11"HE MICA-WIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 11271 THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, 3ANUARY 10, I~2~ _ _ . _ __- - Large Dot nation Given To University Of Heidelberg By American , y.. Friends nLrirrnPanrnTemporary Camp Site Chosen For Forestry DANA GETS IZAAK And Conservation Summer Field Expedition WALTON POSITION -[ h-tmust be entering the forestry cur- A site has been chosen for a ricula. In this respect the camp Announcement has just been 'summercamp for the School of. is introductory. The permanent made that Dean Samuel T. Dana, Forestry and Conservation, it was camp will also serve the purpose of the School of Forestry and Con- Reports on sociological studies announced by Prof. Robert Craig. of experimentation in other phases servation, has been elected to the who returned yesterday from a of wild life conservation. It isboarionthasen eic h were given by professors of that trip through northernM ichigan in planned to do actual logging and board of directors of the Michigan department at a meeting of theouh ngg i division of the Izaak Walton league ;qwest'of a suitable site. practice forest management 'in American Sociological society held The purpose of the summer general. All those planning to for the ensuing year. in Chicago during the Christmas camp of the forestry school, is to enter forestry should inquire about At present the board is engaged vacation. Several departnient make possible the instruction of the camp at the forestry school in in formulating their policies for members, including Dr. R. C. Angell, forestry under practical field con- Natural Science building. this year. Another phase of their who is now on leave of absence, dition's. The present site is mere- Professor Craig also observed task is the outlining of the progratn attended. ly temporary however. and will be many logging operations in the up- for Michigan. Shirley W. Allen,:of Dr. C. H. Cooley. head of the de- used only this summer, having per peninsula, studying them in de- the forestry school, represented partment. read a paper on the been donated for that season. It tail and taking moving pictures Dean Dana at the board's first "Life Stuy of Methods Applied t is located in Algier county in for the benefit of the courses in ,rmeting last week. ur'al Social Research." Dr. A. E. northern Michigan. near Munising. the forestry school here. Woad led a discussion on the a The camp will be operated concur- UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-The praisal of the community m e- rently with the summer session NORTHWESTERN - Cigarettes clas of 1929 will help uneil he ment. He also presided over one of here are considered a necessity by 20 of! Alma Mater statuary group which the community center sessions. Dr. In order to be eligible to attend the 275 girl students answering a is being sculptured for the school L. J. Carr, read a paper concern- the camp one must have finished questionaire sent out by the col- by Lorado Taft, and given by the ing a study of the lives of 137 typi- two years of collegiate work and lege Y. W. C. A. five preceeding senior classes. cal inventors.-_ ence, Arts, and Letters, which is' scheduled to meet here on March 14, 15, 16. a symposium which willx have to do entirely with Michigan. geology will be held, it has been announced by Pror. R. C. Hussey of - the geology department, who is chairman of the geology section of the Academy for the meeting this year. Professor Hussey is arranging to" bring to the meetings authorities. who have investigated t.he various phases of the geology of Michigan* over a period of years with the, idea of bringing up to date and correlating all the known geological ___ facts concerning the state. People from 'all over the state especially Jacob Gould Schurman, center, American ambassador to Germany, interested in this phase are being au the official presentation in Berlin, Germany, in which he gave the invited to attend the symposium, University of Heidelberg a check for x$500,000 raised by American friends Professor Hussey announced. of the school. At left is Dr. Heinscheimer, Heidelberg rector, and at In connection with this sympo- right, Mayor Walz, of Berlin. sium the State Geological survey has been cooperating with the muembers of the geology depart- ment.- The department has beeni aiding the Survey for a long period Some M en Feared Her of time in investigating Michigan S geology and it is felt that enough material is now possessed to bringBAll the geologic history of the state TODAY up toddate from the very earliest periods.I One of the phases which will be stressed at the symposium is the recent, discovery of oil in they state. About a dozen of the foremost oil geologists of the state have been invited to attend the meeting, and much useful information concern- ing the oil situation will be re-; yealed, it is expected. she scorned all men! T Facts concerning the coal mines of her whip shrieked av of the state and other material not Presented that all men understood- widely known will also be brought by man heard it echo a son out at this symposium, Professori ROBERT here is a symphony ofr iussey stated. I KANE blended into a dramatic Story by piece by three great stars; ' JForrest Five Men Perish When Halsey 1. P .1 Iand Leland Probably the most interesting to the University, was the report of Dr. Angell on the investigation of social adjustment of 219 unselect- ed students at the University, which he supervised last year. Only the methods of the research were re- ported at this meeting. Several of the other professors and instructors of the department were also in attendance at the society meeting. cert , FRIDAY, SATURDAY fhe crack war note --but one g of love. emotions master- s! THE ART OF THE FILMS THEY DEFIED ALL CONVENTIONS! Ile had found his love of loves-and then the call to the throne! HURRY PLEASE TODAY AND FRI. ONLY xia y. w , u ate.. } a, ' :.,., 1, 4 ,. 4. w . _e f with Sopriscated Lovers Indeed a i ' " ,,,,ym.... ' -wL ,gT portP-IIcy 3:35 . 3w5c . 7:00 8:40 S0c Appointments y I ~-Musikal Synopsis Estelle Taylor Antonio Moreno - Lowell Sherman 2Jfa ~ a2J r_ _ __ _ _ I dLW / Screen Comedian Will Person at Michigan Appear in STARTING TODAY Another Big Anniversary Show With .f EL. BRENDEL Paramioutnt News Novelty, Art 1 'UFTT CQnfessions of sa Choral&*Girl # ramar '>rtt.Cle £u 1\~ and A and Majestic Combination Ensemble Ifen Osborne Novelty Organist Beauty Topics FLO BERT in . le "Beau Night" EDITH BURR DAVIS and DAWN in '6"REVUE UNUSUAL" with GLORIA LEE and HORMAN BROTHERS ANGEL BROS "Unrivaled Blnacers" Inventors of The Ladder Stand and The Only Athletes Performing It -An The Screen- "ANNAPOLIS'' A tensely dramatic appealing story of two American middies and a girl, ~WITE ofIN A V S THE SEAS With MONTE BLUE The White Lover RAQUEL TORRES The native - maid who it Dan WO -low" 11 . . COSMOPLITAN OPENING SAT., JAN. 12th Presenting Unearthly beauty of the Trop- The ical Seas as never before attemp- has been 1 sensation- ally receiv ed. ted by the screen- Unusual ,ilk _ I l# If liii I