ESTABLISHED 1890 AW 46v !lit rl t 4 atjX MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS Vol. XXXIX. No. 83. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JANUARY 15. 1929 EIGHT PAGES WOLVERINES HOLD CONFERENCE LEAD BY 21-17I WIN APRIL DATE SET FRAIERNII FORRAZZ FES T GRID BANQUET COMMITTEES: ANNOUNCED BY CHAIRMAN, MORRIS QUINN, '29 400 GUESTS TO BE INVITED TO AFFAIR Exact Nature Of Entertainment Will Not Be Given Out Until Night Of Fest AIDS IN DEFEAT JOURNALISM DEPARTMENT iinirn DJTIDFIINJURED WOMAN RESCUED OF ILLINI TEAM WILL OFFER NEW DEGREE BY STUDENTS AS BLAZE FC2R GRADUATE STUDENTS DEMOLISHES R E S I D ENCE n Of Journalism School T WASHINGON Fire Ori ginating In Attic Draws Adopts RecsolutionEstablishing I Cr owd Of Variously Clad Master's Degree SipectatorsI 10 RUlTIpifliTrnfl A new degree, Master of Arts in l liIai Mrs. M.B. Sheley. 1:14 S. Irni- Journalism, will be granted by theI 11 IlllI;IL versity avenue, was injured; last University of Michigan and all night when her home was destroyed other schools and universities by a fire of undetermined origin which are members of the Ameri- PRESIDENT-ELECT M A Y GO that broke out about 11 o'clock. can Association of Schools and De- TO CAPITAL BEFORE While firemen attacked the fire partments of Journalism, accord- MARCH 4 from the outside with two lines of ing to a resolution drawn up by hose, students led by Clarence that national group, in its conven- IA A Traphagen, '3OEd, entered the tion held in Ann Arbor over the INAUGURAL SPEEC house and found Mrs. Sheley un- Christmas holidays. NOT YET WRITTEN conscious at the foot of the front 'L__haot 'stairs. An ambulance removed her Prof. J. L. Brumm, head of the Speaker Longworth Joins Faction to the University hospital, suffer- partment of ourasm who i Favoring Extra Session For ing from concussion and inhala- plains ato the aewdegeiione- Farm Relief, Tariff tion of smoke, not regarded as plains that the new degree is in-serious injuries. wihtone forlgravte studefjnal-who(Bly soiated Press) The fire, originating in the at- ism ad fo owthe studroft orna- WASHINGTON. Jan. 14.-Presi- tice, virtually destroyed the horne, ism as a scholarly pursuit; especi- dent-elect Hoover is expected to water completing the damage done ally those who are iterested i the return to Washington well in ad- by the flames. teaching of journalism. vance of his inauguration. Rather Mrs. Harriet G. Loveland also In addition to the resolution definite information to this effect made her home in the residence, which created the Master of Arts was received today as the next owned by George Bleich, who was DETERMINED ILLINOIS INVASION STOPPED BY1FIGHTING WOLVES BEFORE CHEERINGcCROWD OF 71000 MICHIGAN UNCORKS FINE D E F E N S E TO HALT ILLINI ATTACK IN CLOSE GAME By Morris Quinn Overcoming opposition of the stubbornest sort on the part of he determined Illini invaders, the Wolverine basketball team hung ip its fourth consecutive Conference victory last night in the field iouse before approximately 7,000 people, the largest crowd of the eason, by a 21-17 score. Using a tight defense that completely stifled the famed Illini ;low breaking offense that proved Indiana's undoing ,except for two ;hort intervals, the Wolverines exhibited a well-balanced scoring 0-W---- Announcement was made yester-! day of the selection of April 3 as the date of the annual Grid Ban- quet, sponsored by Sigma Delta Chi, national honorary professional listic fraternity w h o s e journa~1~~ , .