PAGE EIGHT TIHE MICHIGAN DAIL\Y w FRIDAY, JANUARlY 11, 1929 - -- - - ----- DA ILYOFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi- dent until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.) Wednesday issues of this Bulletin. Beginning Monday, January 14, the, Upperclass Advisory Committee will meet from 3:00 to 5:00 p. m. daily n tho corridor opposite room 1025 of Angell 11U1. Please follow the election procedure as printed in the new Time Schedule. If possible :elect an Adviser from the Department of your major interest. Appoint-j ments may be made at the booth opposite the Recorder's Office, room' 1 Uiversitv Hall. Uppe-class Advisory Committee C. C. Meloche, Chairman Second Semester Play Production Courses: All students who wish to enroll in Play Production courses the second semester and who do not have the necessary pre-requisites, must get permission from me. Do not go to Mr. Densmore. V. B. Windt Rhetoric 54-Problems of Composition 1: Sigma Delta Phi: Students who expect to elect this course should see me at one of: The picture for the Michigni- the following hours: ensian will be taken at 2 o'clock on. January 11---12 to 1. Saturday, Jan. 12, at Dey's studio. January 12-10 to 11. i Vera Johnston, President January 14-10 to 11 and 12 to 1. - E. A. Walter Portia Literary Society: The group picture will be taken, Economics 196-Distributiou of Wealth and Income: on Friday, Jan. 11, at 12:30 p. m. This course will. be offered the second semester, meeting M. W. F. at Deys studio. -i- R 4~ G In T Nellie C. Becker, President -.f 4.iaL.nni aJmJi m 0 IUU .AnprM U.ihra4./1 vkJ A nnntk (rq ,y 4Akk q.~k'-kou_________________ Vol. 39 FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 1929 No. 79. Executive Board, Graduate School: There will be a meeting of the Executive Board of . the Graduate School on Friday, January 11, at 3:30 p. ra. Ruth A. Rouse i i Senate Council: Classification, College of Literature, science, and the Arts: A meeting of the Senate Council is called at 4:00 p. in., Tuesday, 1. All seniors may classify Friday and Saturday. Jan. 11 and 12. January 15, for organization and the conside-ation of several matters For admission to the Classification Coimittee, present at the door your of business. second semester election card, with the first two columns filled out. The members of the Council. bedes the ex officio members, are No appointment ticket needed. as follows: Professors J. S. Reeves, Campbell Bonner, A. E. R: Boak,N.e I. L. Sharfman, W. B. Pillsbury, H. C. Anderson, A. H. White, Emil! 2 Other students who have signed three or more reservation Lorch, E. N. Durfee, J. B. Waite. W. A. Paton, R. W. Bunting, F. W. sheets for second semester courses may classify Monday, Jan. 14. Noi Vedder, C. S. Berry, C. 0. Davis, H. B. Lewis, C. D. Camp, C. C. Glover, !appointment tickets needed. and L. J. Young. 3. Beginning Tuesday morning, Jan. 15, all admissions to the Class- F. E. Robbins, Secretary ification Committee will be by appointment tickets only. These tickets, specifying a particular fifteen minutes on a particular day, may be Committee on Student Affairs: secured on application at the booth in the coiridoX of University Hall, j At a meeting of the Committee Aflairs held January 9, Alpha Chi beginning Monday morning, Jan. 14. Students who have signed two Rho Fraternity was placed on probation for the balance of the college reservation sheets may ask for Tuesday or Wednesday appointments;! year 1928-29 on account of conduct detrlmental to the best interests of I students who have signed only one reservation sheet may ask forj the Universiy. Thursday appointments; and students who have made no reservations J. A. Bursicy, Chairman may ask for Friday and Saturday appointments. VP. fl 14ii .1?1 an anti ch IL L(JAA q.)hUj~k1U ' l '.iJ t Uk 'ard mASt bear ,L v9: 00a. m. in iiom at, eieu auui y. n um iy uaiuaG u in the Time Schedule should be disregarded. Theta Sigma Phi: Z. C. Dickinson The group picture for the 'Ensian will be taken at the Spedding harmacy Students: studio, Saturday, Jan. 12, at 2:39 All students in the College of Pharmacy should file their second p. in. All members be present. semester elections in the office of the Secretary, Room 250 Chemistry Mary Ptolemy, President and Pharmacy Building on Monday, Jan. 14, 1929.N, C. C. Glover, See'y. ; Notice: For the information of those who Political Science 166, International Organization and Administration: may not have seen a copy of the This course will be given at 8 o'clock on Tuesdays and Thursdays revised University calendar (Re- in Room 2003 Angell Hall by Mr. Calderwood, instead of being given at gents Proccedings, June, 1928, 9 o'clock by Professor Reeves, as announced. pages 628, 629 and 630), the sched- ules of the present University year J. S. reves and the year 1929-1930 ~are as fol- lows: Physical Education For Men: . First Semester Registration for men Physical Education students for second seies- Closes 'for ter courses will start Friday, January 11, at 9 o'clock, Tappan