FOUR THE MICH4IGAN V)A I LY SUNDAY, JANUARY 13; 1929 * uri stit~* Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled o the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished herein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master (General. Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- nard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR KENNETH G. PATRICK Editor.......................Nelson J. Smith City Editor..............J1. Stewart Hooker News Editor.............Richard C. Kurvink Sports Editor...............W. Morris Quinn Women's Editor..............Sylvia S. S tone Telegraph Editor.............George Stauter Music and Drama...............R. L. Askren Assistant City Editor...........Robert Silbar Night Editors Joseph E. Howell Charles 'S. Monroe Donald J. Kline Pierce Rosenberg Lawrence R. Klein George E. Simons George C. Tilley Reporters Paul L. Adams Donald E. Layman Morris Alexander Charles A. Lewis C. A. Askren Marian McDonald Bertram Askwith Henry Merry Louise Behymer Elizabeth Quaife Arthur Bernstein Victor Rabinowitz Seton C. Bovee Joseph A. Russell Isabel Charles Anne Schell L. R. Chubb Rachel Shearer Frank E Cooper Howard Simon Helen Domine Robert L. Sloss Margaret Eckels Ruth Steadman Douglas Edwards A. Stewart Valborg Egeland Cadwell Swanson Robert J. Feldman Jane Thayer Marjorie Follmer Edith Thomas William Gentry Beth Valentine Ruth Geddes Gurney Williams David B. Hempstead Jr. Walter Wilds Richard Jung George E. Wohlgemuth Charles R. Kaufman Edward L. Warner Jr. Ruth Kelsey Cleland Wyllie BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER EDWARD L. HULSE Assistant Manager--RAYMOND WACHTER Department Managers Advertising.................Alex K. Scherer Advertising................A. James Jordan Advertising... ...... .....arl. W. Hammer Service..................Herbert E. Varnum Circulation...............GeorgeS. Bradley Accounts..s............Lawrence E. Walkley Publications................. Ray M. Hofelich and united by the bond of doing r the same work and meeting the same problems. The Daily, in addi- L tion, offers students an unequalled chance to strike up more than speaking acquaintanceship with KEEP faculty men, and to meet person- THEMĀ® ally the many national figures that QUIET visit the campus. The talkies, it seems according To those who cast their lot with to Friday's Daily, are getting it The Daily this opening for inter- coming and going. views offers a revelation. They dis- * * * cover the other side of the faculty Phidelah Rice, upholding the too often hidden in the class room, honor of his profession (not to and chat with professors who are mention the net profits) says that recognized by civilized humanity the "audience feels a certain touch as authorities and who do things with the actors that the talking of world importance. I films will never be able to repro- A few of those who provide Daily duce." copy . are President Little, hu- manist and humorist, Hobbs and True, Mr. Rice, true. But the Belknap of Greenland meteorolo- T gical fame, Larry Gould of Byrd's touch the audience much more Antarctic expedition, Reed, repair- strongly. Consider these shows man sought by ailing municipal hat sell seatsat $.0 cover governments, Colonel Miller, who charge per head. Isn't that a knows as much about the "Big touching scene? Bertha" as the German war de- , partment, VanTyne, recognized Then there's Professor Muyskens, authority on the American Revolu- who is evidently upholding the in- tion, Case, paleontologist who tegrity of his phonetics courses, studies animals several million who says that "pronounciation is years old, Fries, lexicographer not at all a matter of control on with his thumb in the Oxford dic- the part of the speaker." tionary pie, and a host of other brilliant and distinguished men But to come back to the talkies. whom space prohibits listing. I * * * Among the noted visitors whom A brand new Rolls Policy is Daily men interview are Com- being worked on at present in mander Byrd, Publisher G. P. which we are instigating a Putnam, Adventurer Count Luck- powerful drive for the "Vita- ner, Wise-cracker Rogers (Will), tone" or the "Moviephone" to Pianist Rachmaninoff, and a steady be installed in the Arcade the- procession of artists, scholars, ex- ater. Mr. Butterfield, please plorers, entertainers, preachers, notice. Papers in Lansing, poets, and politicians. Little Rock, and Ishpeming, Second to the privilege of know- please copy. ing these men should be mention- * * * ed the opportunities the publica- One of the main obj ections to tions offer for a brand of technical having these talkies in the Maj experience that leads in many or the Mich is that young couples cases to a profession. Many have who desire a bit of privacy now gone out from the Press building and then, will no longer feel alonej with sound foundations on which with a voice constantly roaring inI they have built. a life work. Men their ears. from the business staffs of the * * * publications have carried away aT wealth of actual practice in ac- TH E DEABE A THIDEADFPAST counting, bookkeeping, advertis- ing, circulation, management, and TWO the art of making both ends meet. pTAE To the members of their upper LAST staffs the publications offer a Rw third inducement, outweighed by, the less material ones, but still of - vast importance to the college man. This inducement takes the form * * * of a stipend that increases to a And don't you think the really fair-sized salary in the case of the frightfully overworked students, senior executives, after listening to no less than six The tryout proposition is thus one professors a day, deserve some di- of mutual co-operation. The publi- version. Once in a while-even if cations must have tryouts to pre- they do get jailed