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January 10, 1929 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1929-01-10

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Three Five-Minute Talks Scheduled
For First After-Holiday
Radio Program
esuminlg the regular schedule of
broadcasting, the twelfth Michigan
Night radio program of the current
series will be put on the air be-
tween 7 and 8 o'clock tonight from
the new Morris hall studio through
NJR, the "Good Will Station" of
the Richards Oakland company,
Tonight's program, which is the
first to be broadcast since the va-
cation period, will consist of three
five-minute talks and a musial
program to be presented by the
Girls Glee club of the University.
All those desiring to attend the
broadcasting of this program are
welcomed to the studio, which is
located at the corner of State and
Jefferson streets, it was announced
yesterday, by Prof. Waldo M. Abbt
of the rhetoric department, who is
announcer and program manager
for the local studio. A receiving
set will be placed in the large au-
ditorium in order that the audi-
ence may hear the program which
is being put on the air before their
eyes in the adjoining room. The
program will be completed in time
that anyone wishing to attend the
oratorical lecture may do so.
Will Talk On Skin
Dr. Udo J. Wile, professor of
dermatology and syphilology in the
rnedica school, will speak on "The
Care of the Skin." Dr. Wile has an
international reputation as a skin
specialist and is the author of a
nuniber of research brochures upon
the subject.
.prof. Roger L. Morrison, of the
College of Engineering, will dis-
cuss making Michigan driver's li-
censes mean something besides
registration, possibly driving and
legal tests. This question is to be
discussed at the meeting of the
Mi)higan Conference on Highway
&afety which will be held in Ann
Arbor today.
In the concluding talk of to-
-night's program, " A. F. (Air Fly-
lug) Scribe," the nom-de-plume
of a graduate student in the School
of Education, whose articles have
been widely published in maga-
zines, will begin a series of talks
for youngsters on airplane model
building. The talk he will give to-
flight will aim for a better under-
standing by older -folks of young
people's interest in airplane models
and what this interest means to
the field of education.
Glee Club To Sing
The Girls Glee club, under the
direction of Nora Crane Hunt of
the University School of Music,
will present a number of selections
das the musical portion of the Uni-
versity radio hour. They will sing
"Laudes, Atque Carmina"; ,God-
dess of the Inland Seas"; "Wake
Thee Now Dearest"; "Timothy";
and "Gypsy Life"; together with
selections forom Juniors Girls'
plays and college songs: "Years
Ago at Michigan"; "Michigan Me-
Mories"; "Eight to Eeight"; and
"The Yellow and Blue."

Collier's, "the irrational weekly," vertising section with unusual and
being depicted by Gargoyle in its exceedingly effective results.
January burlesque number which "Fighting Words," by Lardy Pork
will go on sale on campus today. Eskeen, "The Kid's Clever," a pre-
Students holding subscription diction of the future from far
cards will be able to secure copies away Italy, by Gus Backwards, "The
between 8:30 and 5 o'clock at the I Higher the Fewer," by Outrageous;
booth in University hall. Boy Cohan and "The Sleephard of
The feature article is an expose Cantaloupe," by Sane Bray are a
by William G. Sweathard of cam- few of the articles which make the'
pus politics titled "Fat Price Poli- January Gargoyle to appear as one
tics." Most of Sweathard's infor- of the most outstanding issues
mation is gained after interviews published by the campus humor
with "Tall Fern" president of the magazine, and promising to be even
Stewedent council at Michigan, "a better received than the Liberty
typical American university." take-off of a year ago.
Take-offs on the original Collier's j "Hot Dogs," by Brantland Lice,
are carried through stories, articles a really unusual athletic comment
and even into portions of the ad- by a great authority in the sports
wnrld "Matr f tiico RniP1

Rice Is Prominent Dramatic Actor
And Head Of Boston School in
Unique Art Of Monoacting

E( By A ~ sso iat'd I ' i'c )~
LONDON, Jan. 9.--After noting
"no change" in the condition of
King George since Sunday, his
doctors tonight were able to issue
an encouraging bulletin saying,
that there was steady progress in
the local condition and a slight in-
crease in strength.--
While no anxiety has been ad- COOLIDGE WILL NOTI. TAKE
mitted in official circles by the , ACTION BEARING ON
continued lack of noticeable pro- IOOVER REGIME
gress in the past few days, to-
night's news of improvement was a~
source of gratification at Bucking-' EXTRA SESSION CERTAIN
ham Palace. Emphasis was laid on ---

