TI-TURSD.AY, .- JANUARY 10, .'THE MICHIGAN IL THURSDAY, - SANUAflV 10, ~29PAC+F~ i'ivr~ THE MICI-LIGAN DAILY - -----. C -s7..ft.^57. MLVAVA Volk I AM*'vA U 0 za MFM -M -0 AN I 4-.. __._... .___d..__ ,w_.__._ MANY HOUSE TEAMS Mrs. Vandenberg Tells Of Friendship With Mrs. Hoover In Magazine CHAIrMNticLECtD PLAY OFF UAMES IN MARTHA COOK IS VICTORIOUS OVER TRI-DELT SEXTET BY SMALL MARGIN i E i i I i HY ALUMNAE CAVNLl Mr.. A. 1. Vandenberg Continue Work As National Chairman For Second Term OTHER ELECTIONS MADE Athletic Convention Launches Campaign GLECLID WILL SING Against Women Competing In Olympics An organized campaign against rWomen should strive in athletees tc NO varticipation of women in t play with rather than against. N. A Olympic games was launched aj A. F. also advocates besides intra- the convention of the women's di- mural athletics, intercollegiate, bun In accordance with its cIstorm vision of the National Amateu not those which are participated since the installation of the iMIichi- Athletic association which met i_ !outside the jurisdiction of the col"gan Night Hour, the University Mew York City recently. The Un .ege. This is an ideal which wa: Girls' Gle lub is b'odcti t versity of Michigan was represen' sxpressed at a previous convention Gee cu oacasting a od by Margaret Ohlson, '30, wh by President C'arence Cook Little. 7 o'clock tonight from the Michi- was elected by the executive boar(n nonnnnte t-' r + an Broadcasting station located PLAYING HAS IMPROVED Kappa Kappa Gammas Win Ove: Alpha Epsilon Phis In Fast Game i I f er I Mrs. Arthur H. Vandenberg, ac- ive in the work of the Michigan \lumnae council since its organiza- tion 10 years ago, was reelected 1 serve as its national chairman or Jan. 4 Miss Mary Nell McKavof Lansing, was made vice-presiden' Several intramural teams have it the same time, and Mrs. Arthui now completed the first round o ;olton of Detroit, was elected tc basketball games which each team serve as representative of the Coun must play before entering the regu- :.1 on the general alumnae board. lar elimination tournament. The Mrs. Vandenberg has served entrants,this tournament arn he chairman of the Alumr those teams which have won two '? ouncil for the last three years, as out of the three premliminary >Fuming the position upon the res games- nation of Mrs. Shirley Smith. $ Martha Cook's basketball team ias identified herself with the ir managed to win a three point mar- erests of the University in man: gin over the alert Tri-Delt sextet :ere~astashehde the driverstyi cmn 11a dt c a e pt setetmays and she headed the drive c in a nip-and-tuck game played in 1 eGadRpd lma hc Barourgy-Vnsiu:Tu es-daj he Grand Rapids alumnae which Barbour gyinasium T u e sd a > .. night, the final score being 19 to 16 ' { ucceeded in raising a $75,00 in favor of the dormitory. Dur- oledge for the construction of th ing the whole time of play both Mrs. Arthur H. Vandenberg Michigan League. This being on- inghetherwholestimeroftplay tothh teams were very fast, and it was Mrs. Vandenberg, wife of Unitecs war, "Mrs. Hoover was first co tos, of the largest subscriptions to th( anybody's game up until the final States Senator A. H. Vandenberg her purse into the ring and star ,eague, the common lounge is whistle.,1 who was recently reelected to th work. 'Cash and Carry' and th be known as the Grand Rapic Esther Middlewood rang up 17 of national chairmanship of the famous Hoover apron evoived a ,oom. It will be furnished, accord the 19 points for Martha Cook Alumnae council of the University this time from her fertile brain ng to a recent announcement, en with her accurate shooting, and of Michigan ,is the author of ai During the food administrative pe- irely in Grand Rapids furnitu- she was aided well in. the guarding article describing a personal friend riod, Mrs. Hoover personally plan. Which will be largely the gifts o! territory by Jeanette Saurborn. ship with Mrs. Herbert Hoover, ap- ned the new quarters built for th 3rand Rapids manufacturers. The Tri-Delt forwards played very pearing in "Everygirls'," the maga- thousands of extra girl clerks."---- well together throughout the en- zine of the Camp Fire Girls. "Though as an executive officei Notices tire game. I Mrs. Vandenberg was formerly Mrs. Hoover is entirely at hom, Alpha Gamma Delta Wins journalist and served for severa; she has made a success of ol The Mortarboard picture for th Alpha Gamma Delta easily won years on the staff of the Chicags fashioned wife-hood, and h Theoarbsadwietenfat from Phi Gamma Mu by a score Tribune. She describes Mrs. Hoov- strongest note, after all, is domesti ichiganensian will be taken at 1 of 19 to 5 in a game which was er as a 'smiling, gracefully taUl city. .c.kSndio.ingbashe the first one played by the losing radiant woman, with a crown o Continuing to develop this lin neeting after the picture is ta k 3 team. Alpha Gamma Delta was beautiful white hair, worn in that of thought, Mrs. Vandenberg write: Junior women are reminded tha strong in all sections and the play- becoming coronet style of thr> time "For twelve years after her mar a econd tryouts for the cast of t ers worked well together. No points when woman's crowning glory way age, Mrs. Hoover , was what 01 Junior Girls' Play are to be he!, were made by either team