- - guests at this time include many ,degree for journalism, another President continued the series of reported to have left for Florida combination, each of the five players resolution adopted by the conven- conferences he has been holding an hour before the alarm was oal f the field prominent men from all parts of Danny Rose tion provides for the furnishing with Republican party leaders turned in. ,o romt ee. the middle west.Diminutive Wolverine forward, of all graduates in journalism with since his return from the South More than 1,000 students, vari- Neither team displayed much quet, or razz fest, has been set on who played a stellar game to help identification cards to show that American tour. ously clad, gathered to watch fire-t that date to avoid interference gain victory from the Illini last they have completed the journal- It also became known today that men subdue the blaze which wast with any other University func- night. ism course. Speaker Longworth has been won: brought under control about 11:45. manner by dropping in five of their or Q n 9r Sover to the move for an early extra TTn Mrris Quinn, 29, geneal car'ssino h e ogest n W man of the affair which will be Il~lmM M SA Vatie farm relief and tariff legisla- VII rrl rI ODF held in the Assembly hall of the I ll JtW O tion and that he was co-operatingInLULIMU UIDEL' wh Michigan Union, announced a full whole heartedly in this proposal 41ut card of committees for the ban- ' "IL n The word that Mr. Hoover would n eig quet during a discussion of tenta- Greturn to the capital the latter part goo tive plans for entertainment, the fUDI of February to renew his conve- LLwit] exact nature of which will be with- ilIRLI sations with Republican party held until the night of the ban- leaders on major appointments and B quet. other matters, left the question of $ NoableUniversity Concert Band To Play E. Mortimer Shuter, Director, his contemplated good-will tour Illinois Professor To Decide Debate Ship Purchased By Glider Section sin Notacs nvied As Feature Of Thirteenth Announces Four Plays For of the West Indies before March 4 With Indiana Women's Team On Rises 30 Feet, Remains Aloft of t Of whatever details the program Radio Program Near Future of te West hie beer Abolition Of Fraternities For Half A Minute Mc may consist, the efforts of the en- Ira in greater doubt than ever._he ire committee and body of speak- Delays Tript it ers will be centered on thesbusi CHINA TO RE SUBJECT CASTS NEED BOTH SEXES Since te nextPresident has de- TOMORROW IS DATE PLACED ON EXHIBITION ng ness of "razzing some of the prom- layed his departure for Florida and one inent organizations of the campus Talks by three members of the Announcing a call for try-outs altered his original plan to return Prof. Hayes Yaeger of the speech Assembly of the glider purchased fou and well known men in attend- University faculty and a selection for Mimes plays to be presented here on the eve of the inauguration department of the University of by the Glider section of the Aero 'do ance. The climax of the program Ufwithin the near future, E. Mortimer there would scarcely be time for. Illinois will act as a single expert society was completed yesterday T will be the presentation of the of musical numbers by the Univer- Shuter, director, says he is ready, the accomplishment of such a mis-.morningb mechanics from the traditional oil-can to some deserv- sity of Michigan Concert Band will to put four plays into rehearsal as sion as he has yet to prepare his judge at the debate between the Gliders, Inc., factory at Orien, mv ing guest. The award last year was feature the thirteenth Michigan soon as casting is completed . inaugural address and must of women's negative team of the Uni- where the plane was built. The h made to Dean Hugh Cabot, of theNight radio progra to be broad- Any persons interested in playing necessity hold quite a number of versity of Michigan and the affir- machine, finished and ready to fly, B Medical school. c a weeno7rad8o'lon any of the parts in "Loyalties" by conferences while he is in the south. mative team of Indiana University, is now on exhibition in the lobby sec Medicalcesschool.e sent toutouaboutotJohneaGaolIwdrthyUnivS.itS. Glen- Invitations will be sent out about cast between 7 and 8 oclck next John Galsworthy, "S. S. Glen- The subject of foreign relations which will be held at 8 o'clock to- of the East Engineering building. 