FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 1929 Tletics, countered by announcing it B N A AA V would hereafter schedule athletic * contests with teams "not under control of the A. A. U." } Major L.Griffith, athletic com- missioner of the Big Ten A. A. U. administration, took up the dispute Mn Northwestern's favor, intimating Refusal Of A. A. U. To Sanction he would bring the matter before C. A. A.-Northwsternj Meet the Big Ten. t Causes Dispute."Our universities and colleges are I big enough to take care of their 6RIUFITH BACKS WILSON athletics without the help of the ______A. A. U.," Commissioner Griffith (. Al i ress) said. "As long as an athlete is com-j CHICAGO, Jan. 10.-An open peting under the colors of a col- break between the Big Ten and the lege or university the A. A. U. amateur athletic union appeared should adopt a hands off policy." imminent today. -- Refusal of the A. A. U. to sanc- o Lion a swimming meet between u395 DecI Northwestern university and the Chicago Athletic association lastF night has rekindled the dispute be- tween the organizations, which ing threatens to terminate in an open moke rupture. The A. A. U. refused to sanction Ipswich, S. D. the meet on the grounds that sev- Larus & Brother Co, Sept. 4, 1928 eral Northwestern swimmers had Richmond, Va. become ineligible by competing in Gentlemen: the American amateur federation In answer to the challenge of J. J. meet last summer and warned the Roberts of Columbia, S. D., as printed C. A. A. that its team would be in the Minneapolis Journal dated Sun- A.r A.tats teamo woultbe et day, September 2nd, I have smoked liable for suspension if the meet Edgeworth for twenty-three (23) years was held. and for two years previous to that Northwestern, through Kenneth time I smoked Qboid, which, I believe, L. "Tug" Wilson, director of ath- is manufactured by your firm. T KF: Wi7RTCIAN III W 7 T", v f"bA^" Vt"ftftf - AA L }V. At AA *l'a.. !Vi 1 !.LSK,JjL I FADEI 6JVJN DON'T MISS This SALE We still have a wonderful selection but they're going fast! YOUR CHOICE OF ANY SUIT IN THE STORE-ADLER BALTIMORE LANE HALL TAVERN The finest of wholesome foods Try our Breakfast-We know you will be pleased Regard.. less of Cost! 2975 Out They Go Chicken Dinner every Sunday Mrs. Anna Kalmbach OVERCOATS '28.50 anid $34.50 1 ,gym .. All alterations free-an extra saving from $2 to $5. OTHER BIG SAVINGS ;; i C LASSIFIE ADVERTISING NOTICE NOTICE-H. W. Clark Shoe Factory, I corner of South University and Forest. Let us save you 20 per- cent on your repair work. Only one shoe factory in town. RIDING BOOTS from $10 up; golf shoes from $8 up; moccasins 11 ten different leather styles, $6. All kinds of shoes made to your measure.-H. W. Clark. FLETCHER HALL --- Men's only dormitory. Reserve your rooms now for the second semester. Shower baths, hot and cold water in each room. Maid service. Single $4.50, double $3.00 per week. 915 Sybil St. Phone 4770. 79-94 CASH PAID-For late model used cars-Leroy Nixon. South Main at Packard. Telephone: Office 3941. Residence 7971. 79-80-81. NOTICE-Student Thesis Typing, Stenographic w o r k. P u b l i c Stenographer. Allenel Hotel. Dial 4241. 77,78,79 MACK TUTORING AGENCY 310 So. State. Phone 7927 T. T. F. c LOST LOST-Pair silver rimmed glasses, near Washtenaw and E. Univer- sity. Finder please get in touch with Milton Block. 2-1682. 79. LOST-Thursday night before va- cation, silver wrist watch with initials H. P. C. on back. Call 4917. Reward. 79-80-81 LOST--White gold rimmed glasses in black steel case with pink Uhleman Optical Co. wiper. Re- ward. Phone 4837. 77,78,79 $35 Tuxedos . 1 to $2 Neckwear . $26.75 :... r. .=. . . . .a ELECTRIC HEATERS l $5.00 $10.00 Anderson-Pitt fleaters Two Sizes $7.50 and $10 ERNST BROS. Electrical Shop 210 So. Fourth Ave. During this timeI have smoked at least one can each day, and to verify this statement you may address the C & C de of this city, where I make my tobacco purchases.. It may be interesting to know that my purchases of Edgeworth during this period have totaled more than 8395 (eight thousand three hundred ninety-five) cans,representingatotal ex- penditure of more than $1259 (twelve hundred fifty-nine dollars). I have never smoked any other brand of tobacco but Edgeworth dur- ing the twenty-three years. Yours very truly, (Signed) Chas. B~ostock Justice of the Peace E dgeworth Extra High Grade Smoking Tobacco 6 0 0. 