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January 11, 1929 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-01-11

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RFRISTRATIlN AEINSPhdelah Rice Holds Doubt That Sound MIPH IPN OGPAM

Moral Issue Significant Feature Involved
In Kellogg Pact, According To Instructor

Course Elections In Engineering
And Architecture Schools Will
Be Made After Exams
Elections of classes for seniors In
the College of Literature, Science
and the Arts for the second semes-
ter will be made on January 11 and
12, while classification for all other{
classes will be held from January
14 to 19. Registration for seniors
In the School of Education will be
held at the same time as for the
literary college, while the lower
classes are scheduled to elect their
courses from January 14 to 16, ir:
Tappan Hall.1
Election blanks and class cards
for, literary students are availabic
at the office of the recorder, Room
4, University hall. Students regis-
tering for courses in the School o
Forestry and Conservation will do
so in Room 2053 in the Natural Sci-
ence building.
Jan. 19 Is Deadline
According to an announcemnen'
from the recorder's office, ali elec-
tion blanks and class cards shoulc
be presented to the recorder beforec
4 o'clock Saturday afternoon, Jan-I
uary 19. Unless this rule s com-
plied with, a fee of one dollar will
be collected upon presentation o
cards, unless specially excused b3
the recorder. Unavoidable change.
in elections may be made without
payment of fee during the week of
Feb. 11-16. These rules apply to al
students except those who are en
tering the literary school for the
first time. These latter may com
plete classification from Feb. 6-f
Special detailed instructions for
the steps necessary to proper clas
sification may be found in the time
schedule for the second semester
copies of which are available at the
recorder's office. During this weel
members of the Upper Class Adcvis
ory committee will confer with stu-
dents by appointment ap the hour.
and in the offices published in ti,
Daily Official Bulletin. Appoint-

Movie Can Take Lead Over Stage Vrama i ipViiiun iii1mIIUUIIHUI
By Tatler . have stayed for 23," he concluded FATURED WITH SONGS
Expressing a belief that "talkies" "the last ten being as dean."
would not take the place of the He now has several stock com- I
egitimate drama, Phidelah Rice, panies playing successfully in Bos-'
amous monactor, set forth his ton and vicinity, where they ar yliUM GIRLS
views of the American stage in re- pulling many movie houses througL =
gard to the movies, the talkies, and periods of the doldrums. His favo- TWELFTII RADIO OFFERING'
his own particular line, dramatic rite role, he admitted, was Hamlet CONSISTS MAINLY OF
reading. and his repetoire consists of 1? MUSICAL NUMBERS
"Actors get something from eact plays, constantly on hand. "I neve_
audience," he said, "and the audi-1review a play if I have o iven iEE
ence feels a certain touch with the within the past month or two, ain
actors that the talking films wil once I gave one without a mistakc'
never be able to reproduce. They after a year's lapse," he said. Professor Morrison, Dr. Wile And
are too cold and too out of touch "A. F. Scribe" Make Addresses
with the audience to fullfil the On Varied Topics
p ophesies of those who say that . THE GARGOYLE Featuring a number of musical
drama." selections by the Girls' Glee club
Rice believes that the Americar In view of the fact that ther of the University, the twelfth
drama has taken a turn for th( are a limited number of fxtra Michigan Night radio program was
better in recent years, both in qual. copies of the Collier's number o put on the air between 7 and 8
ity of work and. in te acting" the Gargoyle, the Gargoyl stafi o'clock last night from the new1
present there is no he aci " will maintain its booth from 'Morris hall studio through WJR,
preen, ter isnogroup whici' to 5 o'clock today only in Uni-
can rival the old school of Mans- . ' m U the Richards Oakland company's
field, Bernhardt Sothern and Ma versity hall. Students wishing "Good Will Station" of Detroit.
Lowe, and the rest. But with rth to purchase copies and sub- The glee club under the direc-
Barrymores Helen Hayes (whosc ribers who have not yet pre- tion of Nora Crane Hunt of the
performance in "Coquette" he con- sented their subscription cards University school of music, pre-
siders the best performance he ha will be able to secure copies dur- sented a series of numbers of both
seen since Bernhardt), the late ing these hours a classical and popular nature.
Holbrook Blinn and others, th, I Among them were "Laudes, Atque
stage is now coming back to its ,nCarmina"; "Goddess of the Inland
former place." Seas"; "Wake Thee Now Dearest";
Sketching his career, he said tha c UL I I1 IALIUILLLHIU"Timothy"; and "Gypsy Life"; to-
he had been doing dramatic work gether with selections from Junior
Ance he was five years old. He gave Girls' plays and college songs:
dramatic readings for four years IS 4S "Years Ago at Michigan"; "Michi-
with his college glee club, and on I___gan Memories"; "Eight to Eight";
graduation, received a personal in- dAE and "The Yellow and Blue."
vitation to Leland Powers school. Older And More Seasoned Expert Only three five-minute talks
the head of which had -seen onr I Beat Opponents Although were scheduled. on the program
of his performances. He worked Given Stiff Contest broadcast last night in place of the
his way to Boston, took a place at , usual four. Roger L. Morrison,:
school janitor, and studied, with INAIONAL CHAMPIONS PLAY professor of highway engineering
the intention of staying a year. "i __and highway transport in the en-f
Michigan sport enthusiasts re- gineering school, spoke on Re-
I ceived their first taste of top notch ducing Highway Accidents," in the
HShandball last night in a series o opening address.
.S SPEECi matches on th Intra- " Injuries From Cars
- mural Building's courts, in whicl "In addition to the thousands
a group of Detroit player,, includ- that lose their lives in motor traf-
ing several national champions.±fie accidents every year, hundreds
past and present, opposed the pick n of thousands are mjured with an
of the local intramural competitors annual property damage amount-
Rockefeller Foundation Fund Se in singles matches and then paired ing to approximately $600,000,000,"1
Speaker To Study Animal among themselves to furnish the he said. "These accidents are due
And Human Diseases crowd of 200 a brilliant brand to -many causes, some direct and1
kha-i-. t some indirect.

