'!flYUhSA'Y, JANUARY -10, 1921 .THF .MIC-HIGAN DA '..V . . . ........ ....... . . ............. . .... . . ... ..... A N .' UNI' I -ARHBOR INCLUDEDQuesinMark Refuels Aned Makes RepairxsWhileIn Air TOOR F AFICANDuring Successf ul ttempt To Set New Endurance Record VERSITYSTUDENTS AND WOMEN FROM SOUTH AFRICA NOW SEEING UNITED STATES S A E E NE DAY _:;::::..:::___;;:.::.:__ ~~~2 n- -----1 SLOSSO N SPEAKS ON Three exhibitions Of Paintins And Wood. Cuts.To Re Given In Alumni Memorial Hall TO Groin Sent iHere 1'o, Stuy rmaces Of American University, HomeIc And Civic Lifej Forty students, including 26 women and 14 men who are now in attendance at various univer- sities in South Africa, will tour the United States during the month of January. They have been invited to this country by the National. Student Federation of America, and will be the first group from that part of the world to be off- cially received by the American Student union. This party will arrive in Ann Arbor on January 19, for a one-day visit. The party, which arrived in New York on January 5, will ,remain there to visit the city until Jan- uary 11 at which time they will be- gin their tour of the country, stop- ping a short time at Washington, Chicago, Detroit, Ann Arbor, Buf- falo, Montreal, Toronto, and Bos- ton-,returning to New York for a second five day period before sail- ing on the "Cedric" oi February 2. Will Visit Mouses While in Anl Arbor for the one day the studets will be enter- tained for luncheon at the various fraternity and sorority houses. Both the morning and afternoon will be devoted to visiting points of ~trest on and about the campus. Iinner in the evening will be at the Union, where the African stu- dents wil be the ,official guests of the University., Prof. Joseph 11. Hayden, of the political science department, will at this time give a talk on "The American Election of 1928." Jennings McBride, '30, will have charge of the entertain- inet of the men students, while Miss Helen Fellows will be in charge of the hospitality to the women. The South African party includes 26 women, 14 men, and two chap- erones. These young people are all of French, English, and Dutch de- scent, and represent seven colleges, namely: Rhodes college at, Gra- hamstown, Grey college at Bloem- fontein, Natal University college at Durban, Transvaal college at Pre-( toria, the University of Stellen- bosch, the University' of Cape, Town, and te University of, Johannesburg. Represent Stuiident .:Bodies 'rihese students ar set on this tour by the National Students Union in South Africa, an organi- zation similar to the N.S.F.A. in this country. Its members now ii- lude almost all the representative national organizations of students in Europe, America, and South Africa. The Confederation aims to pomote a spirit of good fellow- ship and muttual understanding amnong students all over the world. One of tlie mans of achieving this cnd is by thoexecange of groupls of young mien and woen who are, introduicedt to the life of another country by the students of that land. rrhe puripose of the tour is to introduce South African students to the best of American college and home life, and also to show them some of the phases of the industrial and civic life of the United States Thee visitors are to be a~cconiodatC( at Hotels, univer si ty dormitories and private homes. Receptions, dnners, an.td dances have been planned for the group as a whole and also for small par ties of half a dozen students. In this way the students will get a real ins ighL.and acquaintance with Americanas through perajen t confltact. Sightseeing trips tbhrough factories, stock yards, stores, news paper lts universities, histor- ical sites, iuseums, public build- ins, theaters, aind concert halls are scheduled. Question Mark Crew Showered With Bids [.,OSi ANGELES, Jail. ').