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January 13, 1929 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1929-01-13

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NDAY,. JANUARY 13', 1929





ILLINI BRINiS VETERAN """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""n"""""i"""" HowIey has one of the hard- i
GI flW IVE FORRCONTEST ERF est hitting teams in baseball C
I" lS JHOWN'LLi s p o r t i ithe developmentof
(Continued From Page Six) -4 i several of his young flingers,
me.SScoing punh, so aparentl should have very nearly thei
i' I IU U game. Scoring punch, so apparently 1 eltllll11 Ill111lllllllllW111 11111111Qilii 1116lllllllml l tlm ll i m mmm as et 1 11iy y near the
EE IkHA g a year ago has been added Fighting in his "lucky ring," AccordinIgtoM i o iantIHow-nbeerahiswinl
verines Reveatl Potentialities In by Hrpr, a brilliant sophomore JimmyMcLarnin, blue-eyed Iirshlyd
Spening Meet Of Season By d lad from Vancouver, stepped back
WiniingixOtsat Captain Ernie Dorn, another vet- among thi topnotchers by Out eage aseal anagersbigulHofy the o f n b ia
eran performer who is a capable classing Joe lik promi league bA l as a rul of the of Coffman, Cobb, Kimsey, and Es-
performer at forward. .s', performance of is St . Lous I trada, all youngsters and believes
TEINKE IS IMPRESSIVE Just what form the Wolveri "rooklynlightweightcotenc Browi last year, the Mound City that Blaeholder, Ogden and Jon-
lineup will take depends somewhat a blood tingling 10-round hatte t lads will cop the bunting in h( nard shall improve this year. le
though they showed a lack of on the front used by Coach Veen- Madison Sjuare Cuden. yng crit this year. Not even -
h in their opening meet, Mich- ker in the Iowa fray last night. In considered a good bet to head the
's wrestlers made a good ac- case Danny Rose, diminutive, te stihieng .ug gle, iefore econd division at this time last
t of themselves in downing the sharp-shooting guard, was not used a rapacity rmwd of mnre than 'ear, 1thelowleyilei pressed the.
ago team Friday night. Coach against the Hawkeyes; it seems 19,000 reopened the Gardeo to t!ijhly touted Yaiik and Pijhly
ord Keen expressed himself as likely that he will face the Illini, boxing ac ivities a tr the ulIits all the way im iiisl i
fed with the results of the Truskowski moving ip to Kanitz's deathi of Tex Rticklad. third place.

scounting on Sam Gray and Al LASSIFIE
rowder, mainstays of last year' sE
ound start for a fge rha ADVERTISING
ict ordes.

Lo l 0iig got. Lte sati,fav-
ti~ ol jof uliiig out. the tfirst
IIfm~eroi( iIIof tlie sti t lit ti ll
exhib Itioti au itet e
I~es :m th batlehipIL ~ S

TILE PLANADA-Ready for occup-
ancy by Feb. 1. New and modern
1, 2, and 3-room furnished apart-
ments. Call manager, 8979, or
apply at apartment 10, 1127 E.
Ann. 82,83,84
ona, Royal, Underwood, Reming-
ton portables, also used large and
portable typewriters of ali makes
bought, sold, rented, exchanged,
cleancdt, repaired. Large stock,
best service, considerate piices,
Phone 6615. 0. D. Morrill, 17
Nickels Arcade.
FLETCHER HALL - Men's only
dormitory. Reserve your rooms
now for the second semester.
Shower baths, hot and cold water
in each room. Maid service.
Single $4.50, double $3.25 per
week. 915 Sybil St. Phone 4770.

