Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. TheAssociated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished herein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- mas;ter General. Subscription by carrier, $t.oo ; by mail, $4.0.ies ces: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- nard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925y; BusineSS, 2124. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR KENNETH G. PATRICK Editor.....................Nelson J. Smith City Editor...............J. Stewart Hooker News Editor............Richard C. Eurvink Sports Editor...............W.. Morris Quinn Womens Editor..............Sylvia S. stone Telegraph Editor. ...... ...... George Stauter Music and Drama...............R. ,. Askren Assistant City Editor..........Robert Silbar Night Editors 'T H E MI CrIIGAN D AILY' SATURDAY JANU AY F2, b seph E. IRowell onald T. Kline Lawrence R. Klein George Charles S. Monroe Pierce Rosenberg George E. Simons C. Tilley Paul L. Adams w orris Alexander C. A. Askren Bertram Askwith Louise Behymner Arthur Bernstein Seton C. Bovee Isabel Charles L. R. Chubb Frank 1. Cooper Helen Domuine Margaret Eckels Douglas Edwards Valborg Egeland Robert j. Feldman Marjorie Fol liner -William Gentry Ruth Geddes DavidB. HempsteadJ Richard Jung Charles R. Kaufman Ruth Kelsey eporters Donald E. Layman Charles A. Lewis IM arian Mcionald 1 Ieery Merry Elizabeth Quaife Victor Rabinowitz Joseph A. Russell Anne Schell Rachel Shearer Howard Simon Robert L,. Sloss Ruth Steadman A. Stewart Cadwell Swanson Jane Thayer Edith Thomas Beth Valentine Gurney Williams Jr. Walter Wilds Georged . Wohlgemuth Ed ward L,. Warner Jr. Cleland Wyllie BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER EDWARD L. HULSE Assistant Manager-RAYMOND WACHTER Department Managers e.............Alex K. Scherer Advertising ..............:..A. Jarnes Jordan Advertising ...............Carl W. Hammer Service ..................Hferbert E. Varnurn Circulation..............C.eorge S. Bradley Accounts..............Lawrence E. Walkley Publications................ Ray M. Hofelich Michigan Nights have for more than two years been a regular weekly feature presented by the University. The very fact that the state of Ohio has realized the value of radio as a first class medium of educating its citizens and is willing to spend a considerable amount of money, is good proof that the men who worked toward the goal of obtaining a broadcasting station here had foresight to a marked de- gree. The next step is a Univer- sity extension service which will offer regular courses, including lectures and quizzes. THE KELLOGG PACT The Senate, back from a brief vacation, is struggling unsuccess- fully with the Paris peace pact, signed by Mr. Kellogg last August in Paris. Opposition to the pact now threatens to assume the pro- portions of a filibuster unless Sen- ator Borah and his followers con- sent to the inclusion of irtain reservations in the Senate reserva- tion. Lauded on many sides as one of the most idealistic documents ever submitted for the approval of dip- lomats and statesmen, the Kellogg pact suggests little that is either binding or compulsory in its word- ing. True, Great Britain has seen fit to make at least one sweeping reservation and there are other implications which have succeeded in arousing the mistrust of a num- ber of senators, notably, of course, Moses and Reed. Chief opposition to unreserved acceptance of the treaty, however, seems to be largely traditional. Since the Jay treaty of 1799, the Senate has demonstrated contin- ually a faculty for tacking reser- vations onto treaties and jealously maintained its rights to undo the best efforts of American diplomats. The tendency became even more pronounced following the institu- tion of the Monroe Doctrine as an integral part of the United States foreign policy, and in recent years scarcely an international treaty has received senatorial approval without a guarantee of the rights which we claim under the doctrine. It was Mr. Borah's opinion at one time that the pact would pass the Senate without challenge and without. reservations. He still claims that no reservation will be made. Outsiders, however, have been, forced to the opinion that either a reservation will be drafted with the acceptance of the treaty or else the calendar of the Senate for the balance of the present ses- sion will remain hopelessly clogged. That so much discussion should be necessary and that the business of the upper house of the national legislature should be so definitely halted by a measure no more dif- ficult than the Kellogg pact seems both odd and unfortunate. The