"MNAC 9 Wl V R5TTOR" W''IntceImtprovement



the fact that this improvement ex-
tended to His Majesty's strength
which is an item of chief impor-
tance at the present age of the ill-

Frequent Conferences Between Two
Men Indicate Continuity Of

, s i vatei pp mlisenem er nouse,
by Eclipse Slo i "Peaceful Valley a rural comedy
usual Collier's double page spread, by Edward E. Kidder, will be pre-
Strike Up the Ban!" are addi- sented tonight in Hill auditorium
tional features of the issue. An by Phidelah Rice, prominent dra-
unusual editorial cartoon by "Lich- matic interpreter, as the fourth
ty" together with excellent parodies number on this year's Oratorica -------
on many of the wider advertised association lecture course. This
products of the day to lend a play which was made famous b Phidelah Rice
I 3 feature atmosphere to the publi- Sol Smith Russell, is the an' Noted "Monactor" who will read
cation. hrough which, more than any "Peaceful Valley" by Edward E.j
Goebel Declares Non-Stop Flight -ther, Rice made his reputation. Kidder, tonight in Hill auditorium
Roind-the-World Is Possible Phidelah Rice is the head of tUe as the fourth number on the 1928-
And Wants To Attempt itT3oston school which bears h' ; 1929 Oratorical lecture series
Tame and is styled a "Monactor," a course.
PHILLIPS MAY BACK HI ifenthat in itself is as unique an --~
_____i nriltas his art. It means mari rn
BULLETIN lhan "play-reader" when applied tc
fl ETIE ?hidelah Rice. The play ceases t W
LS ANESan. Ue! e a play-it is life, vivid and coin-
LOS ANGELES, Jan, 9.-Leavinglig.Rc1,s ik s radv
the scene of its recorri-smashing ____ elling. Rice's stroke is broad y
*he hteesiso rkisamg lways with the restraint tha
flight, the Question Mark will start Has Written Many Documents On evinces the delicate judgment of
for Rockwell Field, San Diego, at Work In Tropics And Asia he true artist. It is through sheer
11 a. m. Friday a*,d go fromtherei Onso aarieties Of Worms rtistry, a background of wid'
to Washington, D. C., as soon as nowledge of the drama, and h:
repairs have been made, it was an-,,,
nounced, here today following a- IS NOTED PARASITOLOIIST nteresting personality that make. Will Give His Own Ilustrations In
cnfence byhebersdyf therewgis work stand out in such a broa 'Tracing Recent Schools And
conference by members of the crew.. Explaining Modernism
Continuing with its varied pro- ea gI
WICHITA, Kan., Jan., 9.-Be- gram for the present school year,' Leadder beforeamatiche Interpreterr
lieving that the 150-hour flight of the University Lecture series again No reade e public has -FIRST AMERICAN TOUR
the Army monoplane Question offers a prominent speaker in the tppearances in all the leading cen
Mark has brought a non-st p person of Prof. E. C. Faust of Tu- Ernest Fowles, a yellow in the
round-the-world flight into the lane university, New Orleans, La. ters of culture in the United State Royal Academy of Music, London,
realm of possibility, Col. Arthur C. who will give a talk on the subject iver a long period of years, so con England, will deliver a TJniversty
Goebel, noted long distance flier, of "The Travels of a Parasitologist clusively proven his right to pre lecture on Friday afternoon, Jan-
announced today that he intended in the Orient," at 4:15 o'clock to- eminence in the field of dramatis 'uary 11, at 4:15 o'clock in Hill
to be the first to make the attempt. day in Natural Sciene auditorium. interpretation. auditoriumR i on "Moden Music in
The Question Mark defini-ely Dr. Faust is a ranking authority, Rice is the lgical successor Rise and Issue."
proved that such a flight can be f on this subject, having spent con- ,eland Powers, for years the greaL Fowles, who is making his first
ade," Goebel said. "True. it will siderable time on the continent of Est of all play readers. At Poowers American tour this year, was heard
a t deal of financial back- Asia, where e carried O investi- eath, Rice was chosen to head t recently at the fiftieth anniversary
i and a real airplane. But it gations and research work, and was is Leland Powers schol . c banquet of the Music Teachers Na-#
can be done, and I am going to do formally active in the Peking only a few years ago resigned t 'tional Association in Cleveland.
