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October 03, 1928 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-10-03

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V ~ . A A A . N O ~ . N N A R O R M C I G N , W E N E D A , C T B E 3-1 2

'VUI._ IX No. 9..



_ rs. ..._ ... ..._ --- - --- --- --






Program to Include Nine Famous
Men and Women; One Of
Finest Ever Offered

By Woody
After months of experience, An-
dy, the University's beloved mo-
torcycle cop, came to grief on the
corner of State street and North
U. avenue yesterday afternoon,
when his gasoline steed did not
heed its master's voice. The speed
demon who had stopped on the
corner, must have been occupied
with an unlicensed student driver
or a passing co-ed, for his motor-
cycle suddenly moved backward in
some mysterious manner and piled
up in the middle of the street.
Now a motorcycle is a mighty
difficult thing to ride, especially
backwards, and those of you who

have never ridden one in that
manner may recall the results ob-
tained when you attempted to ped-
die your bicycle in reverse. Andy
had no forethought of such a dis-
aster. Imagine his embarrass-
ment when he found himself in
this predicament.
The accident occured so quickly
that only his presence of mind
saved him-and did save him. In-
stead of crashing into trees or
automobiles, he deftly manoeuver-
ed his machine into a pile of fer-
tilizer, and joined the pile. Hun-
dreds of onlookers did not grasp
the gravity of the situation for a
full minute, and stood gaping
while Andy lay groaning under the
weight of the motorcycle. At last
however, a group of quick-thinking
students from the Lit school went
to his aid and helped him to re-
gain his throne.
The motor roared, and Andy,
with a wave, hurtled away amidst
the thunderous applause of the
assembled multitude.


Is Elated Over Franklin Roosevelt's
Acceptance of State Leadership
On His Personal Request

Following a short debate, Adel-
phi House of Representatives vo-
ted unanimously last night to sup-
port President C. C. Little's move
for a federal investigation of alleg-
ed prohibition law violations in
fraternity houses on the campus.
The society believes that the uni-j
versity is suffering from unfair
and unfounded criticism from
the general public for supposed
flagrant liquor violations, and that
President Little's move to vindi-'
cate the student body should be
Ienthusiastically supported.
If the student body failed to co-
operate with President Little it


alleged prohibition law violations
"Whereas, the President is en-
deavoring to clear the university's
character and set at rest these un-
founded rumors by the use of fed-
eral investigation;
"Therefore, be it resolved that
this house goes on record as ap-
proving and welcoming this pro-
posal to clarify the situation and
vindicate the character of the stu-
dent body."
Gerold O. Dykstra, who spent a
year in studying in Russia and who
recently published a book, "A Be-
lated Rebuttal On Russia," gave
an interesting talk before the
group on the Soviet republic.

S .

Tennessee Will Be Visited '
Week-end; Western Trip
To Close Campaign.