Hall. Year Opens Christmas E. D. Mitchell, Adviser YOvacation 1928-1929 Sept. 24 Dec. 21 The Michigan Technic-: 1929-1930 Sept. 30 Dec. 20 A meeting of the business staff and business tryouts will be held Classes re- End of at 4:30 p. m., Friday, Jan. 11. sumed after first E. W. Manning, Bus. Mgr.' j New Year's semester 4 4 -I 1 1 University Lecture:1 "Modern music, its rise and tendencies," will be the subject of the University lecture to be given at Hill Auditorium, at 4:15 this afternoon by Mr. Ernst Fowles, Fellow of the Royal Academy of Music, London, England. Mr. Fowles is one of the leading music educators in England,- and is making his first tour to this country. He is visiting only a few of the large cities and educational institutions, and his point of view1 with respect to his subject is authoritative. Mr. Fowles plays hs owna illustrations, which will be drawn from the work of Elgar, Rabikoff, Delius, etc. The ,lecture is open to the general public. Earl V. Moore Faculty, School of Education: Student enrollment in the School of Education for the second semester takes .place January 11, 12, 14, 15, and 16, in Tappan Hall. 1 Will each instructor, so far as possible, be present on those dates to serve on the Advisory Committee.j Enrollment of part-time students for the week-end courses will take place, as announced, February 1 and 2. The first class meetings for these Friday afternoon and Saturday courses will be February 8 and 9, as announced originally. Will instructors please read this notice before their classes on Janu- Rry 11, 12, 18, and 19. C. o. Davis, Secretary Mathematics Staff-College of Literature, Science, and the Arts:I Those members of the mathematics staff teaching courses, 1, 2, 3, 1 4, 7 in the literary college will meet Friday, January 11, at 5 p. m., in :doom 3010 A. H.. C. J. Coc To All Men Students: Students intending to change their rooms at the end of the present' semester are hereby reminded that according to the University Agree- ments they are to inform the householders of such intention at least two weeks prior to the close of the semester. It is advised that notice cf such intention to move be made at once. F. B. Wahr, Assistant Dean louseholders: Householders having available rooms for men students are requested to list them in the Office of the Dean of Students, Room 2, University Hall, at once. Available light-housekeeping rooms and apartments should also be 4. EacnhtFreshman and eacn Kopnomnore eecuion cialuu c the signature of some advise:, before admission to the Classification Committee.1 Prospective Students.-School of Education: Students who plan to transfer to the School of Education at the beginning of the second semester 1928-29 should enroll for the presentI in the School or College in which they are now registered. At the end of the present semester the transfer can be made pro- vided the students can present 25 per cent more points than hours credit and also provided they are not on the delinquent list in the School or College from which they are transferring. Gretchen Krug, Recorder School of Elucation: Second .eniester Elections: ' Second semester elections for students in the School of Education should be made in the office of the School of Education, Room 105 Tappan Hall, January 11, 12, 14, 15, and 10. Hours: 9-12 and 2-5, except on January .12, 9-12 only. All election cards should be returned by 5 p. 1., Janiuary 16. Unavoidable change in elections may be nide without payment of fee February 14 and 15. Those wishing to elect academic courses where action of the Classi-; fication Committee of the College of Literature, Science and the Arts is necessary will, be given tickets for their appointment with the Committee by the Recorder of the School of Education when they make1 -,, ,'I 'i Prescott Club: The January meeting of the Prescott Club will be held in the main dining room of the Allenel Hotel, Tuesday, January 15, at 6:45 p. m. Mr. J. K. Lilly, Jr., PhC '14 of Eli Lilly and Co., will speak on "Some Com- mercial Aspects of Manufacturing Pharmacy." Fred 11. Weinmann Cosmopolitan Club: Club picture -for the 'Ensian at Rentschler's studio, 319 E. Huron, Sunday, January 13, at 3:20 p. m. All the members of the Club are asked to come out for the picture, and to be punctual. Helen L. Clarke, Secretary Jan. 7 wVFeb. ~8 Jan 6 Feb. 14 Second Semester Year 0 Opens Closes for spring 1928-1929 Feb 1929-1930 Feb. Classes re- sumed after vacation April 15, April 21 vacation . 11 April 5 . 