rTUESDAY, JANU:ARY' 15, t-,2i T-FM I CIGC;A N 1 I [Y . . .. . ...... . ...... . .. ' 1E POTS N 1D CPTINU~t"IriL ,AMNY C 1#S FINOTICE -. We have alarge slee- FLE'1clIEP R ALL W[TIOOJIJSuI,( N i C ADVERTISING :II toes. Frlxhmiso c, 719 N. Uti u orIi 3C moll's oly - ay _._.._ ,.". r , roi y FOR UREN T - . _ -as A -A IuThu S)11'er bathsi, ]rot and(cld water lriva I (Continued 1iloon Page Six) iContinucd From Pag'e Six) If_______-.__ _ ___---- ,____ _____i cnacli roim. Maid service.( ight 10 G lN P PU[ [ wrestling meets are held in this against Marquette in the ___ «i irt;c$.5"dul 3.5pr 74 section of the country. period, adopting a passing game I - MACI( TU)TQJ NC AGE NCY i - 1Pd~le$.5pr 3._ -- '__ Most of the honors in last yar ' and trying for short close-in shots 310 o, . sav. hoa''7 7, Wh 1 3Vil*Po 7 FOR F Illinois, Northwestern, and Michi- meet were carried off by Detroitand abandoning individual fforts.' l 1,)( t. __ _____.. on gan Sean To Be Slight Favo- high schools, nine of which were;Captain Fisher counted aifter 3:15 Nl , BEU:,1JAM.I~N _. .___ ____NO'Itls_...11, XW. Ci'k SThoe IFator '. M rites This Season entered in the swimming and track on receiving a short pass from I.13NAI - bets orheser hg sholofMne drcty nfrnto te215 E. \VashiugVon Phoic 431() TYPEWRITE! Z SL+EPVICi -New Crcn- eurirr of South University and FOR R f meets.Northeatern hih schoolof Mane directy in frnt of thn ,I'.oy . S.,Underwood,1, Untervvoo, Rorest. Letr"usLesavesa youyu202pepr roono 1310 TEN TEAMIS STRONG Detroitwo the track meet with 18. Spartan net, Joseph added another tolpraleassdagni__eto yurrpi ok.Ol rm _____ points and Northwestern high; marker after 12 minutes in a se- TEP -ND--- - -fr ccr portable typewriters of all mae; one shoe factory n town. !FOR P Wsen Cneec wrslnIof the same city placed second. jend mixup in front of the State THLNAA andyfo cup oghsld eteechne styFb.1lewadinen bugt olrned xhagd TYPING--Thess a specialty. Fair !with Wetr ofrne we 'Other Detroit high schools to place goal following several passes, and caanecyepaby. Feb.stck 1.e,-!New and modern 9$".1 or faasginngagrconiedpoitin n hetrckcvetsweezasswhchposition2 ad -rom1urisedapat- cland,3ep-rdoLage tokuatniM.s.hedtslTaDila3rt-vo in intercollegiate mat circles givesinterakvnswreCswhci Maney twe iue later,takn meats. Call manager. 879, or! best service, considerate prices. c& Tel.' g placed third, Western, and Ham- the puck behind his own net, apytaaren 1,127.Phe61.0.D Morll evr vdneo xeiniga-t ramck. skated through the Spartan d- Ann. 8' $,8.4 rNcles Arcade. NOTICE---Oral 391., Mire Laundry FOR RP other successful season with Big Highland Park high school of D- !fense and netted the pwk after a --- ..- -__-.__.-___.._. . -__ - _v04 .eMwi th.lfor 'l atth eto- Ol Ten teams as yet unbeaten by non, troit ran away with the swimming' feint. Jones cuctdth ln Sat I' 204. N. Main .1 I~, P~r~rPd, . . /. laundry ser- letie ralpesoalatetin Lu conference opponents in a strenu- meet, piling up 38 ponts to thirteenr marker 40 sconds later. ____ f I lf ~c cie t oe e._ ous early Schedule. 'for Virginia, Minn., and Evanston, Michigan Michigan State'f X I a I 1U \NT EWe re c losing our ourFO I If-such a thing as favorites may lP., who tied for second. Fifty-nine Fisher........LW ......Clark'£ A1 (gl lie of Dlresses and Wardrobe, ris pe pikdisepece tthsery~ track teams were entered in the Maney.....WW.. ...... Jones s'~ ~~ T~l~ II M N Iun~a ot oh&Ien stage that Ilinois,edefendi ngcham- iinterscholastic. The s wi m m i n gJoseph ........C.....Kennedy ISTa I'urk a os.FOR I~eur __ pions, Northwestern, and Michigan; teams totaled twenty-seven. Bryant.... ....RD.....Harper' _.i__.___ e two WetrnCnfrnc atuels, tory nlstya' me.TirenGrc...........ari-_ho' ion 8up otasn~ worn will fare best inz the qus 1o Chicago, as usual had a large en- HIart.......... LD.., Christenson $498 RIDING BOOTCS from. $10 up' gof singl With thie exception of the heavy-,high schools entered track teams;Schlanderer ...Sparc. ... Warner !te if(11ercit leatlher styles, La M' o: th With the number of strong mat Bohr'PaoNvly :Act. A teams in. the conference increasing s i' 1 '?u allel the situation in basketball' Aent 1) 1 \\oI)rONs ^t circles where the result of games i ,....i vA.,g,: , L Ii!'7.N.a.4h, are always a matter of conjecture,) FLETCHIER BALL Extra HtighGr-ade in ~' 'c ' D . .