canbe one an I m gingUnoitMedcalcolege Chn! head his own institution. Power. He is appearing only in the larger
Sonce said of him, I am an en- cities and at a number of the
fle,'nonMdclccegCia eaid sownintui o Ia n en- Hiteis aappearinunlmibtergte
The flier, who is in a hospital I Dr. Faust obtained his doctor's thusiastic admirer of the imperse- leading Universities. The Univer-l
here recovering from an operation. degree at the University of Illinois nation work of Phidelah Rice. I sity of Michigan well be able to;
said he hoped to be able to make in 1917; and is at present connect- hias the characteristic of materli- hear Fowles due to the courtesy ofj
the start next August or Septem- ed with the faculty of Tulane uni- iies:.' It is spontaneous and virile Grinnell Brothers of Detroit, and
ber. His tentative plans call for a versity in Louisiana where he is and full of splendid human, naturE the Aeolian Company of New York
I west to east flight with refueling engaged in the department of and troth. At the same time Ric( in arranging this state.!
planes along the route. Two pilots psychology and study of Tropical is no haphazard performer; hE Fowles is recognized as one of
and two radio men would make upAsMedicinea knows the technique of his profes- the leading lecturers in England
the crew. As a leading exponenits in his-ion and the purpose and messag( on the Appreciation of Music. His
Frank Phillips, Bartlesville, Okla., field of science, Professor Faust >f his play are brought out witi name is a household word in Eng-
oil man, who backed Goebel in the has compiled and written many 'he most careful judgment as t( land on piano pedagogy. He is,
Dole flight i being consulated on valuable treatises and documents irtistic values. Knowing the mar much sought after as a judge at
the proposition. Several Wichita for publication in various scientific is I do, with his cultivated mind the principal Competition Fes-
business men have indicated that periodicals and journals. The pro- ais clean heart, clear head, anc tivals in piano playing contests.
they will assist in making the flight fessor's research work in Chine vinning personality, I do-not won- At his lectures he plays his ownI
possible. was concerned mainly with the ler at his astonishing success." illustrations. On Friday afternoon
Tentatives plans announced by Chinese Liver Fluke and the Blooe. Third Appearance Here ' he will attempt to explain the
the flier include a specially built Fluke, varieties of worms and Tonight will be Rice's third ap- ultra-modern idioms and their,
1 ship equipped with a powerful ra- parasites known to that country. )earance in Ann Arbor, which iir management by composers of re-I
} dio set. In America his investigations and tself speaks for his popularity a cent schools. The inquiry starts
The route of the proposed flight laboratory experimentation have i "repeat number." He has als( with Debussy and embraces ex-
as outlined by Goebel would start included study and material on the: ppeared at Columbia eleven times amples by that master, as well as
and end at Wichita. "Life History of the Trema Tode," it Dartmouth five times, at ti by Elgar, Rabikoff, Scrabine, Bar-
' Goebel was winner of the Dole another specie of worm. University of Arkansas five times tok, Delius, Bax, Malipiero, etc. R
flight from California to Hawaii it the University of Wisconsin e He is known as one of the most4
and holds the west-east non-stop BASKETBALL SCORES wo occasions, and at odzens o modern teachers in the field ofr
trans-containental flight record. I_)thre leading colleges one or morE Harmony and the correlation of
Ithe Hand, Ear and the Eye. His
I ~~( Associaled Press) Mimes. les work on this subject is to be
avy 49, Duke University 38. Robert Gessner, '29, president lut out in book form and will
1he Oratorical association will it ;puotinbkfrmadwl
I Army 35, Bucknell 34. roduce Rice to the audience . rshortly be publiskied by the Ox-
FEaTickets for te performanc 'ford University Press.
NOTICE TO SENIORS purchased at Slater's b,
'CONDITIONS IN FUl liREm -tore at each, or at the box Congress Wrestles
--Because of the failure of a ;fmice in Hill auditorium which. vi' gih K eo Tet
number of seniors to have their e oen at 7 o'clockith Kellogg Treaty
pictures taken, there are nine