"With the largest advance seat
sale in history, indications are that
practically every reserved seat will
be sold out before the first of the
1928-1929 series of lectures offered
by the Oratorical association is
given," stated Carl G. Brandt, fi-
nancial manager of therassocia-
tion, ing an interview yesterday.
"This is due," he said, "to the
unusu'al merit of this year's course
together with the reasonable prices
as offered in former years. The
avergae price of the besi' seats
available, is less than 40 cents per
Mail order applications for tic-
kets will be received this week only
in room 3211 Angell hall, and will
be given preference, while next
week, the remaining reserved seats
will be placed on sale at the box
office. The applications are filed
in the order in which they are re-
ceived and the season tickets will
be sent out sometime next week.-
This bethod is a new one institu-
ted by the Oratorical asociation
this year, and has been made pos-
sible by the scheduling the com-
plete series this far in advance.
Heretofore, this has been impossi-
ble due to the incomplete arrange-
Nine Numbers
This year's series, which includes
nine men and women, nationally
and internationally famous as
speakers, has alerady attracted na-
tional interest. The general opin-
ion is that the course is one of the
finest of its kind ever offered.
The opening lecture will be given
by Count Felix von Luckner, the
famous "Sea-Devil," on November
1. Count von Luckner is the pos-
sessor of 2'7 decorations from his
own and other countries. His sub-
ject will be "Sea Raids on a
Frinedly Enemy."
The next speaker on this year's
course will be Graham McNamee,
premier radio announcer in Amer-
ica, who will appear here Nov. 14.
McNamee, who has broadcast
everything from the Dempsey-
Tunney fights, the Lindbergh cele-
bration, and intersectional football
games, to President Coolidge's en-
trance to the White House, will
speak on "Telling the World.".
Zelner, famoup protean charac-
terist, will be the third number,
appearing here on Dec. 10. He
will speak on "Flashes from Life
and Literature," with characteriza-
tions of "Socrates," Benedict Ar-
nold," "Moses," "John Brown,"
"Faust," and others. Special
lighting arrangements and scenic
effects wi1 add to the beauty of
the program.'
SRice to Appear
Phidelah ice, head of the Bos-
ton school which bears his name,
and perhaps the leading dramatic
interpretei of today will appear
next on the Oratorical association
program, appearing here January
10, to give an interpretation.
Stephan Leacock, often called
the "Mark Twain of Canada," pro-
fessor of political science at Mc-
Gill university, will speak on
"Frenzied Fiction," February 12,
and on February 27, Homer-Gau-
dens,, a recognized authority on
American and international art
and art themes, will speak on
"Augustus Saint-Gaudens."
Madame Sun Yat-Sen, the out-
standing woman of China and
widow of the late President Sun
Yat-Sen, will speak here March
19, on "My Country."
Richard Halliburton, globe-trot-
ter extraordinary, who has gained1
fame by such feats as hitch-hiking
around the world, swimming the
Hellespont and-the Panama Canal,
climbing Mt. Olympus in winter,
and photographing the Gibralter
fortications in defiance of British
officials, will give an address April
22, entitled "The Glorious Adven-

That there is no definite stand-
ard for judging a civilization by
which one may set itself up as


Picture Slides Illustrate Talk
Bird-Hunting Expedition
To Mt. McKinley


"Those who go to Alaska to see
Mt. McKinley," said Dr. Joseph S
Dixon in his lecture before a large
audience in the Natural Science
auditorium yesterday afternoon,
J"will find it a harder proposition
than they may at first imagine.
Mt. McKinleyi is nearly always sur-
rounded by a curtain of clouds
that, unlike our modern young la-
dies, leave something to the imag-
ination; but a properly supplied
exploration party will find above
the timberline ample wild life to
make this difficult trip worth-
In his lecture, which was lilus-
trated by many interesting lantern
slides, Dr. Dixon described the dif-
ferent species of birds and mam-
mals to be found in this region.
The primary object of the expedi-
tion made in 1926, he said, was to
discover if possible, the nesting
place of the sdrf bird, a mystery
that had up to that time baffled
natural scientists.
Dr. Dixon's party of twelve were
stranded in Alaska for nearly a
year when their ship was caught;
in an ice jam, and the expedition
faced many hardships during the
long Alaskan winter. Their food
supply became low and the men
were forced to subsist on the wild
life found in that region.
"Our clothing had to be replen-a
ished from time to time," Dr. Nixon
said, "and I became the official
dressmaker. We found a great
many polar bears whose fur kept
our necks warm, but I must admit
that when I ran across the live
specimen I sometimes became
warm around the neck and cold in
the feet."
Discussing the character of Mt.
McKinley itself, Dr.. Dixon said
that climbing above the timberline1
of Mt. McKinley doesnot indicate
great altitude, for there are 17,000
icy feet from the timberline to the'

Wachs, Sherwood, Kern, Doe, And
Bayne Are Selected For
New Executives
Officers of the Interfraternity
Council for the coming year were
elected at a special meeting of that
body held yesterday afternoon in
the Union. Those elected to the
executive positions are: president,
Edwata Wachs; secretary, B. P.
Sherwood, Jr.; treasurer, Paul J.
Kern; members the judiciary coun-
cil, Melvin R. Doe, and James
Emerson Bayne.-
The remaining two members of
the judiciary committee are ap-
pointive positions, the faculty
member being chosen by President
Clarence Cook Little from a list
of five men submitted by the coun-
cil, and the alumni representative
being appointed by Dean Joseph A.
Bursley from a list of five resident
alumni also submitted by the inter-
fraternity group.
The next meeting, the first regu-
ilar one of the year, will be held
next Tuesday at which time it is
expected that final action will be
taken in regard to Saturday night
dances after football games, and
some course of action may be rec-
ommended relative to the bringing
of federal prohibition agents to
Ann Arbor.
The new officers of the Inter-
fraternity Council will accompany
President Little and Dean Bursley
to Detroit next Monday evening
to attend a meeting of the Fra-
ternity Alumni association, which
was organized about three years
I According to the laws of organi-
zation of the Interfraternity coun-
cil, each member fraternity is al-
lowed to sent two representatives
'to eachmeeting although only one
vote isallowed to each house.
Measures are to be taken early to
insure a full attendance at each
Doctor George R. May announced
yesterday that all freshmen should
classify for physical training and
secure lockers and athletic equip-
ment at once. On next Monday,
Oct. 8, freshmen will report for
their first gym classes under the
University regime. ', Compulsory
Physical training for freshmen has
been a ruling of the University for
some time, and if the present plans
are realized, this ruling may be ex-
tended so as to include second year
With the advent of the new In-
tramural Sports building and its
splendid equipment, the University
has unusual means to devote to the
physical education of the students.