The Wolverines revealed potenti-
alities' against the Maroons, al-
though they failed to register a fall
in any of the bouts. The six bouts
in which Michigan entries were
victorious were all won by time ad-
The men will undoubtedly im-
prove as they derive experience
from further competition. The
meet was the first one of the sea-
son for Coach Keen's squad. In ad-
dition four of the men, Thrush ;
Steinke, Kelly, and Woodward, were
competing in their first matches as
members of the Varsity team.
Steinke was impressive in his ini-
tial appearance when he gained a
7:27 time advantage on Eller of the
Maroons in the 175 pound class. His
gridiron traing stood him in good!
stead as he showed superior
strength in conquering his oppo-
Thrush and Kelly turnedin vic-
tories in their initial bouts, and
should develop into valuable men.
Captain Warren revealed his last
year's form in gaining the greatest
time advantage of the evening,
9:10 seconds, over Wattenberg in
the 135 pound class.
The showing of Lager was espe-!
cially encouraging, as the Wolver-
ine heavyweight disposed of Sond-'
erby, one of the Chicago veterans.
His employment of smart mat tac-
tics gained him a 3:32 advantageI
over the Maroon representative.
This week the matmen journey to
Morgantown, W. Va., where they
will meet the West Virginia team
on Saturday night. Last yearl
Michigan won from the Mountain-I
eers in Ann Arbor by a substantial!
margin. The West Virginia meet;
will prepare the Wolverines for!
further Conference competition.

Rose started off in an impressive!
fashion a year ago, but tired great-
ly toward the close of the season
and lost much of his effectiveness.
Coach Veenker hopes that by using
him only once a week, he will be
at his best for the title drive of the
second semester.
In case Rose does not start, Joe
Truskowski will be moved back to
the running guard berth and Dutch'
Kanitz will team with Bill Orwig
at forward. The remainder of the
team will be intact, with McCoy'
at the back guard, Chapman at
center and Orwig at forward.

._ ..

- i

Get Your Desk Memo Pads and Calendars
for 1929
We have a variety of attractive
Line-A-Day Books
1111 South University / Block from Campus

Being accustomed
should come to

to home-Cooking you



and let us serve you a
Delicious Salads and Sandwiches
Serving Sunday 5 to 10 P.M.
11 1O2 South University




to The Michigan Daily

Diam1onds, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry
High Grade Repair Service

Highest Cash Prices
Paid for Your
Discarded Clothing
Phone 6616
115 E. Ain St.

Ann Arbor Restaurant
A big menu of good food-well
served, and excellently cooked. Our
tasty meals are a real treat. Why
don't you walk down and try one?
-You'll come again.
Ann Arbor Restaurant
215 So. Main Near E. Liberty
" For a Real Meal"

(Continued From Page Six)
for a while, it is exceedingly hard .
to come back. I_ ____
"An athlete should run at least
once a day while not in competi--_
tion -and two or three times when - 11 tiintiiitiiI
preparing for a race. Five thous-"
and meters (about three miles) ist aIL Now
the best training distance. Country Home- vaiable
Nurmi seems to practice what lie
preaches--for he is a regular user Moderate size--mVery low I rice
of the tracks at Ohio field and the This is an ideal property for the family wanting a nice little
local armories. But lust what he home outside the city but only a short distance froI the city
is training for is still a question. limits out Packard road.
Undoubtedly the phantastic Finn 2 The lot is roomy, a fine garden spot with berry vines and fruit
will do some tall stepping this in- trees now growing.
door season. But whether it will The six room house has been newly decorated inside and out, new
be as amateur or pro is still un- electric fixtures throughout including water lift over good well.
decided. The outlook is wonderful. The house faces a large clean wood
What Will He Do lot that is beautiful at any season. I . s-
His sporting instinct prompts himE We will be pleased to show it at any tiune.x You shatwldl see it to
to prema amtur.ut rhis ec1 appreciate the value. Offered now at $4000.
to remain amateur. But his eco- ;
nomic sense forces other considera- *
tions. After all it does cost some- Ann Arbor o e u ders, Inc.
thing to cross the ocean, and give W . P. Corry, Pres. S. Schultz, V. P. Iu. Smith, Sec.-Treas.
up other work. And the $7 a day -o 7
which the A. A. U. allowed for his 1250 N. Haain St. Phone 7408
expenses in 1925 didn't go very far. 1=1111 juuuu11 uu1I9uIuuI1111111111111I1111l11111111 II lliIIIfI91111Ii/l1111111 19 1 '1
Keep Your Winter
Sport in Movies
With a Cine-Kodak you keep
your winter sport to enjoy later.
A snap of the Kodascope projec-
tor button and the fun lives
again on your own home screen.4