0 . . 83c $6 Hats and Derbys . 1.$4.80 Our Regular Stock 213 E. Liberty $9.50 Gordan Slicker Corduroy Coats $7.50 T ot I 12:00-3:35---Last Times Today---7:00-8:40 I I I 4 t Tjor\p Subscribe to The Michigan Daily ove behnd the thronie Lidden ko~ i t -l --- P-V Aik RENEE ADdREE with ROY DARCY ALBERTA VAUGHN APPOINTMENTS 7 Distinguished Evening Dress Confessions. of a Chorus Girl "Nifty Numbers" I. . I PARAMOUNT NEWS ART & BEAUTY WANTED-Student, with car if possible. Two hours evening work, five nights week. Guaran- tee $1.25 a night, but my boys making twice that. 529 Walnut, 5 to 6 tonight or after 9. 80 WANTED-Three-room apartment, furnished, near campus. Call Lewis, 8429. 78,79,80 WANTED-Late model automobile; ' will pay cash. Leroy Nixon, at S. Main and Packard. Tele. 3941 or 7971. 78,79,80 WANTED-A girl student to share attractive .apartment with two girls. Use of piano. Phone 4780 evenings. 78,79,80 WANTED-Suite or small apart- ment suitable for three, address replies to "The Mich. Dailly, box 13. 79-80 WANTED-A woman to pen or pencil, etch or do landsape drawing. Phone 3831 after 9:00 I p. M. 79-80-81. WANTED- Cook, male, wants work, especially fraternity, hotel, etc. Phone 2-1806 mornings. Mr. Cumby. 77,78,79,80,81 j Musical Synopsis Daily MAJESTIC COMBINATION ENSEMBLE JULIU SSCIMIDT CONDUCTING 11 KEN OSBORNE Novelty Organist Double Breasted Waistcoat 'Ihe black doible breasted waistcoat willI he most popuair with he dinner jacket. $7.50 upwa.-rd COSMOPDOLITA N OP FN ING____ SATU _.. __ _. : . .r..r. .-... T... 0 IY l Presenting for the first time in screen history the picturization . . "THE UNEARTHLY BE.AUTY FOR RENT FOR RENT-Second semester south room. Well furnished, steam heated, quiet. $4.00 for one per- son or $6 for two. Phone 5035. Dress Shirts Two-stud shirts of imported pique made with the open back will be very popular. $3.50 upward E be a a la A 14 p Dress Shoes The dull calf shoe built to hold the shape. The shoe--$9.00. Trees-$1.00 and $2.00 The Dinner Jacket The notch lapel jacket with dull satin or grograin lapel will be the popular one. Trousers bottoms will be 19 or 20 inches. OF THE SOUTH SEAS" INr TE E E the Unearthly Beauty Startles ll Humanity smopolitan, Production y The novel sensation has now een made into the greatest of 11 South Seas romances! Actu- Ily filmed on lovely tropical is-f ands, two years in the making! flaming love story, and the 001 thrills of the notorious / pearl market Co:starring'-0 MONTE BLUE (as, the white lover) RAQUEL TORRES (as the native maid) and strong supporting cast. is *raw.c 1r d, rNA'- ,.. FOR RENT-Two, possibly three, desirable double rooms for girls for next semester at 1102 Oak- land. Dial 8145. Reference re- quired. 80,81,82 FOR RENT-Light housekeeping rooms for four Phillippine stu- dents. $10 a week. Dial 6430. 522 So. 4th Ave. 79-89-81 FOR RENT-Single room for second semester, near Law Club. 517 E. Madison. 79-80-81-82 FOR RENT-801 Granger. A very nice double front room for men; private home; garage. Telephone 21125. 77,78,79,80,81,82 FOR RENT-IN DEXTER-8-RM. HOUSE UNTIL JUNE 10TH; ALL MODERN; BEAUTIFULLY FUR- NISHED; ANY ROOM NOT NEEDED CAN BE CLOSED WITH SLIDING DOOR; 2-CAR GAR- AGE; RENT VERY LOW TO RE- SPONSIBLE PARTIES. OWNER GOING SOUTH AND DOES NOT WISH TO CLOSE UP HOUSE. P. O. BO X24. PHONE 57. 78,79 FOR RENT-For second semester, very desirable front suite for girls. Two other roomers. South of, and near campus. Phone 3842. 80,81,82 FOR RENT-Room 332 E. Jefferson St.-Large, warm suite, also room for instructor or upperclassman. Gentiles only. Call 6976 evenings. 80,81,82 FOR RENT-Desirable suite, also single room in girls league house, one block from campus. 725 Haven Ave. 80,81,82 F- 6 ---1 vw Illm" *U r I f i FOR RENT-Furnished apartment for two or three girls or a- young couple. Also large double room and one single. Steam heat, bath, including shower. Available now. 422 E. Washington. Dial 8544. ' .Q 70 st I IP LZI I El II I ! t i