theaty, as a matter of fact, is a helpless thing, meaning nothing more than the expression of a defi- nite will for peace. The American people have no other attitude. Surely there is little reason why the Senate should hesitate to place its approval upon such an expres- sion. Our idle wonder for the day is just this: Could Major Mills, who won the Durant prize for present- ing the best solution of the pro- hibition problem turn right around and win the Hearst prize essay con- test on the best way to get rid of prohibition? That old fellow who always goes around saying, "The winters nowadays aren't near as bad as they used to be back in the 90's", seems to be strangely missing this winter. "Drys Clash With Police," screams one of Detroit's newspaper headlines. It seems that even the police are fighting them now. Mary Chase Jeanette Dale 'ernor Davis Bessie Egeland .Sally Faster Anna Goldberg Jasper Halverson George Hamilton lack florwich bix Humphrey Assistants Marion Kerr Lillian KoVinshy Bernard Larson Hollister Mabley 1. A. Newman Jack Rose Carl F. Schemm George Spater Sherwood Upton Marie Wellstead Night Editor-GEORGE C. TILLEY SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, 19291 GENEROSITY To his already generous gifts to the University, of Martha Cook dormitory and the Lawyers' club, W. W. Cook. '81L, has now added a gift of $1,750,000 for the erection of a "legal research library" in the quadrangle, of which the Law club bounds two sides. The gift was accepted by the Regents at a meet- ing yesterday morning. Mr. Cook's two other gifts al- ready stand as monuments to his generosity to the :University. The student body, the University, and the state of Michigan should ex- press their gratitude to this Uni- versity alumnus who was given1 freely in order that the Law school and women students should be well housed. The Michigan Law school ranks as well as any in the country, and the Law faculty is one that any other University would be proud to have. In spite of this, the build- ing programs of the past few years have failed to add needed' equip- ment, and it is but recently that any improvement has been noted in the attitude of the University and the, State. A new library has been long needed, and marks an important step in what has long .been the dream of alumni and thoseinterested in the Michigan campus: a unitary Lawdepart- ment, with the Law club, school,1 library, and adjoining buildings in the quadrangle of State, Monroe, and Tappan streets, and South University avenue. The new building will undoubt- edly provide Michigan with' an un- rivalled building and fine equip- ment, and this act alone should fill the University with a feeling of thanks and gratitude to this gen-l erous alumnus and donor.J AGAIN THE RADIO Once more the radio steps into the foreground as a superior edu- cational agent with the announce- ment of the Ohio Bureau of Edu- cation that it will equip 7,000 scholrooms throughout the state with radio receiving sets. Talks made by well known educators and men in other fields as well as vari- ous features will be broadcast dur- ing each school week. The state of Ohio has come to realize what has been receiving greater recognition every day, which is, that the radio, as a rapid! and efficient means of spreading! education, broadcasting sporting events, political talks, or propa- ganda of any nature whatever, is not to he surpassed. ERD LL i THEY ALWAYS COME BACK President Herbert Hoover has announced that he plans to call! an extra session of Congress to de- cide the farm relief issue before July 4. But like all Fourth of July celebrations, it's just a big re- port. * Governor Len Small has left the office in Illinois. And, boys and girls, that is about the one thing he did leave. Gumley, who has been pinch- hitting for us during the last two or three days, promised to show you the only authentic picture of a deadline. He announced it, but didn't manage to get it in. What's the matter, Gumley, didn't you1 I make the deadline * * * . A 90-year-old Illinois man died the other day, never hav- ing seen a train. And that is precisely why he lived to be 90 years old. * * * The dirigible Los Angeles is touring over the state of Florida. Gosh, we didn't think anything in California would approach within a hundred miles of Florida. r * * If it rains in Florida this year, they will blame it on the Los Angeles. * * Since they have been having all these hurricanes in Florida, a tour in a dirigible is about as safe a way as any to visit the state. * * * The football game we are really waiting for is the one in which the University of Florida will play the University of Cal- ifornia. The rivalry