during her hair.' Reminiscent of a certain might call an inveterate home grom 3 to 6 o'clock this afternoon the first quarter, but early in the social function, "the complete maker, creating homes in Pekir n Sarah Caswell Angell hall. I second period Alpha Gamma Delta snowiness of the picture was thor- Tientsin, Tong Shan-where sh those who have been called bac started its winning streak when oughly warmed by her smile anc was the only resident white woma. Ko try out for speaking parts ar Genevieve Campbell netted three handshake, as well as by th -in Tokio. Then on to Russi. Jxpected to appear at this time baskets in sucdession.e 'd sparkle in those candid blue eyes Icapital, to Kalgori, Australia, Man F'lie time for chorus tryouts will be then awerful'Alp -XiDelta sext, As a dinner-partner, .1 am told o dalay, and in between times, i nnounced later, All women . heoerfum Alpha Chi Dmela sext very good authority, she is incom Paris and London. eturn for a second tryout must won from Alpha, Clii Omegacond 2'ou mto 2 The stellar work of the Alpha parable, ready to enter any line o In conclusion. Mrs. Vandenberg prepared with songs and danc( Xi Delta center, Katherine McMur- conversation, thoroughly posted or pays a splendid tribute to Mr teps as well as dialogue selections rayDelevey-dayeaffirstandiwth acstor raywho usually got the tip-off, every-day affairs, and with a story Hoover as a woman, "Girls, educa as extemporaneous performance, and of-Helen Harter, forward, who telling ability that is not the 1o tion, out of doors, _and play-the mill be disregarded. netted 17 of the 27 "points were of many women. ill reveal her strong concern There will be fencing practice ir unconquerable factors in the wn- In the opinion of Mrs. Vanden the development of American we Sarah Caswell Angell hall at ning team. On tewhiole, however, berg, expressed in her article, Mrs manhood. She has nher o > Hoover stcharaterize bywherShe however, her ot)'clock Thursday afternoon. It i' it was slogae. Hoover is characterized by her jective as 'Home' which she sa mliortant that all women who A fast contes was that in which arkedability as a home-maker 'should be a 'place where peopl taking fencing be there. If any Kappa Kappa Gamma defeated although she has often proved her who love each other can spen ne cannot remain throughout th Alpha Epsilon Phi yesterday after- ability outside of her home, In their leisure hours and a certa hole hour, she is asked to rep noon. The score was 33 to 6, but college, "Dr. David Starr Jordan 1h number of working hours happil tnd give her name to Miss Raw the game was much, better than known to have said that Lou Henry together. 'lings. the score would indicate. The ex- was one of the ablest women e vei tremely accurate passing of the at Stanford." Kappas and the accuracy and During the Boxer rebellion, in speed especially of the forwards China, "with a few other foreigr gave them the advantage. Dorothy women the Tientsin club was turn- Brook and Margaret Eaman were ed into a hospital where, without the forwards on the winning team, medicines or anaesthetics, they Due to the good guarding by the icared for the wounded." Kappas, the Alpha Epsilon Phi for- With the opening of the World - wards were seldom able to get loose, an dmost of their shots had account of the games scheduled for !%o I to be made from awkward posi- 5 o'clock between Hillel Foundation s tions. and Alpha Omicron Pi and be- -LASSOP63 The game scheduled for 4 o'clock tween Theta Phi Alpha and Kappa yesterday between Sigma Kappa ~Delta will appear in tomorrow's and Alpha Phi was defaulted. An Daily. . , of the Women's Athletic associatio is the delegate. This is the fifTh annual meetir of the organization, which wa; started in 1923 by Mrs. Herber Hoover. It is composed of colleges universities, secondary schools, in- dustrial recreation groups, and in- dividuals who are interested in pro- moting sports for sports' sake. Th purpose of the organization is tt; offer a plan of sane and construe- Live athletics for women, and with the motto "A game for every girl and a girl for every game," the have outlined a program for women which upholds these ideals. The organization opposes what i terms false athletics, which in volves overstrain due to overtrain ing and copying' of men's rules Cora Discourses On Delights Of League Snowball Festival women in the flvmnieQ 4the N.A I n Morishall. v au IIide l *Y IAjS1tw1, ! 1fC 1VUN * 9. F. went wn record with a resol tion aimed at this. The resolutionl was accompanied by two others pro- posing varied programs for women' in conjunction with but not a partl of the Olympic games and advocat- ing more diversified but less stren- uous athletics for women. The reasons given for disapprov ing of this type of athletics wer as follows: "The games involve, (1) specialized training for the few, (2, opportunity for exploitation of wo- men and girls, (3) possible over- strain in training and during con- tests.' Miss Ohlson was especiall honored at the convention in thai she was asked to speak at the an nual banquet, in behalf of the col- lege women. Col. Henry Brecken- ridge, president of N. A. A. F., Dr; John H. Finley of Columbia, Mr: Frederick Edey, representing th scouts, and Mr. John R. Tunis prominent sports writer, also spok