WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 9, 19o THE MICHI AN D )AILY PAGE SEVEN INDOOR TRACK SEASONRICKAR _HPSED NTRAMURALMANACER MAYBE NTRFSIN BIG'AJa -Wa UTexNES HI SITNS SPORT BRIEFS 0 Bruins' lineup soon in the pro- fessional hockey circuit. A disputed world's middleweight (Continued From Page Si O championship is now held by ve games this year for the Spar- Charley "Midget" Fisher, Wiscon- sin lumberjack, following the de- fo , f .lidirv M Nuvs. 1\Acid1v. league against the loaning of players to major league clubs. Al Root of New York and K. 0. Clemonds of Cleveland will stage, a bout at the Ypsilanti Armory on Thursday night. A number of pr-e. liminary bouts have been carded as well. Advance ticket sales are brisk. C aLASSIFIET ADVERTISING NOTICE NOTICE-Student Thesis Typing, Stenographic work. P u b 11 c Stenographer. Allenel Hotel. Dial 4241. 77,78,79 Pre'encr Of Stars Like Williams, Nurmi And Wide May Save Year From Failure HAHN IS OUT OF PICTURE (By Asociate Press) NEW YORK, Jan. 8.-Track and field followers are looking for Paavo Nurmi, Edvin Wide and Percy Williams to give spice to what otherwise might be a stale, flat and unprofitable indoor season. With Lloyd Hahn apparently out of the competitive picture, Joie Ray turned professional and Dr. Otto Pelzer in foreign parts, three of last year's greatest drawing cards are out of the deck. Williams Starts Soon Williams, the Olympic sprint champion from Vancouver, is down on the books to compete in the Millrose A. A. games next month but neither Nurmi nor Wide has seen fit to announce his plans yet. Most observers, however, belielve both will don running shoes with- in a month. Nurmi, in fact, may get into action before the end of January. He has been doing con- siderable training since he arrived here in December. Wide said a few day ago that he would need at least five weeks to get into shape. Announcement that Williams would invade United States tracks already has sent one perfectly good retirement into the discard. Bob McAllister, the erstwhile flying com, has started training for a new comeback campaign in the hope of meeting Williams at any dis- tance from 60 to 100 meters. Lots Of Opposition Nurmi has announced that his American tour contemplatesacom- petition at distances from one mile up, some of Hahn's greatest races have been run at that distance. The three invading foreigners may be assured of considerable op- position. In the -sprints Williams possibly will meet such men as McAllister, Wildermuth, of George- town, Daley and Quinn of Holy Cross, Wibecan, former Pitt star, Locke of the New York A. C. and others. D E T R O IT.- Cass Tech highj school took the lead in the hockeyI league by defeating Hamtramck, 8 to 0, recently. ATLANTA, Ga.-Some 60,000 people cheered the Georgia Tech football team upon its return from California. MEXICO CITY.-Dr. M. E. Ben- nett, Sewanee coach is spending a fortenight in lecturing on football in Mexico., ,, . Rickard would have accomplished~~ TT- -3-L- I-? -- - I - - I- - I . I i , had he lived to carry out his Undertaking the largest winter elaborate plans offers as wide a program that has faced the de-, field of sueculation as that su - partment in many years, Kenneth rounding his possible successor. plack and Richard Purdy, Senior l Only Tex himself knew of many BakandsRncherdtPurastnffr and no doubt daring ideas he en- managers on the Intramural staff, tertained. Ie figured most of his have selected their assistants for big ventures out months and often the season, according to an an- years in advance. The promoterInouncement given out yesterday- for instance, had his eye on Tun- Basketball, which got underway ney as the logical challenger for Baktal1hc o ne a Dempsey's title over a year before yesterday afternoon and evening, Gene and Jack actually foug-ht in will be under the supervision of P. Philadelphia. The Tunney ballyhoo Seidel, Junior manager. All games was as expertly handled as that 1 will be conducted, with Seidel and establishing Carpentier as a rival his two helpers, M. Klivans and A. for the Manassa Mauler. Sinpkins in full charge. These Dempsey In Plans three will also look after the volley "Tilly" Voss, sharpslhootiig- forward, who has been on the 0 injured list for several weeks, am j will return to the Chicago Can pposition has developed ong the members of the iadian professional hockey MACK TUTORING 310 So. State. ' Rickard had mapped his plans definitely this year for a heavy- weight revival featuring Jack Dempsey's come-back in a bout to be held at the Yankee stadium in September. The Stribling-Sharkey match at Miami Beach, February 27, is the only tangible part thatE remains although it is not unlikely that Dempsey, after he has fully I recovered from the shock of his I friend's death, may decide to go through with his part of the pro- gram. 