1 the first of March to approximately Thursday night, January 17. The cairn" by Eugene O'Neill, "The was discussed at an hour's break- morrow night in Hill auditorium. It has already passed successfu, h 400 men, including prominent program will be put on the air Marquise" by Noel Coward, or "Jus- fast dicused atao u b eak morrow nih rin Hill audibtrium. It hs alreapased. cy heag members of the faculty and stu- thog Jte"od Wlice" by John Galsworthy are ask- fscoernetdybeweth The two trios will debate thej test flights, characterized, by the g dntmbody, we k n An Ab through WJR, the "Good Will tcoe oh ethar President-elect and Charles Evans proposition: Resolved, that social builders as the most satisfactory Trn residents, and nationally noted Station" of the Richards Oakland stage from two to five o'clock to- RHughes, former secretary of state, fraternities and sororities should ever turned in by their planes. s personages. Announcement of company, from the new Morris hallgmorrow afternoon, if the tryouts and also entered into later con- be abolished at state universities. These were made Sunday morning 3- speakers has not as yet been made, studio located at State and Jeffer- are women, and from two to five versations at headquarters during Michigan's team, which will uphold at the Scripps farm near Pontiac I bumepr onset sn tate and , day afternoon, if the the visits of O. H. Hammond, am- the negative of this question, is under ideal weather conditions ex- wit utioa a promi se nd streets. tryouts are men. The state door bassador to Spain, and William composed of Nadine Stewart, '30, cept for the intense cold. A steady toi to i The concert band, under the di-. Miller Collier, former ambassador Dora Vanden Berg, '30, and Ollie 15-mile wind was blowing. Ma Committees appointed by Quinn rection of Nicholas Falcone, will Those who are actively engaged to Chile. Backus, '29Ed. The lifting power of the ship poi include, J. Stewart Hooker, '29, andn present a series of overtures, in any other campus dramatic ac- Appointments of Louis S. Gates The affirmative women's team was unexpectedly demonstrated n Herbert E. Vedder, grad., assistants marches and concert selections. tivity are barred from trying out of Utah, manager of the Utah Cop- representing the University will prior to the regular take off when ;ev to the chairman; invitations and The band is composed of 82 student I for these plays, according to the per company; William J. Donovan leave for Columbus, Ohio, tomor- a gust of wind raised it six feet in his tickets: Alexander K. Gage, Jr., '29, musicians, ruling in force. The reason for the of New York, and C. Bascom Slemp row, where they will meet the neg- the air, pilot and all. A mechanic wa chairman, George E. Simons, '30, Walter F. Hunt, professor of necessity of this ruling, according of Virginia, to his official family ative team of Ohio State in a de- grabbed the bottom of the fuselage an Lyle Chubb, '31, Frank E. Cooper, petrology, will discuss "Marble." He to Shuter, that activity in other were urged upon Mr. Hoover but bate on' Thursday night in the as he saw it rise, and he was lifted fre '31, William Gentry, '31. will tell of its history, its types, dramatics might possibly prevent their proponents said the Presi- chapel of university hall. The af- off the ground too, before the gust Committee Personnel and its various uses in building. the participants in Mimes plays dent-elect had given no indication firmative trio is composed of Lois passed and the ship settled easilyB ecomtio: C esS nr, Pf Cliffod Glover of the Col- I from giving their undivided atten- as to whether the suggestions Webb, '29Ed., Florence Clement, back to earth. craen Ale S d ee- of Pharmacy, will speak on tion to the rehearsals when held. would find favor in his eyes. '30, and Virginia Houghton, '30. When the plane took off in the ta 30, chairman; Albert Stoll, 29, Ed- g fhPast experience, Shuter stated, has Gates Mentioned The two 'Varsity men's teams put orthodox manner, being snapped b ward Warner, '30, Cadwell Swan-? the topic, "What Goes Into a£Pill."Pas drc son, '31. Publicity: George E. Sim- In the concluding talk, Prof. shown him that it is difficult for a Senator Oddie of Nevada, pre- on a debate Sunday afternoon on over the brow of a hill by a long Th ons, '30, chairman; Gurney Wil- William W. Blume, of the Law student to be actively engaged