ness.(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 9 -With
definite word coming today from
both the White House and Hoover
headquarters that neither the
President nor the President-elet
would make any move regarding
farm relief legislation during the
meeting of Congress, an extra ses-
gard of the new Congress was re-
garded as inevitable.
South Vote Explorer Names Harbor Information given to Republican
And Cape After Bennett Congressional leaders was that
And John Rogers President Coolidge would not take
any action which might be con-
strued as bearing upon events in
BENNETT WAS CHIEF PILOT the Hoover administration. Pre-
viously they had been told frankly
Bv Asociated 'tess) by Mr. Hoover that he would in no
NEW YORK, Jan. 9.-(Relayed) way interfere with legislation pend-
-A radio message from the Byrd ing during the remainder of the
South Pole expedition copyrighted Coolidge regime.
by the New York Times and St. The chief executive and the
Louis Post Dispatch announces President-elect held a second con-
that Conmander Byrd has namedjference today at the White House
the harbor he recently discovered at which it was assumed the legiM-


in the Bay of Wales mn honor of( lative situation wvas discussed, al-
Floyd Bennett and the cape at the . though no statement regarding the
entrance to. the harbor in honor ! meeting was forthcoming eithet
of Commander John Rogers. from Mr. Hoover or Mr. Coolidge.
(13. Associated rue) Indicate Continuity Of Terms
Floyd Bennett, who died of It was stated at the Hoover head-
pneumonia last spring while on his quarters, however, that the fre-
way to the relief of the Bremen C quent visits of the next President
fliers on G.eenley Island, would to the executive offices indicated
have been Byrd's chief pilot on the the continuity of the present anti
present expedition had he lived. the next administration and a close
ie flew with Byrd to the North cooperation between Mr. Hoover
Pole in 1926, and only a broken leg and Mr. Coolidge.
kept him from accompanying his Besides calling on the President,
commander on his trans-Atlantic ! the President-elect had Secretary
flight. He broke his leg when the Kellogg at his headquarters for a
plane, America, fell during a test luncheon conference and received
flight, April 16, 1927. Bennett's more pleas from Congressional lead-
body rests in Arlington cemetery ers for an extra session in the early
at Washington where he was given spring. These leaders included
a h.ro's buria. He was awarded; Senator Brookhart of Iowa, and a.
the Congressional medal of honor committee from the Pennsylvania
shortly before his death. Republican delegation in the House
Commander John Rogers was in which represented a formal resolu-
command of the PN9, the Navy fly- tion adopted by that delegation
ing boat which was forced down and asking for a session "as soon
while attempting to fly from the as p kssible.s
California mainland to Hawaii in Mr. Hoover has given no indica-
1925. After drifting for several tion as to when he will call the new
days in the disabledseaplane, Congress to Washington and it is
Commander Rogers and his crew non likely that he will do so before
were rescued and taken to Hon- noainely nexwilk dorfore
olulu in triumph. He was fatally leaving early next week for Florida
injured when a plane he was pilot-pto remain away from the capital
ing fell in the Delaware river, Sep- probably until March 3, the day
tempber 27, 1926. before his inauguration.
Group Fights Delay
Despite the word that has been
IPvnrLt S[VERS' I passed from both the House and
LL.the Hoover camp, one group at
l Capital Hill, including Senator
ARP T NWatson of Indiana, prospective
D L: Republican leader of the Senate
next session; Senator Moses of
Associated Press) New Hampsih e and Speaker Long-
(worth were ready to resort to driv-
CHICAGO, Jan. 9.-What is ex- ing tactics in an effort to get the
pected to precipitate a war between pending McNary bill through now
the National Amateur Athletic with a view of avoiding an extra
Union and colleges and universi- session until the fall, at least.
ties over control of amateur sports However, in the absence of sup-
broke out today when Northwest- t fr ther Mr Coolidge or
ern un'iversity announced it would Mr Hoo er, most friends of farm
henceforth schedule athletic meets. legislation were content to let the
with teams not subject to A. A. U. whale matter go over to the new
control.he cdntroversy between the A. A. Congress and it seemed that this
The n-t.rvrs betee.n the A:- 'course would be pursued.


