iTHE MICHIGAN DAILY _ _ . St_ . Rio ! , r ...: / S Z fL T .. .5..., E CHAIRMAN Of ELECTED AT Of SOPHOMOF ELEANOR HEA] COOK W D OF COMI FOR SPREA FORMER CIAIRMA Object of Party Is Friendship Betweei Teach Tradit Eleanor Cook, '31, general chairman of ti Spread during a meet: omore women held la afternoon in Sarah Ca hall. The nine coma bers who will assist work have been names Helen Wilson, "Marga Isabel Rayen, Kather ray, Jane Yearnd, F14 my, Elizabeth Sunderl Swift, and Katherine In her talk before t the sophomore clas SpREAD Barbour Fellowships Are Awarded ToAII Foreign Women For Service In Orient As a special honor and distinc- Michigan and shown excellence in; tion for service and teaching in scholarship, familiarity with Eng- their native lands, Barbour fel- 5 lish, a high character, and super- Miss Beatrice Johnson, adviser lowships, for the first time, have for qualities of leadership. been given to three Oriental wom- "Every effort is made to make of women, has succeeded in placing en, Lucy Wong, China; E. K. Jan- 'these women who come from Jap- a large number of women students ILL BE AT aki, India; and Sugi Mibai, Japan, an, China, India and the Philip- in part-time positions of various M'IITTEE according to Miss Beatrice Johnson, pines feel at home," said Miss kinds since the beginning ot All adviser of women, who is in Johnson. "We ..try to meet them inss. eThgh einningnson charge of all foreign women stu- at the train and from then on classes. Through Miss Johnson, dents. \ smooth the way for them. This women who are interested in earn- LN SPEAKS "Barbour scholarships have been year all the students are living in ing part of their college expenses given from year to year," Miss dormitories, which gives them the by working for board and roomby to Promote Johnson continued, "ever since opportunity of mingling with 'y o o an o other n Classes, Levi Barbour visioned the good American girls and learning their typing, or doing any of the other ions that trained women might do in customs." kinds of work in which women their native countries. Now, Bar- In addition to the three Barbour engage, are able to obtain employ- was elected bour fellowships have been added fellows, this year there are eleven ment. to the scholarships, allowing grad- new Barbour scholars and thirteen Miss Johnson estimates that he Freshman uate students to work on their de- women who have been reappoint- some 65 women have been place ing of Soph- grees without financial strain or ed. Among the new women are: in positions where they work for te yesterday worry and without having to do Sharkeshwari Agha, Jji-lih Bao, their board and room. Only about outside work, through a stipend Martha Choy, Yung Hao eng, four or five work for their room aswell Angell alloted for this purpose. Lai-wing Fung, Kathryn Kim, alone, but approximately 70 are nittee mem- "To receive the fellowship," Miss Zing Whai Ku, Aley Checho Kure- ern t board. Some ypn her in the Johnson went on, "the woman yan, Tomo Tambe, Ken Tokuzawa, and stenographic positions have d as follows: must have heceived her M. A. from and Violet Wu. Those who have been made available through Miss ret Eaman, * been reappointed are :.Mrs. Rang- Johnson's office, but most of this ne McMur-, Notices tham Aaron, Ruth Chan, Ao Dju, sort of work is taken care ofby orence Gim- Mrs. Caroline Hsia, Tkuko Koi- isVd lrhi h ertr' ___r___ a Sut g akk~,A Miss Vida Vlerah in the Secretary's Wilcox. The University Girls' Glee club Nk Maria Pastrana, Shio Sa- office. Miss Johnson has also hacs will hold tryouts again this after- openings for students as assistants he women of noon at 4 o'clock in room 216, kanishi, Hide Sharo, Yoe Tanak4. in doctors' offices and as labora- ns Margaret o at4cckinr,Phoebe Wong. Casses In Rifle To Start Next Tuesday Beginning classes in rifle will start next week under the direc- tion of Captain L. M. Bricker. They will be held every Tuesday from 4 to 6 o'clock and Friday from 1:0 to 12 o'clock. Regular squad practice will be held on Thursday from 4 to 6. The new range in the field house is one of the best equipped in the state and offers an excellent op- portunity to learn to shoot. Be- sides the regular matches in which the team competes with any school which it challenges or whose chal- lenge it accepts, Captain Bricker intends to enter the team in theC national rifle meet which will be held this winter. TENNIS MATCHES ARE PROGRESSING The first round of the upperclass tennis tournament must be played off by this afternoon. The pair..