in sented the name of Mr. Gates for the proposition which the women's rubber shock cord, it attained an b Hams, '31. Entertainment: George school, will tell of his experiences more than one dramatic group's interior secretary, explaining that teams are considering. This was altitude of 30 feet above its starting ot C.ills, '30,Etcraimnt:Lawrechlteacinlawinhinexpringesactivities without impairing the re- he was an engineer and econimist done in order to give the women point before beginning its glide. C. Tilley a'30, chairman; Lawrence while teaching law n China during suits obtainable. o outstand abilit and a two- an opportunity to see how the The r ;R. Klein, sc '30, BertRihr K. Tritscheller, .i the recent uprising in that countryoousadnabltadatw-potrugthehitoath o Unusual opportunities are oart infisted fighter. Mr. Gates is a per- men would approach the question. approximately a quarter of a mile Wc '30;tmusi:WRichartC. Kurvnki'29, Dueetoatenlarge nmber inehtaUnusulfopportnitieseae offere chairman, and Howard Kenyon,, band; it will be necessary to use to those who want to take of Hoove While the proposition relating to from the take-off pint after a slu h29.Hthe arge aditorium for thise the many programs planned by The promotion of Mr. Donovan the abolition of fraternties and flight lasting half a minute. HE fe c'29. the large auditorim o yes Mimes for the coming season. thI sororities is one of campus inter- could hve gained greater altitude mi The program committee in- broadcast, it was announced yes- loThere will be a chance for the en- from his present post of assistan est, nevertheless it is ery difficult and flown further, but would have ni cludes: Nelson J. Smith, Jr., '29, terday by Waldo M. Abbot, of the try of a great deal of new talent, attorney general to that of attor- one to debate. neenrthreed ttianderndfficmptMi chairman, Paul J. Kern, '29, Gur- rhetoric department, who is an- Shuter has intimated. The above ney general was urged by Harry o been forced to land in a swamp -,wa ney A. Williams, '31, and Joseph rnouncer and program manager for' hours are the only times at which Woodyard, who managed Mr. with the aa nt dang dr Russell, '31. Ienneth G. Patrick, the local studio, thus no visitors try-outs will be regularly held, but Hoover's campaign in WestTV EFRUSTRATEpgthe sb '29 has been named chairman of can be in the studio that night. if anyone finds it impossible to re- gmia. The ship is a high-wing mono-rfn the committee to secure speakers port at the times specified, special ATTEMPT AT CLOTURE plane with a spread of 33 feet and th for the affair, and he will be assist-' PURDaHE arrangements can be made e- MIDDLE STATES yan open fuselage. The pilot sits J ed by Pierce Rosenberg, '30, and PUIRDUJE CRUSHE!irrngmetsca.b mdeby get- M DD E TA ES( A}. Gciat'i Pess) i rn f h igad udstefo Paul J. Kern, '29. g ting in touch ith Shuter at the WASHINGTON, Jan. 14.-Sen- ship with regular airplane controls. bu Tickets may be secured only byr . CHICAGO, 64 TO 16 LOST IN STORM' ators favoring an interpretation of He is protected by a life belt and 1 thi Tinvtatn Ty wl elted n y 'the Kellogg anti-war treaty today a triangular extension above the stu number due to the capacity of the DIRIGIBLE LOS ANGELES Cold Wave Grips Lake -Region As frustrated another proposal to wing that will catch the plane in Mi ais of the rragementwril eS LAFAYE sTE ndr, an. 14 HEADS FOR NEW JERSEY Six Die; Transportation limit debate on the pact by the!case it noses down too sharply and in deais fth arngmet il e'LFAETEId an 4._IHEDFR _E_ JRSYhamperedi Senate and this resulted in open- I turns over in landing. e; announced at a later date, as the! Stretch Murphy, Purdue Univer- ( in th dor ftesres fsceti--bi work already started by the com- sity's lanky basketball center, scor- R~v scaedPen)ngoitin n nefottosrigt 1Nrr''TW1CTfD. of mittes nears completion. ed 26 points against Chicago here PORT ST. JOE, Fla., Jan. 14. eoueAssociatediPress)uegotations. N RTHnefforW ESTERofscN ' mtsnr___mp __ion tonight, which, added to the efforts The Navy dirigible Los Angeles was CHICAGO, Jan. 14.