TU1YIrDAY, TANUMW i5ls,1':.l2 THE MICHIGAN DAILY pA GE F, .Vi .e 0 A'd1 d MOISSI, FAMOUS GERMAN ACTOR, IS DI'v NINETEEN ANN ARBOR ARTISTS PLACE R WOMEN ARE PLANNINEI NOW STARRING AT DETROIT THEATER U TAMS I IN EXHIBITION AT DETROIT INSTITUTE A From the middle of the nine- Moissi's voice is of unusual range { The works of 19 Ann Arbor a - much excellence to escape atten-l teenth century almost to the pres- and of a curiously haunting qual- L Lists have received places in the Lion, just because it does not quite I Oent day, the greatest actors and ity; it moves easily from the deep- Aannual exhibition for Michigan or- emerge satisfactorily from te --- actresses of France and Italy have est masculine registers to the high- ists which opened at the Detroitbackground." Mary, White, '29, Is Assistant journeyed to the United States to est. In "Hamlet" he runs its gamut, Martha Cook And Betsy Barbour Institute of Arts on Friday. Jan. 4. The contributions of the Ann Rad Leader For Group To Take appear before American audiences. but in "Redemption" he clings for Defeat Pi Beta Phi And This Ann Arbor group includes nine Arbor group of artists include can- "uSU European Trip If a few like Bartet, the elder the most part to the higher, bell- Delta Zeta members of the faculty of the E'ni- vases of considerable variety. shows Guitry, and Zacconi steadily re- like tones which evidently form his versity. The 220 paintings and 20 There are a large number of paint-{ready fused to make the trip, the long natural speaking voice. His Adri- ALPHA XI DELTA WINS sculptures displayed in the exhibi- ings in oil, as also several water freedo W.ILL ILAS'1 El VP MON ES List of those who have acted in atic origin brings to the severe and tion were selected from among 600 colors. F. -. Aldrich, Jr., contri- lge w America includes the greatest play- gutteral German tongue a cadence .;works submitted in a- :t ate-wide buted a landscape done in pastel Comst Ten to twelve University of Mich- Iers of their time: Rachel, Ristori, new to it, that singing quality to Games the intramural basket competitionand five of the artists submitted in a igan women will take a five month Aalvini, Bernhardt, Duse and Co- be noted in the speech of Andalu- ball tournament played yesterday Twenty-four of the 240 works in etchings. One of these, by C. ment c trip through Europe this summer quelin. German actors, on the sians, Marseillais, and Neapolitans; afternoon resulted in victories for the show were the work of the l- Wayne Mead, is an etching of the last y according to plans outlined by Miss other hand, have come not too and Parisian critics were as one in Martha Cook and Betsy Barbour. A cal contributors, who are: F. i. Ad- Doorway to Martha Cook Dormi- The Ella B. Rawlings, leader of the Stu- often to our shores, or coming, have remarking that the "harsh" and game between the other Martha rich, Jr., John Everts Batce. , May tory. under dent Hospitality Tour for 1929, seldom traveled further afield than "barbaric" German sounds, as they Cook teams and Alpha Xi Delta M. Brown, Margaret Hitte Chapin. Among the prize winners at the freshn which is under the auspices of the the old Irving Place Theatre in New came from his lips, took on an al- Saturday morning resulted in a 23 Myron B. Chapin, Mrs. Ruth B. exhibition is Mrs. Iris Andrew, class Open Road incorporation. Already York. most mellifluous quality. to 15 victory for the sorority team. Fuller, . i. Gamble, Delia Garret. Miller, who was awarded the respon four girls have signed up for the Last winter, however, Alexander Tolstoi's "Redemption," which The latter game was very unusual son, Lillie Garretson, Mary O. John- Scarab club gold medal for her sistanc trip and the leaders expect . that Moissi, generally considered in Eu- tells the story of the wastrel, Fedya in that at the half the dormitory !son, John Koch, Warren P. Lm- painting, "Mary." This is the first books the remaining places will be filled rope the foremost German- speak- Protassyoff, who feigns suicide in led by a 10 to 2 score, The fast bard, Leon A. Makielski, John Alex- time that the gold medal, consider- for re up very soon. The price of the tour ing actor of the day played in New order that his wife may marry a playing of the Alpha Xi Delta in nder Marshall, C. Wayne .Mad, W. ed the most important award in the The is to be $667. York with Reinhardt's company; man more worthy of her, and then the second