for it the. stu- petuate themselves, and offer these dents ought to be allowed to make benefits in return. Tryouts, for the noise themselves. their part, are not guilty of any t excessive philanthropy in filling Then there is the looming danger their niches on the staffs, for they of the talkies driving vaudeville reap in season pleasure and profit from the picture house. This in that will be a lasting satisfaction. mthe.Ctrefnonn e.n Thn ~o n About Books KRIEG MIT EINE KRIEG DARIN I 4 runroqrsmw Mary Chase eanette Dale \ernor Davis BessierEgeland . Sally Faster Anna Goldberg Kasper Halverson George I- amilton ack Horwich ix Humphrey Assistants Marion Kerr Lillian Kovinsky Bernard Larson Hollister Mabley I. A. Newman Jack Rose Carl F. Schemm George Spater Sherwood Upton Marie Wellstead Night Editor-Charles S. Monroe SUNDAY, JANUARY 13, 1929 TOMORROW NIGHT Recently a first page editorial in the Daily called attention to the pfactice of conference officials to ballot each year concerning which schools were in every way the most hospitable and sportsmanlike in their attitude and conduct to- wards visiting teams and officials. It was explained further that the best recognized officials were us- ually sent to the schools ranking highest. The fact that Michigan has stood among the leaders in the rating speaks well for the conduct of spectators and for their general attitude in athletic contests held locally. But a recent communica- tion from Coach George F. Veenk- er discloses the fact that there has been considerable discussion and agitation concerning the sports- manship of Western conference basketball crowds, alleging that in many institutions the attitude is far from commendable. Coach Veenker states further that it has been a great satisfaction for him- self and his associates to realize that "Michigan has a fair and sportsmanlike crowd which at the same time has encouraged and supported- its team to the limit." The spectators at the Illinois game here tomorrow night will have the opportunity to once more demonstrate to a conference team that Michigan- is proud of its rep- utation and means to continue to be known as a school where visitors are treated with the same fairness they would receive on their home stands. Tomorrow night will pre-{ sent duty to carry on the com- pletely satisfactory sportsmanlike attitude of past years. TRYING OUT, A MUTUAL PROPOSITION When # the University's three; major student publications issue their annual calls for tryouts at the beginning of the second seme- ster, an opportunity of vital inter- est will be opened to freshmen. It is an opportunity that every one with extra-curriculum ambitions and one grade better than a "C" average should investigate.a Work on the publications, per-i haps contrary to popular concep- tion, is not merely a thorny path; of campus fame or a means of keeping the mental machinery well-oiled during spare time. It offers other immoluments of a far; more profitable nature that are at once valuable, pleasant, and pe-, There have been two outstanding novels published during the year 11928. Of these, one is Aldous Hux- ley's "Point Counter Point," a novel of certain social importance. The other is the Eric Sutton transla- tion of "The Case of Sergeant Gris- cha,"* a novel that, unlike its co- holder of distinction for the past year, is likely to maintain the posi- tion of an important novel for years to come. War novels, like all novels bear- ing a distinct historical back- ground, are a precarious venture for the author. There is always the danger of inaccurate over- emphasis, chauvinism, and the chance of verging into pseudo- heroic epic. Despite these barriers to the type, the market in 1928 has been teeming with books of his- torical nature, andhsome of them Irather successful. The late World War, of course, has served as the setting for most of them. The chief difference between these books and "The Case of Sergeant Grischa, setting aside for the moment the consideration of plot and character, is the treat- ment of setting. To read Sergeant Grischa one must, unless he be an expert in recent political geography, keep ever before him a map of eastern Germany, Poland, and the Western extent of the Russian boundary. That is the physical setting of the volume. The historical setting is the plane wherein the novel is unique from the others. War in "The Case of Sergeant Grischa" is not an active force. True, it is a motivating, present force, but in a passive sense. One cannot possibly take sides in this war and follow be- hind the sweep of its events to its conclusion, consciously pursuing a purpose. War in this book is not a bald melee carved in relief. It is not outstanding, but subdued, casting out a heat that sets aglow its characters, yet itself remaining dim and merely existing in the background. The book is not of a conflict of nations, but of mankind. And that brings us to the charac- ter of Grischa. Sergeant Grischa is a powerful, I vital character, vibrant with living and doing, loving of life and man, disdainful of danger; flaunting smirks in the face of death. He fights not the wars of nations but the war for individualism, for a mankind that is free not as a poli- tical group but as a man within a man; and he fights it not in the fashion of nations, in physical con- flict, but in practice of personal freedom. But finally the Machine of mankind gets him and destroys him because he sought to live and love his life. The book is mighty in its im- port. It is fashioned with a search- ing, introspective, analytical at- tachment to detail that holds and rivets without sway the mastery of the reader. It cross-sections its character's mind in a manner that is sure and penetrating and exac.t- ly reproductive. It is an epic of mankind's war and war within