"The principal significance of the
signing of the Kellogg-Briand peace
pact, at present the subject of vigo-1
Brous debate in the Senate, is that
it puts the states on record as be-
ing opposed to war," said Howar(
B. Calderwood of the political sci-
ence department in an interview
"Unless the states resort to arbi
tration entirely, the main influenc(
of the treaty is moral," he contin-
Three names are lacking for
the senior section of the 1929
Michiganensian. The first three
seniors who have not already
signed for a place in the ;enior
section appearing at the 'Ensian
office after two o'clock this aft-
ernoon will be accepted. The
student charge is $5 and sittings
with, either one of the four offi-
cial photographers must be
made immediately.
Will Ilave To Call Extra Session
To Deal With Farm And
Tariff Problems
(By Associatcd Press)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 10.-An ex-
tra session of Congress, to be called
about the middle of April, and to
put through farm relief and the
tariff legislation' by July 4, was
forecast late today by Chairman
Hawley of the House way and
means committee, after a lengthy
conference with President-elect

;ed. Public opinion is affected by
the moral issue involved in viola-
tion of such a covenant rather than
n the legal issue.
"In other than moral respects the
)act can mean little unless machin-
ry for settling disputes is estab-
:ished. The nations that sign it
-gree to submit disputes to arbi-;
tration, but they organize no group
to settle these disputes. Arbitra-
tion is not made compulsory and
if no machinery is set up to decide
questions of international disagree-
ment, there is little legal import-
ance to the treaty.

Teachers Assume Lead At Start,
Never To Be headed
After That

"There are two distinct phases of 1anding Michigan's "B" team its
the pact: the outlawry of war and istdieg M h "eam its
theagremet t aritrte.Thefirst defeat of the season by
the agreement to arbitrate. The! 27-18 scare, Ypsilanti Normal's
first of these is a statement that 27-18 sr e Ypslat N ol
the states signing the covenant re- quintet triumphed over the Wol-
noune wr a aninstrument of ve rines last night in Yost field
nounce war as an mrmet o huse. The game was a slow aX-
international policy. However, they;hue h aewsaso f
ntay gotonariny.Hself-deers, oyfair, with, Michigan contributing
reservation that may serve as a more than its share of erratic play
'loop-hole' of considerable signifi- and faulty ball handling.
'lop-hle f cnsierale ignn-Shaw, Ypsi guard, was the out-
"The second part of the treatyi, standing player on the floor, get-
the agreement of the parties to ting four field goals and a free
settle disputes of international na throw for nine points. His play on
ture by arbitration. Nevertheless defense was also an important
it does not establish the necessary factor, as he paired with Captain
means for settlement. Thus, the Muellich at the other guard post
signers agree to agree in the fu- to keep the Wolverines from scor-
ture to arbitrate. ing under the basket. His own goals
"In regard to Latin-American re- were all scored on dog shots, sev-
lations, the question of the inter- eral from difficult angles.
vention of the United States in Michigan showered the Ypsi bas-
South and Central America would ket with many shots, but few of
cause some controversy. However-, these dropped through the meshes,
the signing of the Kellogg-Briand as the paltry six field goals attest.
pact, along with the Santiago The Teachers, on the other hand,
treaty of 1923, would insure the made good on most of their at-
pacific settlement of most of thf tempts, caging many dog shots.
disputes that are likely to arise." They also made seven out of nine
free throws.
Ypsilanti assumed the lead in the
I'TICKETS FOR 19BOfUP firstfetw minutes on baskets by
Giles and Muellich and a free throw
by Whitney, and retained it
4[nthroughout the contest. Dougall
broke the ice for Michigan with a
,ITO 4V1'SP1C1free throw. Ypsi led at 9-5 and
- -- held at least a five-point lead for
Failure Of Applications To Call For the remainder of the game. The
m -r 1 1Iscore at the half was 15-8 in favor