half and especially the B. Shaw, Herbert P. Watts, Louis show, has gone to a woman. Mrs. schola Miss Mary White, '29, is the as- and now, before journeying to Hol- when his identity is learned and work of Katherine McMurray ana Redstone, and Victor Vaughan Miller is a member of the Detroit j this p sistant or student leader. this year. lywooct, the actor's Mecca and El his wife and her husband are Daisy Connell in the center and I Slocum. Of these Redscone and Society of Women Painters, the who h These Student Hospitality tours, Dorado all in one, he is making a threatened with the law, commits Helen Harter at forward accounted Slocum submitted sculpture and the National Society of Women Paint- 25 per as they are called, are planned with short tour of a few American cities suicide to free them, is known in for the overwhelming rally Jean- rest paintings. Both Della and ers and Sculptors, the Ohio Society age o the social point of view and the in Tolstoy's "Redemption," a tour this country from the performances ette Saurborn at guard and Esther Lillie Garreston are residents of of Women Painters, and the Na- The so emphasis is placed on meeting in- which has brought him to the of Jacob Adler in 1911 and John Middlewood at forward position Dexter. tional Artists' club. Her "Mary" is nearly eresting Europeans rather than Shubert Lafayatte Theatre in Barrymore in 1918. It is in Tolstoi's starred for Martha Cook, Favorable comment has appeared an interior with figure, showing a "Thi simply "seeing" Europe. from a mu- Detroit for a week's engagement latest manner, in fact, he left it Pi Beta Phi was decisively beaten in both the Detroit News and the woman dressed in white, holding a have l Lseum point of view. which began Sunday, Jan. 13. Mois- not quite completed at his death. by the Betsy Barbour team by a Free Press regarding Mrs. John- blue and white vase in one hand. said N Open Road incorporation handles si's company, by arrangement of score of 18 to 3. During the first son's painting, "Clevia" Florence o o md the business arrangements and is a Moris Gest with Max Renhardt in SIMPLE FASHIONS half the sorority team held their Davies, writing in the News, ob- NOTICE tmto focal point for arrangements with Salzburg last summer, is drawn ;opponents to 5 points but in the serves._giv the colleges in the United States. It from Reinhardt's four theatres in ARE DISAPPEARING seconder t5 pnst laying th "ere mpossib seodperiod the fast playing o "There are many delightful can-:1 Don't. forget interclass basket- 1thItems is a non-commercial organization central Europe; ,and the whole pro-; Emily Bates and Frances Miller at vases in the exhibition which are ball practice this afternoon! intelle backed by several wealthy idealists duction has been directed by Max Simple sports frocks are fast dis- the forward positons, which was essentially of today. Such, for in- Juniors and seniors practice at 4 iner who hope 'that the international Reinhardt in person. The plan has appearing if we are to believe fash- ably assisted by Helen Wilson at stance, is the stunning study of a ! o'clock and sophomores and {1facu lp friendships, stimulated by exchange been that the production of "Re- ion experts. Paris now makes a center, was responsible for a num- clevia plant by Mary O. Johnson { freshmen at 5 o'clock in Bar- { student trips will be a factor in the demption" should serve, in celebrat- sports frock look like almost any- ber of well placed baskets. Lois of Ann Arbor, which, in its own bour gymnasium. It isn't tooiB abolishment of war. ing on the American stage the cen- thing else. Fashion notes from Woodruff and Frances Bielby, way, is essentially modern as Glen late to come out yet. BUT Miss Beatrice Johnson, advisor of tenary of the birth of Tolstoy. !McCall's for February say that guards, were outstanding on the P Tracy's steam shovel or Arthur La- o o late women, says of the trip, "I had the As his name indicates, Moissi is hardly a neckline is cut in an out- Phi team. 