- ings are posted on the bulletin boards at the field house and at the gym. Players take as their opponents the girl with the same alphabetical letter before her name and must get someone else to keep score. Scores of the first round must be reported to Margaret Ohlson at 3018 as soon as the match is play- ed. Pairings for the second round will be posted Thursday morning at the field house, and these matches must be played off by Saturday. 'HOCKEY TOURNEY TO BEGINMONDAY Plans for the coming intramural hockey tournament were discussed ' at a meeting of athletic managers of dormitories and sororities held Monday at Barbour gymnasium. Several new rules, which are to be presented to the W. A. A. board for adoption, were read. They limit the number of players on an intra- mural team, who have won inter- class numerals, to three, and spec- ify that sorority women living in dormitories must play with their 'sorority. Miss Nellie Hoover, of' the physical education department,, stressed the importance of appro- priate clothes for playing, and an- nounced that some recognition would be given at the end of the season to the best dressed team. Games will begin next week and will be played on Iionday and Wednesday at 4 o'clock. All three .fields will be used so that it will not be necessary to play more than one game an afternoon. The fields may be used for practice on Wed- 'nesday afternoon and Saturday. morningof ethis week. All players. must have obtained heart and lung O. K.'s before they may play. The cards with these O. K.s on them must be turned in at the office in Barbour gymnasium by Monday, October 8. Univ. of Oregon-In a series of reports by Pat Morrisette of the English department, he has proved that a college student experiences. a complete reversal of taste and judgment in literature during the normal four year's course. 'i Daily Bulletin of Sportswuomen . A. A . BADlL C The first W. A. A. executive meet ing to be held in the new fief house was held last night. Afte a spread, Betty Smither, presider of W. A. A., welcomed the ne' board, and then read the resigna tions of Doris Renkenberger, vice president, and Margaret Bus: baseball manager. Dorothy Touf manager of outdoor sports, wa elected to the office of vice-presi dent. Nominations were made fc the other offices by the who] board which will be submitted t three senior members for electior The tea which is scheduled i the "M" booklets for Friday, Oc 5, will be held at four o'clock i the field house. There will : music for dancing, and also bridg All freshmen women and their ad visers are especially urged to corn It was decided that the boar meet every two weeks on Tuesda and that the meeting be precede by a spread. A special busines meeting has been called for Mor day in Barbour gym at which th reports of the managers of sport will be given. Several new rule for intramural hockey were pre sented by Dorothy Griffith, intro mural manager, and were passe by the board. Yale-Seniors in a census take here prefer a Phi Beta Kappa lk to the "Y" earned in major sport as a reward for their college wor. Special this Week Le Mur Permanent Wave, $5.00 Open evenings by appointment le Worth Beauty Shoppe 300 S. State Cor. State & Lib. Phone 21410 w..' Babcock, '3, chairman of last year's Spread said, "Since this af- . air will be the freshmen women's first big night, it is expected that each sophomore woman will on- sider it her duty to make the enter- " tainment as pleasant as possible." Miss Babcock then preceded to outline the functions of the var- ious committees. The duty of the sophomore women in making the spread a success is, primarily, to ° promote a more friendly feeling between the classes, and second- arily, to acquaint the new wom- en with the, traditions of freshmen members of the Women's League. Besides being a mixer it is ex- . peeted that the Freshman Spread will instruct the freshmen women in the method of procedure in their one campus activity, the Freshmen i pageant. This may be accom- plished through the members of the 1928 pageant who will partici- pate in the program of the eve- ning. "You who are sophomores and f hostesses must remember that these women are new in the Uni- s ' vrsity a.nd are now frming their ~9ideas of the University and the ap functions of the Women's League." : Poems Of Students Requested By Editor Two University of Michigan wo- men, Louisa Butler, '29, and Fran- ces Jennings, '31, have been singu- larly honored by requests from " William Stanley Braithwaite for the privilege of reprinting two of their poems. Braithwaite, who