I I-H E- M IC HJ G A N D U1VLyY TAI, UAP 1;i, 1 zj T H E ....I A N ..... - .i:..DA .. JA.T........... ILLINOIS FIVE TO INVADE FIELD HOUSE TOMORROW RUTS T14M [MPLOYSTRAGKMEN CONTNUE TO FLYINGFINN'SPRES i TJ1O LIOIIT WoRKOUTS STATES PUZZLES n cWith theufirst indoor track meet March, the Varsity track squad is OfUfEATIIstill slowly rounding into condition. I N :L~ l I I i u u n N No very intensive work was under- taken before the Christmas Aioli- days and the men are still pre- Several Veterans Included In t paring themselves for the more dif- ThatWil Ply Wovernesiii ficult work that will precede the Fourth Big Ten Game initial meet of the year. , The practice Saturday afternoon :j HARPER IS STAR FORWARD was confined largely to the sprint- ers with a small number of men re- Probable Lineups porting. Coach Steve Farrell ist Michigan Illinois certain that there is plenty of time Orwig .........RF....... .... How to get the squad into the neces- anitz or........hsary condition and declares that Truskowski ...LF........Harper the work will not be hurried. Chapman.....C...........May n The awarding of the cross- Truskowski or '"" e :; Truskwskior -country numerals for the work last Rose .........RG.......... Mills fall is still awaiting a meeting of McCoy, Capt...,LG .......... Hill' the Board in Control of Student i Athletics. No definite date is known By Morris Quiinfor this meeting Illinois, conquerors of Indiana's veteran cage combination which was rated as one of the early favor- ites in the Conference race, will in- r vade the field house at 7:30 o'clock tomorrow night to test the strength thiN ,,: ; ,.,.,: of the Michigan basketeers in their yaw:: fourth Big Ten engagement of the f. 1928-29 season. The popularity of archery as a' . Occupants of one of the cellar sport has become so great that positions in the Conference stand- one intramural department has 1 ings a gear ago, the Illini were announced the inaugural of coursesL heralded as a 'dark horse' at the in the science of the bow and ar- beginning of the present season row. Dr. Frank Lyman, a surgeon With a number of veterans return- at the Health Service, who has ing from the 1927-28 squad, Coach been interested in the sport for Ruby's combination was recognized a number of years, has been se- as dangerous but more or less un- cured to teach interested students. - known in its power. A limited amount of archery PAA\ Lost To Purdue equipment has been procured by The Orange and Blue cagers the intramural department and a Byn went through a successful pre- meeting of prospective candidates y ALEXANDER C. HERMAN o Conference schedule, but dropped for instruction in the sport will be Staff Writer For Central Press And their first Big Ten tilt to the pace- held this afternoon at 3 o'clock in The Daily making Boilermakers of Coach Yost field house. It is plamed to NEW YORK, Jan. 12.-Making Lambert. give medals and awards for ac- Paavo Nurmi talk is almost as hard Then the Indians pulled one of curacy in a shooting contest to be as catching him on the run (which the upsets of the season by success- run off some time in the future. is next to impossible, for the fast fully turning back the invasion of "Archery seems to have come to flapping Finn can cover a mile in the highly rated Indiana quintet, stay," Dr. Lyman says. "The rea- 4 mminutes 10 2-5 seconds). 20-16, before a large crowd at son for its great popularity in some But a Swedish friend, using all Champaign. The contest proved of the Western states is that game the soft soap of the Nordic tongues, to be one of the most unusual af- animals will. soon become exter- finally broke through the sphynx- fairs played in the Western Con- minated unless there is legislation front and tweedled the following! ference in recent years. !against firearms and there is al- Nurmi: Coach Ruby's team employed a ready agitation in this direction; "A glass of whiskey once in a slow breaking style of play which even the guides are taking up the while is good. I have tried it my- enabled them to keep possession bow and arrow and say that they self," says the palavered Paavo. of the ball for 30 of the 40 minutes are getting more kick out of it But smoking, he believes, is the of the game. Eight minutes of the than they ever did. 1 bane of the athlete's life (vwhich play had elapsed before How scored "Archery is recognized as being remark may start another adver- the first field goal from under the an exercise that puts a person in tising war). For it causes irrita-. basket, up