-nvita- tions from practically all large cities in the United States urging the crew of the Question Mark to visit[them) and bring; their famous miiount were showred t'oday upon the five *iriy flyers who ended1 their record-breiaking flight Mon- (Ia yI [VOPANDIFIULYProlessor BruiwM.I. D: onsonshown ini North11Gallery of AlulrnhIf presidet of th Ann Aror ArtMemorial hall. of ~hcAimtiror rt.In South Gallery will be oils, assctinha1s imade ann 1ounce- mostly landscapes and a few por- "Europe is divided .m.t so miuc eln!t of the association's next ex- triaits, by A. Maistro-Valerio, in- into nations as into trouble zoehibiio hihwilpn ih, structor in darwing and painting. or' problem areas," said Prof. fPres- cept~i w hechwev en fStray These will be the first large '5one- ton W. Slosson, of the history cl anar 1. hre 1iMai " sowvings for these two local partment, in an address delivere.d 111 r 11e "on1e-mn" I rists yesterday afternoon bcfor5 mein-;soig will comprise the -exhiibit. South. Gallery will also. be used bers of Il Circolo Italiano. Paintings, mostly water colors 'to exhibit ,a collection of approxi- SThere are several of these prob- and black and whites, by Mary 0.1 ma tcly seventy color wood cuts by Professor Slosson asser- ;Guist ave Baumann who is recogniz- 1cm areas, Jhsn intutri fehadeel as one of the leading masters In ted, and in nearly every case the dvvn tteUiestwl b htfedo ok trouble results from an attempt torwn tteUiestwilb htfedo ok control a body of water with mlrany __________________________________________ good ports by one nation,.. "The problem on the Adriati' is one between the Italians and We make tip Dance and Banquet Programs Slays," Professor Slosson contini ed. "many years ago Italian fishermxen Q f e-very descrilption>C settled towns on the Eastern coast, of the Adriatic, although the ir,' Try US for Party Decorations terland population was Sla vie,. Ob1)_ y viously it would have been "l< r iting DQ indig 4ng 1ravinlg difficult toda oii~Ibonn- darydline beween the ltlhinterland N e:t-Tlaty-Attractive people who need egress to Viac, Card-Tally Cards-Store Padis the coast and those living on the} Fine Stationery and Leathear Goods coast who must have trade with those in the interior. As a result! the Aditcrgoa en(O- Tm M a~ ''"Pn n n stantyz tcwarred ooer , 11W 'con-UII IAt various historical periods, a pa succession of powers assuml clconi- I I l . Vli i S., At~i Arbor PhIt'uax 451:5 trol of the Adriatic eastern coa~st, according to the lecturer. The Ro -______________________________________ mans , Byzantinecs, Turks, H-aps- burgs, Venesians, Napoleon, and Austria Hungary. all took their turn in governing this region." "The Adriatic situation, with bothas nc. u ltr n hrdy the Slays and Italians desiring ex- ihsSc$1$.0,2,250MTNE Friday pansion into the region controlled lMa~hstts , - , ~e,,.I,$1-$. 50, $2 Fj 5TN and bAustria Hungary, determined iODONCRAG'SSattd. the position of Italy in the Word! Nights I War," Professor Slosson dec'lared.;[s esq IF o heAtrca tg "In fact, the condition among the 1 Florence R~eed, Adriatic states at the beginning of jtecentury is considered by manyy Hrdn Ithe cause of the war." WlimFru 11t 1 tgdb OGA OSDirection--GEORGE C. TYLER .~aPOPUAi M ilSARd bDMISLSONPRICES Ccty Ae ue of isThis teAuditor'ium Service \V ith Indies Dire'ct from the Knicker-booker Theater, N. K.-100Q Performartcsa. In its attempt to break the world's endurance record for airships the crew and mechanics of the plane Question Mark were forced to make repairs and to refuel while roaring thousands of feet above Southern California farms and cities. The giant Fokker army monoplane is here shown in midair. At the left a ,mechanic changes spark plugs, standing on a cat-walk built from cock-pit to m otor. Major Carl Spatz, flight commander, is shown in the center inset. At t~he rightis a 'view of the plane receiving a gas hoseI lowered from another plane. A fresh supply of gas was poured into the endurance flight plane's tanks by this method. Officers Are Elected By Anan Arbor Alumni~ MANY DELEGATES ATTEND MEETING Hose Sustains Beck's Right ToMembership WI) RINGTON, Jan. 9,_- By a vote of 247 to 78, the house Tues- j i 1! i I Meeting Tuesday afternoon in Representing 30 coun.tries o:f ilie Alumni Memorial hall to elect new ;ol,200dlgtsatn officers for the comning year, mei- w d ,0 ee~ e tcce h bers of the University of Michi-( eighth quadrennial conference of11nAu iclboAnArrapth IteainlSudt.Cis4 pone ahnS otro