'Jack may feel that this would have been Rickard's wish, I regardless of whether there may be a call for the old man mauler I to take up some executive respons- ibilities left by Rickard. Stribling-Sharkey Those close to Rickard believe he planned to make the Stribling- Sharkey fight the fore-runner of I extensive operations in the south, with Miami Beach as a base for a program of winter sports compan- ion to his interests in New York. Significant in this connection is! that Rickard had investedsub- stantially in the Miami BeachI Kennel club, besides holding otherI Florida interests. For years Rickard maneuvered in an effort to obtain possession of an outdoor arena in the metro- which would enable him to plan politian district or to erect one his outdoor spectacles with the same certainly he operated indoors at Madison Square Garden. It can only be speculated upon whether he eventually hoped to gain con- trol of the Polo Grounds or build a new arena in Jersey City, as itf is said he contemplated. As far back as 1924 Rickard sounded out Colonel Jacob Ruppert on the possibility of acquiring the New York Yankees, world's cham- pions then, as now. It was not so much that Tex desired to have control of an arena adequate to stage his outdoor boxing extra- vaganzas. HAMBURG.--A mechanical pin boy to set up the bowling pins ,has been invented by a German in- ventor. -- ball contests, which will be start- ing in the near future. George Withrow, also a Junior manager, will have charge of the work in Intramural hockey circuit. Prouse, Sophomore tryout has been chosen to help Withrow at the Coliseum. Kenneth Black with K. Bennett, another sophomore tryout,, will keep the swimming meets going in full blast, while the foul throwing, relays, bowling, and indoor track will be placed in the hands of Joe Arsolowicz, Junior manager, with K. Bennett lending a helping hand. The two Senior managers feel that with the work of the staff divided in this manner, the activi- ties of the season can be conducted in a swift and orderly fashion. t ,p. w.. . - -.- °! I 4'° . i 4 ;f ' " * :e ".aB riiv We Cordially Invite You to Come in to SA N DW I C H HO P P E Just Below Our Regular Campus Drug Store 723 North University Ave. And Enjoy Our Fine Meals and Refreshments A Varied Menu of Light Lunches and Regular Breakfasts, Luncheons, and Dinners . i .. ,, -° _: a - " .. "xf :+, is3C C y t ; 0^ Ke i F \ , ' T i b W p I IpR r1 Y1 nww r i LOST-White gold rimmed glasses in black steel case with pink Uhleman Optical Co. wiper. Re- ward. Phone 4837. 77,78,79 WANTED TYPING-Theses a specialty. Fair rates. M. V. Hartsuff. Dial 9387. c NOTICE-Dial 3916, Moe Laundry, 204 N. Main St., for laundry ser- vice with real personal attention like received at home. C NOTICE WE BUY USED CLOTHING H. BENJAMIN AGENCY Phone 7927 T. T.Fc LOST 215 E. Washington Phone 4310 "T. T. S.,c QUALITY SERVICE SATISFACTION e Punch- with a flavor sure to please you and your guesst. Serve Ann Arbor Dairy punch at your next party ! Sherbet- - made deliciously of pure ingredients by Ann Arbor Dairy careful and correct methods. You'll like this sherbet. NOTICE-We have a large selec- tin oof Greeting Cards and Mot- toes. Francisco-Boyce, 719 N. Uni. WANTED.-Cook, male, wants work, especially fraternity, hotel, etc. Phone 2-1806 mornings. Mr. Cumby. 77,78,79,80,81 WANTED-Room to rent, by mem- ber of faculty of University School of Music. Must have priv- ilege Qf bringing small upright piano. Call Mrs. Bacher, hours 10-12. 77,78 FOR RENT FOR RENT-801 Granger. A very nice double front room for men, private home; garage. Telephone 21125. 77,78,79,80,81,82 FOR RENT-IN DEXTER-8-RM HOUSE UNTIL JUNE 10TH; ALL, MODERN;BEAUTIFULLY FUR- NISHED; ANY ROOM NOT NEEDED CAN BE CLOSED WITH SLIDING DOOR; 2-CAR GAR- AGE; RENT VERY LOW TO RE- SPONSIBLE PARTIES. OWNER GOING SOUTH AND DOES NOT WISH TO CLOSE UP HOUSE. P. O. BO X24. PHONE 57. 78,79 FOR RENT-Furnished apartment for two or three girls or a young couple. Also large double room arid one single. Steam heat, bath, including shower. Available now. 422 E. Washington. Dial 8544. 78,79,80 WANTED-Three-room apartment, furnished, near campus. Call Lewis, 8429. 78,79,80 NOTICE-Ladies' coats and dresses made to order and altered. Work guaranteed. Michigan Tailors, 625 East Liberty. Tue. WANTED-Late model automobile; will pay cash. Leroy Nixon, at S. Main and Packard. Tele. 3941 or 7971. 78,79,80 WANTED-A girl student to share attractive apartment with two girls. Use of piano. Phone 4780 evenings. 78,79,80 ii Special Ice Cream Mols ANN ARBOR DAIRY The Home of . Ptu re I CO M i I k DIAL 4101 Get Your Desk Memo Pads and Calendars 4 for 1929 We have a variety of attractive Line-A1-Day Breaks 1111 South UniversityD B s Block from Campus L r 6 ...a_. .- -_. V ThIL 91/ never sets on hesferfieldsp poulriy t t "Globe tro'ters", we can imagine Dr. Freud as saying,"are people whose nurses dropped them onto an escalator in early childhood. They buy a sun helmet, a guide book, and a first-class passage to the Pyramids, and are never heard from again." Nevertheless, the most ccii.rmed voyageur owns to a thrill at finding a carton of Chesterfields in a tiny cafe on the Left Hank, or a package of the same on a card table at the Army Club at Simla, or on meeting an Arab camel-boy whose only English is"Sooch popular mos' be desarve!" For Chesterfield's popularity never saw a sun- set; travel as far as you will, this cigarette will always be somewhere ahead, ready to bring good taste and good tobacco home to you. Such popularity must be deserved-and it iS! SUBSCRIB TO THE MICHIGAN I DAILY I