'vinger's view of a present day Dc- lo pleasure of going on an Open Road not of German blood. He was born line and left plain. Most of them In a one sided and uninteresting troit street." Notices follow trip three summers ago when the in Teste of an Italian mothier and start as a V, but there is nearly al- encounter, the fast Martha Cook And Marion F. Taylor's article in project was first established and I an Albanian father and educated some detail such as a hand- team defeated an inexperienced 'the Free Press comments: "An ar- Twh SWIS can't imagine a happier or more in his native city and Durazzo.I kerchief or a bow, or shaped Delta Zeta squad by a huge margin, resting still life is Mary . John- There will be a Theta Sigma Phi here instructive method of visiting Eu- It was n Vienna when, at the age hands to lend them originality. As usual Ann Zauer, star Martha son's 'Clevia,' an arrangement of ha tok buildingk today in Mar- Fewer fope. We met people in all of eighteen, he was earning a pre- The sleeveless frock is also being Cook forward, proved too fast and twining long leaves in sharrelief; tgthan $ranches of public and private carious living by means of Italian shown, according to McCalls, often accurate for the sorority team. against strong, clear light. There sity. service, ranging from college lessons, that he made his first stage in tweed to match a three-quarter These last two games put the is knife-like precision in the con- The executive board of the W. dents to members of Parliament. I appearances as a supernumerary at length coat. Some Paris designers, winning teams into the elimination trast, and the eye is drawn inevit- A. A. will meet at 7:15 tonight at sincerely hope that Michigan sue- the Burgtheatre. Later he acted in however, are introducing tennis tournament which will begin as ably, as by a source of strong light." the Women's Athletic Building. All: ceeds in sending a small group of u. y frocks with long sleeves, to make soon as the preliminary round isd, excuses for absence must be ob- finest women during the sum- covered him; others, that Moissi, the range of choice in the matter finished. The winners of two out Regarn" the News carres theoan - taed from the president before- mer of 1929." d gegsstill wider. of three first games enter this "theNewscomm en " h Kocth meeting Therearenntasall part in Reinha e r Now that Paris is giving such tournament and compete for the g or beauty this trip. One of the first is that uartheatre intheGranc p rominencento theuensembMrianchampionship.oA he group entirely misses the tour- ula h in Germancapit seems, McCall's goes on to say, that q____ _An a study of Marian, which has too 1st crowd in Europe through the and there attracted the attention the question this spring is not one Subscribe to The Michigan Daily. RAMONA a whichr Rerr- of Maximilian Harden. In any:of whether to have hnensemble o" $2.50 the half year-It's worth it. FELT HsATS Be tnaner n wichthetri I ase, his second engagement with not but is one of how many to --mdeo-heha l;anged. Another advantage is the IReinhardt, following the dissolu-! have. ' Besides the new sportsHATSBeaty Shop tact that long stops of five days or ion of the company in which he jacket oshot or three-uatrmn Mrs. E. H. Keeler, Facial Spe-T wore are made in each of the large was playing, brg h ean length, there are tuck--in blouses MR. BARTLETT N spring models (11 iaistof e will d r dies, such as Bremen, Munich, etc. lnt hr r tc-nbossroles. Since the war, at the he ad Mand separate skirts as welmodelsocks next Thursday, lFriday and a+ o gmthese tis as dquarters f his own troupe, he has played up!thatslend themselves to t'ifr:en- % of the J L Hudson Beauty . colors urday and will give to every lady the group take trips into the sur- ;and down Germany and Austria, in'! semble thms. Parlor: is now located a acial free with a Marcel or ounding territory. addition to making tours to Rus- shat the IRA M. KINSEY A feature of the trip is the stu sia, to Holland, and to Paris. 227 So. State dent guide who meets the party in In person, Moissi is slight of fig UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS- BLUE BI D Make your appointments early. each of the countries into which ure and just below middle height. Students in the Latin department HAIR SHOP '-Phone 21478 625 E. Liberty they go. These student guides are If i-t were not for the deep lines in have translated a Shakespeare wHAIR SHOPWant Ads Pay university students from the uni- his expressive face he would ap- comedy into the language of the 5 Nickels Arcade versities of the particular country pear youthful. Photographs show Romans and will produce it under specializing in in which they happen to be. They a countenance Italian in appear- title of "The Menaechmi." specializig usually arrange so that there are ance, with black eyes and hair, but