17 April 11 Commencement June 17 June 23 Cosmopolitan Club: The second National Night Program will be given by the Filipino student group on Saturday, January 12, at 8 p. m., in Lane Hall. They promise us a real treat. Mr. Zee, chairman of our delegation to the National Convention of the A. C. C., will give a brief report of t hel convention. All members and friends of the Cosmopolitan Club are cordially invited to attend this meeting. I Helen L. Clarke, Secretary I..r .:., a i 4 n w ny v .,n ra+ m+ Herbert G. Watkins, Assistant Secretary P'olomia Literary Circ le: There will be' a meeting of the circle at Lane Hall Friday, Jan.1 11, at 7:30. It will be the last meeting of the semester so all members I heir elections. Subscribe to the Daily 4 . Gretchen Krug, Recorder are requested to be present. J. Kurcz, Pres. Educational Courses: Students may secure assignments to Educational Courses Al, A25,# B20, C1, C60, and ClIO in t oom 10) Tappan I-all during the period of )-egis'ration, January, 11, 12 (morning), 14, 15, and 16. Gretchen Krug, Recorder Education CGO, Mental aod Educational Measurements-Second Semes- ter: Students who in previous years took Course C1, Psychology of Edu- cation, befo e its extension to include measurement should note that Course C6O is being offecred as a separate course for the last time. Thecourse affords an opportunity to studyuthe nature anduses of mental and educational tests and affords an introduction to the scien- tific study of educational problems. Masonic Students: The regular meeting of the Craftsman Club will be held Saturday evening, January 12, at 7:30 in the Large Lodge room of the MasonicI Temple. Arrangements will be made for the group picture in the 'En- sian. It is urgent that all be present at this meeting. R. W. Webster, President 11 s sted. F. B. Wair, Assistant Dean house Presidents: - There will be a meeting of the Board of Representatives on Satur-I day, January 12, 10:30 o'clock in Room 110 Library. The picture for the Michiganensian will be taken immediately following the meeting. I Elizabeth Wellman, Chairman Engineering Mechanics 1: There will be a special lecture on E. M. 1 at 4:30 p. n., Friday, Jan. 11, 1929, Room 102 West Eng. Bldg. F. N. Menefee English 105: I shall not be able to meet tlie class o Friday. TI'e assignment for Monday and Wednesday is The Nuni's Priest's Tate. . j English 107: I shall not be able to meet the class on Friday. The assignmnlt for 'Monday and Wednesday is Elements of Old English, Chapier 17, the last section only. S.l~-lore English 31: I shall not meet the class on Friday. 31, , FIC.,%vrMilig S. A. Curtis BUDDY GOLDEN and His Michigan Wolverines America's Latest Recording Orchestra I At Granger 's Wednesday Nite! Wednesday nite Buddy Golden and , his Michigan Wolverines scored an- other big hit with the most enthusiastic crowd that greeted them upon their re- turn from a highly successful engage- ment ir New York City duringathe Christmas holidays. Don't fail to hear the latest dan('ce numbers and novelties direct from Broadway played by Buddy and his sensational orchestra Tonight and Sat urday. AT I_ PA A Tt2t'~ .. t1 I r, .__.._.. _. __.____ m___.__ U t I CGABELL 7['ELEFH[ONE Cos MAKE TH IS YOUR BANNER YEAR You will find very helpful A "H ANDY" DESK CALENDAR An EXCELSIOR" or "NATIONAL" DIARY Everything for the office at WAIIR"''S BOOK STO1RES Long Distance Rates Are Surprisingly Low~ The Service Is Surprisingly Fast r{ Music A1:1 Mr. Ernest Fowles of London, England, will speak ifojnally at 10 o'clock in Room 311 on the general topic of "the importance of music literature in the general field of education." As far as the limited seating capacity of the room will admit the student body is invited to attend.- Earl V. Moore Elections in Education, Colleges of Literature, Science, and the Arts: All elections in Education, in order to count toward graduation from this college, must be approved by the Committee on the Teacher's{ Certificate. Students who have not already been definitely admitted, to candidacy for the teacher's certificate may consult the chairman be- tween 3 and 5 daily during the registration period, in Room 2026, Angell Hall. Conference is optional for students already so admitted. A.--. Crittenden Rhetoric-Mr. Rowe's Classes: I will not meet my classes until Monday. Rheto' ic 1. Leave your long papers with Mrs. Kern in the Rhetoric Offec by noon today. To hand in Monday: write an essay on the pleasantest subject you can think of. Rhetoric 31. Leave your short stories with Mrs. Kern in the Rhetoric Office. For the rest of the semester work you may either write another shodt story or the equivalent in essays with your own choice of subject. - Kenneth Rowe Play Competition: Anyone who wishes to leave his play with ine for the competition may leave it with Mrs. Kern in the Rhetoric Office if my office is closed. Kenneth Rowe I or 9 or less, between 4:30 a. m. and 7:00 p. mi., You can talk for TI-REE MINUTES to the following points for the rates shown: From Ann Arbor to: Jay statim-to-station Rate Dy Station-to-Station Rate ALBION, MICH............. $ GREENVILLE, MICH....... CASS CITY, MICH....... EATON RAPIDS, MICH..... HILLSDALE, MICH....... .50 .70 .70 .45 .45 LANSING, MICH............ OWOSSO, MICH............ PORTSANILACMICH SAGINAW, MICH......... SANDUSKY, MICH...,., AS .50 .70 .60 .70 The rates ,quoted are Station-to-Station Day rates, effective 4:30 a. m. to 7:00 p.m. Evening Station-to-Station rates are effective 7:00 p. M. to 8:30 p. m. and Night Station-to-Station rates, 8:30 p. m. to 4:30 a. m. I I