ar ta oeetfedrcnl nton Hills as the new president of Liverpool, England. The koynot e the organization, succeeding Oscar of the discussions was the "purpose Eberback. The meeting was held of God in the life of the wor'ld to-.j in the Alumni association rooms j day." and was principally in the nature Morning sessions were devoted of an organization meeting for tile largely to the cxarninationi of the new governors. ! grounds of Christian assumptions Suceeding Louis Ayers and Wal-; and to the problems of applied her P. Staebler in the vice-presi-! Christianity as are today observed" dency and seeretary-treasuryship, ini the life of countries like India were Dr. Dean W. Myers and Paul and China, or in the industrial and Wagner. A special committee was, commiercial dlevelopmnents nearert appointed to further the project 1 home.I of the club, the donation to the ! Christianity and thie individult< University and Ann Arbor of a me-I was the chief concern of the af ter-. mra cmag.- onsesos U dlay rejected a resolution to bar James M. Beck, former solicitor genieral of the United States, from a seat as Republican representative from, Pennsylvania. The resolution, ordered by the Democratic leader, Representative Garrett of Tennessee, on the open- ing day of the last session, was swept aside by a vote that saw more thani a score of Democrats joining in time almost unanimous chorus of Republican "Noes." A moment later the house adopt- ed an affirmative resolution giving the Pennsylvanian a clear title toI hiis..seat. MIAMA, Fla., Jan. 9 --- The "IJav- ana Air Limited," bearing 15 sacksj of mail and four passengers, took off for the Pan-American Airways l Field at 8:07 a. m. today, marking the first of four departires whichs will formally inaugurate air and passenger service to Havana, Porto! Rico and Nassau. Aboard the plane were Miss Amelia Earhart, trans-Atlantic wo- man flyer, Williamx P. Mc~r Icken. assistant secretary of commce.for, aeronautics; Jamnes Warneri Bellah,' magazine writer, and Mrs. B'ellath. ®OV. GRFEN SAYS: It is v~ery plecmsng to -know that Michi.. gun people are to have the bcnc fit of dramatic talent of the~ high order which compasses this company. I f-eel suare that patrons of the dramatic art will welcome -the unusual op- portunity presented to enjoy this production of "Macbeth." FRED W. GREEN. MAYOR LODGE SAYS: The. forthcoming production of Shakespeare's "Mac&4th" at the Masonic Auditorium is of great civic importance, and. I heartily recommend it to tre. patronage' of the citizens of- Detroit and urge that every effort be made to insure theu success of the engagement. "*'Macbeth' has never bee~n staged with such striking and vari- ' OUR beauty."--New York Time. "it was just such an entertainmient as most of us hop'md for, but seldomn-i 't,."~. 0. Trapp, N Y. Eve. World. Seat,; now at Print and Book Shop 521 E, Jeffersop, I-1l481Lx4qu ire about special group, ratesi. ' UJAL Y. * ; 4 QUJALTY $f b~. 0 .-- \ .ii - e! ;" "- ._ /., Sates! Shoe Skates! U I Union Hardware Shoe Skates Is a $7.50 0 0 * . $5.00) Skies from Tobogana s -$1.75 to$5.00 .. .$8.00, $1050, $12.50 Hockey St cks,25c and up Har w a e n d ue , n ~ in Jno C.Fisher o. < - J#--Q 1 All v UALITY. Q ?A.VY - ~QILIY opens a new era -of .oce an travel ~ORATORICAL ASSOCIATION.- ca --i The Play that brught Haim recog nition a.5 America's leading play interpreter. lce) , 11xiiriou,; amnd swift7 the iz:v Viict nier'Ji,1 l '(?J clcd : , a ew ".- ill OCC-alitrawlI. hlC(t rid y i riVC~ ~n: 2 -Ii~i cf icienltly tllat the; fuel lairl for the inlitial casrt--t._l 4 Y 7 Y4)trip was{ U(J~I l OlztSf~id inlthe fint "'hotcls. Coniplc t,,c cctviliccatio-i makes the C-U If9/r, l yRa engjiEering1. xmarve~l X11 r 1 flfljo'Cio.1 succecs ; it is ,booked c 'l ,,in a"dVancc, a.sistcr: On sea or l an-d, in oeixerwtik of life, cele icity is z>in trvan ;-KII R ESERVATTQ N F- Lak ikc t 0d:cLn ituej TIouirs, Gru 'stes Indepenadcut Travel E. G. K(uebler (.;Ep. .S'Fur lxip Agency 601 h Huron Pb, 6412 ANN ARBOR cvcn less than the acnal tols. b ks he t eat,. akes th oft d, of frogress. Undreamed of ycstcr-dy, the( electric ship is3 A 7-'- di't'-y'a prt m ilodrn rtCivil-