Conditions in China in terms of
animal parasites and their relationf
to human conditions was the topic
of an address delivered by Ernest
. Faust yesterday afternoon in
Natural Science auditorium.

e. cuurL game.
Although the local players were
unable to win a single game in the
seven matches with the Detroiters
play proved fast and the invader,
were kept on the run to win ovei
their less experienced rivals. A-
Schaufelberger, national double;
champion, playing in the number


ments with this body are availab( "The hills in China constitute a one position for the visitors defeat.
in the corridor of University hall. serious menace to public health," ed Steve Jones by the scores of 21
To Announce Date the speaker said. "There is no 9, 21-11. Joe Bathey, number two
The classification committee wi) fight in the interior of the hill for Detroit, took Joe Navarre int
be in session during the days o region and as a result conditions camp, 21-6, 21-9, while Chet YorLk
registration at hours to be an are favorable to tuberculosis and downed Harry Seligson, 21-6, 2-1-3
nounced in the Daily Official Bul- :ickets. The moist weather makes In the other singles natIhe:
lotin. This committee is concerneC. for a prevalance of hookworn, also." Kaimnann won -ver WeintrauL;
with classification only in those Another serious danger is the I Bell defeated Gorclick, Rothenberg
courses which are listed in the time contamination of food by larvae dovwned Wheeler, and Dworman
schedule noted "elect through clas- :omnercially developed on dissem- upat Laidlaw. After w'iniw ove
sification committee." -nation grounds for human excreta, IJ Ties, Schaufelbergor tot): ove
" As an experiment, seniors will bt I [Faust said. Semi-liquid waste mate- one of his teammates, York, ir
allowed to classify themselves with -ial is placed in open jars to de- "'.I'at proved to be the feature siu-
out the aid of the committee, an' :iay and larvae of many baneful j gles match of the evenig. Yo.-
it is possible, according to Prof. lisease carriers grow on it pro- ma' unable to cope wiln his col-
Daniel Rich, chairman of the clas- rusely" I #iag ue's brilliant backco,''2£ plai
sification committee, that if the ore- Faust went to China on il the nd was defeated 21-14. "Doe'
sults are satisfactory, juniors mas Rockefeller Foundation fund to G rdner, squash rackets profession-
be allowed the same privilege. make a comprehensive study of va- li a the Detroit Athletic C". who
Classification in the Colleges o rious parasites found in animals in iolds the national profession;a.
Architecture and Engineering will different parts of the country and cussh title, found little dit;1iilt
not begin until final examination- then correlate his findings to h ..in downing James, taking all five
in those schools have been comr man diseases, he said. g4 mic s played.
pleted. Indications of Chinese ctult.re -,-
-.and art were given by the lectu;:erI TO PLAN INDOOR
RICE PRESENTS %hrough the medium of colored---
BENNETT DR AMA lides. He also mentioned variou1 TENNIS MATCHES,
incidents of national superstition.I
. The turtle, for instance, Dr. FaustI Plans for an indoor tIenu mis tourn-
Phid llah Rice, noted dramatic said, is regarded as both venerable iamen t are now being laid by the
interpreter, appeared last nightin, and dishonorable-venerable be- Inramura i department For this
hill auditorium as the fourth fea- cause it is very old and dishonor- competition 74 men students of the
ture of the 1928-1928 Oratorical able because it is so old as to have Unmiverity ae ondyaple,
lecture course. It was his third I al eas ti ooda ohv Universityy have already applied,
petformance in Ann Arbor. no ancestors. and the directors are considering
Although originally scheduled to the type of tournament to be em-g
read Edward E. Kidder's rural Hope Fades For Vote ployed bThe proposed matches
comedy, "Peaceful Valley," Rice, would be played on the mdoor
changed his program last night to On Anti-War Treat courts in the gymnasium of the In-
"The Great Adventure," by Arnold ITrtramural building. This } tourna-?
Bennett. He portrayed all the m be the seventh under-
characters of the play in his read- (By Associated Press) taken by the Intramural depart-
ing WASHINGTON, Jan. 10.-Hopes ment during the present season,
_______for a vote on the Kellogg antiwar gram are now securing the opinions
treaty this week had almost flick-
One-Act Play Scripts ered out tonight when new confer i MUSICAL SOCIETY
Due At Noon Today, nces looking to an agreement o !
the controversy over an interpre- I ELECTS MEMBERS
tative resolution for report on th-
Manuscripts for the one-act play pact failed. . ! Initiation of new members elect-
contest sponsored by the division The treaty now is involved in id to Alpha Epsilon Mu, honorar:
of English must be in the hands of many sided quarrel, involvin; musical society, will be held at th
the judges by 12 o'clock noon to- among other things the dispute Union on Tuesday evening, Fehru
day in order to' be eligible for con- over farm relief and an extra see ary 12, and will be followed by r
sideration by them. The judges in sion. *While Chairman Borah o I banquet.
the competition are Prof. O. J. the foreign relations committee i, 1 Those elected to the society ar.
Campbell of the English depart- charge of the anti-war document. I Joseph Applebaum, grad., Jame:
ment, Prof. Kenneth Rowe of the is ready to ask an agreement foi 1 Auer, '29A, Clarence Becker, '20
rhetoric department, and Valen- limitation of debate. Little hop- -Chester Bennett, '29, Norman Bow-
s. - ----.__cI-- _-_-_1__- -. r. .n.n4 n n.Tn.fnhn "n 'n~lni~ ,n


