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January 13, 1929 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-01-13

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_ .__ H E





Ahnunif04 hs 'Of T e nt ati v
Courses May Be Procured Now
'In Dc-a's Office
Plans 'for the Summer Session o
1929 'will include several entirel
f new features and expansions o
many old departments, according
to an Yannoincerent by ean Ed
ward 11.4raus. Among the inrio
vationhs will be 'courses in aero
nautical engineering, a summe
camrpz for 'foestry students, a °Ipe
cial' advanced "field course in ge
ography, Arind some 'short terny
TMe special campuis edition of th
abridged a nnouncenients for th
sumnier session is 'now n ea
Kraus' office in University hal
and is available for those student
who are planning their second se
mester elections to coincide 'wit]
summer school courses, if they be
lieve such to be necessary.
Will Use League Building
The announcement makes publi
the fact that the new Women'
League building will be open to a
women stuidents of the surie
session, all women 'enrolled becom
ing members on entering the ses
The session will begin work o:
June 24, the Law school, howeve
starting on June 17. The sessio
will end on August 16 for all school
and colleges except the Law schoo
which closes on August 29.
The present announcement
only a nearly-complete list of th
courses to be given, and there wi
be ,several changes in the complet
announcement which will probabl
be ready by March 15.
A special announcement con
cerning the changes and innova
tions which Dean Kraus "issued,i
as follows:
A series 'of' short term courses b
be conducted for four weeks. Then
courses will be given in the Scho
of Education and are designed b
meet the needs of superintendent
supervisors, and teachers who can
not find 'the timhe to enroll for th
regular eight wees session. For th
most part these courses will be o
graduate character and may be ap
plied toward advanced degrees. Th
first series will begin with the open
ing of the Summer Session -an
cotinue for four wreeks, and the:
will be followed by the secon
series of courses for the last fou
weeks of the general session.
A number of non-credit week-en
courses on educational subjects wi
be arranged. Over each week-en
a general educational problem wi
be considered. These course
should appeal to those educato
who desire to inform themselves o
the latest developments in som
specialized field of education bu
are unable to spend more than
week-end at the University.
Foreign Experts To Come
In the department of Psycholog
arrangemients have been made t
give two courses which will involv
the participation of six eminen
foreign psychologists who will be i
this country to attend the Interna
tional Congress of Psychology
These courses will be under th
general supervision of Professor W~
B.. Pillsbury. The University o

Michigan is cooperating wit~h fly,
other Summier Sessions in thes+
The departiment of Physics wil
again conduct a symposium of
theoretical physics. Several leadin3
physicists from England, Germany
and the United States have bee;
appointed to lead the discussions.
To Have New' Sumnier Camp
A camp for the students of th+
School of Forestry and Conserva
tion will be conducted for the firs
time. This camp will probably b+
located in the Upper Peninsula o
'Special advanced courses will b+
given in the College of Engineer,
in'g, which should appeal to prac.
ticing engineers and to teachers -o
anjd graduate students_ in' Engineer.
in~g Mechanics, Mathematics, an(
the various professional subject,
such as Civil, Electrical, Mechanical
and Aeronautical Engineering.
Several courses in Aeron'autica
Engineering will be given for thf
first t ime during the summer.
New Field Course Planned
A special advanced field course iri
geography, to be conducted iri
Michigan, will be offered for thi
first timhe. This course will b
given under the direction of Pro-
fessor X,. C. McMurry, under the
joint auspices of the University o:
Michigan and the State.
The Public Health Institutes;
which were introduced several
;years agoi and have proved very
,muccessful, will be continued.
A enrnn P l -ive rn 4 Rd oirisrl