t A


NOTICE-H. W. Clark Shoe Factory,
corner of South University and
Forest. Let us save you 20 per-
cent on your repair work. Only
one shoe factory in town.
TYPING--Theses a specialty. Fair
rates. M. V. Hartsuff. Dial 9381.
NOTICE-Dial 3916, Moe Laundry,
204 N. Main St., for laundry ser-
vice with real personal attention
like received at home. c
NOTICE-We are-clsing our our
full line of Dresses and Wardrobe
Trunks at cost. Koch & Henne.
RIDING BOOTS from $10 up; golf
shoes from $8 up; moccasins 1.
ten different leather styles, $.
All kinds of shoes made to your
measure.-H. W. Clark.
LOST-Parcel containing man's
dark blue vest, on or about Dec.
20. Reward if left at Wild & Co.
State St. 82,83,84
LOST-Round platinum in with
diamond setting. Finder call
Juliette Cohen 8907. 82,83,84
LOST-Person who found Gargoyle
enclosing Hygiene Survey and
1 Rhetoric Theme, in Recorder's
Office, please return to 625 For-
est, Doris Nathan. 81,83
WANTED-Three male students to
room and board. Nice rooms,
goodameals. Phone 3153. 821
Packard at Greenwood. 82
FOR RENT-Pleasant living room
with large bay window for quiet
woman student or instructor.
Tel. 7485. 81,82,83
FOR RENT-Extra large single
room with private bath. Dial
2-1970. 81,82
FO RENT-For second semester,
large room on second floor, for
three boys; Simmons beds;
steam heat; showers; close to
campus, and rent reasonable.
523 Packard. Phone 21677. 81,82
FOR RENT-513 E. Jefferson-sub-
let Feb. 1, furnished apartment,
four rooms, first floor; Frigidaire.
Tel, 3652. 81,82,83
FOR RENT-Rooms for graduate
girls. 1020 Church St. Phone 3103.
FOR RENT-Two, possibly three,
desirable double rooms for girls
for next semester at 1102 Oak-
land. Dial 8145. Reference re-
quired. 80,81,82
FOR RENT-Single room for second
semester, near Law Club. 517
E. Madison. 79-80-81-82
FOR RENT-801 Granger. A very
nice' double front room for men;
private home; garage. Telephone
21125. 77,78,79,8081,82
FOR RENT-For second semester,
very desirable front suite for
girls. Two other roomers. South
of, and near campus. Phone 3842.
FOR RENT-Girls league house-
two minutes from the campus, a
single and a double room; clean,
warm, continuous hot water;-best
beds. 224 S. Thayer. Phone 4093.
FOR RENT-A warm single room
close to campus. Dial 7618, 515
Walnut. .82,83,84
FOR RENT-Large front suite for
two or three students, also large
double room, will rent single or
double. Vancancy in a large
room for one man. Garage for
rent. Prices reasonable. 425 So.
Division. 82,83,84
FOR RENT-At 311 Thompson, a
suite and two singles. Steam
heat. Continuous hot water.

FOR RENT--Room 332 E. Jefferson
St.-Large, warm suite, also room
for instructor or upperclassman.
Gentiles only. Call 6976 evenings.
FOR RENT-Desirable suite, also
single room in girls league house,
one block from campus. 725
Haven Ave. 80,81,82
IOR RENT-Furnished apartment
for twn r f~hr __



. ,b - ... 1 s, d: .
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M1 .


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Movie-making is easy the Cine-
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Is the modern woman rising above the marriage standards
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New ideas in commerce and industry have changed the
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