments and those who Booth At J-RIop Is Sought i Stewa
riations committee, was in reply -- and women of Michigan by Doctor have made recommendations to CONCERTBy Committee Chairman and C
to a communication of Warren Fertilzg Agents Are Discussed; Tom Lovell, several pictures of Dr. him have reported almost invari- OLE ldiana
asking what the treasury could do Development Of Fertilized Lovell including one as Doctor of ably that he merely listened to TE WE Rf
with the twenty-five million for dry Egg Is Depicted Archery, and the much awaited their suggestions without giving -VA-- olitio
lawPeufos.emen.story "Confessions of a Sphinx" the slightest indication as to his ayes Has Sung In European s.yoroi
The Wyomig senator was op- which will find its way into this Appointment of Louis F. Gates For Five Years nity men who are planning toa-
appropriation, "I think it is best for the sci- section of the book, of Utah as interior secretrywstend the J-Hop on the night of Flor
which was sponsored by Senator nmyFeb. 8, to make arrangements for at pr
Hars eort eri.ences of embryology and zoology tim-bClaed neh aintoRapubtis -AlnT3Eboh hima.A-a h
Harris, Democrat, Georgia I that heredity be divided into two ed n haainis SECOND APEARANCEHEREbooths, according to Phillip B. law fi
Secretary Mellon, in his reply, de Itypes, general heredity and special can national committeeman f Roland Hayes, celebrated nerolen ask E that plans be formulated memb
elared one of the major difficulties jheredity," stated Prof. Albert Colorado. Mr. Gates has the sup-b orwl Hayes, a ner en for combinin oe frate te
of the proposed appropriation Brachet in his discussioi of "He- port of party leaders for a numbe tenor, will appear in a concert Fi-Ior combining with other (rater-Ibate
bureau was that cases now pnd- redity as an Embryological Proc- T PI of the Rocky mountain states and day night Hill auditorium as th nities or groups so that a full Yaege
ing could not be tried because of ess" on the University lecture IU Iin addition is a personal friend of first attraction of the year on the quota will be on hand for each of th
the congestion in the courts and series program yesterday after- _the President-elect. Choral Union concert series. Hayes booth, os soon as possible. act as
suggested that part of the money noon in the Natural Science build- .aSuggests Woman's Name will come here as the result o Lists of the men to be i each conte
should be allocated to the depart- Westi ghouse 'Research Manager J. Matt Chilton Republican na-i many requests from those who booth are to be mailed to lhim at The
mgnt of justice. He said that both M Brachet, an international au- Speaks On Television, Iioal committeman for Ke-l heard him here in a previous en- 1003 East Huron street, or handed the U.
the coast guard and customs sere- y r zoology and profeor 'alking Movis. gagement at which time he was to a representative on the con- Colun
ices, which aid in enforcing 'the of anatomy and embryology at the Alvin T. Hert, of Kentucky to a received by the local audience with mitte as soon as they ar co- engag
prohibition law, could use addition- University of Brussels, proceeded VISIONS NEWS BY RADIO cabinet lost of entucy o a much enthusiasm. plete, he further announced. of 0h
Univerity of russels proceeedA cine post in recognition of her Hyshsjs eundfo hs ilb sda ia it o ih
al funds, and at present the pro- to consider different fertilizing work as the vice-chairman of the Hayes has just returned from a Thesewlll be used as final lists ior nght
hibition bureaus under the civil agents and the fertilization of va- "Research is generally thought of national committee in charge of long season in Europe during which the use of the committee in allo- hall.
service law had found it possible rious species of eggs. In depicting as being either industrial or pure" women's work. At the same time.sginagrg boot
to make appointments for only a the division of energy in the fer. began Mr. Samuel Kintner, builder Mrs. Hert, before departing for ferent parts of the continent, in- Announcement of the second compa
portion of the provisions provided. tilized and growing egg, he offer- of the Arlington Radio tower and Palm Beach, Fla., issued a state- cluding France, Holland, Italy, orchestra to play opposite Coon- The a
All these questions, the treasury! ed examples of eggs fertilized by manager of the research depart- Iment saying that she did not wish Russi, Germany, and Austria. , Sanders Original Nighthawks will Helen
head said, should be thoroughly a single sperm and then those by ment of the Westinghouse Electric or t post There critics were unanimous in be made in a few days, according '29Ed,
and Manufacturing Company, in' exec a~y gvernent met ed -i~~ to-4 e nis ris
surveyed before such a large su, five sperms'; explaining, that in cIwhatever
was appropriated. ~h atr h mrowihd-hspechon "Research Require- Br npvryo
pthe latter, the embryo which de-ments of Electrical Companies" A cabinet post for Missouri was Born in poverty on a small Jmes "Bill Orwig, '3Ed, chair- ence
Svelops is of five parts, each being last evening in Natural Science au- proposed to Mr. Hoover by Dr. E. B. Georga farm, the son of ex-slaves man of the floor committee be memb
WASHINGTON D. C., Jan. 15.- the result of a sperm cell. oditonm before the Detroit-Ann -Clement, national committeeman Hayes has risen to become one of cause of his basketball prowess'g mA
The $448,000,000 war department ; In tracing the development of Arborsection of the A. I A E. E. for that state, who said he men- the mos popular tenors othe da.ann ed the followin gme as
appropriation bill was passed by the fertilized egg into the embryo, "But this is wrong," he continued,|tioned no names, but that the re- He worked his way through col Rmembers Clayton, the floor committee. ir
the House today and immediately the professor used a series of "for botth he branches are closely appointment of Dwight Davis as lewhile helng sthe family. Robert R. Wickersham, I aff
after this action advocates of the diagrams, stating that "The sperm interwoven and united. Conditions Secretary of War would be pleasing However, he sang as he worked, Les Goldman, Rer Lbra, debay
ton million dollar amendmnent in- is unabe to modify certain he-inoresac lbrtres reothpolefMsou. attracting attention of those who Charles Boswell, Richard Abra- alway.
we ihn olr a erway i- s unbet mdiycrmh- in our research laboratories are to the people of Missouri . heard him ham, Welos Janes, Lawrece co tra
corpo.ated for nland waterways 'reditary phases and conditions, such as to allow investigators in The visits of three Democratic head John Ihrig stay a
extension expressed the opinion thus portraying the influence of, either field coihplete freedom in members of the House to the Presi- He sailed to Europe to try his Klein, Bird Burman, o Hig, been
that this proposal would encounter heredity in various cases. Profes- their work." I dent-elect during the day aroused chances there with just enough William Murphy, A. Morris Hghes was t
little, if, any, opposition in the Son- o Brachet referred frequently to "Orpronlnmesaot~cnieal pclto nplt money to announce his recital in William Swanson, Richard Chap- wst
te the t r Our personnel numbers about considerable speculation in politi-London. There he was acclaimed man, Harold Ernst, Carl Kirch- difficu
ate the work of nim-rcu scientists, 150, half of whom are technically cal circles. Representative Fines J. to be excellent and it was not long gessuer, Dean Hammond. Richard thea
Representative Newton, Repub- genetists, and the MNl:ndeian Law. trained men from all parts of the Garrett, of Tenessee, retiring min- before he was asked to sing before Berkeley, Paul Bonnet, Charles sorori
lican, Minnesota, one of the water- world. We are kept in touch with ority leader, and Representative King George V. From that time Waldo, Gerald Stein
there have been some persons who Woman Of 84 Years large electrcal concerns i other John Garner, of Texas, who is cx- on, it was simply triumph after Shutto, Gabe Joseph, HaiMarks, Th
lands and the newest discoveries by i peted to succeed him, said they onTtwaoipydrup atrShtofabooehH M rksinac
have hoped that the entire amount.s triumph. Wherever he went, he was George Cheadle, Stanton
would become available earlier Dies From Injuries a large staff of readers who peruse merely called to pay their respects. applauded. Robert Holmes, Harlow Son, twor
Jd h i lz all scientific publications," stated M~c~ieown Pays Visit apludd 'Rbrjoms aro Uehaitwor\
than provided in the bill. DeceivednTi Kintner ps epre senatys M sn an The present tour of America is Homer Porritt, and Earl Elser. helpe
Received In Blaze Withteattt RDpn t whheo , Hayes' fifth. Each spring he re- i on th
With the announcemen that the Oklahoma Democrat, who was witht o pueon
company made and designed all Mr. Hoover for about five minutes, turns to his host of European ad- Mimes Holds Trials en wi
R PLANS Mrs. M. B. Sheley, 84 years offage, types of both receiving and power said he could not talk at this time mirers and travels to a number of FedR e
who was rescued by students from radio tubes, Mr. Kintner entered European capitals of music. o rer
about the subject of his call and"Fo ellll d esret
ON X the fire which destroyed her home the field of radio, television, and then added with a broad smile that Iquest
PLACED OVI8IT1ON at 1314 South University avenue the talking motion picture, which he just wanted to "vary the mono- oakum Will SpeakT
Monday night, died at 2:15 yester- he said, were offering many prob- tony" for the President-elect. Tkrots wmen wantin o The
dyaerona .Joph Mryem.Certainly there could have been Atieig fCu Justice" Loyalities " "The Mar- comp
day afternoon at St. Joseph's Mercy lemis. Crany , At MeetingaOf Club take part i Mimes' production of T nehbto rcietrldhew
hospital mainly as a result of in- "The talkies arc very difficult be- monotony about the series of con- uise" r "LSoylenairn" will be HO
inehbto rhtcua o haled smoke and the subsequent cause of the details such as those, oooyaotth eiso o-qus"o"SS.Gecinwllb'oa
signs collected from 17 colleges all shock of the fire.. of the optical, photogaphicacus- ferences Mr. Hoover had from early Prof. Clarene. Yoakum, direc- eld from two to five o'clock this seth,
over the country who are members She was taken to the hospital in tic, and those concerned with am- morning until late eventing, for the tor of the Bureau of University Re- afternoon on the Mimes theater Galese
of the Association of Colleges of an ambulance shortly before mid- plification and the constancy of discussions covered not only a wide search and professor of personal stage. Men will be given an op- wher
Architecture, will be shown in the night Monday, and although her speed. However," he assured his range of subjects, but also a wide, management in the school of Busi- portunity to try out for the male colleg
halls of the Architectural building, condition was regarded as serious audience, "we are making every rang of territory including the now ness Administration, will speak at roles tomorrow from two to five Frida:
opening at 8 o'clock this morning. but not critical yesterday morning, endeavor to improve the tone qual- government in China, the economic a meeting of the Round Table o'clock at the theater. team
Michigan has a big part in the she grew steadily worse and passed ity and are confident that we can. situation in Cuba, government re- club, Sunday afternoon, Jan. 20; at The only restriction placed on Hart
uhiiwhi h will last until noon away in the early afternoon having, "We have visions of a radio news organization, the program for the 2:45 o'clock, inoom 24 S.W. His try-outs is that they are not Paul