. wvv rate withP idont Tc.itt 1i i-1G
(By Associated Press) would immediately cast unfair sus-
ALBANY, N. Y picion on the university, was the
ed of .Y ., Oct. 2.-Nearthe consensus of opinion. Although it
nd a journey into the heart of was agreed that the liquor Laws
the west, Gov. Smith this evening are being violated to a certain ex-j
welcomed pospects of a few days tent in Ann Arbor, Adelphi mem-
"rest in the peaceful surroundings bers did not think infractions of
of the executive mansion at Al- the law were more numerous or
bany. more flagrant than in other cities.
There, as he put it himself, the The resolution follows:
Democratic presidential nominee "Whereas, we,' the members- of
intends to check up on sleep and Adelphi House of Representatives,
get himself .time, bth physically believe the University of Michigan
and with material for speeches, is now suffering from unfair and
for the final week of the campaign. unfounded criticism at the hands
The governor's plans are indef- of the general public concerning
miite, he reiterated today, after
leaving Rochester and the Demo-
cratic state convention, that he
did not know how long he would A S
remain in Albany, where he would
go on his next stumping tour, or
what he would discuss in the doz- ,
en of speeches he will deliver be-
fore election day. Alumni Council. and Educational
Definite details will be worked Associations Hold Joint
out within the next few days and AsMeetins Hhis Jeek
probably before the end of the week Meeting This Week
inee agrees with some of his ad-
it will be known whether the nom- MANY SCHOOLS INCLUDED
visors that on the next trip he
should swing into the south-into Wilfred B. Shaw, editor of the
Virginia or North Carolina-and Michigan Alumnus, and President
invade such border states as Ten- C. C. Little will leave this morn-
nessee, Kentucky and West Vir- ing to attend a combined meeting
ginia. It is a certainty that he of committees representing the
will go into both Missouri and American Alumni Council and the
Maryland, speak in a few middle- American Association for Adult
western cities and wind up his Education which is to be held in
campaign in the east, but future Poughkeepsie, N. Y., on Friday, of,
itineraries are still in the iaking. this week. The sessions are to be
Roosevelt Nominated Iheld in the Alumni Hall at Vassar
A little more than a hour after The principal object of the meet-
the Democratic convention had ad- ing is to consider and arrangeways
journed today the governer's cam- and means for furthering better
paign special was on its way again, intellectual relationships between
with Albany about five hours away. American colleges and their Al-
At a press conference held in the umni, probably along similar lines
club car, the presidential nominee f to those suggested in President
appeared elated over the state tick- Little's plans for a Michigan Al-'
et put in the field by his party, umni University.
particularly over the nomination of Two hundred and fifty American
Franklin Roosevelt as state party colleges and universities are mem-
leader. The convention nominated - bers of the American Alumni
Mr. Roosevelt with whole assurance Council and the committee forj
that he would take the post of state that organization will consist of
leadership," said Smith, relating I Alumni association officers from
how he urged Roosevelt, now in the following schools: Amherst,;
Georgia, over the telephone to alter Columbia, Smith, Vassar, Ohio
his decision not to .become a candi- State, and Michigan.
date. Considerable importance has
"I simply told him that the con- been attached to the meeting with
vention was unanimous for him, the announcement that both Fred-"
that the Democratic party needed erick Keppel, president of the Car-j
him, and that I did not see how he negie corporation and Morse Cart-
should refuse." wright, head of the American
The presidential nominee said he Association for Adult Education
thought Roosevelt, who was an as- will probably attend the sessions.
sistant secretary of the Navy dur- The Carnegie Corporation is inter-
ing the Wilson administration, the ested in the matter and is willing
Democratic vice-presidential can- to donate the necessary finances
didate in 1920, and the man who to conduct well organized experi-
placed Smith in nomin*,tion both menits on .the question of alumni
at the Madison Square Garden con- universities.
vention in 1924 and the Houston'
convention this year, would con- Eaton Wi.ll Lecture
duct an active campaign, although1
he did not believe it would be ne- On National Theater ,


