PAGE EIGHT THE MIC HIGAN DAI LY TUES-hA. ,!J '-AKLIfY DAILY OFFICIAL BULLE'TIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi- dent until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.) 1 I i s , Vol. 39 TUESDAY, JANtARY 8, 1929 No. 7% Registration For Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: During the present week the Upperclass Advisory Committee will confer with students as follows: Seniors and juniors on Tuesday and Wednesday, January 8 and 9; sophomores who are continuing three or more of their first semester subjects, on Thursday and Friday, Jan- uary 10 and 11; sophomores who are continuing two subjects on Sat- urday, January 12. Please follow the election procedu-:e as printed in' he new Time Schedule. The following list of Upperclass Advisers from the various Departments, together with their offices and office hours,, should be preserved for reference. If possible select an Adviser from; the Department of your major interest. Appointments may be made at the booth opposite the Recorder's Office, Room 4, University Hall. Upperclass Advisory Committee C. C. Meloche, Chairman Upperclass Advisers Music Section-Faculty Women's Club: The chorus of the Music Section of the Faculty Women's Club will hold a special practice Wednesday evening, January 9, at 8 P. M., at the home of Mrs. Turner, 1117 White Street. State Teachers Attend Meeting Michigan's delegation at th' Action of the Administrative Board: The Administrative Board of the College of Literature, Science, an the Arts has taken the following action: Alice Robinson has been suspended for the rest of the semester and recorded an E in Rhetoric 2 because of dishonesty in the written work of that course. W. R. Humphreys, Assistant Dean.... University Lecture:I Professor E. C. Faust of Tulane University, formerly of Peking Union Medical College, will lecture on "Travels of a Parasitologist in the Orient" on Thursday, January 10, at 4:15 p. m., in the Natural Science Auditorium. The public is cordially invited. F. E. Robbins To Organizations: When .you are maiiing no lees of mvetin s, invitations or anything with a special TIME VALUE, k>odIy hereafter take them to the Post- masters office, or tie them up with a note on top giving the latest time that they may be delivered, and pass them through a window, at Station No. 1, but preferably at the Main Office.- Ordinarily this would not have to be done, but at rush times like the first of the week, first of the month, e., these important notices may be buried with other matters without importance as to time of delivery. Naturally we cannot distinguish between them as we have no knowledge of the contents. Your co-operation will be in the interest of good service. A. C. Pack Postmaster h Committee on Student Affairs:I There will be a meeting of the Committee on Student Affairs on Wednesday, January 9, at 4:00 p. in., in Room 2, University Hal. J. A. Bursley, Chairman Faculty, School of Education: Student enrollment in the School of Education for the second: semester takes place January 11, 12, 14, 15, and. 16, in Tappan Hall Will each instructor, so far as possible, be present on those dates to serve on the Advisory Committee. Enrollment of part-time students for the week-end courses will take place, as announced, February 1 and 2. "'he first class meetings for these Friday afternoon and Saturday courses will be February 8 and 9, as announced originally. Will instructors please read this notice before their casss on Janu- rry 11, 12, 18, and 19. C. 0. Davis, Secretary Faculty, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: The January meeting of the Literary Faculty will be held Monday. January 14, at 4:10 p. M., in Room 2225, Angell Hall. John . Effinger Faculty, Department of Mathematics: There will be a meeting of the faculty of the Department of Math- ematics on Tuesday, January 7, at 4 o'clock in Room 3017 Angell Hall J. W. Glover Ilouseholders: Householders having available rooms for men students are requested to list them in the Office of the Dean of Students, Room 2, University I ' Hall, at once. Available light-housekeeping rooms and apartments should also be :rated. F. B. Wahr, Assistant Dean 1 To All Men Students:: Students intending to change