"Recklessness and carelessness
apparently cause something like
one-third of all automobile acci-
dents," he pointed out. "The
remedy for the situation lies in a
more rigid regulation of licensing
drivers. Studies, made by the Na-
tional Safety Council. of the re-
sults obtained in the elp'sn states
having adequate laws, indicate that
these laws have reduced traffic
fatilities approximately 20 per
cent. This means that if Michigan
had such a law we would expect to
save more than 200 lives a year'
Wife Gives Remedies
"The Care of the Skin" was the
subject of the talk delivered by Dr.
Udo J. Wile, professor of dermato-
logy in the medical school. "There
are three good cosmetics which are
readily obtainable at a very small
cost," he said, "fresh air, sunlight,
and soap and water.'
In the concluding speeci of the
evening, "A. F. (.Air Flying) Scribe,"
the nome-de-plume of a graduate
student in the School of Education,
whose articles have appeared in
many magazines, began a series of
talks for youngsters on airplane
model building. His talk, entitled
"Parents and Junior Aviation,"
aimed for a better understanding
by parents of the interest. shown
by children in airplane model con-
stru etion.
MUySkens Skeptical
Of "Talkies'" Power
To Change Speech
"Pronoounciation is not at all v.
matter of control on the part o
the speaker," said Prof. John 1]
Muyskens yesterday in commenting
on the widespread stories issued b
the Associated Press in which h(
was quoted as saying that the talk-
ing movies would standardize
speech in 25 years, "and as for
changing pronounciation after the
formation of the language habit-
that is almost beyond the pale o
Professor Muyskens, who atten,
ed the meeting of the National As-
sociation of Teachers of Speech
which was held in Chicago during
the Christmas vacation, spoke there
on "Reflexology: A New View Point
in Speech," in the preparation o
which he expended much effort. In
this speech he discussed reflex ac-
tion as the basis of speech, Profes-

, .