Three-Day Convention Announced
For Interscholastic Press


The dates of October 18, 19 and
20 for the meeting in Ann Arbor
of the Michigan Interscholastic
Press Association, and other details
of the coming convention were an-
nounced yesterday by Prof. J. L.
Brumm, head of the Department
of Journalism, following a meeting
yesterday of Sigma Delta Chi, Na-
tional professional journalistic fra-
ternity, and members of the Journ-
alism faculty. .
Registration of the members of
the association, who include the
editors and business staffs of vari-
ous H i g h school publications
throughout the state, will begin on
Thursday afternoon, October 18.
Late in the afternoon an excursion
to include various points of inter-
est on the campus will be made.
The regular programs will be
carried through Friday, followed by
a banquet in the evening. The pro-
grams will end Saturday noon and
the delegates at the convention
will be the guests of the Athletic
association to the Michigan-Ohio .
State Reserves' game in the Mich-
igan stadium Saturday afternoon.;
The time of the meeting of- the
conference was changed from late
spring to early fall, this year, in
compliance with a resolution pass-
ed at the convention last spring.;
It was felt that the earlier confer-
ence would enable the school staffs
to make use of whatever inspira-
tion and instruction such a gath-;
ering might afford. .
Due to the fact that the new
staffs will hardly be under way in;
the high schools at the time of the
meeting, the annual publication,
contest, in which publications sum-
mitted by the various schools are,
judged for excellence, will be de-~
layed until spring.
At their meeting held . Monday
night, the city council of Ann Ar-
bor voted the purchase of 18 auto-
matic vote-recording machines,
which will cost $25,056.90. The ma- I
chines will be installed In time ror
the presidential election on No-+
vember 6, by the Automatic Regis-
tering Machine Company of James-
town, New York. '
Adoption of the plan came after
a debate in which opponents of the,
plan objected to it on the grounds
of its expensiveness. The vote was1
9 in favor and 6 opposed. The ma-
chines, it is claimed, can be ope-
rated with perfect ease by the
England Is Thrilled
By Zeppelin Invasion
(By Associated Press)
LOWENSTOWFF England, Oct. 2,
-England tonight was thrilled by
her first zeppelin invasion since-
April, 1918. Instead of diving into
bomb-proof shelter to escape a
rain of death while searchlights
Saand artillery raked d theheavens,
the inhabitants watched the Gras
zeppelin with friendly interest..
They marveled at the vastness
of the dirigible as sketched in the
sky by her lights. The airship,
making her last and longest trial
flight before starting trans-Atlan-
tic service, reached the English
coast just south of here and pass-