war. * The Case of Sergeant Grischa by Arnold Zweig The Viking Pres L.. LR.K. s* a "ECRASEZ L'INFAME!" "Of all the intellectual weapons that have ever been wielded by man," wrote Lord Macaulay, "the most terrible was the mockery of Voltaire." * * * Often in the course of prepar- ing a critical biography of a per- sonage of ages past, the biographer is wont to lay emphasis upon the fact that the hero is a figure of the past instead of drawing the reader back through the centuries and making him live as a contemporary of the hero. Such, however, is not the case in Victor . Thaddeus' "Voltaire, Genius of Mockery-' The biographer has delved deep! into the seventeenth and eigh- teenth century France and neigh- boring Europe. He colors his back ground with a tinge of fiction, yet adheres unerringly to fact, mingl- ing it with a splurge of local atmo- sphere. Throughout the account Voltaire rises as the genius of his time, the friend and the fear of kings, the companion of Frederick of Prussia, and the scourge of the Church and all things he assails with his battle- cry, "the greatest battle-cry of all ages," 'Ecrasez L'Infame!' And it is the French Revolution. It is a fascinating, highly-toned account of France's greatest philosopher and his time, and Mr. Thaddeus' pen is drenched with the spirit of both. The account of Voltaire's curious friendship with Frederick forms one of the most moving parts of the book. The two Olympians meet, quarrel, make strange wide gestures first of mutual respect, then of cordial hatred, all to the accompaniment of a fundamental I i i i f fi I , r 4 l k ,! i ;i . , , } ,1 ,, i $ 29 50 $3950 $5450 Over WAGiER&COMPAN ,Jor ifien LS' flce 14g One Hundred Overcoats Over seventy-frve per cent of these garments are in the lower price groups. Our high stand- ard of quality in every coat. Hickey-Freeman coats included. *UEEEEEUEEUEWUUEEEEEUEEUEUUUEUUEEUEEUUEEWEEUUEEUUEWEEUEEEUEUUEuUUUuEUu CAPITAL PUNISHMENT deCapital punishment legislation definitely providing a death penalty for first degree murder is being de- manded for Michigan by the De- troit Free Press. "An act drawn along such lines," the Free Press contends, "ought to be sufficiently potent to reach those criminals it is most neces- sary to reach, that is to say, the professional thugs and killers; and it meets one of the most serious objections to infliction of the death penalty by minimizing the danger of irreparable miscarriage of jus- tice." The people of Michigan and their legislature over a period of years have evolved a criminal code which has been both a credit and a bene- fit to the state, stamping it as out- standing among its fellow com- monwealths in the field of criminal jurisprudence. Undoubtedly one of the salient features of the state criminal code has been the absence of any death penalty. In no case has the amount of crime current in the state reach- ed such proportions as to indicate a break down in the criminal code. It is the belief of the Free Press editors, doubtless, that capital pun- ishment as a penalty for first de- gree murder will act as a deterrent for gang killings in Detroit. The remedy, however, is not nearly so simple, and as a matter of fact there is no justification for the contention that capital punishment will solve the problem. The existence of a death penalty on state statute books has often made it possible for dangerous criminals, charged with murder, to escape all punishment. At the same time, it has been demon- strated that crimes of violence to human life are usually more pre- valent in states which have capital punishment than in those which-do not. If a remedy must be sought for crime evils, logic would seem to dic- tate that the already excellent criminal code of the state be left untouched and attention directed instead toward improvement of the police and judicial system neces- sary for adequate enforcement. "East is east, and west is west, and never the twain shall meet," says some famous saying. Now that a tunnel through the Cas- cade Mouintains has cut. two houirs turn brings us lace to lace with the new danger of losing out acts at the Mich. No one would ever be able to survive this. AN INVALUABLE OPPORTUNITY FOR WIDE-AWAKE STUDENTS MANE. AN EGa NAND Who, if any, would care to give up pleasures such as this which are offered so rarely? But the true old Michigan spirit which the above picture clearly calls for, has perished, to a considerable extent. Now- adays, students no longer carry eggs, and even those from Chi- cago go armed with nothing more powerful than tear- bombs. S* * * Why, the "powers behind the projectors" who used to love a fight bettern than a hearty meal, have now gone so far as to dis- courage even the aiding of actors who have families to support. This sort of thing cannot be done with a sporting instinct. * * * It really is a shame to forbid philanthropic members of the student body to throw pennies to the needy performers. Think of the case of poor Tom Carr, to say nothing of Marygold. What a Godsend would a few of those self-same pennies be to Tom!- * * * In the future, if the talkies are instituted, how would a penny or perhaps a slightly over-ripe egg affect a shadow on the screen? Do you believe that even a crowbar would stop his talk? * * * So we want, we demand, the talkies for the Arcade, but we refuse to accept them at the Majestic or the " Michigan. Policy. Yet, no matter how thin you slice it, the substance remains ex-lax. BOBO ** * We suggest to Baron Butterfield, that the insurance of the recentlyj DRESS..SHIRTS: Extraordinary care and attention must be given to the laundering of dress shirts and collars. The college man demands work of the highest quality. We have, therefore, developed a method of exacting care which satisfies the most meticulous. - P4THE