Women's and Children's an equal number of students as in the flesh he suggests rather the OREGON STATE COLLEGE- there is in the group. These student Slav. His eyes are brown, his shock Plans are being completed for an Haircutting guides then show the visiting group of long hair tawny. When last sea- 1,100-mile tour to be taken by the places and the things which son in Paris, he played his mem- members of the Withycombe club, a, Mr.Blalt they like best in the towns, rather orable Hamlet surrounded by the society of agriculture students. jvwas formerly with the than the usual tourist sights. { burly Germans of his troupe, mem- Arcade Barber Shop Miss Rawlings advises any women j ory could conjure up, with the sin- Subscribe to The Michigan Daily, of this city.i- who are interested in the trip to gle exception of Bernhardt, no such $2.50 the half year-It's worth it. see either her or Mary White im- perfect physical resemblance to a 111111111111H111111I 111111111lllllllillill11tll ltll illtili - quota will soon be filled. ( seemed an athletic man of action. = Mack & CO. j Phone 4161 M ck & CO. The Country's Leading Coaches Enthusiastically . ~ Endorse & AAN tPar ailce CLIFFE SUCCEEDS INDIVIDUL STUDY cliffe's experience with an pervised r e a d i n g period" that American students are to accept the challenge of im and self-education in col- ork, according to Dr. Ada L. ock, president of the college, report issued on the expe i- conducted there this year and ear. reading period is a plan which all students except nen study without lectures or room exercises, on their own isibility. The only faculty as- ce they receive is a list o' that their instructors suggest ading. report shows that student rship has improved under lan. The number of juniors ad "satisfactory" grades was cent greater than the aver- f the three preceding years. )phomores' standing increased 20 per cent. s seems to bear out what we ong maintained at Radcliffe," Miss Comstock, "that the way uce American girls to get the t out of their college years is e them as much freedom as le. We urge them to educate elves with the aid of all the ctual stimulus and inspira- rovided by contact with the Y. LER UNIVERSITY-A de- street-car made 60 students a class the day school opened ing the holidays. CONSIN-Women graduates seek careers, not husbands. Wisconsin women marry in any other western univer- je HOP pointments Should Be Made Now. ure you make yours early. Open evenings during J.-Hop Week. MICH. BEAUTE SHOPPE Dial 3083 --f of amrt !_(iKL)-Ul~ K.AV is s wearUniversity of Wisconsin A. J. Robertson, Pres., Wis: "Ihat's this I hear abat Goos including- The Grid-Craft Corporation,W' ~Peoria, Illinois. CRACKER: "His HARD HEELS, prob'ly." 400 PAIRS Dear Sir: I am in receipt of your in- EiSo o door football game, Grid-Craft, and = Entire Stock of ihave become very much interested in = it. You have undoubtedly worked out Walking, which always ought to be Rubber gives an( SUEDES, VELVETS tihe most thorough game on the mar- ket in that you Lave embodied about a pleasure, is a serious matter when Eseciaii 1ong-w incomplete runs W everything there is in th-e playing of s Especi al Ls e hde's _ a real game, itself, except the actual -i cneonod-fasoned hard hees. ong andstylish PATENTSeeA physical participation and have gone inn tis P ""SATINS into the strategy of the game in a Thejolts and b ups and sh1cks that foot Heels. Prefer way that I never dreamed could have MANY SAMPLES--NEW STYLES 'been reproduced in a miniature form. ; come with every step gradually pile shoe dealers; morep You are certainly to be congratulatedwp 5cupon this reproduction. tip fatigue and take the spring out foot Heels than on -a TUESDAY- Glenn Thistlthwaite, of stride. Moreover the noise Head Football Coacho your Three words toi WEDNESDAY-TWO PAIRS i.University of Wisconsin. cis unwelcome to your entire SIX DOLLARS -=oodrepairman,a THURSDAY- Values Formerly Grid-Craft is a real indoor football game, neighborhood. than it ta to $8.50 patterned after our great American Colle- Cushion and quiet are two flivver, gate game, and governed entirely by its FINAL WINTER CLEARANCE j=gia game,. of the best reasons for the Good) at popularity of rubber heels. ,. Heels "1 !=Price $2.25 C.QK d lifts and helps. earing, deep-cush- Goodyear Wing- red by 64% of all eople walk on Wing- ny other kind. the college shoe and in less time kes to wind the you're on new year W ingfoot today!,