in that game will be much like the one in which the coach of a Southern college said to his team just before the game: "And don't forget for one minute that every, man on the Harvard team is a Republi- can." * s e We know what Baron "Big-boy" Butterfield would do in the case of Mary Gold. He'd have her arrested for being a student. Personal Oscar the truth-seeker: Don't give up, Oscar, I'll print your stuff yet. There are days when I'll use most anything. * * * We can't figure out why more of these fraternities don't win tank titles. * * * Keep Ona By .D. My name is Tony Spinella, You no heard o' me?4 Why, I'm the same li'l fella From far off Eetalee. I tell my girl Angella, My girl in Eetalee, I gonna be smart fella, And sail across the sea. {My bambino, she rebella, She can't help missing me,f But I say, "What the hella, I wanta Ph. D." I don't know how to spella, With that you'll all agree; So I enroll in Cintronella University. The rest is hard to tella, The profs all mark me E; They say they must expella Me from the U. of C. So I say, "Go to hella," I'll leave your old countree; I still have my Angella In 'good old Eetalee." I sail on the Cinderella5 As cheerful as can be; Soon I'll have my Angela- Sure, she wait for me. My love it now impella Me to her again, you see; I ring the old doorbella, But shee no come to me. ! There was my Angella Seated on the knee Of Vincenzio Cabella, Engaged in mockery. I no have my Angella, I no gotta Ph. D.; I must be beeg dumbella, So dreenk one down for me Trumpie. The hop committee has an- nounced a special sale of tickets., Apparently the party in powerI couldn't use all those printed. * * * And in regard to that Bul- garian railroad that Gumley raved about-the one that was stolen, tracks and all-we sug-I irac +ltat aontnhman d,.ni.nn Music And Drama OPERA CRITICISM Contrary to the opinion that has sprung up in some quarters, the recent article giving a digest of Opera reviews was not written to white-wash the previous article of adverse criticism. Obviously, it was more nearly an effort to pre- sent both sides of a question which in spite of more or less general apathy, deservesconsiderable con- sideration. The Opera is coming to lose many of its original virtues. The problem is to discover new functions for it, or abandon it. A feature of some of the out-of- digest of reviews is the credit given: town opinions published in the the men-girls' chorus. Critics are delighted that the men look more! and more like real girls. some- what doubtful compliment to Middle-Western he-men, it also implies that the low-comedy in- cidental to such impersonations is being lost. Comment also stresses the very professional manner of imitating the current Broadway fashion of sweet-musical romance. Mr. Shut- er deserves every credit for adapt- ing existing mechancial effects inj the theater to the needs of the book. But yet nothing new, or original was produced. The money behind the show suggests consid- erable possibilities for experimen- tation with effects. Currently Broadway is demand- 9 ing of its musical shows an intel- ligible, dramatically organized book. Witness "Treasure Girl" or "Follow Thru" as striking in every; way but that one. The Opera this year was considerably criticized for inadequacy in that direction. It is generally considered a public secret that the book is usually written by a professional, consid- I erably ballyhoo to the contrary, notwithstanding. Last year's show was, however, purely student-writ- 'ten. Results in either case were! not wholely satisfactory. This year's Junior Girls' Play will pre- sent a new combination of profes- sional-student writing. The re- sult will be instructive. But who- ever may be responsible for the book of next year's opera, certainly ! some more definite effort to achieve dramatic effect should be made, even if it necessitates the elimination of the various chor- uses. A good show, using music and choruses, with the emphasis on the dramatic still could be written on the model of the very success- ful "Burlesque." In regard to the choruses two paths seem open. If Michigan is to ape Zeigfeld and Broadway pro- ductions in general then it would seem best to raise a crop of Fresh-! men who look like girls. If Michi- gan is to originate fashions, how- ever, it would seem logical that a chorus of men playing girls' parts should be treated for all the low- comedy there is in such a situation. This might seriously strain the! credibility of the book-but then, are the choruses so indispensable that a good show without them could not be written and presented to the Alumni for its own sake? The play, after all, might really be the