Borah, Norris Evidence

*uB MNEW YORK, Jan. 9.-A world in:
_dTB M tak which no one smokes or discusses
(By Associated Press) prohibition, where farmers no
WASHINGTON, Jan. 9.-Docu- longer farm, and housekeepers no
Aents purporting to show pay- longer cook, and wiere machinesI
ments of $100,000 each to Senators take care of the drudgery is out-
bBna of $daho, and Norris, ofto lined by Henry Ford in his book,,
Nebraska, by the soviet govern- "My Philosophy of Industry," just
ment for their services to obtain published.
American recognition of Russia "The great problem in the home
have been declared false by a sen- today," the Detroit capitalist points!
4ate committee which investigated -out, "is too much drudgery. We'
them. shall soon find a way to do much
__he____of the cooking outside and deliver
r _ A - -1it in a hot and appetizig condition?

vacancies in the senior section O v Associated Press)
of the 'Ensian. Seniors who have Upen Investigation Of WASHINGTON, Jan. 9.-With its'
not signed for positions in the Oklahoma Executive dreams of a compromise dispelled
book will be given a final op- the senate wrestled today with the
portunity for these places at 2 ! Kellogg anti-war treaty, while the
o'clock today. Applications will 1(I1 ^^oiated Pie'") house went about the business of
be filled in order of appearance OKLAHOMA CITY, Jan. 9.-- getting the war department appro-
at the 'Ensian business office in Legislation desks were cleared here priation bill passed.
the Press building. The neces- today for investigation of the ad- Chairman Borah of the senate
sary fee is $3 and arrangements ministration oof Gov. Henry S. foreign relations committee was
with a ph4otographer for sittings Johnson, the target for more than confident he would see the treaty
must be made immediately. a year of bitter opposition by anti- safely through, despite The revival
® administration forces. of vigorous opposition.

U. andNorthwestenwscud
'when the former organization re-
fused to sanction a swimming meet
between Northwestern and the

Chicago A. A. because the Purple
team competed in meets unauth-
orized by the A. A. U. last summer.
The meet .scheduled for tonight
was promptly called off by the
C. A. A.
iKenneth L. (Tug) Wilson, director
of athletics at Northwestern coun-
tered by issuing a statement which
braks off relations with the

Dempsey Will Manage
Stribling-Sharkey Go
Jack Dempsey, former heavy-
weight champion, exhausted after
a four-day vigil at the bedside and,
the bier of George "Tex" Rickard,
his eyes drawn and bloodshot, de-
clared that he will never don the
gloves again. He left for Miama-
yesterday evening.

L~5 Angeles Passes
Over Southern Port
(By Associated Press) .
SAVANNAH, Ga., Jan. 9.-The
Navy dirigible Los Angeles passed
to the east of Savannah today at
4:50 p. m. bound southward on its I
9 nnfmii 4'ninin r in Mori-. I

at meal time and no greater cost."Vuz
revolutionized, he says. mLarge Mimes Will Present
Corporations, whose sole bsiness it More than the commonly sus of students. The research was per- go. At that time the results were
willbetonperfo the oerains of pected maladjustment has been formed considerably in cetail. The not given. The methods were of Conference Is Called "The Marquise" Soon
will be, plfnm ultiperation of found to exist in the surroundings conditions of the students were considerable interest to sociologists, To Control Influenza
plowing,ipngof students at the University, by a studied from three different whereas the results which were re- ToCNetoadspplrpa,"h
harvesting, err groupde the in- scientific investigation of the in- 'aspects: life surroundings, those ported to the president of the Uni-(a Press Noel Cowards popular play, 'The
dividual farmer, or gro rm theifarm- dividual conditions of 219 unselect- of things in general, as religion versity, are epected to be of con- WT J. 9Maruise will be Mimes first
ers, will combine to perfnrm their ed students, according to Dr. C. and philosphy of life; social, the siderable use in determining the WASHINGTON, Jan. 9 -The first dramatic offering of the current
work in a wholesale manner. This! H. Coolev. head of the sociology students social position in his en- social adjustment of students. national conference on influenza, season, according to an announce-

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