until this time five shots the best postural position and it is tion of the throat, dries the lungs, had been made, three by Indiana almost impossible to shoot accura- and hampers regular breathing. and two by Illinois, tely without good form. Undoubt- Watch Diet, Says Nurmi taling Beats Hoosiers edly, the Indian of the bow and Watch all your food, advises the The first period ended with the arrow period earned the remark Finn-and don't eat too much score 6-4 in favor of the Illini, the 'straight as an Indian' from the meat. Above all else keep flit in Hoosiers maintaining a defensive use of it. It is in the hopes of season and out. style of play throughout. With the instilling a greater sportsmanship "Always keep up training," he count 13-9 against them and the among the coming generation that says, "whether preparing for raccs second period half completed, the instruction is being offered to stu- or not. Once you lay off runn Crimson chose to force the play, dents in using the bow and arrow. (Continued on Page Seven) but Harper, Mills and How suc- - - ceeded in holding the early lead. With How, May, Mills and Hill A PICTURESQUE SERVICE from the team of a year ago as a for nucleus, Coach Ruby has developed fo a formidable defensive team well- THE FEAST OF LIGHTS schooled in the slow breaking style~ of play and adept in the passing (Epiphany) (Continued on Page Seven) - in ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH -5 P. M., Sunday, Jan. 13th SExclusive G SPECILMUSIC Cleaners ! rA F N6 - -. Three's not a crowd if the third has3 A BROWNIE t I MAKING pictuires is so much fun for chil- dren that they never tire of it-and. any youngster can make good pictures from the very first with a Brownie. These popular Eastman-made cameras f cost as little as $ 2. Stop at. our Kodak coiui- ter and take a Brownie home Ioyour a youngster today. ENCE IN UNITED SPORT FOLLOWERS -*Hr- HOCKEY TEAM TO MEET STATE PUCKMEN MONDAY IN Badly battered through ahseries I.'o defeats, the Michigan hockey team will attempt to break its los-' ing ways Monday afternoon when 'omiwtitive Slorts Will Feature the Michigan State sextet will bat- *Voketbah, Puck, And Wrestliug Athletic Bill During tle Coach Lowrey's men. Squads To Compete it Warm Months Due to the basketball game with Seven Contests Illinois in the evening, the hockey TOURNEVS TO BE STAGED match has been schedued for4 GOPHERS TO PLAY HERE Students returning for the regu- pucksters got away to a late start Wolverines athletic teams will en- lar summer session this year wiil in practice due to the unfavorablegaeisvncottshswe, find activities enough to fill their weather before the vacation period gage in seven contests this week, leisure time, in a well worked out and their . strength is not yet five here and two on enemy fields. intramural sports program, which known. The Varsity basketball game be- the department has decided to con- The clash with the Spartans will tween Illinois and Coach Veenker's duct during the warmer months. mark the third clash in competitive men tomorrow will be the headline This will make the second time! sports of the two state institutions event, although on the same after- that such a program has been this year and should serve to break noon the Michigan hockey, team planned and carried out, with Paul the, tie existing at present. The will meet Michigan State in the R. Washke, assistant director of Green and White football squad Coliseum. Y4 1 vo NURM t intramural athletics acting in the held Michigan to a 3 to 0 victory In addition the hockey squad is capacity of supervisor. on thc\ gridiron and inflicted a scheduled to play its first Confer- Under the program, as outlined defeat on the basketball team in f ence matches with Minnesota here at the present time, the students the initial game of the court sea- Fridcy and Saturday nights. In the will have a chance to enter into j son. away-from-home contests, Coach competitive play, such as: swinm-, Keen's wrestlers will go to the mat ming, tennis, golf, playground ball, with the strong West Virginia.team hand-ball, horse-shoes, squashD__ racquets, and the various other RACE GETTING 0OJINt competitive games adapted for SPORTS CALENDAR summer play.A E To Conduct Tournaments !Varsit Tournaments will be conducted! __IMonday-Illinois, here. in each of the different sports, ModayIiorsarsit. with the usual awards given to the With the top teams closely Junior Varsity winners in the various events. The bunched in the fraternity intra- Tuesday-Alma, here. plans