their rooms at the end of the presen- semester are hereby reminded that according to the University Agree inents they are to inform the householders of such intention at least two weeks prior to the close of the semester. It is advised that notice cf such intention to move be made at once. F. B. Wahr, Assistant Dean Exhibition-Architectural Building: There will be an exhibition daily, from 9 to 5, until the end of next week, of- American Sculpture from the Annual Exhibition of Americap Art at the Chicago Art Institute Color Prints by Elizabeth Keith. The public is cordially invited. Emil Lorch Moving Pictures of Industry: The sixth of the School of Business Administration's moving pictur programs will be held in Natural Science Auditorium at 4:05 p. m. Wednesday, January 9. Please note that the program will be begin 1C minutes earlier than many afternoon meetings. The folowing films wi be shown: A Rolling Romance (history of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroac with scenes of Washington and along the B. & O. route)-4 reels. Entering New York the B. & O. way (motor coach service)-1 reel All persons interested are invited to attend these programs whicl are designed particularly to give business students background material Carl N. Schmalz Twilight Organ Recital: Palmer Christian, University organist, will give the following pro- gram in Hill Auditorium, Wednesday afternoon, at 4:15 o'clock. Thy general public, with the exception of small children, is invited to attend No admission charge. Mendelssohn: Allegro (Sonata 1); Reger: Av( Maria; Martini: Gavotte; Bach: Fantasia and Fugue in G Minor; Dickinson; Canzona; Dickinson: Scherzo ("Storm King" Symphony) Humperdinck: Angel Scene (Haensel and Gretel); Debussy- Christian: Prelude to "The Blessed Damozel"; Bizet: Prelude to "L'Ar- liesienne Suite No. 1). Charles A. Sink Political Science 31: Students in this course who missed the examination, given before the vacation must take the make-up examination Tuesday, Januar3 8, at 4 o'clock, in Room 2023 Angell Hall. James K. Pollock, Jr. Elana K. Taylor, Secretary thirteenth anual convention of the National Arsociation of Teach- er 'eb and Flange:s of Speech on Dec. 27, 28, and 29~ Dinner Meeting at Union, Tuesday, Jan. 8, 1929 at 6:15. Perry A at t e Stevens hotel in Chicago Fellows, City Engineer of Detroit will be the speaker. numbered 56, iving Michigan firs" Geo. W. Efner place among the visiting state de'- Alpha Omega Alpha Lecture: egations, with the delegations of Illinois only exceeding it by 4. Ov-" Dr. Irving S. Cutter, Dean of Northwestern University Medical 400 attended the conference, Lie School, will speak on the subject, "Sidelights on the Etiology of greatest attendance in the Associa.- Puerperal Fever" in Natural Science Auditorium at 8:15 P. M., Wednes-;ton's history. day, January 9. Prof. Frank M. Rarig, of the Uni Edwin J. Doty, President versity of Minnesota department cf y___Speech, was elected president uft the Association for 1929. The 19" I 1. ASTONOMY Prof. D. B. McLaughlin Prof. W. C. Rufus 2.' BACTERIOLOGY Prof. M. H. Soule 3. BOTANY Prof. J. H. Ehlers Prnf. J. B. Pollock 4. CHEMISTRY Prof. L. C. Anderson. 5. ECONOMICS Prof. Z. C. Dickinson 6. ENGLISH Dr. A. A. Hill 7. FINE ARTS See Departmental Representative 8. GEOGRAPHY Prof. P. E. James Mr. E. C. Prophet 9. GEOLOGY Prof. C. W. Cook 10. GERMAN Prof. N. L. Willey or Prof. J. W. Scholl 11. GREEK Prof. W. E. Blake or Prof. B. D. Merritt 12. HISTORY Prof. P. W. Slosson Mr. B. W. Wheeler 13. LANDSCAPE DESIGN Prof. H. O. Whittemore 14. LATIN Prof. J. E. Dunlap 15. LIBRARY SCIENCE Prof. C. B. Joeckel 16. MATHEMATICS Mr. T. E. Raiford 17. MILITARY SCIENCE Prof. R. H. Lord 18. MINERALOGY Prof. W. F. Hunt 19. PHILOSOPHY Mr. J. Kuiper 20. PHYSICS Prof. E. F. Barker 21. POLITICAL SCIENCE Prof. E. S. Brown 22. PSYCHOLOGY Prof. C. H. Griffitts '3. RHETORIC & JOURNALISM Prof. R. W. Cowden Prof. A. R. Morris 24. ROMANCE LANGUAGE Mr. H. M. Sewell ?5. SOCIOLOGY Prof. L. J. Carr Prof. A. E. Wood '6. SPEECH Prof. G. E. Densmore 27. ZOOLOGY Prof. P. S. Welch Prof. P. O. Okkelberg TU.W.TH.,3-4 Observatory TU.W.TH.,3-4 M.F.S., 9-10 M.Tu.W.Th.F.S., 1-5 M.W.F., 10-11 Tu.Th.S., 10-11 M.F., 8-9; T.W.Th.S., 9-10 M.T.W.T.F., 