rt, Vandenberg, And Backus
Will Face Hoosier Trio
In Hill Auditorium
nen's debating teams repro-
g the University of Michigan
ndiana university will meet
intercollegiate debate at 8
k tonight in Hill auditorium.
Dived, that social fraternities
ororities should be abolished
te universities, is the propo-
which will be considered in
ebate. Michigan will uphold
egative of this question, and
be ' represented by Nadine
rt, '30, Dora Vandenberg, '30,
)llie Backus, '29Ed. The In-
women's trio will take the
ative and advocate the ab-
of all social fraternities and
ties at state universities.
Miss Pollock To Preside
once A. Pollock, '28L, who is
esent working with a local
irm will preside as chairman
debate. Miss Pollock was a
er of a Varsity women's de-
team in 1925. Prof. Hayes
r of the speech department
e University of Illinois will
a single expert judge of the
affirmative women's team of
niversity will leave today for
bus, Ohio, where they will
e the negative women's trio
o State in a debate tomorrow
in the chapel of university
Floyd K. Reilly, instructor
speech department, will ac-
ny the team to Columbus.
ffirmative trio is composed of
McComb, '30, Lois Webb,
and Virginia Houghton, '30.
McComb has replaced For-
Clement, '30, as the third
er of this team,
ffirmative Team Travels
is the first time that the
ative team has traveled for a
e. Heretofore the custom has
s been for the negative team
Lvel and the affirmative to
t home. This custom has
changed this year, because it
hought that it would be very
lt for a team to advocate
bolition of fraternities and
ties on its own campus.
women's teams have been
ed by Ralph Harlin, instrue-
the speech department. The
arsity men's trios have also
d the teams. These two teams
n a debate Sunday afternoon
e proposition which the wom-
11 consider. This was done in
that the women might see
he men would approach the
on, which is a difficult one
ate, according to Mr. Harlan.
men's affirmative trio was
osed of Ormang Drake, '30Ed,
rd Simon, '30, and Paul Fran-
'29. This team will leave for
burgh, Illinois, tomorrow,
they will debate a Knox
e team on the Paris Pact on
y night. The Men's negative
was composed of Lawrence
iig, '31, Jarl Andeer, '29, and
J. Kern, '29.