-The Middle en out the situaton.T of his teammates, gave the Boiler- homeward bound to her hangar in West was lost tonight in the icy The "interpretationists" took the TROUNCES OHIO CANDIDATE OF SOCIA LISTS makers a 64 to 16 victory. Murphy Lakehurst, N. J., tonight after a grip of one of the most severe cold offensive during the day with Sen- broke the record he set last week tour of Florida during which she waves and worst snowstorms in re- ator Reed, Democrat, Missouri, of- ( y Asociated Pre s) Or MAY SPEAK HERE IN! MAY' at Chicago by one point. Eight made this little port town in west- cent years. fering a resolution directmg the T field goals and 10 out of 12 free ern Florida her base. Sub-zero temperatures that yes- foreign relations committee to western'sCOLUM basketballn14.-Nort team made Ch Norman Thomas, socialist candi- throws made up his total. Casting off from the mooring terday broke records of 40 years submit a report embodying the good tonight in its four th attempt Ro date for president in the recent Chicago managed to stay on mast of the tender Patoka here a- were followed today by a snow- views expressed on the floor of the to win a Western Conference game. election may speak here under the fairly even terms during part of 11:28 o'clock this morning the Los storm that continued from dawn Senate by Chairman Borah of the Ohio State was its victim, 27 to 24, auspices of the Student Christian the first period, the score at one Angeles turned her silver nose to until dark and was expected to last treaty's construction. and the decision reversed a three-r :__ : .-..-.-- fm hvinv 1 tn 10 for Purdue. i .nr fan a- - a ii e+au. until tomorrow when weather al-I TTntil he can get definite assur- ~._ K - . ~ ,,. accounting for at least one accuracy from the floor, al- initial half in an impressive fifteen attempted field goals. a total of 33 attempts the olves registered eight baskets,' ile the Illini garnered seven in' nies. Michigan made five of her it chances from the foul line d, while Illinois was credited h three in eight attempts. McCoy Adds Three ob Chapman drew first blood by king a long shot from the side he court early in the first half. Coy collected a free throw and n added two more points on an- er long shot from -a difficult le. Truskowski made good n of his two chances from- the 1 line and then dropped in a g' on a short pass from Orwig. 'he Michigan defense held the aders in check forcing them to 'ot from beyond the foul line. ig Joe Truskowski collected hid ond basket of the evening on )erfect shot from the corner of court and Bill Orwig counted n on a difficult overhead toss. skowski made good a free throw give the Wolverines the lead, 6 as the half ended. llinois openea the second period h a rush, scoring seven points one for Michigan, to reduce the ize and Blue lead to a single nt. Captain Dorn.led his mates this rally, accounting for all en of the Illini points. He made first basket on a slap shot and s fouled by McCoy on the play; d made good on one of his two e throws. Dorn Breaks Away lay fouled the Michigan cap- n, who scored from the foul line, Dorn broke away again and )pped in a pretty overhead shot. .e Illini captain sank his third ket shortly afterwards on an- er slap shot. ob Chapman finally brought the lverines out of their shooting mp by scoring a 'dog' on a per- t pass from Rose, who followed a nute or two afterwards with a e shot from the side of the court. lls made a free throw when he s fouled by Truskowski, but Rose bbled through the Indian de- ise to add two more points to e Michigan total. ohnny How counted from the l line after McCoy fouled him, t the Michigan captain offset s advantage by duplicating the nt when fouled in turn by .11s. Harper evaded the Wolver- defense monentarily and drop- d in a shot from close range to ng his team within four points the Michigan lead, as the game ded. THE BOX SCORE Michigan B FT PF TP wig, f ............ 1 0 0 2 uskowski f........ 2 2 1 6 apman, c ......... 2 0 1 4 se, g .............. 2 0 2 4 Coy,"g ........... 1 3 2 5 Totals...........8 5 6 21