3-4; S., 10-11 M.W.F., 3-4; Tu.Th.S., 9-10 Observatory 1204 A. H.M 2543 E. Med. 3010 N. S. 2012 N. S., Alph.AlNl: 278 Chem. 204 Econ. 1009 A. H. The Alpha Nu debating society will hold its regular meeting this Tuesday, January 8, at 7:30 P. M. J. Webster, President Reserve Band. Regular rehearsal tonight at 7:15 o'clock. Every man must be present. Nicholas Falcone Gargoyle Staff ilIceting: There will be a staff meeting of all members and tryouts this after- noon at 4 o'clock. Philip Crane, Editor 5 TG Uniimtt WLsai convention will be held at New. York City, and already marsy teachers of Speech in Michigan are planning to attend the convention, next December. The convention opened with i dinner at 6:30 o'clock on Dec. 26. and closed on Dec. 29, when plans! for this year were discussed. Prof. J. M. O'Neill of the Un' versity conducted a round table, discussion on "Administration" on Thursday, Dec. 27. On Dec. 28, Prof. John H. Muyskerys conducted a discussion on "Phonetics." Prof. G. E. Densmore conducted a round table discussion on "Interscholastic Speech' Contests Sponsored by the College and University" on the same day. Round table talks were' generally limited to two or three minutes. M.F., 10-11; Tu., 11-12 W.S., 10-11; Th., 11-12 M.W., 3-4; Tu.Th., 9-10 F., 10-11; S., 11-12 13 A. 19 A. 4051 A.] H mnversny yomen: ' H. H. There will be a Woman's League Party Friday, January 11, at Bar- bour Gymnasium at 4:00 P. M. All women on the Campus are invited. I Alpha Epsilon Mu- There will be an important special meeting for the election of new members Tuesday, January 8, at 7:15 P. M. in Room 308 Michigan Union. The meeting will start on time and a large attendance is desired. M.F.S., 11-12; Tu. Th., 10-11; W., 9-10 305 W. i I 1 i 0" Music And Drama 0 ---- , Tu.Th.S., 3-4; M. W. F., 10-11 M.W.F., 3-4 T.T.S., 11-12 M.T.W.Th.F.S., 9-11 M.Tu.W.Th.F.S., 11-12 M.Tu.Th.F., 1-2; W. 3-4; S.,9-10 M.F., 1-2; Tu. Th., 10-11; W., 8-9; S., 9-10 2030 A. H. 4001 A. H. 1204 A. H. 401 S. W. 2028 A. H. 311 Lib. 3006 A. H. M.F., 11-12; Tu.W., 1-2; Th.S., 10-11 Office ROTC M.W.F.S., 10-11; Tu. Th., 11-12 3081 N. S. M.W.F., 4-5; Tu.S., 11-12; Th., 3-4 204 S. W. M.T.W.Th.F.S., 11-12 1063 E. Phys. Lee D. VanAntwerp, President (Continued From Page Four) gypsies, pitches hWm to the depths,' Gargoyle Upper Business Staff: and ends with his suicide that his There will be an important meeting at 4 o'clock Tuesday, Jan. 8, wife may escape the ignomiy of 1929. It is imperative that all be there, a charge of bigamy. SCarl Fauster,' Bus. Mgr'.Moissi makes his Fedya first like Quarterdeck: I a truant schoolboy, captivated by Quaterewle m t othe gayety of the singing gypsies' Teewlbeameng o h Quarterdeck on Tuesday, January , eeoe h hrce rd 3, at 7:30 P. M. in Room 302 of the Michigan Union. and develope the character grad- Joseh Fllow, Jg., ommdor ually, bit by bit, until it becomes a -Joseph Fellows, Jr., Commodore mndandaddugdb h man drained and. drugged by the. ~h~~~m~~~~~~~~~:dram a of irreslonsibie living, Fed- Thre Uwsile aei WtIya will always be one of the strang-. There will be a meeting Wednesday, Jan. 9, in Room 302, Chemistry est men alive on the stage; his Building at 7:30. M. H. Soule will speak on "Chemistry in Relation to rime, after al. is hardly moie than Bacteriology.," ie B.a.tSitoPrgy."t that he has good intentions for F. D. Smith, President everyone-including himself, jAll oraLea S~-ythis lack of ma.'ice, shiftessness: Portia Literary Society: ,Comnambulant yearning, Moissi There will be a regular meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 8, at 7:30 P. M. s hows with the magic of a splendid Nellie C. Becker, President - rtist, culminating and flashing finally to excited disaster. Adelphi House of Representatives:I Calotexctdia ey chlz aksCharlotte Schultz makes ,very An important business meeting will be held Tuesday evening at real the tormented wife, Lisa, 7:30 P. M. Nominations for the next semester and important reports1longing for her absent husbar, and I require a good attendance. presently finding security when The society's group picture will be taken at the Dey Studio on she marries 'he natient Karenin at State Street, Wednesday, Jan. 9, at 4:30 P. M. All active and associate the false