thing.. Unofficl report has it that this year'shextravaganza was so expen- sive that Union officials do not ex- pect their books to show more than an even break on their money. But lack of profit does not worry them because of the sound- ness of Union financing which now makes subsidyiunnecessary. IEvery student can give thanks forI that. Every student, however, might wonder why such a good money-maker like the OperaE should not be made to subsidize some other needy institution. The obvious suggestion is the Mimes theater, which could bear consid- erable improvement. A further suggestion would be a policy, niain- tained for some years, of using Opera profits as a nucleus for the building of a University theater., Conceivably, with the other funds' which are already on hand for that purpose, the Opera revenue an- nually could be an important item in such a budget. Furthermore, the Opera, emerging from the wo -kshop of a University theater, would be considerably more repre- sentative of the Michigan which the student body actually is, than, the present type of show which is I still haphazardly an imitation of! Broadway. But the essential thing, undoubt- edly, from every point of view is, that next year's show, and those of succeeding years, be written with the avowed purpose of making a good show-giving a hundred' cents' worth on the amusement dollar-whether this means ro- mantic musical comedy, a hybrid show like "Burlesque" or an out and out legitimate attempt like thej Harvard Prize Play. R. Leslie Askren MUSIC LECTURER n t-h Universty 1eeuir ceries. Want Ads Pay -- I P. B. HARDING Dealer in ANTIQUES Upholstering, Furniture Repairing, Refinishing and remodeling 218 East Huron Street Ann Arbor - - - - - Michigan Phone 3432 - A Special Selling of Beautiful If You MUST Take Notes ...try this amazing new idea SIMPLY hold a soft, smooth, black-writ- ingVELVETpencilinyour hand and notespractically write themselves. The blank look on your face vanishes and everything comes out O.K. ev er'ywhere. Formal Dresses $12.50 and $16.5O Values to $25.00 NEWEST DESIGNS NEWEST COLORS NEWEST MATERIALS . . 'r;: 1: :: : :. ,#. ; , . , I Sdul3and The vgue 221 So. Main-Near Liberty St. VELVE PencNils A).AMERICAN PENCIL CO., XWillow Ave., Hoboken, N. J. t 4'J 1j Li r rvl - T - ru u C §lrrnouncing- C The Opening on Saturday, January 12, of a Branch Store for Ann Arbor, selling the famous I Aunt Lou Candies Editorial Comment 1 (Detroit Free Press) UNSUITABLE HONORS I A bill has been introduced in the New York legislature to amend the judiciary act so that the law exam- iners may admit to the bar "a per- son who has served four times as governor of New York state," without examination. This pecu- liar requirement for admission to the bar has been met by only one man who is still alive and thus able to benefit from the amendment proposed by the Republican assem- blyman from Rockland; and last year Governor Smith told this gen- tleman that if such a bill was en- acted he would veto it. The in- troduction of it after Governor Smith has left office not only re- veals an unimaginative mind, anxi- ous to honor a distinguished exe- cutive; but risks making the ob- ject of its solicitude ridiculous. The bars of the legal profession are already so low, as many law- yers admit, that the intelligence and ethical quotients of the fra- ternity are in danger of serious impairment. Al Smith's ethics are all right; but his legal training is scant. Why not give him a hand- ful of LL. D.'s and let it go at that? Old Time--Home Made 224 State Street 80 Varieties of Aunt C Lou Candies, All atO6 Per lb. The famous Aunt Lou Candies are made just like mother would make them in the home, the same grade of ingredients are used that she would use. For instance, the cream used is 25% butter fat. The finest materials money can buy are used in the making of Aunt Lou Candies The sugar used is the finest granulated grade, the same as you use on the table. The vanilla used is the very best, costing us $25 per-gallon. The flavors are all made from pure fruit. No substitutes whatever are used in the manufacture of this fine candy, in fact, if Aunt Lou Candies sold at $2 per pound, no better ingre- dients could be used in their manufacture. A trial will convince you of the excellence of Aunt Lou Candies-come in and sample them. We know our Butter Creams and Fresh Dipped Strawber- ries will be the talk of Ann Arbor - they are so utterly different. Every time you enter an Aunt Lou candy store you are offered samples of the various candies on the counters-please accept these samples, we are sure you will like them. Rmember the Opening Date is Saturday, January 12 iruili1ii ip