tAT17RDAY, JANUARY 12, 1929 ~T-r MICNICAN DATY r||uT|nir |WISCONSIN UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT Scopes Trial Echoes '"""""""""'"'"""" SCULPTURE HIBIT LL UCRITICIZES SCHOLASTIC CONDITIONS Heard In Tennessee SUITS TO ORDER GLTUEtofe Frank of the University o "My own guess, if I were 1uiding TeaeIer Faces Trial or Requirin Up Wisconsin, one of the stormy petrels;a new college, is that my first ex- Stlidents To Read Book On of the country's educators, has 1 perimlent would be to set tip minmy ;Thry Of Evolution 1em deing again expressed his disapproval of curriculum the first two years inA --i Fifteen works of sculpture com- scholastic conditions which exist 'ithe- formula of attacking episodes '". A'.WIr "t'a r" i.erlng prising a group from the Forty- American colleges. In an interview jn civilization. I should include JAMESTOWN, Tenn., Jau. 11. _ Repairing First Annual Exhibition of Faint- recently which appeared in the Greek civilization, whose material is Echoes of the Scopes trial may be r ings and Sculpture, which has just Daily Cardinal, campus newspaper intrinsically important, medieval heard here today when Elmore - closed at the Art Institute, Chica- of the University of Wisconsin, society, where the close alliance of Gentry faces the Fentress county Ce go, are now on display in the lobby President Frank said concerning church and state and the develop- board of education to answer and of the new architectural building. university curricula, "The difficulty ment of the guild system are suf- charges of teaching evolution in The pieces, all by famous artists, seems to be that there is so much ficient, the closely organized medi- Clarks Range High school. Pressing - are for sale to anyone interested. knowledge that if you judge four eval society, the industrial revolu- The hearing will be held in the The sales prices on the works vary years sufficient to pick it up, you tion which broke this society, and courthouse. Affidavits made by two Eo - e m n I from a bronze statuette by Karl N. will always be dissillusioned." 'then a topical consideration of the citizens to the effect that Gentry , LouisLindemann Gruppe at one hundred and ten He continued to say, "There Irise of American civilization. i presented the school with a set of Church Street dollars to a marble statue by Wil- seems to be one important thing in r "My own dream for Wisconsin is books called "The Outline of Sci- - 50 Years at the Business liam Zorach of New York which the liberal education; to succeedthat in the future the entire fresh;- enc" will be introduced at the will be sold for twenty-five hundred in the four years, in creating in man and sophomore population will hearing. One of the books, it is dollars. the student a real interest in ideas be enrolled in a series of small resi- charged, deals with the theory of Among the novel pieces on dis- and a real interest in reading suf- I dent colleges of 100 each with a evolution, and Gentry, the aggriev- i ai AA Pay play is a bust of Lillian Gish, noted ficlently so that he will read some-small staff to carry out the general ed citizens complain, required his IW at ALdSPay moving picture actress, as Romola. thing else besides the latest novel. teaching procedure." students to read it. This bust has been carved from a solid block of wood by Gleb W. - Derujinsky and is listed at a sale price of fifteen hundred dollars. There are eleven bronze works in the exhibition, two marble pieces, and two pieces carved entirely out of wood. NeweI 'AGE rmx . .f Do Yu"hopn uBy Check Doing your shopping by check is such a safe and sane way to do. No need to carry any money with you on a shopping trip. Just tell them to send your purchases C. 0. D. and you pay for them by check when they are delivered to your home. Or if you are buying on a charge account, there is no easier way to pay your balance than by check. Try it this year and see. FARMERS AND MECHANICS DANK 205 E. Huron 330 S. State -'4 "Crusher" Hat To Be Introduced at Midwestern Colleges Style Same as Before But Better Flat; Black Only Ann Arbor, Jan. 11.-A new style crusher hat to be intro- duced this week on the cam-~ puses of midwest colleges shows a change from the old crusher of November. The hat, made of fur and wool felt, has a small crown -and brim which fits closely over the head. . It will appear in only one color for the present-black. It folds u;2 without crushing but the felt is stiffer than. the older hat. The brim measures two and one-eighth inches. The band on this hat is one inch wide. That hat will be sold in Ann Arbor exclusively by F. W. Gross, 309 S. Main St. Iron cords and other appliance cords will not last forevet -in time they be- come worn, ragged, unsightly, and un- safe. Loss of power may also result from the use of such cords on your electric iron, electric percolator or other elec- tric appliance. Such loss is entirely unnecessary. Any Detroit Edison office will gladly accept an old or broken iron. and applianc' cord in exchange for one in good repair-without chargc. TL DETROIT EDISON COMPA NY Subscribe to The Michigan Daily CORNWELL COAL - COKE Afew ek #9.85 Other Makes Now $5.90, $6.98, and $7.85 CAMPUS BOOT ERY South State Street Scranton, Pocahontas Kentucky and West Virginia Coal Solvay and Gas Coke This business has been growing ever since it was established. The secret-- "giving absolute satisfaction to our customiers." We believe it pays to do business in a friendly way. If you think so too, let's get together. \\\ / /% CORNWELL COAL COKE OFFICE, CORNWELL BLOCK Phones, Office ;4651-1552~ Yard Officv : SM5 i s I