of Fedya's death. Kare- members in good standing are eligible for the picture and prompt nin is played by Karl Ludwig Diehl attendance is requested. with restraint and finesse and his Robert II. Lloyd, Speaker of the House mother brings in a note.of elegance -s Johanna Terw? n portrays her. Organizations: Over all these altered manners All organizations which have signed for space in the 1929 Michi- and changing scenes, the network ganensian must have their picture appointments made immediately, of rather bleak tragedy never les- The official photographers are: Dey, Rentschler, Spedding and Randall. ?ons, and neither person nor episode Robert Holmes, Organizations Editor t akes precidence b:yond the --!marching story. And that is direc- Michigan Dames: ; tion. Moissi so human and so at' The Michigan Dames will meet Tuesday, January 8, at eight o'clock case, so fated and so. failing, is at the Faculty Women's clubhouse, 226 S. Ingalls Street. never absent be he actually on the Mrs. G. W. Serris, President stage or not. And that is acting. M.F., 3-4; Tu., 2-3; Th., 11-12; S., 9-10 M.Tu.W.Th.F., 3-4; Tu.Th.S., 11-12 M.W.F., 11-12 W. 10-11; 2032 A. I1. S., 10-11 4129 N. S. 3228 A. H. 3226 A. H. M.W.F.S,, 10-11 Tu. Th., 3-4 405 R. L. M., 3-4; W., 10-11; S., 11-12 Tu., 3-4; Th., 2-3 F., 2-3; 108 Econ. 208 Econ. M.W.F.S., 11-12; Tu. Th., 10-11 , 4202 A. H. Th.F.S., 11-12 4089 N. S. M.Tu.W., 11-12 3089 N. S. School of Education: Second Semester Elections: 3 Second semester elections for students in the School of Education: ire to be made in the office of the School of Education; Room 105 rappan Hall, January 11, 12 (morning), 14, 15, and 16. Further announcement will be made. Gretchen Krug, Recorder ?rospective Students-School of Education: Students who plan to transfer to the School of Education at the 'eginning of the second semester 1928-29 should enroll for the present n the School or College in which they are now registered. At the end of the, present semester the transfer can be made pro- 'ided the students can present 25 per cent more points than hours redit and also provided they are not on the delinquent list in the School or College from which they are transferring. Gretchen Krug, Recorder School of Education-February Seniors: Seniors who expect to complete the requirements for g'aduation .rom the School of Education in Februa'ry and wish to be recommended 'or their degrees as soon as possible thereafter must pay their Diploma' :.nd Teacher's Certificate fees and have the .receipts deposited in this office by Febuary 8. Blanks for this purpose may be obtained in Room 105 Tappan Hall. Office.hours: 10:30-12:00 a. m; 2:30-3:30 p. m. Gretchen Krug, Recorder 'teacher's Certificates: Blanks for the payment of the Teacher's Certificate fee may now be secured at the office of the School of Education. All students who' expect to be, recommended for the Teacher's Certificate at the end o>f the present semester must pay their fees and return their receipts to the Recorder, School of Education, by February 8. Office hours: 10:30-12:00 a. m.; 2:30-3:30 p. m. Gretchen Krug, Recorder ' English 185. There will be an examination Friday, Jan. 11, Angell Hall, 2225, at House Democrats Lose Tax Fight' WASHINGTON, Jan. 7.-House Democrats today lost a fight to re- quire all tax refunds of $75.00,000 to be passed upon by the joint Con-: gressional committee on internal! revenue legislation before an ap- propriation could be made for their payment. GROUPS Fraternity and Organization Pictures must be taken before January 25. An early appointment can be made to suit your convenience. I l - a111 ltllt1111 tlllilllfll1 l4[It11 We welcome back 2 the Student Body and Faculty with best wishes for a Happy and Suc- cessful New Year. THE ART AND GIFT SHOP _ Attractive Greeting Cards for all occasions. 218 S. State St. . i s ipi',i in illi iitmiuui iu i1111111 I 4{ 1 } t f 7 i i i k f ! HOTOGPHS Forever 334 So. State St. Phone 5031 Botanical Seminar: Botanical Seminar meets Wednesday, January 9, at N. S. Bldg. Paper by Bradley M. Davis-"The cytology a haploid sport from Oenothera franciscana." 4:30, Room 11r and genetics of B. M. Davis Xl Circulo Italiano: There will be a meeting on Wednesday, January 9, at 4:15 p. M.