) u m meress . Glke and dOcean Lnet
*nwTo M arkS umerSesson HANorsAlCruises
-H __ - -- - E. r. Kueber
'CONSOLIDATION OF CHRISTIAN Librarian Will Search -6tt61E. Huron hPh 64
Randolph G. Adms custodian of I r 2 LEARN THE PIANO IN
IConsolidations of the smialer purpose is to servye the American' Clements Library, sailed yesterday :" ®'__
colleges 'in the United States were people inl general and the Chris- for E~urope for eight or nine m'~onths -AENLEON
advocated at a recent meeting of 1tiara movement in particuilarI~ n-of iresearch-, Mr Adams will search SPECIAL FOR SUNDAY TENOR-BANJO OR
e the. Council of church boards of" stitutions should be of the highest European archives for papers re- . reard" MANDOLIN IN FIVE
education which includes 400 cl- possible quality. Graduate wor k lating' to the 'treaty of 1783. This 'uelicious andu carefully peae ESN
leges. The' mergers would concern should be in the program but work is in connection with the ac-C IK N2 ___
largely the Christian colleges, should be directly correlated,.iiiso telbayi editing the C IC ENadaTIURKEY I NNERSK 1Wthu eve-rcinhat
which are said to be hard pressed "Institutions should co-operate Paipers on thlatrven The comlte = ithu ev aknhat
to maintain themselves financially, with government and private in- collection, of documents will event- 12E V LAM S R T21ar tprt ofesioalch ote. ing
pedagogically and socially.? stitutions where possible. The' ually be published. 512aretaughttoIply byTnteEinre-
Adoaino h osldtosChristian colleges have been; Miss Elizabeth B. Steer will be in =j your very first lesson you will be
f Stockwell, college secretary of the ____________________ ________________________
SBoard of Christian' education, is vital that any plan of re-organi- Adams' absence. ' _ __________________note.
gPresbyterian churches. He said zation provide for the preservation IIt111Il111l '11R~1llllitiflltl::llt:ll11111I1I~1111 SEND FOR IT ON APPROVAL
4in part: "There is a permanent! and enhancement of their Chris- Subscribe to The Michigan Daily. ^ = The "Hallmark Self-Instructor,"
-, place in the United States " frl tian character"25 ahl ya-t'$othi. I=AS2 is the title of this method.w Eight
Christian higher education. The -2'1 years were required to perfect this
r ___________________ ______ 2great work. The entire course with
°Cadillac CS the necessary examination sheets,
ao- Lafayette T 8705c2 is bound in one volumfe. The first
SE A T WL FIH at Shelby ANET HAR lesson is unsealed which the,.su
n E A 1WLL1I yAA2T dent may examine and be his own'
LE_=_______" "JUDGE and JURY." The later
THEATRE , part of the "Hallmark Self-In
UnI-eLafayette at Wayne Cadillac 11400 structor," is sealed.
n O I COMPANY JOBS 1 ______________________ Upon the student returning any
ONEENL-BeinngSndyJn 1 copy of the "Hallmark SefIn-
;S (Iy ARss iac,t IPress-) =2 structor" with the seal unbroken,
-CHICAGO, Jan. 12,. Col. Robert I P~iE: ihs 7c o$.0 atra a.Ony 5 o$2°30 1 One Week Only Beg. Sun1day, Jan, 13 4 we will refund in full all money
hW. Stewart intends to lock hornsi paid.
with John D. Rockefellerr, r., in a.. Th-vn fteSao rcs a.1,Ol be sent anywhere. You do not need
Prcs=ihs $1.00 to $3.00. Saturday Matinee, $1.00 to $2.50 _ to send any money. When you re-
fgttthfnihtreanhsMORRIS GUEST .22 ceive this new method of teaching
c position as chairman of the board of"h=ial" Dretfo esr~=i music, deposit with the Postman
5Drc ofSadrdOlcmpnrfom-Suet rsn the sum of ten dollars. If you are
11 diana which will be decided at Gal( In Association with Edgar Berlin,-, 2 not entirely satisfied, the money
1stchlesmetn Mac7.O e-SlyHathDi-Vienna and -21 written request. The Publishers
- Co. Sewat mde hisclam inI tngushe hoor f 2are anxious to place this "Self-In-
formal Stat'ement announcing kIing Presenting NwYo-'stuto"iMtehadafyui
his andiacyfor.reeectin 2 lovers all over the country, ahd are
nhircandiacyhefoareeld et s - F________,irstRiime inDetroiti -inia position to make an attractive
rchimnothboran.ue- A New Play with Music 2 proposition to agents. Send for
to tionng Mr. Rockefeller's rights for Iyu oytdy drs h
ea o 800sarhlesm.E rOpe s Greatest Coctoarlerir2"Hallmark Self-Instructor," Station
Ireply to a recent communication G Post Office Box 111, New York,
1 jfrom Mr. Rockefeller to stockhold-' "Blossom Time" and exceeding "The Student Prince" WN Y.
ers asking the removal of Col.I ALEXANDER M OISSI_
eo Col. Stewart said he had made not-mi ~ f~ STUNNING SINGING CHORUS THlE CHESTER HALE GIRLS I p
11 personal soicitation for proxies as " r ' "- "Want Ads Pay
,e Mr. Rockefeller has done but de- jt.d.f 1 =I.If.JJ. Best Singing Mate Chorus in the World
iy lared that solicitations by others (Tiltoy~ "ele e ~echa maul") 11111IIlllllfllltIf lltlllltl11i11llltlfllllllllltii
had shown he would have the supv _____
r-pbrt "of a large number of the 11 Scenes of Intense Beauty-Ruossian Folk Songs-Gypsy Music -
tlstockholders voting a large amount
is o the stock of this company." r _____
0 I ~~Foury1:i4
sStarting Dane and Athur meet on
i- Todaythe football field, but the
Today umbers on their manly chests"
e 'are ther cell numbers. 1 For
1e this is the laugh-wow of many sea-
if sons - the big game in the Inter-
Le NjW Te Ar ofPenitentiary gridiron series!
d The story of the Fifth Horseman - The White Man
shadow thrown before h1im on a primitive world!
dF"l," k 1 4"
n7> P '-
°u p f orjs e nte n c e! Y o u arerf o u ndSg uilty
f~ 7x4',"a''"
the bet limeyouPevr had

e1 Based a h
I. ~[ ~4:.~...s~"' ""'sory, onBth
Hearted Jim,"~
x by
i t f 4 N .t o,, e,' . $ , w:P E T T E R S O N
ek l
Policy fi aj;A
)f 7:00GE R E .
8:40f r.1 gm.r°
50e u
I Co-Starring
(as the white: lover) (as'the nitveimid)
The unearthly beautyOnteSa-
of the southern geas, -nteSae
y 1 where love is unasham- The Broadway Comedy Stars-
f yr l J1 ed; where song and JACK N ORW O RT H
~A )hates f lame. A garden and
of Eden shattered by DOROTHY AD EL PH I
oWna 1 ( vice and greed! in the Comedy Classic-
I 'Aesls IFablde - Paramounit News -A t anid Beauty

:, .,


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