$.. y:: . ... so little is there to choose between'1 Phone 4078- Ann Abr Mc '1 ..* ba ot r~ .,y']/, the various .teams. ,o, ici j , ,fl,;,. . y., ite famil,.ysteam 1 heat, ewell1 ed, reasonable rates ,_WNT-Singl( room for :-see- semes.ter, netarLa Club. 517 [a i;onl. 33,81,85 ET - A ver~y delsirable single . No ot her roomers. Private . Dial 6692. 83 RENT-Pleasant; living room lai'ge bay window for quiet ,an student or instructor. 7485. 81, 82:83 SENT--513 E. Jeffenson-sub- -'eb. 1. furnished apartment, roos, ,Iirst floor;.Frigidairc. 30G52. 81,82,83 R,IONT- I Romis for graduate 1020 Church St. Phone 3103. ______81,82,83 RENT-Girls league house- minutes from the camrpuis, a to and a double room; clean, n, continuous hotL water; best . 224 5. Thaye,%Phlonle 4053. 81,82,83,&1 RENT-- A warm single room to campus. Dial 7618,_ 515 rut. 82,83,84 .ENT-Large front suite for or three students, also, large )le room, will rent single or le. Vaneany in a large for one man. Garage for .Prices reasonable. 425 So. ion. 82,83,84 RENTr -At; 311 Thompsont, a antwo sing, ;.rlesi. Steam Continluouls hot water. 81,82,83 RENT --.Furnished apartment wo oi' three girls oir a young ie. Also large double room ointo single. Steam heat, in1cluldingshower, Available 422 E. Wash ingtoll. Dial 82,83 F1tRSALE SALE-Boston Terrier pup- Pedigreed. :Male and .fe- 3$20. 232 Murr'ay. _ 83,84,85 ;ALE-Onec tuxedo, good conl- size 37. Reasonable. Call Hlalpern. 8 3,84 ALE-Six-passenger' Tobbog- Priced for quick sale. Phone' lersity -23 or 328. 83,85,87 S':uth OIuv'bt,, , rhrol of M~ines. 24 f A '<. '. 0. Bl iGNr 4.-,, 1Frgc I- rIr~ '1 lciuolE; g)_, ,.1 ' U . ,o'llitu' I o i ~xo c . . . , 26,.: : : 1;;,I flj c ~it7 ;r '2 _. _ . _.. -_ -- YOu NGER COLLEGE MEN ON RECENT WESTINGH OUSE JOBS The EAMThe COLLEGE, The CLUB Al need it- AND- SO DOES ANY PROJECT Any inan who has played on a teamn, takeni part ingle cub, ne~wspaper or college activity knows that success is often attainedl only by co~ordinatitug the experience of many persons in one organization. Stone & Webster is prepared to help plan and organize a new development in any field of centerprise. Within its organization are engineers to make investigations, reports or aippraisals preliminary to financing. More than that, Stone & Webster can provide financial plans and assist in financing. It can carry out work of any type or magnitude, providing complete designs and construction personnel.. You will find Stone & Webster on the job in almost every state in thc Union and in many foreign countries. When you leave coIlcgb, you'll find these men ready to help you, ready to give you the benefit of 39 years' experience in financing, operating, and build. ing. You'll find the Stone _& Webster organization is worth knowing and worth doing businiess with. ,4A °.T 3 I Ka cli urects thge Navy's F/yers> [f/~.~a I Yu{co/1vg/ n~ lll llsll'1 3 ill ± am",-all oll ffiriu!(i/icy o n theI-c I.T, . Navy Ajr-planic (Carricv.. 'I C2 ngor llld '6a-a- (/)/)OC~/J it/ll' l<1 ('/YlS( G ('I dt'"' VC t ia/cut? Is z;;ltidu /a,' *CorF/' r tY) , ' IRP1, A N .carriers Marc. a r c- lI story-;1i-ald they havc a come- iru lilcation problem that ca3 K fOr rW ; . t ex (Crln4rzrcsou FceS of an organ ization) xvich has shaown u .'a 1 aa1 Y . <"n . ire 1:. . r< 33' ie S~Udli is meit With signed to scnd on. (ifcelI.t ave. leng ths. Eactl pjwss11 5 rceiVIng signed, built, and installed by Wcstinghouse the organi.). tionl xhich in i1920 established DA , the pioneer radio broad- castinig station of the world, and ,,vhIch als~o operates stations K FK\ (?pl ortunitnes to do the hist orv - making, things ins engineering fall naturally to an organization with a rcord for making history in its field. turn of thle di al 01) thc t1"