C~lJL W1 AWill laet ill nnn. v n wy i-th erl- atenon avng "W-hvevison o araiones.rgi "aio...eprgrm.orth!.:4 oclck i.Rom 04tr-otsistht he.ae.ot- au
on Saturday, Jan. 19, it was an- regained consciousness for a time service that will furnish everyone special session o the new Congress, subject has been announced as actively engaged in work with any
nounced last night by Prof. Emil 9 late In the morning, with events of the day and print and patronage in Wisconsin, as "Recent Trends of Policy in the other campus dramatic activity.
Lonch,head of the College of Arch- The deceased woman had lived I a bulletin in your home. Such a well as cabinet appointments and American Federation , of Labor." The reason for the necessity of
itecture and former president of; in Ann Arbor practically all of her marvel is only blocked by the political situations in several sec- this rule,, according to E. Morti- I
the association The designs are life and leaves several relatives, problems of framing and syn- tions. THE WEATHR n mer Shuter, director of Mimes, is
taken from each of the members among them a niece, Miss Fred- chronizing, both of which will Among his callers were Major- ---the fact that rehearsals are often
colleges to show what is being done I1ericka Gillette,' superintendent of eventually be overcome. General Enoch H. Crowder, U. S. A. Increasing cloudiness; s 1 o w apt to be interrupted by the mem--
in those schools. The collections Circulation and Stacks at the Gen- "But as for television," explain- retired, former ambassador to probably Wednesday night and I bers of the cast participating in
made up and is then sent in turn eral Library. ed Mr. Kintner, "I can say least Cuba, who said his calls had been Thursday and in west portions other dramatic work.
to each of the colleges or univer- The fire which led to Mrs. for this, as it is far advanced and suggested by Dr. Herbert Work, Wednesday afternoon; rising tem- - ; Off
sties elhongi the as ociatior- Sheley's death started from an un- proves the most stubborn to over-'chairman of the Republican na- I peratures Wednesday; c o 1 d e DHeSociety
siisbnigtoteascain termined source and destroyed come." tional committee. !Thursday. eaigS~ey a sent
practically the entire house. Over -_-_-_'--_ -O__ nd1
Laboratory To Open 1,000 students were present at the TEN UNION DEPARTMENTS REPORT $150,000 INCOME Election Of Officers Grm
blaze, which was not brought un-T FO IRTFORM NTHSEOFTCURRENCOORof N-cmpmu Ex
With One-Act Plays der control until early Tuesday ]FOR FIRST FOUR MONTHS OF CURRENT SCHOOL YEAR ofcers of Alpha Nu, campus Expra
morning after firemen had fought --- --- - --- deating society, for the coming mono
it for two hours. Cash receipts reported by the >ast, the Union departments re-S The Union is spending between dc
Tomorrow night will mark the -various departments of the Union eived a total of $28,073 as com- $8,000 and $10,000 at the present i semester were elected at its meet- this
IY vo e m s t n r boiucnfey, inino-' fl