also include team awards I mural race for the all-sports su- Thursday-Michigan State Nor- when more than one man is en- i premacy, this year's contest promi- mal College, there tered in the competition. ses to be the closest in the history HOCKEY By order of the Board in Control! of intramural athletics at Michigan. I Monday-Michigan State, here. of Athletics, many facilities includ- Sigma Alpha Mu, last year's win- Friday-Minnesota, here. ing Ferry field, South Ferry field, ners, is leading the present race=! Saturday-Minnesota, here. the Yost field house and the new with 387 points, largely gained WRESTLING _ Intramural sports building will be through a win in the speedballj Saturday-West Virginia, there, o available for use by the summer competition and an all-around po -o school students. This also means good showing in the other events. at Morgantown, W. Va., on Satur- that these students will have at Following closely on the heels of I day, while on Thursday Coach their disposal more than 50 acres them are Phi Beta Delta, Delta Courtwright's "B" basketball team of playground space, on which Sigma Phi, and Theta Chi, with will attempt to avenge their recent there are some thirty tennis courts, ( 330, 329, and 328 points respective- defeat at the hands of Ypsilanti running tracks, baseball diamonds. ly. Phi Beta Delta has won the Iwhen they meet the Normal cagers Have Many Facilities wrestling and water polo and was ion their home floor at Ypsi. The two buildings will well take runnerup to Theta Chi who gained I The hockey game with Michigan care of the indoor sports with 14 secondary honors in last year's all- State College will start at 4 o'clock regulation hand-ball courts, 13 reg- sports contest. Delta Sigma Phi's Monday afternoon while the two ulation squash racquets courts, a strong showing has been the resultI games with Minnesota will take 35x75 swimming pool in the new of consistantly strong in all events. place in the evening. natatorium, boxing and fencing The other sixteen teams who oc- The Michigan State squad has rooms, four basketball courts and cupy the first twenty positions in been seriously handicapped so far necessary gymnasium equipment the all-sports contest are: Alpha this season with a lack of facilities ready to take care of those who I Kappa Lambda, Phi Chi, Phi Kap- for practice. Minnesota on the care to indulge in a little apparatus pa Psi, Kappa Nu, Tau Kappa Ep- j other hand boasts a veteran team work. silon, Tau Epsilon Phi, Theta Xi,!from the northland which has, had aUnder the present program then, Alpha Delta Phi, Phi Sigma Delta, weeks of practice. almost every sport has been taken Phi Kappa, Beta Sigma Psi, Beta, On Tuesday night the Alma. col- into consideration by the authori- Pi, Sigma Pi, Triangle, Phi Sigma liege quintet will oppose Coach ties, and facilities provided to take Kappa, Chi Psi, and Alpa Tau Courtwright's "B" team in the field o care of each. Omega. house. CORRECTION' I c It was incorrectly announced in the Friday and Saturday is- sues of The Daily that the Mar- quette university hockey team which played a two-game series here over the week-end had been defeated by Wisconsin earlier in the season. The team that was defeated I by the Badgers, 3-1, was an amateur combination represent- ing Marquette, Mich., and not Marquette university which is located at Milwaukee, Wis. Marquette university plays four game series with Minneso- ta and Wisconsin each season. They have not lost a contest to the Badger pucksters in the past four seasons. f i r I a0--- FOR EVERY PURPOSE Our Equipment Is Absolutely Complete, Being Especially Well Stocked in Squash Racquets, Handballs, and FEATURING OUR NEW LINE OF ICE SKATES AND HOCKEY ACCESSORIES 0t Temporary quarters now at 314 S. State St.-Formerly State Street Grocery Store. .::111[i li ii 111111 1 11 ll llilt 11 11111111111111111111111111lll1111(I~llll1t111111111111111111 I ',.:. STVDENTS The Chubb House always offers a well-balanced and varied menu. Food that is cooked well, served well, and at a reasonable price. Our Standard is: GOOD FOOD AT FAIR PRICES A DELICIOUS SUNDAY DINNER AT 85c lMeals-hy the meal, day, o~ week.-~statingl~ today - p.. A TUXEDO of graceful and distinguished styling I $35 The J-Hop demands correct Such correctness may be found of tuxedos and accessories sent New York offices. The tuxed evening attire. in our selection to us from our os are designed and taliored by our own workmen. OUR RENTAL DEPARTMENT is for your convenience $3.75 an evening