has become fa- Smous as the editor of the "Maga- zine Anthology of Verse," every year selects a number of poems from various literary periodicals throughout the United States anc edits them together in the form of a book, and the annual collection is regarded as the finest of its kind by poets. The Inlander magazine, also, claims its share of honor, since " both of the poems asked for by Mr. n Brathwaite were originally printed i in the University of Michigan pub- lication. Miss Jennings' poem, i "Road In The Rain," appeared in' the May poetry issue of the maga- zmie, and Miss Butler's verse, en- titled "Thursday Morning," was ; taken from the April number of the Inlander. Both Miss Jennings and Miss Butler come from Detroit, and have been writing verse for a number of years, Miss Butler especially having had many of her poems 1 published previous to those printe in the Inlander. ;Miss Ann Cayer s has returned from Chicago, where she attended the School of Beauty Culture, and has now Reopened Shoppe at 406 E.Liberty Where you may have Rain Water Shampoo, Facial, and other lines of work. PHONE 9471 Schoo of Music, for the benefit of those who, were unable to come on Monday and Tuesday. "PORGY" TICKETS } C Exchange for f "Porgy" are now ready. Any-j one willing to sell tickets per- 4 sonally is requested to call at C the Alumni Council office, University exchange 242. I The names of the students pledging to Phi Sigma Sigma were, by error, omitted yesterday. The pledges are as follows: Norma Brown, Dorothy Finberg, Sylvia Fisher, Helen Goodman, Sylvia Kline, Gladys Lowenburg, Virdie Schwartz, Helen Walzman, Viviah Zimit, and Ethel Zolti. Will anyone who is down at campus at noon, and who would like to take charge of the candy booth at that time please call Dor- othy Maple, dial'21616. Ii T"T' TT 7 STh T In the early part of October, a tea for Oriental students will be given by the advisers of women under the direction of Miss John- son, who will be assisted in this function by Bettina Bush, '29, chairman of the world fellowship committee. LEAGUE OFFICERS HOLD DEDICATION Yesterday afternoon the new Women's league office in the Lea- gue building was informally dedi- cated by the officers of the League. They didn't say what the office was to be dedicated to, but it is tary workers. At present about 20 positions are open to students interested. There is a considerable demand for wo- men to Flo cooking. The greatest difficulty in filling the positions offered has been that a number of' the employers live too far from' the campus for the students to walk to work. If they have to take a bus, the work is, of course, much less profitable. Standford University - Reading Chinese characters and determin- ing their proper position' is the latest puzzle devised by the uni- versity psychology department to determine whether students are said that the supposedly dignified 'quick, alert and observing. and staid officers of the League I sat around on barrels and kegs and piles of boards, munching butter- scotch pie and sipping cider; and having such a general good time that even the dedication speech itself could not be heard. In face, reporters have been unable to find out just who gave that speech. FURS ! NEW LREATIO1NS FURS ! FURS ! f i t in DANCE FROCKS Mack & Co. presents 4 A select group of the very latest models for formal wear, each distinguished by the latest touches of fashion. Featuring -the new, uneven hem line; -tightly swathed hips; -with the waist-line natural or high. All are delicately fashioned 6r Brought direct to Jacob sons by one of this country's foremost furriers. Those contemplating the purchase of a fur coat may choose today and tomorrow, under the supervison of an expert Hudson Seal . . . Racoon . . . Mink . . . Oppossum * Mukra ... Ermine . .. Broadtail .. . Jap Mink: Caracul... Squirrel... Ponies... Kidskin... Fitch .Leopard... Oselot .. Jap Weasel. from the finest of taffetas and satins,-from the daintiest of georgettes and crepe chiffons, Truly the last word in forml wear... II I And after noting the prices, you will agree it is a showing you cannot afford to miss. Prices range from $25.00 to $49.75 Columbia Records I CHARLESTON CHASERS- Farewell Blues.......1539 My Gal Sal..........1539 GUY LOMBARDT .- vI. Love You Trulyr.... 1532 DON'T FORGET Our fall fashion show will be held, t '7:30 p. m. Thursday evening, so plan to be present for this authori- 4. ;.r c4.rn.,rnw with 1ivinhi mrneis of the verv ltest modes A reasonable deposit 'down {. °'Ii'. 'ill hold any garment. U