ITickets ieason r or Disposat
WASHINGTON, Jan. 10.-Faced Of Remaining Few
with the posibility of having to
call an extra session of Congress ,IT
soon after his inauguration to en- WALLACE I IN HOSPIVAL
act agriculture relief legislation
and to revise the tariff act, Presi- Due to the fact that several of
dent-elect Hoover conferred on this those who sent in applications for
question today with farm represen- J-Hop tickets never called for the,
tatives and with Congressional tickets, a special sale of 1930 J-Hop
leaders interested in the tariff. t 'a.w
At the capital, Senator Brook- tickets will take place between
hart of Iowa, a farm leader who 1:30 and 5 o'clock this afternoon
has conferred with Mr. Hoover at the side desk of the Union, an-
several times since his return from nounced George Bradley, '30, tick-
South America, declared that the et chairman, yesterday. The sale
President-elect would recommend will take place at the same time to-
"stronger" farm relief legislation morrow afternoon, he added. There
to Congress than embodied in the a is only a limited number left, and
McNary bill now before the Senate. Bradley advised immediate pur-
The executive committee on the chase in order to be assured of one,
National Grange called on Mr. as special rules, will prevent an-
Hoover but would not disclose their other sale as the result of popular
specific recommendations as to the demand.
proposed extra session. They, Completion of arrangements for
however, said - their organization the music will be concluded this
still favored a special session un-1 afternoon or tomorrow, Charles
less the present Congress adopted Monroe, '30, announced. A prom--
satisfactory and comprehensive inept Chicago orchestra has al-
agriculture measures. ready been signed and the second
The tariff matter cane before Iband will be hired at once, le
the President-elect late in the day added. Music arangements were
when lie had a conference with halted when the music chairman
Chairman Hawley of the house was required to spend the three
ways and means committee which weeks preceding vacation in the
now is holding hearings on pro- University hospital.
posed tariff changes. Harry Wallace, '30, general chair-
Recommendations for cabinet iman, who was severely burned in
appointments also were presented I the Sphinx initiations on. Decem-
to Mr. Hoover by several callers. 11ber 5 has not yet left the hospital,
E. W. Laughlin, national legislative but may be released in time for
representative of the National the meeting next Sunday, it was
Brotherhood of Locomotive Engin- said. His burns are almost en-
cers, admitted after a call on the tirely healed.
President-elect that he had made Among the bands that were con -
a recommendation regarding the sidered for the Hop include Coon-
secretary of labor for the next ad- Sanders Original Night Hawks
ministration. from the Blackhawk cafe in Chi-
cago, Johnny Johnson and his
DIRIGIBLE SAILS Statler Pennsylvanians from the
IRI ILU Pennsylvania roof in New York
OUT OVER. GULFCity, Vincent Lopez and his 18-1
-- piece orchestra from New York,I
(By Associated Press) Tracy-Brown and his Columbia
PORT ST. JOE, Jan. 10.-The recording band from the William
Navy dirigible Los Angeles re- Penn hotel in Pittsburgh, . Don
sumed her Florida cruise late today, Bestor and his Victor recording or-
and taking a southwesterly course chestra, and Johnny Hamp and his
from the tender Patoka in St. Kentucky Serenaders from the
Joseph's Bay here, slipped out of Congress hotel, Chicago.
sight behind the clouds.
The dirigible was bearing out AI'
into the Gulf of Mexico, but be- leech
fore leaving the iooring mast, Will Be Broadcast
Lieut. Commander Rosendahl said i

this failed to alter matters.
Michigan "B?' (18)
Balsano, f- ....... 2 1
Downing, f-.,...... 0 1
McDonald, f........ 1 0
W hittle, f-... ..... 2 0
Weinstein, f ...., .0 0
Dougall, e ..... 0 2
Slagle, c . 0 2
Cushing, g.--.---.. ) 0
Barley, g .... -. , 1 0
Lovell, t *...- 0 0.

PF '




Whitney, f.......
Giles, fl..............
Middlestat, c---,..-
Muellich, g (Capt.) ..
Slaw, g-.-------
Brown, 4-....-
Quinn, g.....---


FT l


& 181


of the Teachers.
Coach Courtwright sent his sub-
stitutes into the game during the
second haif, but their ability to
find the basket with their sh6ts
was no better than their predeces-
sors. Poor passing and Ypsilanti's
advantage in height both handi-
capped the Wolverines.
With the score 8-17, Balsamo
and Whittle each dropped in a long
shot making it 12-17, but Muellich
and Middlestat each retaliated
with a basket to widen the gap.
These two players were ejected
from the game via the personal foul
route in the closing minutes, but

10 7

9 27


Referee--Kobs (Carleton); Um-
pire--VanA-sty ne.
Announcement was made yester-
day that the Alpha Chi Rho
fraternity has been placed on pro-
bation for the balance of the col-
lege year 1928-1929. Action was
taken at a meeting of the Senate
Committee on Student Affairs held
January 9, the reason given being
conduct detrimental to the best in-
terests of the University.
The decision was based upon a
mater relating to treatment of one
of the members of the fraternity
at the University hospital.
Fowles Will Speak
At Hill Auditorium

the craft would pick a route taking
it over a number of Florida cities!
before returning to the Patoka to-I
The Los Angeles arrived at the
Patoka at 11:30 o'clock this morn-
kiCr n f nr hlp.na n re, r.nl-h winri

(By Associatol 4tcrs>
NEW YORK, Jan. 10.-The
Democratic national committee
announced today that former
Governor Alfred E. Smith would


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