ring as an innovation, the
rsity Lecture series will pre-
Professors Hans Naumann
Karl Schurz in a lecture in
an on the topic of "Rainer
Rilke and the Transition to
ssionism" at 4:15 o'clock to-
w afternoon in the Natural
ce auditorium. On Friday of
week, Professor Alexander

opening laboratory presentation I t Is Elected
for this year by Play Production
when three one-act plays will be+ eaker Ae h
done. Alice Gerstenberg's "Over- Jpek OfPAdelp
tones," Eugene O'Neill's,. "The I
Dreamy Kid," and George Kelley's, I Lawrence E. Hartwig, '31, was
"The Flattering Word," comprise elected speaker of the Adelphi
the program, which will also be House of Representatives for the
given on Saturday night. ' coming semester in an election held
Admission will be by invitation I last night in the society's room on
l A im .ne m annG the fourth floor of Angell hall,

for the first four months of the
current college year show a total
income of approximately $150,00('
and an increase of $356 over the
same period last year, it was an-
nounced yesterday by Paul Buck-
ley, manager of the Union.
Of the ten contributing depart-
Iments. only three, the restaurant.

> ared with i$z4,uzo duringtne
;ame month of the preceding
scar. Slight decreases in revenue
Lor the month in 1928 were re-
>orted by the bowling alley, the
'>arber shop, and the pool. The
Union pool, now forced into com-
>ctition with the Intramural
building pool, showed a $64 de-
crease in business.
Six thousand twentv-cight cou-

uime, according to :Buckleir-
conditioning the building, ,parti-
cularly the plumbing and heating
systems. These systems were
rushed to completion in 1918 in
order that the building might be
used as a barracks. The result
was that poorer workmanship and
materials went into this phase of
the construction.
Union receints for the fiscal

1in Ilst nigniton i eouLn i ioor (Silverman will speak on the sub-
of Angell hall. They are: John Q. ject of "The Chemistry and Tech-
Langen, '30 F&C, president; Rich- nology of Glass," at 4:15 p. i. in
and S. Weber, '29, vice-president; iroom 165, Chemistry building.
R, Carpenter Hewitt, '31, recording The German lecturers are both
secretary; Robert J. Hutton, '29,1 well known speakers. Professor
corresponding secretary; and Al-;Hans Naumann, a member of the
bent F. Donohue, '31, treasurer. I faculty of the University of
The feature of the meeting was Frankfurt, is in America traveling
the reading of the first issue of -and lecturing. His colleague, Pro-
the reeonstiited Svbil .the so- lfoenr TKarl Shur is frnm the

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