(fBy Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Oct. 2-Revising
his entire itinerary for the remain
der of the campaign, Herbert Hoo
ver today mapped out a new pro.
gram which will see him in actior
on the speaking platform once
week between now and the clos
of the drive for the presidency or
election day, November 6.
This week-end, the Republicar
nominee will journey to Elizabeth-
ton, Tenn., to speak in the south-
ern mountain town on Saturday
The following week he Will move
upon Boston where he will speak
in Mechanics Hall on October 15.
He will close his drive in the easi
the next week with a speech i
the home town of his Democratic
opponent, Gov. Alfred E. Smith
The date for this speech in Madi-
son Square Garden was change
to October 22, because of the con-
fiict of his previous speaking date,
October 13, with election registra-
tion in New York City.
To Turn Westward
Later in that week he again will
turn westward to journey across
the continent to vote at his home
in Palo Alto, Cal., stopping enroute
to make a special speech in the
middle-west. His final stroke of
the campaign° will be made in a
radio address from his home on
the -night of November 5.
Although he was late in arising
at his personal headquarters today,
the candidate cleaned up a number
of campaign details at his home
before turning to the daily rounds
of conferences at his headquarters.
Among his callers was E. S. Yoa-
kum, of New York, a life-long
Democrat, and a prominent - rail-
road construction man. Yoakum,
who in recent years has made a
study of the farm problem, said
after his conference with the nom-
inee that the farm issue was the
supreme one of the campaign.
Declaring that farmproducts
were selling below the cost of pro-
duction, Yoakum declared that
"the farmers are tired of tal and
demand action." They are tired of
chasing rainbows and wantbsome-
thing practical that can be put
into effect-an efficient marketing
system that will enable them to!
get a better price for what they
have to sell," he added:
Asks for Declaration
"I have been waiting and hoping
for some clear outstanding decla-
ration ..from Gov. Smith for a
sound, workable farm policy which
would enable me to support my
own party on this issue," he con-
"It has not come. His western
speeches disclosed the fact that he
is supporting the principles of the
McNary-Haugen bill. He does not
seem to be able yet to swallow the
equalization fee, but the fee and
the bill are inseparable. Congress-
man Haugen has declared that it
is the all essential feature and the
bill would be an empty shell with-
out it."
"In his support of this measure
and its fallacies I cannot follow
Gov. Smith," he declared.
Hoover ;tomorrow will visit the
state department to receive from
the Spanish ambassador the cup
donated by the King of Spain for
the forthcoming yacht . races at
Santa Barbara, Cal., receiving it
for the state at the request of Gov.
Young. Secretary Kellogg will at-
tend the presentation.

( The title of the book re-
f viewed in Sunday's issue of I
E The Daily under the caption, I
| "The Instructor and the Coal I
I Dealer," was mistakenly given I
I as "Collegiate," The proper I
title of the book is "Under- I
graduates." It is by Edwards.

Fair and
showers in

Associated Press)
warmer Wednesday;
unsettled, probably
west .and north por-

Clarence W. Barron,
Financial Authority
And Editor, Is Dead
(By Associated rress
BATTLE CREEK, Mich., Oct. 3-.--
Clarence W. Barron, financial au-
thority and editor of the Wall
Street Journal and a member of
other financial publications, died
tonight at a local sanitorium. He
had been in a state of coma for the
last 48 hours, rallying but once.
Mr. Barron, who had been a fre-
quent visitor here, was brought to
the sanitorium three weeks ago,
then very ill.
Death was due to catharral
jaundice. Burial will be at the
Barron home in Boston, Mass.
Barron, who was 73 years old, was
well known on both sides of the
Atlantic, having several times con-
ferred with former Kaiser Wil-
helm, on the world money situa-
tion, and with former Czar Nicho-
las, II, on stabilization of Russian
currency. He was a close friend of
former President Taft, and was
called to Washingtonn nseveral

To Continue Campaign
"As I look at the two tickets,"
Smith remarked, "The people of
the state will be able to make
their decision without very much
campaigning but they will get it
The presidential nominee said
he had the next conference sched-
uled in Albany with John J. Ras-
kob, chairman of the Dehmocratic,
national committee, and declared,
with noticeable emphasis, that "I
am going to make future plans"
when pressed for the probable line
on which he would conduct his
campaign from now on.
The governor expects to remain
in Albany over the week-end, ten-
tative plans calling for his resum-
ing his campaign next week.

Walter Pritchard Eaton, one of
the country's most distinguished
dramatic critics, will deliver a lec-
ture on "The American Theater
and - the Universities" at 4:15
o'clock this afternoon in Natural
Science auditorium.
r .


Special registration perioGs ,
for medical students and oth- I
ers who have classes from 8 I
to 5 have been arranged from I
5 to 5:45 today and tomorrow I
at the side desk in the Union I
lobby, it was announced yes- I
terday by Kenneth Schaefer, I
'29, recording secretary. I



Paul Green's Pulitzer prize play
of 1927, "In Abraham's Bosom,"
will be presented at the Whitney
theatre Friday and Saturday
nights of this week by the Prov-
incetown players of New York un-
der the direction of Jules Falk.
The comnanv of talented ne-;

sought in education an emancipa-
tion of his people, hoping to make
his son a leader of the race. For
a while he attains partial success,
becoming teacher of a district
school for negroes, but upon the
death of his patron he loses the
position, and is forced to drift from

The speech causes a riot which'
brings death to two, and what
flourished in Abraham's bosom
passes with them.
Paul Green, author, at 28 years
of age, is professor of philosophy
at the University of North Caro-
lina. The nav . althAoh his first

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